Trump is on Assad's side

Assad never used chemical weapons on his people. False flag.

Oh and Syrians don't want Sharia law imposed on them. So I'm glad Trump is going to stop arming the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels.
Ah, our rezident FSB troll speaks!

I am not surprised you don't know what that is. Ignorance explains so much about your attitudes.
Ignorance explains so much about your attitudes.
and about your posts.

but that is beside the point.

What is FSB?
Rezident - Conservapedia

Federal Security Service - Wikipedia

It looks like Russia hired internet trolls to pose as pro-Trump Americans

I see.
Assad never used chemical weapons on his people. False flag.

Oh and Syrians don't want Sharia law imposed on them. So I'm glad Trump is going to stop arming the terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels.

could not have said it better myself.
So you want to continue sending arms into Syrian rebels even though there is no way to know who there true loyalties are with yeah that makes sense. There might have been a chance to get a positive outcome in Syria when this uprising first started but it is now one major clusterfuck where the only real option is either Assad, ISIS, or Al-Qaeda being in control.
Obama was on the side of ISIS.

Quick...who's better?
You made that up. Obama was on the side of the rebels. Now Trump ended the covert CIA program to arm the rebels .
Now repeat after me: Trump is with Assad. Obama was with the rebels.
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
to news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

Would you prefer if he was on the side of the Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and what Obama called the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and the other "moderate rebels" Ahrar al-Sham.

Yes you probably would because your type exist in The Obama Bubble.

Would you prefer that Syria remain as it was Secular, where Muslims, Yazidi's, Druize and Christians live together, you know the Syrian Army is a Secular army that includes Christians in it, of course you don't know that do you, considering you're not educated enough and are completely ignorant of the situation.

You would prefer that Syria falls to Salafi jihadism and Wahhabism which is what ISIS, the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham all adhere to and that Syria ceases being how it was Secular and instead becomes an Extreme Islamic foothold and part of The Caliphate.

You probably do not even know what any of these things are unless you Google them, you being so uneducated and completely ignorant of the situation, just babbling the Kool Aid drip fed to you by the MSM Propaganda.
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
to news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

Would you prefer if he was on the side of the Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and what Obama called the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and the other "moderate rebels" Ahrar al-Sham.

Yes you probably would because your type exist in The Obama Bubble.

Would you prefer that Syria remain as it was Secular, where Muslims, Yazidi's, Druize and Christians live together, you know the Syrian Army is a Secular army that includes Christians in it, of course you don't know that do you, considering you're not educated enough and are completely ignorant of the situation.

You would prefer that Syria falls to Salafi jihadism and Wahhabism which is what ISIS, the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham all adhere to.

You probably do not even know what any of these things are unless you Google them, you being so uneducated and completely ignorant of the situation, just babbling the Kool Aid drip fed to you by the MSM Propaganda.
You made that up, Obama was on the side of the rebels, and now Trump stopped arming the rebels . Putin told Trump to support Assad and the puppet obeyed.
Obama was on the side of ISIS.

Quick...who's better?
You made that up. Obama was on the side of the rebels. Now Trump ended the covert CIA program to arm the rebels .
Now repeat after me: Trump is with Assad. Obama was with the rebels.

"Obama was on the side of the rebels."

What idiocy you babble, the rebels are the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham, both are affiliated with ISIS and fight alongside them.
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
two news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.
Only a radicalized, brainwashed Obama 'nut hugger' would consider Trump putting a halt to Obama's arming of terrorists / ISIS and beginning the pulling back from Obama's Un-Constitutional, UN-Authorized was in Syria as being aligned with Assad and Putin.
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
two news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

The Obama Administration funded and dropped weapons to ISIS on multiple occasions.

The Obama Administration was enabling ISIS and also dropping them weapons and leaving weapons and military vehicles behind for them in both Syria and Iraq.

This was an "accident", by "accident" they dropped weapons meant for the Kurds to ISIS.

The Pentagon blamed it on the wind, um, okay :rolleyes-41:

Isis apparently takes control of US weapons airdrop intended for Kurds

· Pentagon admits one of 28 loads missing and blames wind

"The Pentagon admitted on Wednesday that one of the airdrops of weapons intended for Kurds in the besieged Syrian town of Kobani almost certainly ended up in the hands of the Islamic State (Isis) fighters.

The Pentagon blamed the wind for possibly blowing the supplies off course and argued that one cache was not enough to make a significant difference to Isis.

Video footage released by Isis shows what appears to be one of its fighters in desert scrubland with a stack of boxes attached to a parachute. The boxes are opened to show an array of weapons, some rusty, some new. A canister is broken out to reveal a hand grenade. Other equipment appeared to be parts for rocket-propelled grenades.

The Pentagon said the pallet of weapons was one of 28 dropped, not six as previously reported."

Isis apparently takes control of US weapons airdrop intended for Kurds

An "accident" that is repeated is NOT an "accident" it's deliberate. The next time was even better, this was leaving behind weapons and also allowing military hardware including vehicles to fall into the hands of ISIS in Mosul, Iraq.

U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS

"One of the earliest major setbacks in the war against ISIS came last June when the U.S.-backed Iraqi army was routed by Islamic militants in the northern Iraq city of Mosul. Government forces retreated from the Islamic jihadists’ assault. They left behind a trove of costly military hardware, including U.S.-made armored Humvees, trucks, rockets, machine guns and even a helicopter.

Last weekend, the new Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, gave Iraqi state television the first detailed accounting of those lost weapons. Some were old or barely functioning, but others were in good shape and of great value to the ISIS militants.

According to Reuters, the U.S.-made weaponry that fell into enemy hands including 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles, at least 40 M1A1 main battle tanks, 74,000 machine guns, and as many as 52 M198 howitzer mobile gun systems, plus small arms and ammunition.

Although al-Abadi and other Iraqi and U.S. officials haven’t attached a dollar sign to the lost weaponry and vehicles, a back-of-the-envelope calculation of those losses might look something like this:

    • 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles @ $70,000 per copy. Total: $161 million
    • 40 M1A1 Abram tanks @ $4.3 million per copy. Total: $172 million
    • 52 M198 Howitzer mobile gun systems @ $527,337 per copy. Total: $27.4 million
    • 74,000 Army machine guns @ $4,000 per copy. Total: $296 million
The grand total comes to $656.4 million, but experts say those losses represent just a portion of the many hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of U.S.-supplied military equipment that has fallen into ISIS’s hands and is being used against the U.S. and allied forces on the ground in Iraq and neighboring Syria."

U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS
You made that up, Obama was on the side of the rebels, and now Trump stopped arming the rebels . Putin told Trump to support Assad and the puppet obeyed.
Obama - the Nobel Peace Prize Winner - UN-Constitutionally and without Congressional Authorization invaded Syria, seeking to redeem himself from his disastrous 'Red line' and to create yet another power vacuum in another Muslim country for his beloved Islamic Extremist terrorists to fill.

TRUMP, as you pointed out, stopped the arming of the terrorists.
-- Obviously you have chosen to forget how Obama armed and trained 'rebels' only to have them reportedly convert to ISIS.

And you whiny snowflakes have been squealing about foreign intervention; yet, you have completely ignored Obama's numerous attempts to overthrow the government of our allies and attempts to help give terrorists their own nations to Rule:
- Libya: Obama success
- Egypt: Temp Obama success
- Israel: Obama failure.
- Syria: Still in Progress
- The US: Attempt still in progress but failure so far
Trump stops arming terrorists in syria and morons freak the fuck out
LOL you cant make that shit up

Yes TN darling, Trump stops arming the Islamic Terrorists in Syria and the Leftists and Cuckservatives like Psycho McCain and Miss Lindsay Graham freak out and crap themselves.

Obama was arming ISIS, and the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham for nearly four years. Obama was an Islamic Terrorist enabler, not forgetting his strong support for The Muslim Brotherhood.

The Middle East is a far more dangerous place now thanks to Obama The Islamic Terrorist Enabler.
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
to news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

Would you prefer if he was on the side of the Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and what Obama called the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and the other "moderate rebels" Ahrar al-Sham.

Yes you probably would because your type exist in The Obama Bubble.

Would you prefer that Syria remain as it was Secular, where Muslims, Yazidi's, Druize and Christians live together, you know the Syrian Army is a Secular army that includes Christians in it, of course you don't know that do you, considering you're not educated enough and are completely ignorant of the situation.

You would prefer that Syria falls to Salafi jihadism and Wahhabism which is what ISIS, the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham all adhere to and that Syria ceases being how it was Secular and instead becomes an Extreme Islamic foothold and part of The Caliphate.

You probably do not even know what any of these things are unless you Google them, you being so uneducated and completely ignorant of the situation, just babbling the Kool Aid drip fed to you by the MSM Propaganda.

BAATHISM is a secular ideology like NAZISM is a secular ideology In fact NAZISM tolerated
Christianity ALMOST to the same extent that Baathism "tolerates" Christianity. Baathism
does not "tolerate" Hinduism or Zoroastrianism or Judaism. A good example of a BAATHIST
type 'secular' political ideology is INDONESIA. Indonesia DOES CLAIM the same level of
"secularism" as that of BAATHISM. I do not read MSM. I understood the principles of
BAATHISM before al gore invented the net. Both Gamal Abdel Nasser and Saddam
Hussein were ARDENT Baathists. In fact they were FRONT RUNNERS in the institution
of that ideology. Russia has supported Baathist governments since the 1950s. Earlier
admirers included ADOLF HITLER. Loss of Baathist control would be a boon to caliphatists----
but baathism vs caliphatism is half dozen of one vs six of the other
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
to news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

Would you prefer if he was on the side of the Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and what Obama called the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and the other "moderate rebels" Ahrar al-Sham.

Yes you probably would because your type exist in The Obama Bubble.

Would you prefer that Syria remain as it was Secular, where Muslims, Yazidi's, Druize and Christians live together, you know the Syrian Army is a Secular army that includes Christians in it, of course you don't know that do you, considering you're not educated enough and are completely ignorant of the situation.

You would prefer that Syria falls to Salafi jihadism and Wahhabism which is what ISIS, the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham all adhere to and that Syria ceases being how it was Secular and instead becomes an Extreme Islamic foothold and part of The Caliphate.

You probably do not even know what any of these things are unless you Google them, you being so uneducated and completely ignorant of the situation, just babbling the Kool Aid drip fed to you by the MSM Propaganda.

BAATHISM is a secular ideology like NAZISM is a secular ideology In fact NAZISM tolerated
Christianity ALMOST to the same extent that Baathism "tolerates" Christianity. Baathism
does not "tolerate" Hinduism or Zoroastrianism or Judaism. A good example of a BAATHIST
type 'secular' political ideology is INDONESIA. Indonesia DOES CLAIM the same level of
"secularism" as that of BAATHISM. I do not read MSM. I understood the principles of
BAATHISM before al gore invented the net. Both Gamal Abdel Nasser and Saddam
Hussein were ARDENT Baathists. In fact they were FRONT RUNNERS in the institution
of that ideology. Russia has supported Baathist governments since the 1950s. Earlier
admirers included ADOLF HITLER. Loss of Baathist control would be a boon to caliphatists----
but baathism vs caliphatism is half dozen of one vs six of the other

We are discussing which is better for Syria, a Secular Syria where all religions are accepted or a Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Syria where only the most extreme version of Islam is adhered to and everyone else risks being Genocided.

There is no middle ground, it's either one or the other.
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
to news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

Would you prefer if he was on the side of the Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and what Obama called the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and the other "moderate rebels" Ahrar al-Sham.

Yes you probably would because your type exist in The Obama Bubble.

Would you prefer that Syria remain as it was Secular, where Muslims, Yazidi's, Druize and Christians live together, you know the Syrian Army is a Secular army that includes Christians in it, of course you don't know that do you, considering you're not educated enough and are completely ignorant of the situation.

You would prefer that Syria falls to Salafi jihadism and Wahhabism which is what ISIS, the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham all adhere to and that Syria ceases being how it was Secular and instead becomes an Extreme Islamic foothold and part of The Caliphate.

You probably do not even know what any of these things are unless you Google them, you being so uneducated and completely ignorant of the situation, just babbling the Kool Aid drip fed to you by the MSM Propaganda.

BAATHISM is a secular ideology like NAZISM is a secular ideology In fact NAZISM tolerated
Christianity ALMOST to the same extent that Baathism "tolerates" Christianity. Baathism
does not "tolerate" Hinduism or Zoroastrianism or Judaism. A good example of a BAATHIST
type 'secular' political ideology is INDONESIA. Indonesia DOES CLAIM the same level of
"secularism" as that of BAATHISM. I do not read MSM. I understood the principles of
BAATHISM before al gore invented the net. Both Gamal Abdel Nasser and Saddam
Hussein were ARDENT Baathists. In fact they were FRONT RUNNERS in the institution
of that ideology. Russia has supported Baathist governments since the 1950s. Earlier
admirers included ADOLF HITLER. Loss of Baathist control would be a boon to caliphatists----
but baathism vs caliphatism is half dozen of one vs six of the other

We are discussing which is better for Syria, a Secular Syria where all religions are accepted or a Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Syria where only the most extreme version of Islam is adhered to and everyone else risks being Genocided.

There is no middle ground, it's either one or the other.

OH!!!!! LUCY HAD DECIDED------black and white as per Lucy's DIVINE POV. The situation you describe -----DOES NOT EXIST ------who made you "EMPRESS OF THE PARAMETERS OF DISCUSSION BASED ON YOUR VERY OWN DELUSIONS?
can you name me a country where BAATHISM MEANS ALL RELIGIONS ARE TREATED EQUALLY?----try
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
two news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

Assad is a true hero. I know that Hillary's Imps doesn't like what he does for the Christians. That is why Hillary's nation using the Islamic nation to destroy the Christian's nation.

Rand Paul: Assad ‘Protected Christians’ in Syria, Rebels ‘Attacking Christians’ Rand Paul: Assad 'Protected Christians' in Syria, Rebels 'Attacking Christians' (VIDEO) | HuffPost

As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
to news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

Would you prefer if he was on the side of the Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and what Obama called the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and the other "moderate rebels" Ahrar al-Sham.

Yes you probably would because your type exist in The Obama Bubble.

Would you prefer that Syria remain as it was Secular, where Muslims, Yazidi's, Druize and Christians live together, you know the Syrian Army is a Secular army that includes Christians in it, of course you don't know that do you, considering you're not educated enough and are completely ignorant of the situation.

You would prefer that Syria falls to Salafi jihadism and Wahhabism which is what ISIS, the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham all adhere to and that Syria ceases being how it was Secular and instead becomes an Extreme Islamic foothold and part of The Caliphate.

You probably do not even know what any of these things are unless you Google them, you being so uneducated and completely ignorant of the situation, just babbling the Kool Aid drip fed to you by the MSM Propaganda.

BAATHISM is a secular ideology like NAZISM is a secular ideology In fact NAZISM tolerated
Christianity ALMOST to the same extent that Baathism "tolerates" Christianity. Baathism
does not "tolerate" Hinduism or Zoroastrianism or Judaism. A good example of a BAATHIST
type 'secular' political ideology is INDONESIA. Indonesia DOES CLAIM the same level of
"secularism" as that of BAATHISM. I do not read MSM. I understood the principles of
BAATHISM before al gore invented the net. Both Gamal Abdel Nasser and Saddam
Hussein were ARDENT Baathists. In fact they were FRONT RUNNERS in the institution
of that ideology. Russia has supported Baathist governments since the 1950s. Earlier
admirers included ADOLF HITLER. Loss of Baathist control would be a boon to caliphatists----
but baathism vs caliphatism is half dozen of one vs six of the other

We are discussing which is better for Syria, a Secular Syria where all religions are accepted or a Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Syria where only the most extreme version of Islam is adhered to and everyone else risks being Genocided.

There is no middle ground, it's either one or the other.

OH!!!!! LUCY HAD DECIDED------black and white as per Lucy's DIVINE POV. The situation you describe -----DOES NOT EXIST ------who made you "EMPRESS OF THE PARAMETERS OF DISCUSSION BASED ON YOUR VERY OWN DELUSIONS?
can you name me a country where BAATHISM MEANS ALL RELIGIONS ARE TREATED EQUALLY?----try

I'm sorry Rosie, your post that I responded to was a completely hysterical rant.

I responded in a coherent and calm way to you and also remained On Topic to the subject, which is Syria and whether Syria is better as a Secular nation or falls victim to Radical Islamic Extremists taking full control.
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
to news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

Would you prefer if he was on the side of the Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and what Obama called the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and the other "moderate rebels" Ahrar al-Sham.

Yes you probably would because your type exist in The Obama Bubble.

Would you prefer that Syria remain as it was Secular, where Muslims, Yazidi's, Druize and Christians live together, you know the Syrian Army is a Secular army that includes Christians in it, of course you don't know that do you, considering you're not educated enough and are completely ignorant of the situation.

You would prefer that Syria falls to Salafi jihadism and Wahhabism which is what ISIS, the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham all adhere to and that Syria ceases being how it was Secular and instead becomes an Extreme Islamic foothold and part of The Caliphate.

You probably do not even know what any of these things are unless you Google them, you being so uneducated and completely ignorant of the situation, just babbling the Kool Aid drip fed to you by the MSM Propaganda.

BAATHISM is a secular ideology like NAZISM is a secular ideology In fact NAZISM tolerated
Christianity ALMOST to the same extent that Baathism "tolerates" Christianity. Baathism
does not "tolerate" Hinduism or Zoroastrianism or Judaism. A good example of a BAATHIST
type 'secular' political ideology is INDONESIA. Indonesia DOES CLAIM the same level of
"secularism" as that of BAATHISM. I do not read MSM. I understood the principles of
BAATHISM before al gore invented the net. Both Gamal Abdel Nasser and Saddam
Hussein were ARDENT Baathists. In fact they were FRONT RUNNERS in the institution
of that ideology. Russia has supported Baathist governments since the 1950s. Earlier
admirers included ADOLF HITLER. Loss of Baathist control would be a boon to caliphatists----
but baathism vs caliphatism is half dozen of one vs six of the other

We are discussing which is better for Syria, a Secular Syria where all religions are accepted or a Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Syria where only the most extreme version of Islam is adhered to and everyone else risks being Genocided.

There is no middle ground, it's either one or the other.

OH!!!!! LUCY HAD DECIDED------black and white as per Lucy's DIVINE POV. The situation you describe -----DOES NOT EXIST ------who made you "EMPRESS OF THE PARAMETERS OF DISCUSSION BASED ON YOUR VERY OWN DELUSIONS?
can you name me a country where BAATHISM MEANS ALL RELIGIONS ARE TREATED EQUALLY?----try

I'm sorry Rosie, your post that I responded to was a completely hysterical rant.

I responded in a coherent and calm way to you and also remained On Topic to the subject, which is Syria and whether Syria is better as a Secular nation or falls victim to Radical Islamic Extremists taking full control.

right----in the course of my life I did some little minor "work" as an expert witness in my own
profession----in little court thingys. If a lawyer CLOSED PARAMETERS on me as do you-----
(a trick they ALL seem to love) I would simply not answer and LOOK AT THE JUDGE. -----
INVARIABLY the judge would say either "you don't have to answer that question...." or
"rephrase that, counselor" or---since lawyers when they get ANTSY like to step in close....
"STEP BACK COUNSELOR" are you a lawyer, Lucy?
Would you prefer if he was on the side of the Islamic Terrorists like ISIS and what Obama called the "moderate rebels" aka the al-Nusra Front and the other "moderate rebels" Ahrar al-Sham.

Yes you probably would because your type exist in The Obama Bubble.

Would you prefer that Syria remain as it was Secular, where Muslims, Yazidi's, Druize and Christians live together, you know the Syrian Army is a Secular army that includes Christians in it, of course you don't know that do you, considering you're not educated enough and are completely ignorant of the situation.

You would prefer that Syria falls to Salafi jihadism and Wahhabism which is what ISIS, the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham all adhere to and that Syria ceases being how it was Secular and instead becomes an Extreme Islamic foothold and part of The Caliphate.

You probably do not even know what any of these things are unless you Google them, you being so uneducated and completely ignorant of the situation, just babbling the Kool Aid drip fed to you by the MSM Propaganda.

BAATHISM is a secular ideology like NAZISM is a secular ideology In fact NAZISM tolerated
Christianity ALMOST to the same extent that Baathism "tolerates" Christianity. Baathism
does not "tolerate" Hinduism or Zoroastrianism or Judaism. A good example of a BAATHIST
type 'secular' political ideology is INDONESIA. Indonesia DOES CLAIM the same level of
"secularism" as that of BAATHISM. I do not read MSM. I understood the principles of
BAATHISM before al gore invented the net. Both Gamal Abdel Nasser and Saddam
Hussein were ARDENT Baathists. In fact they were FRONT RUNNERS in the institution
of that ideology. Russia has supported Baathist governments since the 1950s. Earlier
admirers included ADOLF HITLER. Loss of Baathist control would be a boon to caliphatists----
but baathism vs caliphatism is half dozen of one vs six of the other

We are discussing which is better for Syria, a Secular Syria where all religions are accepted or a Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Syria where only the most extreme version of Islam is adhered to and everyone else risks being Genocided.

There is no middle ground, it's either one or the other.

OH!!!!! LUCY HAD DECIDED------black and white as per Lucy's DIVINE POV. The situation you describe -----DOES NOT EXIST ------who made you "EMPRESS OF THE PARAMETERS OF DISCUSSION BASED ON YOUR VERY OWN DELUSIONS?
can you name me a country where BAATHISM MEANS ALL RELIGIONS ARE TREATED EQUALLY?----try

I'm sorry Rosie, your post that I responded to was a completely hysterical rant.

I responded in a coherent and calm way to you and also remained On Topic to the subject, which is Syria and whether Syria is better as a Secular nation or falls victim to Radical Islamic Extremists taking full control.

right----in the course of my life I did some little minor "work" as an expert witness in my own
profession----in little court thingys. If a lawyer CLOSED PARAMETERS on me as do you-----
(a trick they ALL seem to love) I would simply not answer and LOOK AT THE JUDGE. -----
INVARIABLY the judge would say either "you don't have to answer that question...." or
"rephrase that, counselor" or---since lawyers when they get ANTSY like to step in close....
"STEP BACK COUNSELOR" are you a lawyer, Lucy?

What does that have to do with Syria and if Syria is best as a Secular nation or falls victim to Radical Islamic Extremists taking full control?
As you already know, Vladimir Putin and Assad of Syria are allies.
It is for this reason that Donald Trump is now allied to Assad.
two news stories today from the Washington Post and Washington Times bolstered that fact:
Syria rebels fear Bashar Assad benefits from Trump-Putin truce

Cooperation with Russia becomes central to Trump strategy in Syria

in this thread, I ask you to comment on why Donald Trump supports a chemical weapons murderer.

I'd rather comment on your utter stupidity. Beyond the pale

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