Trump Is Right About Screening Out Muslims

The right started the war, so they've got what they wanted, and now what they want is to push harder. Before it was a war again al Qaeda, then it become a war against Islam Extremism, now it's a war against Islam. Where do you people stop? You don't, isn't that right?

Bush wanted a common enemy in 2003, and he made it Islam by going to war in Iraq. He wanted a destabilized world in which the right could be "tough on terror" and so make it easier to spout nationalistic crap and people will vote for it. he wanted the defense industry to do well, and it is, he wanted all of this, and he got it. Lives don't matter, RICH lives matter and the rich are reaping the rewards and the poor are suffering.

It's the poor who get killed on both sides, not the rich, the rich make more money.

But you're saying there's this war, which isn't really a war, and that you need to fight it, fight it in the only way the right know how to fight a war, and there are no other choices otherwise the right will just fire a load of insults your way.

I don't guy this crap.

2) You say the media omits loads of information. Then how do you know more than I do? I've been to the Middle East, I've seen stuff going on over there. What makes your view better than my view?

3) You're okay with your rights being taken away for national security. 10,500 people are murdered with guns every year, are you willing to have your RKA right taken away from you FOR NATIONAL SECURITY? ARE YOU? I bet you're not.

4) Oh, you didn't always feel secure in Iraq and Afghanistan. What a surprise. I didn't feel secure in South Africa, what's your point?

5) You don't understand human rights. A right is something EVERYONE HAS. If you take away a right for one, you've taken it away for all, that's just simple fact that someone who knew about human rights would know.

6) Now you're telling me what I'd think. BULLSHIT. You don't know what I think, and you don't know who I am, so stop making up crap.
The 'war" started in 622 AD with the Hijra, when Mp the Pedophile and about 50 of his (really dub) followers migrated from Mecca to Yathrib (later renamed Medina), and these marauding Muslims began the 1400 year fighting and battling to spread Islam and force it on everyone they could physically reach.

You know nothing. And I haven't heard you say a word about GUN-FREE ZONES (probably the most important subject in this whole debate) I haven't heard you say a word about AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. I haven't heard you say a word about PAKISTANI NUCLEAR WARHEADS. I haven't heard you say a word OVERPOPULATION. I haven't heard you say a word about THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE. I haven't heard you say a word about ISIS. Of course not. These are all subjects you know little or nothing about because your liberal media doesn't touch them, so you remain ignorant.

And again >> Taking rights away from one group, for a specific reason, doesn't affect anyone except that one group (who, in this case are not even Americans)

Recuse yourself, Mohammed.
You're a inveterate liar, a moron, and only provide comedic value.
Ran out of substance to contribute ? Or did you never have any ?
Trump doesn't HAVE any hatred of Muslims. He is simply doing the RESPONSIBLE thing that every president of the US and member of congress is required to do. That is to PROTECT the American people. Right now ISIS is the # 1 threat to America, even worse than in World War II (when nuclear weapons were not in the picture).

Screening immigrants by Muslim category, is not only proper, it is mandatory, and anything less would be irresponsible and crazy. Frankly, I see no reason to currently be having ANY immigration into the US, when the country is badly overpopulated, and immigration is carrying a long list of harms with it, in addition to the possibilty (probability) of terrorism coming into the US, as we've already seen with 9-11 and the San Bernardino attacks.

People need to get off their high horses about discrimination, and start worrying about national SURVIVAL.

Wanna talk about ethnic discrimination ? Sure, How about Affirmative Action against Whites, for 50 years now ? (which I have never lowered myself to be a beneficiary of)

BYNGO! We have a winner!

I seem to recall reading in some document important to the United States that the government will "Provide for the Common Defense". The President's first job is to protect US citizens, not cater to immigrants. Why have so many forgotten this FACT.

And some forget the Bill of Rights. Hard to keep two things in your brain at the same time, hey?
I'm curious. The muslims we have serving in the military. IF Trump deploys them overseas, can they come back into the nation after fighting for the nation?
Of course they can, stupid.

How? Muslims can't come into the nation. See, this is the idiocy that you're sponsoring. If the Blue Jays had a muslim catcher and they were coming to play the Yankees...would they have to leave their catcher at home?
Yes, Adolf Trump is right.................................................................................................................................FAR RIGHT.
HOW ABOUT Adolph Carter who blocked immigration of Iranians during his crises with the Muslim mulah?

Btw. Presidents have a right and obligation to restrict immigration of whomever they need to restrict. Once again, the bigotry comes from your side.

Carter blocked Muslims Iranians ONLY. Try to remember that.
Trump wants to blocked the entire Muslims in this planet. Try to remember that.
You cannot compare Carter with Trump. You can ONLY compare Trump with Adolf Hitler.
So, are you saying that State and/or INS need an "Extremist Muslim test"...perhaps the swimming test: innocents sink whereas witches float?

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