Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think. There is outrage by many Republicans, Democrats and Independents about what Trump is saying.
Trump is a slime bucket, snake oil salesman willing to say whatever necessary to receive votes.
He is just saying what a large portion of the conservative base think.
Should the outrage be against Trump or this significant portion of the conservative movement in the USA that thinks this way?
Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think. There is outrage by many Republicans, Democrats and Independents about what Trump is saying.
Trump is a slime bucket, snake oil salesman willing to say whatever necessary to receive votes.
He is just saying what a large portion of the conservative base think.
Should the outrage be against Trump or this significant portion of the conservative movement in the USA that thinks this way?


1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country. forcing the Syrians to become international refugees

He's saying what any sane person is thinking. Who in their right mind imports people from a part of the world where they openly want us dead?
Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think. There is outrage by many Republicans, Democrats and Independents about what Trump is saying.
Trump is a slime bucket, snake oil salesman willing to say whatever necessary to receive votes.
He is just saying what a large portion of the conservative base think.
Should the outrage be against Trump or this significant portion of the conservative movement in the USA that thinks this way?

You're not very good at this.
First time on a message board?
The part that sucks is that there is nothing the left can do to stop it because every pole says any republican can beat Hillary.

ah...the deflector shield is quite operational.
IMO we should curb all immigration for a while

We have enough people in this country already we really don't need any more
I agree that we have too many people.

I would like to propose that we deport all people who support Trump.

That would reduce the number of people and raise the USA average IQ.
The GOP created that Frankenstinian monster known as Donald the Chump. Over the years that Obama has been in office, the GOP has moved further and further to the right, resulting in a base that is enamored by someone like Trump.

I saw this was going to happen a few years ago, just didn't know who the wingnut that would manage to fracture the GOP
Trump is only parrotting what a large portion of Republican voters think. There is outrage by many Republicans, Democrats and Independents about what Trump is saying.
Trump is a slime bucket, snake oil salesman willing to say whatever necessary to receive votes.
He is just saying what a large portion of the conservative base think.
Should the outrage be against Trump or this significant portion of the conservative movement in the USA that thinks this way?

You're not very good at this.
First time on a message board?
You have never read someone who is very good at this until you read my post.
You do not know what good is.
The part that sucks is that there is nothing the left can do to stop it because every pole says any republican can beat Hillary.

ah...the deflector shield is quite operational.
Do you mean poll or pole?
If you mean pole (a polish citizen of the USA), they are not that large of a voting block.
I love how one person can always claim they know what a significant number of others think or feel.
no new immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays the living wage.
There are many jobs in the US that cannot be filled by American workers because they refuse to do them or there are not enough qualified/educated in the field.
He's saying what any sane person is thinking. Who in their right mind imports people from a part of the world where they openly want us dead?
You speak for the simple minded.
Another example of the simple minded is to say if they do not believe in God the way we do, kill them; ISIS.
The part that sucks is that there is nothing the left can do to stop it because every pole says any republican can beat Hillary.

ah...the deflector shield is quite operational.
I see no deflector shield that is worth a sh__.
Uh, partner, polls show that a solid majority of all Americans oppose allowing more Syrian refugees into the country. So it's not just Republicans who are exercising some common sense here.

Why do you guys act so crazy about logical, rational ideas? The one and only demographic group that has produced ALL the jihadists has been Muslims. So there is nothing illogical or unsound about temporarily halting Muslim immigration, especially given the events in San Bernardino and Paris, where first- and second-generation Muslim immigrants avoided detection and murdered dozens of people.

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