Trump is right we already have too many languages here

They have those “traits of whiteness” exhibited at the Smithsonian - all geared to success.
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best, a 50 year evaluation socially and in business, which will ruffle feeling feathers , determines the following:
Out of USA born blacks:6
Hispanics :5
USA born blacks:3-3.5

Other thinkers . What is your experiential scale.?
I used to be in management of a retail store chain long ago and was working with a fellow manager trainee one day when some Hispanic lady was asking for help. We tried our very best to help her but couldn't understand what it was she wanted. One thing we did finally understand is that she was giving us shit at the end for not being able to speak Spanish and my fellow trainee said something like, "Hey, this is America. We speak English here". Nowadays he could be fired for saying something like that.

Oh wow. I observed the same thing, years ago. A Hispanic woman came in and demanded to dealt with in Spanish. Nobody on the staff did. She started carrying on until one of the employees said the same thing: “This is America. We speak English here.”

And you’re right….that employee would be fired today.
My employees get bonuses for making comments like that.
I'd rather help them learn English. In the meantime it doesn't harm the twitchy, paranoid, insecure dopes if their tender eyes happen to fall upon a foreign word here or there.
What you ought to rather do, like ALL legit Americans, is send the filthy parasites back home to the filthy shitholes from which they came.
Go into a store in most Nations carrying on like they must speak English to you
Most will toss your ass into the street
Fact for sure. U.S. businesses like to have some multi-lingual employees as it can be good business to be able to speak to people in their native languages.

But until all this 'woke' nonsense re immigrants took over the very sensible system we once had, it was required of every new immigrant to be able to take their citizenship test in English and to take their oath of citizenship in English in order to become naturalized citizens. Nobody was required to write instructions or forms or documents in any language other than English. New immigrants were responsible for themselves and their children learning English before they could be admitted to the public schools and it was not the responsibility of the taxpayers to provide that learning. (Young children usually pick up English very quickly by the way and become naturally fluent usually far faster than adults do.)

There should be no prohibition of providing information in more than one language, however, nor any prohibition on what language anybody is allowed to speak in private. For sure some venues should require English only be spoken for security reasons.

But having one language to do business, to give instructions, to teach, to communicate in general is good not only for the new immigrants and does not discriminate between non-English speakers in general, but is is safer for all people in the country for everybody to be able to read directions, warnings, how to do something safely, etc. It is ridiculous and discriminatory to print directions/forms/documents etc. in two or more languages when we have so many people in the country whose first language is neither or none of those.
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What you ought to rather do, like ALL legit Americans, is send the filthy parasites back home to the filthy shitholes from which they came.
You have NEVER sent one person anywhere, big mouth, and you never will. Give it a rest, blow hard.
Here's a little story about communist California, solid example of Sacramento. First off, the place sucks. It's fast, it's aggressive, and the place just sucks, what's to like? It costs twice as much to live in that shithole, but at least you have the satisfaction of knowing it's diversified as opposed unified. Even nice homes are built with fucked-up materials having a low life span. Ah, you want water? You'll spend 20x longer and twice the water to rinse a car off. And be sure to start your hot water 2 minutes and many gallons of water before it's "hot", which the required tanks don't deliver.) Cross your fingers there's not a blackout, because Californian's are trendy and often illogical, and need their EV.

Most people can't look you in the eye, unless of course they're serving you. Crime is everywhere, and to be expected. Homeless and drug addicts most everywhere, even in "nice" neighborhoods. It's common that services lie to rip you off. I see it all the time, even today, where a plumber wanted to charge my girlfriend $850 for a $350 job. So I'm wondering, how's that diversity thing working out. was required of every new immigrant to be able to take their citizenship test in English and to take their oath of citizenship in English in order to become naturalized citizens. ...
It still is.
... Nobody was required to write instructions or forms or documents in any language other than English. ....
No private company is "required" to now. Government documents have been available in multiple languages for decades.
No private company is "required" to now. Government documents have been available in multiple languages for decades.
I have not said anything different from that. And your evaluation of my post re the citizenship oath reflects your usual chronic prejudices on this subject. I was at the swearing in ceremony. Were you?
.... New immigrants were responsible for themselves and their children learning English before they could be admitted to the public schools and it was not the responsibility of the taxpayers to provide that learning. ....
Not true.
Not true.
Prove it. I have been directly involved in the process face to face with new Immigrants, have taught constitution classes to new immigrants, have helped them find English as a second language tutors, have been at their swearing in ceremonies. And I get really tired of your snotty remarks that suggest I know nothing about it or am lying.
Prove it. I have been directly involved in the process face to face with new Immigrants, have taught constitution classes to new immigrants, have helped them find English as a second language tutors, have been at their swearing in ceremonies. And I get really tired of your snotty remarks that suggest I know nothing about it or am lying.

I have worked on all levels with immigrants of every sort for 30 years. I AM the ESL tutor. Just got home from tutoring after teaching 6 classes of ESL at an inner city high school. I have been to at least half a dozen naturalization ceremonies (all in English). You can take my word for this stuff.
Many employers in Texas won't hire legal citizens, and won't hire anybody who doesn't speak Spanish. lol perfectly legal and beloved by both Democrats and Republicans. John Cornyn especially loves them illegals.

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