Trump is right we already have too many languages here

Fact for sure. U.S. businesses like to have some multi-lingual employees as it can be good business to be able to speak to people in their native languages.

But until all this 'woke' nonsense re immigrants took over the very sensible system we once had, it was required of every new immigrant to be able to take their citizenship test in English and to take their oath of citizenship in English in order to become naturalized citizens. Nobody was required to write instructions or forms or documents in any language other than English. New immigrants were responsible for themselves and their children learning English before they could be admitted to the public schools and it was not the responsibility of the taxpayers to provide that learning. (Young children usually pick up English very quickly by the way and become naturally fluent usually far faster than adults do.)

There should be no prohibition of providing information in more than one language, however, nor any prohibition on what language anybody is allowed to speak in private. For sure some venues should require English only be spoken for security reasons.

But having one language to do business, to give instructions, to teach, to communicate in general is good not only for the new immigrants and does not discriminate between non-English speakers in general, but is is safer for all people in the country for everybody to be able to read directions, warnings, how to do something safely, etc. It is ridiculous and discriminatory to print directions/forms/documents etc. in two or more languages when we have so many people in the country whose first language is neither or none of those.
We have devolved from effective thought to ineffective extensions of feelings .
Diversity is merely accommodation
You're dumb enough to be unable to speak anything else.
Before ragging on what we can’t speak (and don’t need to) let’s get those that merely want a better life to engage in the language that provides for such
It’s not really about that…it’s not that simple. It’s about assimilation. An expectation must be met in that regard.
It's got nothing to do with assimilation. There is no expectation to pander to paranoid cowards like you. YOU will never master the English language to the extent that I have, and I speak with people "out in public" (gasp!) in other languages all the time. If I'm speaking with someone who only speaks English, guess what? I speak to them in English. Sometimes when I'm speaking to a non-native English speaker I'll speak to them in English anyway because they want to practice.
YOU will never master the English language to the extent that I have
You “mastered” English on your way to your $80k job?
You mastered English so you could serve as an agent for those breaking into our nation against the will of the people? You must be an awesome American.
The bottom line…your livelihood depends upon foreign trespassers…for that you have sold us out just like the Crypt Keeper in the Oval Office has…you should be proud.
We have devolved from effective thought to ineffective extensions of feelings .
Diversity is merely accommodation
Yes and that is getting more and more ridiculous in the whole dynamic as the left gets more and more aggressive. For example, most of those on the right want to treat skin color as no different than hair or eye color. Those on the left continue to accuse those on the right as racist while they perpetuate racism in very destructive ways. It's pretty amazing to watch.

At least Joe didn't get into that all that much in his angry 'get off my lawn!' speech last night. I might say it was the absolutely most partisan and divisive and dishonest speech I have EVER heard from any President going all the way back to Eisenhower who was the first one I remember clearly.
Before ragging on what we can’t speak (and don’t need to) let’s get those that merely want a better life to engage in the language that provides for such
We both know they want an EBT card, they want free education for their litters of filth, they want free healthcare….they want to speak their language, fly their nations flag and hold allegiance with the shithole they fled.
That’s todays ‘immigrants’ and everyone but Unkotare knows it.
Before ragging on what we can’t speak (and don’t need to) let’s get those that merely want a better life to engage in the language that provides for such
As I've said several times before, virtually everyone in the country who is not a native English speaker is working on learning or improving their English. That has nothing to do with anyone speaking whatever language they want with whomever they want in public or private.
We already knew it was about your insecurity but thanks for spelling it out for us. :lmao:
“Insecurity” WTF?
Core Americans have always expected foreigners to assimilate…to speak our native language, to study and respect our founding documents and principles. It’s sad that you didn’t know that.
Yes and that is getting more and more ridiculous in the whole dynamic as the left gets more and more aggressive. For example, most of those on the right want to treat skin color as no different than hair or eye color. Those on the left continue to accuse those on the right as racist while they perpetuate racism in very destructive ways. It's pretty amazing to watch.

At least Joe didn't get into that all that much in his angry 'get off my lawn!' speech last night. I might say it was the absolutely most partisan and divisive and dishonest speech I have EVER heard from any President going all the way back to Eisenhower who was the first one I remember clearly.
Biden attacked and denegrated half of the voting population as being undeserving of being an American
“Insecurity” WTF?
Core Americans have always expected foreigners to assimilate…to speak our native language, to study and respect our founding documents and principles. It’s sad that you didn’t know that.

Core Americans is like your internet safety blanket. Whenever I see you type that I imagine you with a pacifier in your mouth and your binky. Core Americans aren't some special category of citizen. It's sad that you don't know that when you type Core Americans we all laugh at your frailty. We're all Americans Snowflake, there's no need to be this big of a bitch about it.
“Insecurity” WTF?
Core Americans have always expected foreigners to assimilate…to speak our native language, to study and respect our founding documents and principles. It’s sad that you didn’t know that.
Lib loons blathering that Americans are frightened to learn another language
Always feelings opinions and never facts
People who legitimately want a better life (15%) best damn learn how to speak what provides it. Not the other way around virtue lame brains.
We both know they want an EBT card, they want free education for their litters of filth, they want free healthcare….they want to speak their language, fly their nations flag and hold allegiance with the shithole they fled.
That’s todays ‘immigrants’ and everyone but Unkotare knows it.
Ignorant bullshit from a cowardly weakling ^^^^^^

Core Americans is like your internet safety blanket. Whenever I see you type that I imagine you with a pacifier in your mouth and your binky. Core Americans aren't some special category of citizen. It's sad that you don't know that when you type Core Americans we all laugh at your frailty. We're all Americans Snowflake, there's no need to be this big of a bitch about it.
That’s exactly what all American by retarded technicality folks say…There is a crystal clear distinction between ‘American by technicality’ folks and Core Americans….it’s a behavioral thing. Unkotare nor yourself will understand.
Lib loons blathering that Americans are frightened to learn another language
Always feelings opinions and never facts
People who legitimately want a better life (15%) best damn learn how to speak what provides it. Not the other way around virtue lame brains.
This was purposely done. Many of our leaders sold us out.

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