Trump is right we already have too many languages here

"How long should it take to learn the language of the country you've migrated to?"

Curiosity only.....spurs me to ask Old Flame ---how long did it take for you to learn the language of the Anishinaabae?
Or that of the Haudenosaunee?

Just askin'?

Curiosity only.....spurs me to ask Old Flame ---how long did it take for you to learn the language of the Anishinaabae?
Or that of the Haudenosaunee?

Just askin'?

This nation was founded in 1776….our Bill Of Rights and Constitution was written in English….our native language is English…hahahaha…you honestly didn’t know that?
Fucking confused loons!
Actually our "native languages" are.....hold for it.....indigenous.

Mildly surprised you didn't know that.
The native language of America is English

Libs can get their dander up for one or all of the countless Indian dialects that even not many modern Indians can speak fluently

But practically speaking English is the unifying language that the nation depends on
What languages aren't being spoken? Which languages "nobody" has heard of?

I'm tired of hearing Klingon being spoken in nice, respectable, American bars!

Makes me just want to grab a phaser and go all red shirt on them.
This nation was founded in 1776….our Bill Of Rights and Constitution was written in English….our native language is English…hahahaha…you honestly didn’t know that?
Fucking confused loons!
Ignorant isolationist idiocy provincial thug.....
There should be.

Perhaps, but then there should be Proportional Representation, and there isn't.

The US is very much a stagnant political system that can't change things because they spend all their time with partisan fighting, rather than running the country/
Actually our "native languages" are.....hold for it.....indigenous.

Mildly surprised you didn't know that.
hahaha…good luck selling that ignorant shit to sane people.
Ask yourself wacko….Why weren’t our founding documents written in an “indigenous“ language?
Golly, poster Loser, you don't seem fine.
You seem grievance-ridden, temper-tantrummy, and histrionic.
No disrespect intended, but......

.....but really Loser, are you OK?
Those not fine…try to believe indigenous people founded The United States Of America. Do you know any of “those”?
The native language of America is English

Libs can get their dander up for one or all of the countless Indian dialects that even not many modern Indians can speak fluently

But practically speaking English is the unifying language that the nation depends on
English is, and will remain, the dominant language in the US but it is not "native" to this continent.
English is, and will remain, the dominant language in the US but it is not "native" to this continent.
Thats splitting hairs

English does not have to have been spoken here 500 years ago to qualify as the native language today
I am all for strict immigration controls but saying there are "too many languages" in this country is just plain stupid.

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