Trump Is Right About Screening Out Muslims

So you want to ignore everything that happened?

After 9/11 Bush started to do something. He got the right riled up, and now Trump is taking over and expanding what Bush did. Hence, talking about Bush is talking about Trump. Not hard is it?

It's kind of like talking about why WW2 happened without being able to talk about anything that went on before 3rd September 1939. That's just not the way things go, sorry if you don't like it.

I might get an answer, doesn't mean I accept your answer. This is a debate, this isn't you say stuff and then I just go agree with you, you know this, right?

130 people died in Paris. Okay, who committed these acts?

Well. Men committed these acts. Men are threats.
Belgians committed these acts. Ban Belgians, and French.
Extremist Muslims committed these acts. Ban extremist Muslims.
Human beings committed these acts, ban human beings.

Oh, wait, no. You've chosen which group you want the emphasis to be, and you're digging your heels in, and then vilify 1 billion people based on the actions of half a dozen people. if half a dozen people represent the whole of Islam, then who represents the whole of Christianity?

Christians who shoot up Planned Parenthood places?

Do you see what you're doing? You're vilifying ALL MUSLIMS and the only reason you're doing this is because YOU have chosen the grouping that these people are going into and then deciding to vilify EVERYONE who is in this group. That's a definition of ridiculous.
Are you a Muslim ? Why are so you concerned ? And the thought of being killed in nuclear bomb blast doesn't concern you ? You think you're immune somehow ? Immune from shooter jihadists too ? How about contagious biologicals ? Think that can't get to you ?
You explained, I explained back.

Most Muslims aren't a threat and to suggest otherwise is simply wrong.

Extremist Muslims are a threat.

Just like gun owners aren't a threat, but gun owners with an intent are a threat.

But like I've said twice before, if you vilify EVERYONE and make this the case for imposing things on people, then it'll be done to you at some point.

Slow down? You should keep up.
You explained nothing. ISIS could Trojan Horse in with th eMuslms and that's why they are a threat. - some people have to be told twice (or is it 3 ?)

No, it won't be done to me. It's done to Muslims for a reason.(which doesn't apply to non-Muslims (you're grasping at straws - go to bed)

Again, we're talking about potential threats. Are we going to ban every potential threat or not?

MUSLIMS are not a threat. Extremist Muslims are. How many times do YOU need to be told?

I have a Muslim friend, she can't even get a boyfriend, let alone make a bomb or use a gun. Yet you're vilifying her. Why?

Also, she's Chinese, it doesn't say on her passport that she's a Muslim, so she could enter the US and she could lie. She doesn't wear a headscarf either.

Oh, it won't be done to you.

Again, if you deal with "potential threats" then what will happen to existing threats? Why would you ban people who are a "potential threat" and not ban people from having guns when they're a real threat?
I asked a question, you're avoiding the answer.


If you can't prove someone is a Muslim, then what's the point of banning Muslims? As the only ones who will get in are the DAMN TERRORISTS.
Ask the immigration dept. I'm not in charge of it. I'd say they'll figure out a way to do it. Not my job. Not my problem. :biggrin:

You're the one suggesting this be implemented. If you can't figure out what you'd do, then don't suggest it.

It very much sounds like you're quick off the draw, like Trump, with ideas, but very, VERY slow to explain what would actually happen.

Basically, a bad idea, are you still going to support a bad idea?
So you want to ignore everything that happened?

After 9/11 Bush started to do something. He got the right riled up, and now Trump is taking over and expanding what Bush did. Hence, talking about Bush is talking about Trump. Not hard is it?

It's kind of like talking about why WW2 happened without being able to talk about anything that went on before 3rd September 1939. That's just not the way things go, sorry if you don't like it.

I might get an answer, doesn't mean I accept your answer. This is a debate, this isn't you say stuff and then I just go agree with you, you know this, right?

130 people died in Paris. Okay, who committed these acts?

Well. Men committed these acts. Men are threats.
Belgians committed these acts. Ban Belgians, and French.
Extremist Muslims committed these acts. Ban extremist Muslims.
Human beings committed these acts, ban human beings.

Oh, wait, no. You've chosen which group you want the emphasis to be, and you're digging your heels in, and then vilify 1 billion people based on the actions of half a dozen people. if half a dozen people represent the whole of Islam, then who represents the whole of Christianity?

Christians who shoot up Planned Parenthood places?

Do you see what you're doing? You're vilifying ALL MUSLIMS and the only reason you're doing this is because YOU have chosen the grouping that these people are going into and then deciding to vilify EVERYONE who is in this group. That's a definition of ridiculous.
Are you a Muslim ? Why are so you concerned ? And the thought of being killed in nuclear bomb blast doesn't concern you ? You think you're immune somehow ? Immune from shooter jihadists too ? How about contagious biologicals ? Think that can't get to you ?

Am I a Muslim? I'm not giving you personal details of my life.

Why am I concerned?

I believe in Human Rights.

Trump's rhetoric is scary, it's causing problems in the world, it's vilifying people, it's taking away the freedom that I believe should exist.

Does the thought of a nuclear bomb concern me? Sure it does, and the ONLY country that has shown it's willing to drop one of those on people just happens to be the USA.

I fear Islamic EXTREMISTS, I fear politicians like Trump and Bush who radicalize Islamic Extremists, invade other countries and use force and power to get their own way, and use it as justification for taking away people's rights.

What is scariest of all is the attitude you have that it's okay to take away the rights of others, but as long as you feel secure then it's okay.

I feel that you take away rights from one group, you take them away from all, they become privileges.
Am I a Muslim? I'm not giving you personal details of my life.

Why am I concerned?

I believe in Human Rights.

Trump's rhetoric is scary, it's causing problems in the world, it's vilifying people, it's taking away the freedom that I believe should exist.

Does the thought of a nuclear bomb concern me? Sure it does, and the ONLY country that has shown it's willing to drop one of those on people just happens to be the USA.

I fear Islamic EXTREMISTS, I fear politicians like Trump and Bush who radicalize Islamic Extremists, invade other countries and use force and power to get their own way, and use it as justification for taking away people's rights.

What is scariest of all is the attitude you have that it's okay to take away the rights of others, but as long as you feel secure then it's okay.

I feel that you take away rights from one group, you take them away from all, they become privileges.
1. The "radicalize Islamic Extremists" line is :bsflag:red herring. You got a war. Fight it with everything you've got. If you're pulling backwards you gonna lose.

2. It sounds like you are clueless about why US troops have been in the middle east. (God, how many times do I have to explain this to these ignorant liberals, whose media massively omits information)

3. I'm OK with some of MY rights being taken away, to support national security.

4. I didn't always "feel secure" when I was in Iraq (August, Sept., October 2015) + 5 days in Afghanistan

5. Taking rights away from one group, for a specific reason, doesn't affect anyone except that one group (who, in this case are not even Americans)

6. If you were not a Muslim, you would have just said NO. So you should recuse yourself from this debate, Mohammed, since you cannot be objective, as you are a vested interest.
You're the one suggesting this be implemented. If you can't figure out what you'd do, then don't suggest it.

It very much sounds like you're quick off the draw, like Trump, with ideas, but very, VERY slow to explain what would actually happen.

Basically, a bad idea, are you still going to support a bad idea?
You are a Muslim with a subjective, biased, warped, view here. A "bad idea" to protect Americans from NUCLEAR annihilation ? Go to bed. I mean really. No suggestion was ever more slam-dunk, turn-key than this one to keep Muslims out.
maybe we need a "bigot" for american and not one against the population here, or only for the select group of the right shade.

someone that stands for our military and police that defend us from terrorists away and at home.

Some that wants to have a strong and safe american not be handcuffed by what some view as proper PC verbage.

guess its a matter of perspective
What? It's December and Trump is still leading every poll and dominating the newscycle??

Am I a Muslim? I'm not giving you personal details of my life.

Why am I concerned?

I believe in Human Rights.

Trump's rhetoric is scary, it's causing problems in the world, it's vilifying people, it's taking away the freedom that I believe should exist.

Does the thought of a nuclear bomb concern me? Sure it does, and the ONLY country that has shown it's willing to drop one of those on people just happens to be the USA.

I fear Islamic EXTREMISTS, I fear politicians like Trump and Bush who radicalize Islamic Extremists, invade other countries and use force and power to get their own way, and use it as justification for taking away people's rights.

What is scariest of all is the attitude you have that it's okay to take away the rights of others, but as long as you feel secure then it's okay.

I feel that you take away rights from one group, you take them away from all, they become privileges.
1. The "radicalize Islamic Extremists" line is :bsflag:red herring. You got a war. Fight it with everything you've got. If you're pulling backwards you gonna lose.

2. It sounds like you are clueless about why US troops have been in the middle east. (God, how many times do I have to explain this to these ignorant liberals, whose media massively omits information)

3. I'm OK with some of MY rights being taken away, to support national security.

4. I didn't always "feel secure" when I was in Iraq (August, Sept., October 2015) + 5 days in Afghanistan

5. Taking rights away from one group, for a specific reason, doesn't affect anyone except that one group (who, in this case are not even Americans)

6. If you were not a Muslim, you would have just said NO. So you should recuse yourself from this debate, Mohammed, since you cannot be objective, as you are a vested interest.

The right started the war, so they've got what they wanted, and now what they want is to push harder. Before it was a war again al Qaeda, then it become a war against Islam Extremism, now it's a war against Islam. Where do you people stop? You don't, isn't that right?

Bush wanted a common enemy in 2003, and he made it Islam by going to war in Iraq. He wanted a destabilized world in which the right could be "tough on terror" and so make it easier to spout nationalistic crap and people will vote for it. he wanted the defense industry to do well, and it is, he wanted all of this, and he got it. Lives don't matter, RICH lives matter and the rich are reaping the rewards and the poor are suffering.

It's the poor who get killed on both sides, not the rich, the rich make more money.

But you're saying there's this war, which isn't really a war, and that you need to fight it, fight it in the only way the right know how to fight a war, and there are no other choices otherwise the right will just fire a load of insults your way.

I don't guy this crap.

2) You say the media omits loads of information. Then how do you know more than I do? I've been to the Middle East, I've seen stuff going on over there. What makes your view better than my view?

3) You're okay with your rights being taken away for national security. 10,500 people are murdered with guns every year, are you willing to have your RKA right taken away from you FOR NATIONAL SECURITY? ARE YOU? I bet you're not.

4) Oh, you didn't always feel secure in Iraq and Afghanistan. What a surprise. I didn't feel secure in South Africa, what's your point?

5) You don't understand human rights. A right is something EVERYONE HAS. If you take away a right for one, you've taken it away for all, that's just simple fact that someone who knew about human rights would know.

6) Now you're telling me what I'd think. BULLSHIT. You don't know what I think, and you don't know who I am, so stop making up crap.
You're the one suggesting this be implemented. If you can't figure out what you'd do, then don't suggest it.

It very much sounds like you're quick off the draw, like Trump, with ideas, but very, VERY slow to explain what would actually happen.

Basically, a bad idea, are you still going to support a bad idea?
You are a Muslim with a subjective, biased, warped, view here. A "bad idea" to protect Americans from NUCLEAR annihilation ? Go to bed. I mean really. No suggestion was ever more slam-dunk, turn-key than this one to keep Muslims out.

And you're lesbian Jew Muslim. I know this, because I just made it up right now. And now what I'm going to do is just work on this basis and hammer you at every opportunity for being a lesbian Jew Muslim, and I'll add some bullshit nonsense EVERY TIME I talk to you.

I'm finally being accepted by the right.

Basically dude, either stop talking fucking nonsense, or don't talk to me. I really don't come on here to be told fake shit you just made up about me.

It shows me what you're all about though. The truth isn't important. Rights aren't important.

All that is important is your dominance over others.

Over gay people, over Muslims, over women, over whoever the fuck you feel like being dominant over. You need help. And most Trump supporters need help to.

Now, reply to me when you have something SENSIBLE to say.
And Drumpf's "plan" is very impressive. What a " idea to just ask them at the border -

Are you Muslim?

If they say yes, don't let them in.

The guy is brilliant.

BTW, our vetting for refugees currently includes more than 19 layers of inquiry and takes up to two years. LyinRyan's vetting "plan" would weaken that.

If only we had Drumpf in the WH - we could just ASK THEM if they're terrorists.

Meanwhile, the RWNJs agree with the NRA/GOP that we should be handing out AR-15s to known and suspected terrorists.

(You RWNJs are just plain stupid.)

Trump tells MSNBC: We’d screen Muslims by asking them, “Are you Muslim?”
That was a direct question if he would ask them their religion. Mr Trump never said that was the only question agents would ask. Right now you could prevent everybody from some Muslim countries because they don't let Christians live let alone live there. Carter did it. Eisenhower did it. Roosevelt did it. The people are behind Trump. Up 8% to 38%.

Liberals have a death wish.
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How do you prove someone is a Muslim?
1. If they say they are.

2. If the women wear head scarves.

3. If they get ruffled, when you say Mo the Pedophile was a dirtbag, thief, rapist, wife-beater, child molester, mass murderer, slaveowner, and a pathetic dumbass.

So if they are, but say they're not, they can go into the US?

If a woman wears a headscarf, she's a Muslim?


Would you ban this woman from going to the US?

So, a male, says he's not a Muslim, can enter the US without problems then under Trump's plan?

Do you think a terrorist would admit to being a Muslim if he knew that Muslims couldn't get into the US?

Do you see how bad a plan this is by Trump?
Its not the only test. Until you prove a Muslim isn't a threat to our safety, you don't let any of them in.
Rubbish. The right has been doing this since Bush was in power. Hence why a lot of people think ALL MUSLIMS are a threat. You can ignore this fact if you wish, but it's there.

Simple as that? Read my last post.

Most Muslims aren't a threat to the US. So if you're going to ban ALL of a group that is a threat, then you're going down a very slippery slope.

Who are threats? Who decides who are threats? As I said, gun owners are a threat, and anyone could make such a claim, hence if you start out with such a thing, you better be prepared when it goes against you.
But THIS THREAD is not about Bush, or "the right". It's about TRUMP. Right now in December 2015. GOT IT ?

You don't have to ask me who are threats. I answered that already in Post # 26. You got your answer. And as far as going against YOU, it already has when 130 people died in Paris because of your liberal, assinine gun-free zone policy, and 14 more in San Benardino

So you want to ignore everything that happened?

After 9/11 Bush started to do something. He got the right riled up, and now Trump is taking over and expanding what Bush did. Hence, talking about Bush is talking about Trump. Not hard is it?

It's kind of like talking about why WW2 happened without being able to talk about anything that went on before 3rd September 1939. That's just not the way things go, sorry if you don't like it.

I might get an answer, doesn't mean I accept your answer. This is a debate, this isn't you say stuff and then I just go agree with you, you know this, right?

130 people died in Paris. Okay, who committed these acts?

Well. Men committed these acts. Men are threats.
Belgians committed these acts. Ban Belgians, and French.
Extremist Muslims committed these acts. Ban extremist Muslims.
Human beings committed these acts, ban human beings.

Oh, wait, no. You've chosen which group you want the emphasis to be, and you're digging your heels in, and then vilify 1 billion people based on the actions of half a dozen people. if half a dozen people represent the whole of Islam, then who represents the whole of Christianity?

Christians who shoot up Planned Parenthood places?

Do you see what you're doing? You're vilifying ALL MUSLIMS and the only reason you're doing this is because YOU have chosen the grouping that these people are going into and then deciding to vilify EVERYONE who is in this group. That's a definition of ridiculous.
If you think it was simply Belgians committing the Paris murders, you are nuts. Islamic extremists is the operative words describing the murderers.
So if they are, but say they're not, they can go into the US?

If a woman wears a headscarf, she's a Muslim?


Would you ban this woman from going to the US?

So, a male, says he's not a Muslim, can enter the US without problems then under Trump's plan?

Do you think a terrorist would admit to being a Muslim if he knew that Muslims couldn't get into the US?

Do you see how bad a plan this is by Trump?
I'm sure they can work out. And you're sure too. :biggrin:

I asked a question, you're avoiding the answer.


If you can't prove someone is a Muslim, then what's the point of banning Muslims? As the only ones who will get in are the DAMN TERRORISTS.
So we let all Muslims in with no vetting? Is that your genius plan?
So you want to ignore everything that happened?

After 9/11 Bush started to do something. He got the right riled up, and now Trump is taking over and expanding what Bush did. Hence, talking about Bush is talking about Trump. Not hard is it?

It's kind of like talking about why WW2 happened without being able to talk about anything that went on before 3rd September 1939. That's just not the way things go, sorry if you don't like it.

I might get an answer, doesn't mean I accept your answer. This is a debate, this isn't you say stuff and then I just go agree with you, you know this, right?

130 people died in Paris. Okay, who committed these acts?

Well. Men committed these acts. Men are threats.
Belgians committed these acts. Ban Belgians, and French.
Extremist Muslims committed these acts. Ban extremist Muslims.
Human beings committed these acts, ban human beings.

Oh, wait, no. You've chosen which group you want the emphasis to be, and you're digging your heels in, and then vilify 1 billion people based on the actions of half a dozen people. if half a dozen people represent the whole of Islam, then who represents the whole of Christianity?

Christians who shoot up Planned Parenthood places?

Do you see what you're doing? You're vilifying ALL MUSLIMS and the only reason you're doing this is because YOU have chosen the grouping that these people are going into and then deciding to vilify EVERYONE who is in this group. That's a definition of ridiculous.
Are you a Muslim ? Why are so you concerned ? And the thought of being killed in nuclear bomb blast doesn't concern you ? You think you're immune somehow ? Immune from shooter jihadists too ? How about contagious biologicals ? Think that can't get to you ?

Am I a Muslim? I'm not giving you personal details of my life.

Why am I concerned?

I believe in Human Rights.

Trump's rhetoric is scary, it's causing problems in the world, it's vilifying people, it's taking away the freedom that I believe should exist.

Does the thought of a nuclear bomb concern me? Sure it does, and the ONLY country that has shown it's willing to drop one of those on people just happens to be the USA.

I fear Islamic EXTREMISTS, I fear politicians like Trump and Bush who radicalize Islamic Extremists, invade other countries and use force and power to get their own way, and use it as justification for taking away people's rights.

What is scariest of all is the attitude you have that it's okay to take away the rights of others, but as long as you feel secure then it's okay.

I feel that you take away rights from one group, you take them away from all, they become privileges.
Taking away rights? Explain what right there is for people to come to this country? People don't have a right to immigrate here.

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