Trump is right. Heidi Cruz belonged to the CFR. She's a globalist and traitor

If heidi the globalist has her way, there will be no borders anywhere in the world and all of africa and asia and south america will be free to come here and go on welfare.
in your world someone who is CFR is a "traitor"?.

Absolutely. They are globalists who want to end all borders. That means all one billion africans and their average IQs of 68 will come here and go on welfare.
[QUOTE="NoTeaPartyPleez, post: 13859451, member: 41423"

Dubya scared us too, and after two vanity wars, 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded, the creation of ISIS in 2005 at Camp Bucca in Iraq, and a financial crash unseen since 1929, we were right to be frightened. And we tried to warn fuckups like you. [/QUOTE]

And that was just on our side. Bush massacred around a MILLION iraqi civilians!!!! And before that we had clinton, Madeline Albright admitted the clinton administration killed 500,000 iraqi CHILDREN. Both were monstrous war criminals as is obozo.
Yo, she left the snakes, read? It might help you learn?

View attachment 68920
As a very important "viper" in Cruz's "pit of vipers," Heidi served out her FULL 5 year membership and was a contributing member of one of the CFR's major reports.

Building a North American Community

Task Force Report
Print Cite
Building a North American Community

Task Force Members

HEIDI S. CRUZ is an energy investment banker with Merrill Lynch in Houston, Texas. She served in the Bush White House under Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council, as the Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S. Treasury Department, and as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative. Prior to government service, Ms. Cruz was an investment banker with J.P. Morgan in New York City.

Yo, yes, everybody had their terms to serve? She did, and she did as a American? Not A Socialist Backstabber!!!

No one is REQUIRED to serve a term in the CFR, Heidi served her CFR masters WILLINGLY.

Yo, you might won`t to read the article again?

View attachment 68936
the guy looks like grandpa munsters son....yo!....

And if we were having a beauty contest, that might matter. But since we aren't, and since the alternative has the worst spray tan in America and a dead cat on his head, I'm gonna say, "So what?"
The Council on Foreign Relations wants to end american sovereignty - in fact they want the whole planet to be just one country with elites like themselves in control. Heidi is a traitor and we must talk about this. Don't gimme that "wives are off limits" crap. If she was a klansman, we'd be talking about that and being a CFR member is far worse. Here's a WND article from last year about her and the CFR.

Ted Cruz again battles ‘globalist’ charge against wife

NEW YORK – With Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, setting his sights on the Oval Office, some of his critics are once again confronting him with the issue of his wife’s former membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and her role in the crafting of a CFR document espousing North American unity.

The national spokesman for Cruz’s presidential campaign, Rick Tyler, emphasized in a response to WND that the senator has never been a member of CFR and harshly criticized the organization during his 2012 U.S. Senate campaign as a threat to U.S. sovereignty, even though his wife was a member at the time.

Tyler explained that Heidi Cruz, then an energy investment banker for Merrill Lynch in Houston, served as a CFR term member.

Her term expired in 2011, Tyler said, and she was one of 31 members assigned to the task force that produced the “Building a North American Community” report.

in your world someone who is CFR is a "traitor"?

you have a bizarre way of looking at the world.

You don't desperately attack people you like and have no problem with

They can deny it all they like, but if Ted Cruz was actually being sworn into office by the Chief Justice, they'd be shitting their frillies and they know it. You think Bush Derangement Syndrome was bad? Every hack psychologist in the country would be sending their kids to Ivy League colleges just off of treating the leftists for Cruz Derangement Syndrome.
The Council on Foreign Relations wants to end american sovereignty - in fact they want the whole planet to be just one country with elites like themselves in control. Heidi is a traitor and we must talk about this. Don't gimme that "wives are off limits" crap. If she was a klansman, we'd be talking about that and being a CFR member is far worse. Here's a WND article from last year about her and the CFR.

Ted Cruz again battles ‘globalist’ charge against wife

NEW YORK – With Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, setting his sights on the Oval Office, some of his critics are once again confronting him with the issue of his wife’s former membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and her role in the crafting of a CFR document espousing North American unity.

The national spokesman for Cruz’s presidential campaign, Rick Tyler, emphasized in a response to WND that the senator has never been a member of CFR and harshly criticized the organization during his 2012 U.S. Senate campaign as a threat to U.S. sovereignty, even though his wife was a member at the time.

Tyler explained that Heidi Cruz, then an energy investment banker for Merrill Lynch in Houston, served as a CFR term member.

Her term expired in 2011, Tyler said, and she was one of 31 members assigned to the task force that produced the “Building a North American Community” report.

in your world someone who is CFR is a "traitor"?

you have a bizarre way of looking at the world.

You don't desperately attack people you like and have no problem with

They can deny it all they like, but if Ted Cruz was actually being sworn into office by the Chief Justice, they'd be shitting their frillies and they know it. You think Bush Derangement Syndrome was bad? Every hack psychologist in the country would be sending their kids to Ivy League colleges just off of treating the leftists for Cruz Derangement Syndrome.

and we so almost had a moment. *Sigh*
[QUOTE="NoTeaPartyPleez, post: 13859451, member: 41423"

Dubya scared us too, and after two vanity wars, 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded, the creation of ISIS in 2005 at Camp Bucca in Iraq, and a financial crash unseen since 1929, we were right to be frightened. And we tried to warn fuckups like you.

And that was just on our side. Bush massacred around a MILLION iraqi civilians!!!! And before that we had clinton, Madeline Albright admitted the clinton administration killed 500,000 iraqi CHILDREN. Both were monstrous war criminals as is obozo.[/QUOTE]

she didn't say the clinton administration KILLEd 500,000 children. she said that children died because of the sanctions.

there's a difference.

do you worry about irani children who died because of our sanctions to keep them from getting nukes?
The Council on Foreign Relations wants to end american sovereignty - in fact they want the whole planet to be just one country with elites like themselves in control. Heidi is a traitor and we must talk about this. Don't gimme that "wives are off limits" crap. If she was a klansman, we'd be talking about that and being a CFR member is far worse. Here's a WND article from last year about her and the CFR.

Ted Cruz again battles ‘globalist’ charge against wife

NEW YORK – With Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, setting his sights on the Oval Office, some of his critics are once again confronting him with the issue of his wife’s former membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and her role in the crafting of a CFR document espousing North American unity.

The national spokesman for Cruz’s presidential campaign, Rick Tyler, emphasized in a response to WND that the senator has never been a member of CFR and harshly criticized the organization during his 2012 U.S. Senate campaign as a threat to U.S. sovereignty, even though his wife was a member at the time.

Tyler explained that Heidi Cruz, then an energy investment banker for Merrill Lynch in Houston, served as a CFR term member.

Her term expired in 2011, Tyler said, and she was one of 31 members assigned to the task force that produced the “Building a North American Community” report.

in your world someone who is CFR is a "traitor"?

you have a bizarre way of looking at the world.

You don't desperately attack people you like and have no problem with

They can deny it all they like, but if Ted Cruz was actually being sworn into office by the Chief Justice, they'd be shitting their frillies and they know it. You think Bush Derangement Syndrome was bad? Every hack psychologist in the country would be sending their kids to Ivy League colleges just off of treating the leftists for Cruz Derangement Syndrome.

and we so almost had a moment. *Sigh*

Yeah, gotta put a stop to that. :)

Seriously, you know as well as I do that you'd be wigging out if Ted Cruz actually became President, at least as badly as I would if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders did. Not nearly as badly as I would if Donald Trump did. Let's be fair: we both find the idea of the other side in control scary.
[QUOTE="NoTeaPartyPleez, post: 13859451, member: 41423"

Dubya scared us too, and after two vanity wars, 4500 dead and 40,000 wounded, the creation of ISIS in 2005 at Camp Bucca in Iraq, and a financial crash unseen since 1929, we were right to be frightened. And we tried to warn fuckups like you.

And that was just on our side. Bush massacred around a MILLION iraqi civilians!!!! And before that we had clinton, Madeline Albright admitted the clinton administration killed 500,000 iraqi CHILDREN. Both were monstrous war criminals as is obozo.

she didn't say the clinton administration KILLEd 500,000 children. she said that children died because of the sanctions.

there's a difference.

do you worry about irani children who died because of our sanctions to keep them from getting nukes?[/QUOTE]

Yo, Madeline Albright? Who cares about a "OLD SOCIALIST" who has one leg in a Coffin? The bitch said women have a special place in HELL if they didn`t Vote for a Crook, Clinton!!! Get your head together?

Take a look at these Black Prostitutes? Tell me if they are doing the legal thing in Congress? Don`t forget? They came from Poor Neighborhoods? Waiting for an honest answer?

The Rich Now And Famous? These Blacks could careless about their Voters!!!


  • f10a862f-67a9-3452-af7c-615f6ee2c314.jpg
    23.8 KB · Views: 67
"Trump is right. Heidi Cruz belonged to the CFR. She's a globalist and traitor"

It’s interesting how most conservatives are just as idiotic and ridiculous when they attack their own as when attacking democrats.

At least conservatives are consistent at being idiotic and ridiculous.
As a very important "viper" in Cruz's "pit of vipers," Heidi served out her FULL 5 year membership and was a contributing member of one of the CFR's major reports.

Building a North American Community

Task Force Report
Print Cite
Building a North American Community

Task Force Members

HEIDI S. CRUZ is an energy investment banker with Merrill Lynch in Houston, Texas. She served in the Bush White House under Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council, as the Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S. Treasury Department, and as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative. Prior to government service, Ms. Cruz was an investment banker with J.P. Morgan in New York City.

Yo, yes, everybody had their terms to serve? She did, and she did as a American? Not A Socialist Backstabber!!!

No one is REQUIRED to serve a term in the CFR, Heidi served her CFR masters WILLINGLY.

Yo, you might won`t to read the article again?

View attachment 68936
the guy looks like grandpa munsters son....yo!....

And if we were having a beauty contest, that might matter. But since we aren't, and since the alternative has the worst spray tan in America and a dead cat on his head, I'm gonna say, "So what?"
so it comes down to grandpa munsters long lost son teddy or spray tan dead cat on his head trump.....aint this exciting?....
"Trump is right. Heidi Cruz belonged to the CFR. She's a globalist and traitor"

It’s interesting how most conservatives are just as idiotic and ridiculous when they attack their own as when attacking democrats.

At least conservatives are consistent at being idiotic and ridiculous.
can you explain point no 1 please jones....thanks....
Ted cruz also voted for the tpp and once said that he supported legal residency for the legals. The guys a globalist asashole.
It’s interesting how most conservatives are just as idiotic and ridiculous when they attack their own as when attacking democrats.

At least conservatives are consistent at being idiotic and ridiculous.

The board notes you never addressed the issue and merely made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
Yo, yes, everybody had their terms to serve? She did, and she did as a American? Not A Socialist Backstabber!!!

No one is REQUIRED to serve a term in the CFR, Heidi served her CFR masters WILLINGLY.

Yo, you might won`t to read the article again?

View attachment 68936
the guy looks like grandpa munsters son....yo!....

And if we were having a beauty contest, that might matter. But since we aren't, and since the alternative has the worst spray tan in America and a dead cat on his head, I'm gonna say, "So what?"
so it comes down to grandpa munsters long lost son teddy or spray tan dead cat on his head trump.....aint this exciting?....

I guess it would depend on how determined you are to think in shallow cartoon images, and how exciting you find that.
No one is REQUIRED to serve a term in the CFR, Heidi served her CFR masters WILLINGLY.

Yo, you might won`t to read the article again?

View attachment 68936
the guy looks like grandpa munsters son....yo!....

And if we were having a beauty contest, that might matter. But since we aren't, and since the alternative has the worst spray tan in America and a dead cat on his head, I'm gonna say, "So what?"
so it comes down to grandpa munsters long lost son teddy or spray tan dead cat on his head trump.....aint this exciting?....

I guess it would depend on how determined you are to think in shallow cartoon images, and how exciting you find that.
when you have nothing but halfass dipshits running for the presidency of this country, its hard not to make fun of them and those who actually think any of these people are worth supporting......hows that?....
Yo, you might won`t to read the article again?

View attachment 68936
the guy looks like grandpa munsters son....yo!....

And if we were having a beauty contest, that might matter. But since we aren't, and since the alternative has the worst spray tan in America and a dead cat on his head, I'm gonna say, "So what?"
so it comes down to grandpa munsters long lost son teddy or spray tan dead cat on his head trump.....aint this exciting?....

I guess it would depend on how determined you are to think in shallow cartoon images, and how exciting you find that.
when you have nothing but halfass dipshits running for the presidency of this country, its hard not to make fun of them and those who actually think any of these people are worth supporting......hows that?....

Yes, the problem is that no one but "half-assed dipshits" run for office. It couldn't be that the so many voters are half-assed dipshits who treasure the chance to pretend to jaded cynicism and shit all over anyone who runs for office in childish terms. Oh, goodness, no.

Now, as much as I've appreciated the incisive, mature, thoughtful political analysis of "looks like Grandpa Munster", I'm really feeling the need to speak to someone more intelligent and adult than you are, so I'm going to go talk to my first-grader for a while. Run along and play.

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