Trump Is Right About Screening Out Muslims

Its not the only test. Until you prove a Muslim isn't a threat to our safety, you don't let any of them in.

Until a white guy can prove he's not a serial killer or mass murdereri didn't think retards could none should be let in.
. I didn't know retards could figure out how to register a name on a message board and figure out how to post but I guess you proved it.

Let's try reasonable debating points, okay.
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Obama plans to bring another 100,000 refugees into the US at taxpayer expense. He doesn't care that 53% of Americans don't want them here and he sure as hell isn't protecting American citizens.

Most of these people are uneducated and don't speak the language. They will be on our welfare system for years.

No way can they vet these people. How many jihadists will be among them??

I find it hard to believe that all Americans don't see a problem with this.
And Drumpf's "plan" is very impressive. What a " idea to just ask them at the border -

Are you Muslim?

If they say yes, don't let them in.

The guy is brilliant.

BTW, our vetting for refugees currently includes more than 19 layers of inquiry and takes up to two years. LyinRyan's vetting "plan" would weaken that.

If only we had Drumpf in the WH - we could just ASK THEM if they're terrorists.

Meanwhile, the RWNJs agree with the NRA/GOP that we should be handing out AR-15s to known and suspected terrorists.

(You RWNJs are just plain stupid.)

Trump tells MSNBC: We’d screen Muslims by asking them, “Are you Muslim?”
You must have hated carter also.
And Drumpf's "plan" is very impressive. What a " idea to just ask them at the border -

Are you Muslim?

If they say yes, don't let them in.

The guy is brilliant.

BTW, our vetting for refugees currently includes more than 19 layers of inquiry and takes up to two years. LyinRyan's vetting "plan" would weaken that.

If only we had Drumpf in the WH - we could just ASK THEM if they're terrorists.

Meanwhile, the RWNJs agree with the NRA/GOP that we should be handing out AR-15s to known and suspected terrorists.

(You RWNJs are just plain stupid.)

Trump tells MSNBC: We’d screen Muslims by asking them, “Are you Muslim?”
How do you prove someone is a Muslim?
1. If they say they are.

2. If the women wear head scarves.

3. If they get ruffled, when you say Mo the Pedophile was a dirtbag, thief, rapist, wife-beater, child molester, mass murderer, slaveowner, and a pathetic dumbass.

So if they are, but say they're not, they can go into the US?

If a woman wears a headscarf, she's a Muslim?


Would you ban this woman from going to the US?

So, a male, says he's not a Muslim, can enter the US without problems then under Trump's plan?

Do you think a terrorist would admit to being a Muslim if he knew that Muslims couldn't get into the US?

Do you see how bad a plan this is by Trump?
Its not the only test. Until you prove a Muslim isn't a threat to our safety, you don't let any of them in.

Why just Muslims? Why not make everyone guilty until proven innocent. I mean, the Americans have been scoffing at the French for this attitude for hundreds of years, so why not become like them now?
Rubbish. The right has been doing this since Bush was in power. Hence why a lot of people think ALL MUSLIMS are a threat. You can ignore this fact if you wish, but it's there.

Simple as that? Read my last post.

Most Muslims aren't a threat to the US. So if you're going to ban ALL of a group that is a threat, then you're going down a very slippery slope.

Who are threats? Who decides who are threats? As I said, gun owners are a threat, and anyone could make such a claim, hence if you start out with such a thing, you better be prepared when it goes against you.
But THIS THREAD is not about Bush, or "the right". It's about TRUMP. Right now in December 2015. GOT IT ?

You don't have to ask me who are threats. I answered that already in Post # 26. You got your answer. And as far as going against YOU, it already has when 130 people died in Paris because of your liberal, assinine gun-free zone policy, and 14 more in San Benardino

So you want to ignore everything that happened?

After 9/11 Bush started to do something. He got the right riled up, and now Trump is taking over and expanding what Bush did. Hence, talking about Bush is talking about Trump. Not hard is it?

It's kind of like talking about why WW2 happened without being able to talk about anything that went on before 3rd September 1939. That's just not the way things go, sorry if you don't like it.

I might get an answer, doesn't mean I accept your answer. This is a debate, this isn't you say stuff and then I just go agree with you, you know this, right?

130 people died in Paris. Okay, who committed these acts?

Well. Men committed these acts. Men are threats.
Belgians committed these acts. Ban Belgians, and French.
Extremist Muslims committed these acts. Ban extremist Muslims.
Human beings committed these acts, ban human beings.

Oh, wait, no. You've chosen which group you want the emphasis to be, and you're digging your heels in, and then vilify 1 billion people based on the actions of half a dozen people. if half a dozen people represent the whole of Islam, then who represents the whole of Christianity?

Christians who shoot up Planned Parenthood places?

Do you see what you're doing? You're vilifying ALL MUSLIMS and the only reason you're doing this is because YOU have chosen the grouping that these people are going into and then deciding to vilify EVERYONE who is in this group. That's a definition of ridiculous.
If you think it was simply Belgians committing the Paris murders, you are nuts. Islamic extremists is the operative words describing the murderers.

I was making a point, if you think these people were mere Muslims, you're nuts. They're not Muslims, they Islamic Extremists, that's different to a normal Muslim.
So if they are, but say they're not, they can go into the US?

If a woman wears a headscarf, she's a Muslim?


Would you ban this woman from going to the US?

So, a male, says he's not a Muslim, can enter the US without problems then under Trump's plan?

Do you think a terrorist would admit to being a Muslim if he knew that Muslims couldn't get into the US?

Do you see how bad a plan this is by Trump?
I'm sure they can work out. And you're sure too. :biggrin:

I asked a question, you're avoiding the answer.


If you can't prove someone is a Muslim, then what's the point of banning Muslims? As the only ones who will get in are the DAMN TERRORISTS.
So we let all Muslims in with no vetting? Is that your genius plan?

Vetting has never been done on religious grounds, it's been done on other grounds. This isn't necessarily what is being spoken about here.

The point here is, that Trump made a comment that Muslims, all Muslims, shouldn't be allowed in. Vetting? No vetting, merely you're a Muslim, stay away. That doesn't make sense. Simple said a Muslim could lie to get in. Can the US vet EVERY SINGLE PERSON who wants to go to the USA? No it can't.

Many people have visa free access to the US, are you going to end this so the US loses this too? Make a US passport worthless?

The point is, Trump's plan is not only useless, it's harmful to suggest it too.
So you want to ignore everything that happened?

After 9/11 Bush started to do something. He got the right riled up, and now Trump is taking over and expanding what Bush did. Hence, talking about Bush is talking about Trump. Not hard is it?

It's kind of like talking about why WW2 happened without being able to talk about anything that went on before 3rd September 1939. That's just not the way things go, sorry if you don't like it.

I might get an answer, doesn't mean I accept your answer. This is a debate, this isn't you say stuff and then I just go agree with you, you know this, right?

130 people died in Paris. Okay, who committed these acts?

Well. Men committed these acts. Men are threats.
Belgians committed these acts. Ban Belgians, and French.
Extremist Muslims committed these acts. Ban extremist Muslims.
Human beings committed these acts, ban human beings.

Oh, wait, no. You've chosen which group you want the emphasis to be, and you're digging your heels in, and then vilify 1 billion people based on the actions of half a dozen people. if half a dozen people represent the whole of Islam, then who represents the whole of Christianity?

Christians who shoot up Planned Parenthood places?

Do you see what you're doing? You're vilifying ALL MUSLIMS and the only reason you're doing this is because YOU have chosen the grouping that these people are going into and then deciding to vilify EVERYONE who is in this group. That's a definition of ridiculous.
Are you a Muslim ? Why are so you concerned ? And the thought of being killed in nuclear bomb blast doesn't concern you ? You think you're immune somehow ? Immune from shooter jihadists too ? How about contagious biologicals ? Think that can't get to you ?

Am I a Muslim? I'm not giving you personal details of my life.

Why am I concerned?

I believe in Human Rights.

Trump's rhetoric is scary, it's causing problems in the world, it's vilifying people, it's taking away the freedom that I believe should exist.

Does the thought of a nuclear bomb concern me? Sure it does, and the ONLY country that has shown it's willing to drop one of those on people just happens to be the USA.

I fear Islamic EXTREMISTS, I fear politicians like Trump and Bush who radicalize Islamic Extremists, invade other countries and use force and power to get their own way, and use it as justification for taking away people's rights.

What is scariest of all is the attitude you have that it's okay to take away the rights of others, but as long as you feel secure then it's okay.

I feel that you take away rights from one group, you take them away from all, they become privileges.
Taking away rights? Explain what right there is for people to come to this country? People don't have a right to immigrate here.

Okay, I'm thinking a little outside of the circle. But I can explain.

Religion is a right protected by the US Constitution.

If you ban all Muslims from coming into the US, what's the attitude of the government to Muslims already inside of the US. It's basically telling Muslims they are not free, they do not have rights and they will be locked up in internment camps or something like that.

You see why it's dangerous? Trump is turning American Muslims against America, he's making them the enemy. Is that wise? Really?

The right seems to like conflict in order to impose its will upon people, if enough Muslims inside feel alienated enough to fight back then the right will get its wish to lock up all Muslims inside of the US. What then for religious freedom? There isn't religious freedom if you can't be a Muslim.
Rubbish. The right has been doing this since Bush was in power. Hence why a lot of people think ALL MUSLIMS are a threat. You can ignore this fact if you wish, but it's there.

Simple as that? Read my last post.

Most Muslims aren't a threat to the US. So if you're going to ban ALL of a group that is a threat, then you're going down a very slippery slope.

Who are threats? Who decides who are threats? As I said, gun owners are a threat, and anyone could make such a claim, hence if you start out with such a thing, you better be prepared when it goes against you.
But THIS THREAD is not about Bush, or "the right". It's about TRUMP. Right now in December 2015. GOT IT ?

You don't have to ask me who are threats. I answered that already in Post # 26. You got your answer. And as far as going against YOU, it already has when 130 people died in Paris because of your liberal, assinine gun-free zone policy, and 14 more in San Benardino

So you want to ignore everything that happened?

After 9/11 Bush started to do something. He got the right riled up, and now Trump is taking over and expanding what Bush did. Hence, talking about Bush is talking about Trump. Not hard is it?

It's kind of like talking about why WW2 happened without being able to talk about anything that went on before 3rd September 1939. That's just not the way things go, sorry if you don't like it.

I might get an answer, doesn't mean I accept your answer. This is a debate, this isn't you say stuff and then I just go agree with you, you know this, right?

130 people died in Paris. Okay, who committed these acts?

Well. Men committed these acts. Men are threats.
Belgians committed these acts. Ban Belgians, and French.
Extremist Muslims committed these acts. Ban extremist Muslims.
Human beings committed these acts, ban human beings.

Oh, wait, no. You've chosen which group you want the emphasis to be, and you're digging your heels in, and then vilify 1 billion people based on the actions of half a dozen people. if half a dozen people represent the whole of Islam, then who represents the whole of Christianity?

Christians who shoot up Planned Parenthood places?

Do you see what you're doing? You're vilifying ALL MUSLIMS and the only reason you're doing this is because YOU have chosen the grouping that these people are going into and then deciding to vilify EVERYONE who is in this group. That's a definition of ridiculous.
If you think it was simply Belgians committing the Paris murders, you are nuts. Islamic extremists is the operative words describing the murderers.

I was making a point, if you think these people were mere Muslims, you're nuts. They're not Muslims, they Islamic Extremists, that's different to a normal Muslim.
They are devout Muslims.
Rubbish. The right has been doing this since Bush was in power. Hence why a lot of people think ALL MUSLIMS are a threat. You can ignore this fact if you wish, but it's there.

Simple as that? Read my last post.

Most Muslims aren't a threat to the US. So if you're going to ban ALL of a group that is a threat, then you're going down a very slippery slope.

Who are threats? Who decides who are threats? As I said, gun owners are a threat, and anyone could make such a claim, hence if you start out with such a thing, you better be prepared when it goes against you.
But THIS THREAD is not about Bush, or "the right". It's about TRUMP. Right now in December 2015. GOT IT ?

You don't have to ask me who are threats. I answered that already in Post # 26. You got your answer. And as far as going against YOU, it already has when 130 people died in Paris because of your liberal, assinine gun-free zone policy, and 14 more in San Benardino

So you want to ignore everything that happened?

After 9/11 Bush started to do something. He got the right riled up, and now Trump is taking over and expanding what Bush did. Hence, talking about Bush is talking about Trump. Not hard is it?

It's kind of like talking about why WW2 happened without being able to talk about anything that went on before 3rd September 1939. That's just not the way things go, sorry if you don't like it.

I might get an answer, doesn't mean I accept your answer. This is a debate, this isn't you say stuff and then I just go agree with you, you know this, right?

130 people died in Paris. Okay, who committed these acts?

Well. Men committed these acts. Men are threats.
Belgians committed these acts. Ban Belgians, and French.
Extremist Muslims committed these acts. Ban extremist Muslims.
Human beings committed these acts, ban human beings.

Oh, wait, no. You've chosen which group you want the emphasis to be, and you're digging your heels in, and then vilify 1 billion people based on the actions of half a dozen people. if half a dozen people represent the whole of Islam, then who represents the whole of Christianity?

Christians who shoot up Planned Parenthood places?

Do you see what you're doing? You're vilifying ALL MUSLIMS and the only reason you're doing this is because YOU have chosen the grouping that these people are going into and then deciding to vilify EVERYONE who is in this group. That's a definition of ridiculous.
If you think it was simply Belgians committing the Paris murders, you are nuts. Islamic extremists is the operative words describing the murderers.

I was making a point, if you think these people were mere Muslims, you're nuts. They're not Muslims, they Islamic Extremists, that's different to a normal Muslim.
They are devout Muslims.

Define "devout", for me devout is they practice religion as the main thing in their life, extremist is when they impose themselves on others. Or do you just want to try and widen the group of people you want people to think is dangerous?
Devout : deeply religious : devoted to a particular religion
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming into the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about ethnic discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

BYNGO! We have a winner!

I seem to recall reading in some document important to the United States that the government will "Provide for the Common Defense". The President's first job is to protect US citizens, not cater to immigrants. Why have so many forgotten this FACT.
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming into the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about ethnic discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)
You are a Nazi.
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming in to the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about this discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

As a group Trump has spoken in very prejudicial terms of minorities, "but he has people who love him". Individually he might have friends among minorities, but that does not mean he is not in many ways a bigot. People that prove their worth, fine. People at the bottom become "them" with criminal, terrorist and less than honorable ties.

He might not consider his behavior but the rest of the country is watching. I think many are sick to their eyeballs with the PC police gagging them. We seek to find others not afraid of language. It is a hard road for any politician, especially one that so many want to be real and not canned party approved speeches that all sound the same, insincere.

The fact Trump seem to be teflon despite his mouth is something new and everyone is watching for the crash. Oddly he keeps gaining speed.

It's an interesting show, and everyone is watching. Reality TV hits the political stage. We root for favorites and want to vote others out. Not politics as usual.
I see no bigotry from Trump, and those who say they do, are lying. It is merely a ploy to try to derail him, and raise their own candidates.
Bigots never see bigotry, nor should anyone try to convince you of it, itd be a waste of time. You and Trump are just miserabale pieces of Nazi shit and therer is nothing that can be done about it.
Bigots never see bigotry, nor should anyone try to convince you of it, itd be a waste of time. You and Trump are just miserabale pieces of Nazi shit and therer is nothing that can be done about it.

So YOUR bigotry against "infidels' is keeping you from seeing the Nazi bigotry of the Koran, right ? You and Obama are just miserabale pieces of Islamist-Nazi shit and there is nothing that can be done about it. Oh well.
I'm curious. The muslims we have serving in the military. IF Trump deploys them overseas, can they come back into the nation after fighting for the nation?

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