Trump is putting coal workers out of work

Wow, you blame your ethereal "plutocrats" for 20 year environmental reviews and lawsuits when its the useless advocates doing it.

No, guy, I WANT those reviews done. It's when those reviews don't get done that some poor people end up with dirty water because the Plutocrats had a get rich quick scheme.

The reviews shouldn't take 20 years, or be held up by lawsuits who's sole purpose is to deny the work from happening.

Dams don't get built, power lines don't get built, pipelines don't get built, bridges don't get built, and yet you scream like a moron about infrastructure?

Just wait until they try to put 300 wind turbines offshore some beach, or flatten 200 acres of prime desert land for solar panels, and see how you like those 20 year reviews.
The reviews shouldn't take 20 years, or be held up by lawsuits who's sole purpose is to deny the work from happening.

Sure it should. If someone effected by it is filing a lawsuit, it's because they don't want it.

So here's a solution. We should put all the dirty energy in the Red State White Suburbs where the rich people live. Problem solved.

Dams don't get built, power lines don't get built, pipelines don't get built, bridges don't get built, and yet you scream like a moron about infrastructure?

Again, only when they try to put them in places where they aren't wanted.

I live in a town where a rehab company wants to buy up a local hotel and put a recovery center there. The folks in our town don't want it. Good reasons, too. We only have one EMT and 11 cops, and they want to dump 400 recovering drug addicts on us.

Oddly enough, it's getting rammed down our throats by the County and the State. No "20 year review".
The reviews shouldn't take 20 years, or be held up by lawsuits who's sole purpose is to deny the work from happening.

Sure it should. If someone effected by it is filing a lawsuit, it's because they don't want it.

So here's a solution. We should put all the dirty energy in the Red State White Suburbs where the rich people live. Problem solved.

Dams don't get built, power lines don't get built, pipelines don't get built, bridges don't get built, and yet you scream like a moron about infrastructure?

Again, only when they try to put them in places where they aren't wanted.

I live in a town where a rehab company wants to buy up a local hotel and put a recovery center there. The folks in our town don't want it. Good reasons, too. We only have one EMT and 11 cops, and they want to dump 400 recovering drug addicts on us.

Oddly enough, it's getting rammed down our throats by the County and the State. No "20 year review".

There will always be one or a few people that don't want something, so progress is to stop because of that?

One guy doesn't want a dam, so we deny hydroelectric to 10,000 or 100,000 people?

NIMBYism isn't something to support, neither is BANANA.
There will always be one or a few people that don't want something, so progress is to stop because of that?

If they make a good case, um, yeah.

One guy doesn't want a dam, so we deny hydroelectric to 10,000 or 100,000 people?

if it destroys the environment, um, yeah.

NIMBYism isn't something to support, neither is BANANA.

So again, great solution. Let's find these places where you all vote Republican, and let the Plutocrats screw you with impunity.
There will always be one or a few people that don't want something, so progress is to stop because of that?

If they make a good case, um, yeah.

One guy doesn't want a dam, so we deny hydroelectric to 10,000 or 100,000 people?

if it destroys the environment, um, yeah.

NIMBYism isn't something to support, neither is BANANA.

So again, great solution. Let's find these places where you all vote Republican, and let the Plutocrats screw you with impunity.

To get your wind farms and solar farms you are going to have to destroy the environment, energy doesn't come from nothing.

It's amazing how much you benefit from modern technology but think it somehow comes from nothing, and expect it to continue as such when people can deny building improvements and replacements to it.

You can't scream "infrastructure" while supporting NIMBY and BANANA.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

BWHAHAHAH!!! "I can't make this up!" ... you just did! You JUST NOW made that up! BWHAHAHAH!!

Lying in your own post about lying, and then saying you can't make it up after you just did! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny.

Nah, ewe just said well oh shucks my lil tRumpykins just didn’t know any better. But Obama, that Obama guy just out and out lied.

Seriously ewe just can't make this shit up! Oooops but ewe did!!!!


BWHAHAHAH!!! You can't even tell the truth about what I said, and the claim others make it up, while you make it up in the very post you say you can't make it up! XD

Lying in your own post about lying!! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny. XD

So your tRumpykins did know better and out and out lied and then ewe lied for his lie.

it just doesn't get more MAGA than this.

Stay stupid ewe are cheap entertainment.

View attachment 368178

All ewe got dickless?
To get your wind farms and solar farms you are going to have to destroy the environment, energy doesn't come from nothing.

It's amazing how much you benefit from modern technology but think it somehow comes from nothing, and expect it to continue as such when people can deny building improvements and replacements to it.

You can't scream "infrastructure" while supporting NIMBY and BANANA.

Sure I can. I told you let's tear down the manisons of the rich and build the wind farms there. Seems fair to me.
Miners who go under ground should be making well over $100 per hour. Instead, they make......
To get your wind farms and solar farms you are going to have to destroy the environment, energy doesn't come from nothing.

It's amazing how much you benefit from modern technology but think it somehow comes from nothing, and expect it to continue as such when people can deny building improvements and replacements to it.

You can't scream "infrastructure" while supporting NIMBY and BANANA.

Sure I can. I told you let's tear down the manisons of the rich and build the wind farms there. Seems fair to me.

Your envy is just sad.
Your envy is just sad.

Not at all.

You see, the problem is, it's the working class that ends up getting their property destroyed for "infrastructure", it's the working class that goes off to fight the wars.

The only "rich" person I saw in the military in my 11 years in was the Cross-dressing cousin of my state's governor. (He wasn't cross-dressing at the time, but he was still a weird dude.) Of course, they let him be an officer, even though the men laughed at him.
Your envy is just sad.

Not at all.

You see, the problem is, it's the working class that ends up getting their property destroyed for "infrastructure", it's the working class that goes off to fight the wars.

The only "rich" person I saw in the military in my 11 years in was the Cross-dressing cousin of my state's governor. (He wasn't cross-dressing at the time, but he was still a weird dude.) Of course, they let him be an officer, even though the men laughed at him.

All your anecdotes are bullshit.

And the thing about most infrastructure is that most of it dictates the location by technical need, not by your desire to fuck over people with more than you.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

BWHAHAHAH!!! "I can't make this up!" ... you just did! You JUST NOW made that up! BWHAHAHAH!!

Lying in your own post about lying, and then saying you can't make it up after you just did! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny.

Nah, ewe just said well oh shucks my lil tRumpykins just didn’t know any better. But Obama, that Obama guy just out and out lied.

Seriously ewe just can't make this shit up! Oooops but ewe did!!!!


BWHAHAHAH!!! You can't even tell the truth about what I said, and the claim others make it up, while you make it up in the very post you say you can't make it up! XD

Lying in your own post about lying!! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny. XD

So your tRumpykins did know better and out and out lied and then ewe lied for his lie.

it just doesn't get more MAGA than this.

Stay stupid ewe are cheap entertainment.

View attachment 368178

All ewe got dickless?

Congrats! You have failed to have one single thing worth reading, in I counted 7 posts! Not only have not been able to add a single bit of useful dialogue, but you also consistently lied about what other people said, and resorted to childish name calling repeatedly!

I hereby declare you a toddler! You therefore win a free trip to my ignore list, where you will cease to exist, and I will quickly forget you were ever on this forum! Bye bye toddler! :D
Last edited:
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

BWHAHAHAH!!! "I can't make this up!" ... you just did! You JUST NOW made that up! BWHAHAHAH!!

Lying in your own post about lying, and then saying you can't make it up after you just did! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny.

Nah, ewe just said well oh shucks my lil tRumpykins just didn’t know any better. But Obama, that Obama guy just out and out lied.

Seriously ewe just can't make this shit up! Oooops but ewe did!!!!


BWHAHAHAH!!! You can't even tell the truth about what I said, and the claim others make it up, while you make it up in the very post you say you can't make it up! XD

Lying in your own post about lying!! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny. XD

So your tRumpykins did know better and out and out lied and then ewe lied for his lie.

it just doesn't get more MAGA than this.

Stay stupid ewe are cheap entertainment.

View attachment 368178

All ewe got dickless?

Congrats! You have failed to have one single thing worth reading, any I counted 7 posts! Not only have not been able to add a single bit of useful dialogue, but you also consistently lied about what other people said, and resorted to childish name calling repeated!

I hereby declare you a toddler! You therefore win a free trip to my ignore list, where you will cease to exist, and I will quickly forget you were ever on this forum! Bye bye toddler! :D

So ewe did not say that tRumpykins didn't know better or Mexico is paying for the wall? Both of course lies. Congrats ewe are batting 1000.
Your envy is just sad.

Not at all.

You see, the problem is, it's the working class that ends up getting their property destroyed for "infrastructure", it's the working class that goes off to fight the wars.

The only "rich" person I saw in the military in my 11 years in was the Cross-dressing cousin of my state's governor. (He wasn't cross-dressing at the time, but he was still a weird dude.) Of course, they let him be an officer, even though the men laughed at him.

Actually I know many rich that joined the military. Even in my own family, several, more than a few from very rich families, joined the military.

One of the lies from the Michael Moore films, was he talked to a congressmen, and asked him to sign people up to fight in the Iraq war. Moore paused the film, to make it appear as though he declined.

In reality the congressmen replied that some in his family had already joined, and he would be more than happy to send the military application on. Like a typical left-winger, Michael Moore edited that out, what didn't fit with the left-wing narrative.

Now of course you are correct that more people at the lower income level join the military.


Do you know why? Because joining the military is a great way to move out of poverty. You can get training in the military. Having military on your resume is a huge plus to employers. And you can get paid for education when you leave the military.

This is what makes the left-wing evil. If you had your way, those people who are using military service to advance themselves in life, would cut off.

As is universal with all left-wing dogma, the end result is poverty for more people.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

BWHAHAHAH!!! "I can't make this up!" ... you just did! You JUST NOW made that up! BWHAHAHAH!!

Lying in your own post about lying, and then saying you can't make it up after you just did! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny.

Nah, ewe just said well oh shucks my lil tRumpykins just didn’t know any better. But Obama, that Obama guy just out and out lied.

Seriously ewe just can't make this shit up! Oooops but ewe did!!!!


BWHAHAHAH!!! You can't even tell the truth about what I said, and the claim others make it up, while you make it up in the very post you say you can't make it up! XD

Lying in your own post about lying!! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny. XD

So your tRumpykins did know better and out and out lied and then ewe lied for his lie.

it just doesn't get more MAGA than this.

Stay stupid ewe are cheap entertainment.

View attachment 368178

All ewe got dickless?

Nah - that sums it up nicely.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

Well he must have done something to help coal then right? I mean the industry and jobs in the industry are growing correct?

I'll ask again.
What economic, or government policy did Trump implement, that harmed coal?

"Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coal workers."

Provide proof of claim;
What economic, or government policy, did Trump implement, that "has been a nightmare for coal workers"?

If you are not able to do that, then you are by lack of answer, admitting the original statement was a lie.

Trump never had the ability to revive coal. Everyone who worked in coal, should have known this. Each state controls what power plants open to supply power in the state.

As long as idiotic people control state government, and determine what energy source they use to provide power, there is no way to force a revival of the coal industry.

Especially when the real disaster that fell on coal, actually was not entirely due to government regulations. Part of it was, yes.

But the real damage to coal was how the price of natural gas fell.

Which by the way, is yet another reason, stupid people on the left should stop acting like "experts" know anything. Every single expert said that natural gas was going to triple, or double, or increase slowly. Zero of these brilliant 'experts' predicted natural gas prices would fall.

Just like how all the "experts" predicted massive deaths from Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, Mad Cow, and now we have Corona, with millions on millions of deaths, and instead nothing of the sort.

Only in left-wing land, can people be consistently wrong for literally decades, and still be held up as reasons to change the policy of the world.

So back to Coal. Nothing Trump could do for coal. Unless some new method for converting coal to energy is discovered, that is vastly cheaper, it is unlikely that the market will move back to coal.

Or, alternatively, if nuclear and natural gas reverse direction, and become more expensive than coal. But that is not likely given historical trends.

i am asking ewe how much has tRump done to help the failing coal industry? Simple answer, nothing!!!

There is nothing he could do. Nor did I expect him to. A person who can't do anything, cannot be expect to do something, about something, he can't do anything about.

I will say this though.

At least he hasn't openly supported destroying the coal industry like Obama did. Which is why Trump is better than Obama.

I can't fault a president for not fixing something in my life, that he had nothing do with.

I can absolutely fault a president for intentionally trying to harm my life.

That's what makes Trump better than left-wingers.

he said he was bringing coal back!!! Did he lie? Coal is and was a dying industry why would anyone lie about it? That is what makes him worse.

I don't think he lied specifically. Most people think that Presidents have magical powers or something. Trump likely thought he could do something.

But you see this all the time.

You see this often with the moron lemming left, where if their guy is in office, then magic... and unicorns... and rainbows with pots of gold.

This is normal.

This lady sounds much like most of the left-wingers I remember from 2008, saying she won't have to worry about her mortgage, or putting gas in her car. "If I help him, He'll help me".

Do you think dear ol Peggy didn't have to pay her mortgage anymore? You think she never had to fill her car with gas?

This is the reality of Democracy.

Politicians tell the public what they want to hear. And the people who don't, don't get elected.

That's just how it is.

Remember John McCain going to Iowa, and telling them he didn't support Ethanol? Remember how he went to Michigan and said those jobs were not coming back, and people needed to move on?

John McCain for all his flaws, was a straight talker. And they voted for the liar who promised rainbows and unicorns.

This is normal.

The only idiotic aspect is that the left-wing is quick to point fingers, and fail to see that they themselves do the exact same thing CONSTANTLY.

So Obama lied, tRump just didn't know any better, that about cover it?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::hyper::abgg2q.jpg:

I mean seriously you just can't make this shit up!!!

BWHAHAHAH!!! "I can't make this up!" ... you just did! You JUST NOW made that up! BWHAHAHAH!!

Lying in your own post about lying, and then saying you can't make it up after you just did! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny.

Nah, ewe just said well oh shucks my lil tRumpykins just didn’t know any better. But Obama, that Obama guy just out and out lied.

Seriously ewe just can't make this shit up! Oooops but ewe did!!!!


BWHAHAHAH!!! You can't even tell the truth about what I said, and the claim others make it up, while you make it up in the very post you say you can't make it up! XD

Lying in your own post about lying!! HAHAHAHAH!

Oh my goodness! THAT... That was funny. XD

So your tRumpykins did know better and out and out lied and then ewe lied for his lie.

it just doesn't get more MAGA than this.

Stay stupid ewe are cheap entertainment.

View attachment 368178

All ewe got dickless?

Nah - that sums it up nicely.

That she is dickless, ewe bet it does.
All your anecdotes are bullshit.

And the thing about most infrastructure is that most of it dictates the location by technical need, not by your desire to fuck over people with more than you.

Yet, oddly, "needs" always seems to dictate that they end up taking from the poor, not the wealthy.

Do you know why? Because joining the military is a great way to move out of poverty. You can get training in the military. Having military on your resume is a huge plus to employers. And you can get paid for education when you leave the military.

Actually, I was in for 11 years. You know what I saw a lot of. A lot of kids from the hood who couldn't do simple math, couldn't read or write a sentence, who thought that the Army was going to get them into college.

I have my great plan for peace. We have universal conscription, but the children of the wealthy end up in a special airborne unit that is the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our time.
All your anecdotes are bullshit.

And the thing about most infrastructure is that most of it dictates the location by technical need, not by your desire to fuck over people with more than you.

Yet, oddly, "needs" always seems to dictate that they end up taking from the poor, not the wealthy.

Do you know why? Because joining the military is a great way to move out of poverty. You can get training in the military. Having military on your resume is a huge plus to employers. And you can get paid for education when you leave the military.

Actually, I was in for 11 years. You know what I saw a lot of. A lot of kids from the hood who couldn't do simple math, couldn't read or write a sentence, who thought that the Army was going to get them into college.

I have my great plan for peace. We have universal conscription, but the children of the wealthy end up in a special airborne unit that is the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our time.

You can't put wind farms where there is no sustained winds, you can't put solar where it isn't flat and sunny. Wastewater plants go where the interceptor sewers meet up, power plants go where the property values are low.
Donald Trump promised to revived the coal industry but instead he has been a nightmare for coworkers. Some big companies are even going bankrupt:

"Perhaps the most persuasive evidence of President’s Trump’s failure to revive the coal industry lies in the number of coal company bankruptcies and mine closings. As of Oct. 30, 2019, 11 companies, including the largest privately held operation, had declared bankruptcy since Trump’s inauguration. And according to the USEIA, more than half of all mines operating in 2008 had closed by the end of 2018. The consumption of renewable sources of energy surpassed coal consumption in 2019 for the first time in over 130 years, according to USEIA."

Coal miners are great people and I feel bad for them because they were conned into voting for Trump with the illusion that he would help them.
We heard a lot about Hillary being potentially really bad for coal workers but Donald Trump has been full of empty promises of greatness and resurgence.

The fact you were raised this way is Trump's fault too.

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