Trump is scared he will lose his base

There are reasons why people hate trump the right wing idiot's are a cult
Seems you're a bit out of touch.
View attachment 245125


According to the survey, 76 percent of Americans who watched the State of the Union approved of Trump’s performance, and 24 percent disapproved. But the audience was more Republican than the American populace, per CBS:
Trump supporters have a hard time dealing with the truth. That is why they like Trump. he tells them he will make the world like they wish it would be not the way it is.
Trump supporters cannot handle the truth.
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The reasons people hate Trump are that they are stupid and bigoted and unable to understand the issues being dealt with.

The reason why people hate trump well because he's a conman,racist,narcissist,lier,treader,felon,,rapist and won on a rigged election may I keep coming.

You may need to brush up on writing sentences and spelling. Thanks for more laughs.

I see politics isn't your thing please move on and find something you're good at because politics isn't for you.

I can see English isn’t for you, maybe you can find another country to perpetrate your fraud.

That was not a good comeback, maybe I can teach you about life,politics things that lord knows you need it.

Like I care what a moron like you thinks? Lol! Thanks for the laughs you dummies are amusing.
Just like a lot of people in this country don't want a wall including Republicans.
CBS News Instant Poll: 72% Approve Of Trump's Immigration Ideas

There are reasons why people hate trump the right wing idiot's are a cult
Seems you're a bit out of touch.
View attachment 245125


According to the survey, 76 percent of Americans who watched the State of the Union approved of Trump’s performance, and 24 percent disapproved. But the audience was more Republican than the American populace, per CBS:
Trump supporters have a hard time dealing with the truth. That is why they lie Trump. he tells them he will make the world like they wish it would be not the way it is.
Trump supporters cannot handle the truth.

It seems you have the same issue, I think all Democrats and Republicans have that issue. Try thinking for yourself sometime.
Well, his horseshit about lobbying bans (which turned out to be a way to weaken the existing rules and incentivize lying) and his bullshit about healthcare are 2 I would care about.

Were you upset that Obama and his administration failed to b transparent as Obama promised?

Were you upset that Obama not fulfill his promise on not letting lobbies into his administration?

I was hoping Trump would have cleaned the swamp however we all know politicians make promises they can’t keep, the party doesn’t matter. The two party system is broken, when your best two candidates are Trump and Clinton, it can’t be good.

Yes I was as a matter of fact, thanks for pointing out how much tRumPutin is like Obama!

And? I have said Trump is no different than any other President. Just pointing out the facts and some lefties take offense.
No he is different. Our former Presidents were not saints but Trump makes them look like saints.

If you want to be naive, then you are correct, otherwise you are absolutely wrong.
Your statement shows your moral compass is way off.
No one is all good or all bad. There are degrees of both. We have never had a President whose morality and ethics were so lacking.
You will never get it because you are closer to Trump's morality than other President's morality.
Trump needs to declare victory over the leftist in this country, just as Rosevelt did during world war two. Then he needs to start with a vigorous plan as Truman was task with in the rebuilding of war torn Europe under something like the Marshall plan.

Foreign Assistance Act of 1948

An act to promote world peace and the general welfare, national interest, and foreign policy of the United States through economic, financial, and other measures necessary to the maintenance of conditions abroad in which free institutions may survive and be consistent with the maintenance of the strength and stability of the United States.

The plan was also to stop the spread of communism throughout the areas that in affect were to be assisted by us.

The leftist ideology should be challenged every where that it exist in this country.
Were you upset that Obama and his administration failed to b transparent as Obama promised?

Were you upset that Obama not fulfill his promise on not letting lobbies into his administration?

I was hoping Trump would have cleaned the swamp however we all know politicians make promises they can’t keep, the party doesn’t matter. The two party system is broken, when your best two candidates are Trump and Clinton, it can’t be good.

Yes I was as a matter of fact, thanks for pointing out how much tRumPutin is like Obama!

And? I have said Trump is no different than any other President. Just pointing out the facts and some lefties take offense.
No he is different. Our former Presidents were not saints but Trump makes them look like saints.

If you want to be naive, then you are correct, otherwise you are absolutely wrong.
Your statement shows your moral compass is way off.
No one is all good or all bad. There are degrees of both. We have never had a President whose morality and ethics were so lacking.
You will never get it because you are closer to Trump's morality than other President's morality.

Never said anyone was or wasn’t all bad did I. I quit voting for Democrats and Republicans as they are all the same, after Bush I gave up on the two parties. They are what is wrong with America, you will never get it because you are part of the two party problem.

You realize the two major parties gave America a choice between Trump and Clinton? How evil and demented is that and it will not get better.
The reason why people hate trump well because he's a conman,racist,narcissist,lier,treader,felon,,rapist and won on a rigged election may I keep coming.

You may need to brush up on writing sentences and spelling. Thanks for more laughs.

I see politics isn't your thing please move on and find something you're good at because politics isn't for you.

I can see English isn’t for you, maybe you can find another country to perpetrate your fraud.

That was not a good comeback, maybe I can teach you about life,politics things that lord knows you need it.

Like I care what a moron like you thinks? Lol! Thanks for the laughs you dummies are amusing.
I can tell you are pissed. Settle down.
Well, I'm terrible at making political predictions.

My only point is he's not likely to sell you out.
I predicted Trump would lose both the primary and the general election. Fortunately, the Democrat Party nominated Hillary.

I actually don't like Trump much.. He's an obnoxious jerk. He's like Lane Kiffen (former Crimson Tide Offensive Coordinator). He might be a jerk, but he does his job well.

I support Trump because he's hitched his wagon to American prosperity. IOW - anything good for America is good for Trump. Trump wants Americans to prosper (in part so Trump can take credit for it).

Democrats are the opposite. Anything good for Trump (like American prosperity) is bad for them. Democrats want Americans to suffer, and blame Trump for the suffering.
How are you measuring prosperity? Trump is maximizing short term gains at the cost of future prosperity.
He is bringing Coal jobs back while China is focusing on high tech growth including AI
Trump is focusing on the southern border as our biggest security risk while our intelligence say that is not the case
Trump gives tax breaks that are increasing the debt so our children will pay for current gains.
Hate crimes have increased under Trump
The polarization of America has never been greater.
Our foreign relations have declined
Spare me the talking points.

I'm glad you discovered the debt, but America is much better off than 3 years ago.
Check your facts. Trump said he would decrease the debt. He has increased the annual debt during both of his first two years in office as compared to Obama's last year in office.
If so, it's because of the damage the past has caused this nation. Of course it cost to fix an old broken down house back up. Are you ignorant ?? Until this nation gets a handle on what is causing the problem/damage , and finds out who is causing the problem the most, then the house will need repaired over and over again.
You may need to brush up on writing sentences and spelling. Thanks for more laughs.

I see politics isn't your thing please move on and find something you're good at because politics isn't for you.

I can see English isn’t for you, maybe you can find another country to perpetrate your fraud.

That was not a good comeback, maybe I can teach you about life,politics things that lord knows you need it.

Like I care what a moron like you thinks? Lol! Thanks for the laughs you dummies are amusing.
I can tell you are pissed. Settle down.

Lol! Over what? A troll? You aren’t worth getting pissed at, this is strictly for laughs and I laugh at your stupidity and ignorance all the time, thanks snowflake, let your butt hurt flow.
Just like a lot of people in this country don't want a wall including Republicans.
CBS News Instant Poll: 72% Approve Of Trump's Immigration Ideas

View attachment 245205

President Trump had a rotten month. “In the latest data from Morning Consult’s Trump Tracker, which measures the president’s approval rating in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a record low of 40 percent of voters approved of Trump and a record-high 55 percent disapproved, resulting in the worst monthly net rating of his presidency.”
Well, I'm terrible at making political predictions.

My only point is he's not likely to sell you out.
I predicted Trump would lose both the primary and the general election. Fortunately, the Democrat Party nominated Hillary.

I actually don't like Trump much.. He's an obnoxious jerk. He's like Lane Kiffen (former Crimson Tide Offensive Coordinator). He might be a jerk, but he does his job well.

I support Trump because he's hitched his wagon to American prosperity. IOW - anything good for America is good for Trump. Trump wants Americans to prosper (in part so Trump can take credit for it).

Democrats are the opposite. Anything good for Trump (like American prosperity) is bad for them. Democrats want Americans to suffer, and blame Trump for the suffering.
How are you measuring prosperity? Trump is maximizing short term gains at the cost of future prosperity.
He is bringing Coal jobs back while China is focusing on high tech growth including AI
Trump is focusing on the southern border as our biggest security risk while our intelligence say that is not the case
Trump gives tax breaks that are increasing the debt so our children will pay for current gains.
Hate crimes have increased under Trump
The polarization of America has never been greater.
Our foreign relations have declined
Spare me the talking points.

I'm glad you discovered the debt, but America is much better off than 3 years ago.
Check your facts. Trump said he would decrease the debt. He has increased the annual debt during both of his first two years in office as compared to Obama's last year in office.
If so, it's because of the damage the past has caused this nation. Of course it cost to fix an old broken down house back up. Are you ignorant ?? Until this nation gets a handle on what is causing the problem/damage , and finds out who is causing the problem the most, then the house will need repaired over and over again.
If so? You are the ignorant one if you do not know what I said is fact. It comes from the OMB.
Trump is cutting taxes and not cutting expenses proportionately. He is to blame for the debt in his first two years.
Quit being a minion lackey.
Just like a lot of people in this country don't want a wall including Republicans.
CBS News Instant Poll: 72% Approve Of Trump's Immigration Ideas

View attachment 245205

President Trump had a rotten month. “In the latest data from Morning Consult’s Trump Tracker, which measures the president’s approval rating in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a record low of 40 percent of voters approved of Trump and a record-high 55 percent disapproved, resulting in the worst monthly net rating of his presidency.”

“Trump’s base remained fairly solid, with 83 percent of Republicans approving of the president. But that share of support among Republicans was its lowest since September.”) Most worrisome for a president whose party commands a declining share of the electorate, “56 percent of independents disapproved of Trump during the first month of 2019, the most of any month since his Jan. 20, 2017, inauguration.”
Just like a lot of people in this country don't want a wall including Republicans.
CBS News Instant Poll: 72% Approve Of Trump's Immigration Ideas

View attachment 245205

President Trump had a rotten month. “In the latest data from Morning Consult’s Trump Tracker, which measures the president’s approval rating in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a record low of 40 percent of voters approved of Trump and a record-high 55 percent disapproved, resulting in the worst monthly net rating of his presidency.”

“Trump’s base remained fairly solid, with 83 percent of Republicans approving of the president. But that share of support among Republicans was its lowest since September.”) Most worrisome for a president whose party commands a declining share of the electorate, “56 percent of independents disapproved of Trump during the first month of 2019, the most of any month since his Jan. 20, 2017, inauguration.”

Looking state by state with an eye toward the electoral college, Trump is underwater in key states: Minnesota (39/57), Wisconsin (40/56), Pennsylvania (43/53), Arizona (44/52), Ohio (45/51), Michigan (40/55) and North Carolina (46/50). “In all, the January data shows Trump’s net approval declined in 43 states and increased in four: Idaho, Louisiana, Georgia and New Mexico,” the polls finds. “The biggest slide came in New Hampshire, the traditional holder of the first-in-the-nation presidential primary. Nearly six in 10 Granite Staters (58 percent) disapproved of Trump in January — up 6 points since December — while 39 percent approved, down 4 points since the prior month.”
No not all of them.
/——-/ He’s only half way through his first term. Which unkept promises bother you?
Well, his horseshit about lobbying bans (which turned out to be a way to weaken the existing rules and incentivize lying) and his bullshit about healthcare are 2 I would care about.

Were you upset that Obama and his administration failed to b transparent as Obama promised?

Were you upset that Obama not fulfill his promise on not letting lobbies into his administration?

I was hoping Trump would have cleaned the swamp however we all know politicians make promises they can’t keep, the party doesn’t matter. The two party system is broken, when your best two candidates are Trump and Clinton, it can’t be good.

Yes I was as a matter of fact, thanks for pointing out how much tRumPutin is like Obama!

And? I have said Trump is no different than any other President. Just pointing out the facts and some lefties take offense.

And no offense just letting you know tRuPutin is just like Obama! By the way tRumPutin is a liberal!
Just like a lot of people in this country don't want a wall including Republicans.
CBS News Instant Poll: 72% Approve Of Trump's Immigration Ideas

View attachment 245205

President Trump had a rotten month. “In the latest data from Morning Consult’s Trump Tracker, which measures the president’s approval rating in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a record low of 40 percent of voters approved of Trump and a record-high 55 percent disapproved, resulting in the worst monthly net rating of his presidency.”

“Trump’s base remained fairly solid, with 83 percent of Republicans approving of the president. But that share of support among Republicans was its lowest since September.”) Most worrisome for a president whose party commands a declining share of the electorate, “56 percent of independents disapproved of Trump during the first month of 2019, the most of any month since his Jan. 20, 2017, inauguration.”

Looking state by state with an eye toward the electoral college, Trump is underwater in key states: Minnesota (39/57), Wisconsin (40/56), Pennsylvania (43/53), Arizona (44/52), Ohio (45/51), Michigan (40/55) and North Carolina (46/50). “In all, the January data shows Trump’s net approval declined in 43 states and increased in four: Idaho, Louisiana, Georgia and New Mexico,” the polls finds. “The biggest slide came in New Hampshire, the traditional holder of the first-in-the-nation presidential primary. Nearly six in 10 Granite Staters (58 percent) disapproved of Trump in January — up 6 points since December — while 39 percent approved, down 4 points since the prior month.”
you, obviously, do your homework. Nice job.
Just like a lot of people in this country don't want a wall including Republicans.
CBS News Instant Poll: 72% Approve Of Trump's Immigration Ideas

View attachment 245205

President Trump had a rotten month. “In the latest data from Morning Consult’s Trump Tracker, which measures the president’s approval rating in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a record low of 40 percent of voters approved of Trump and a record-high 55 percent disapproved, resulting in the worst monthly net rating of his presidency.”

“Trump’s base remained fairly solid, with 83 percent of Republicans approving of the president. But that share of support among Republicans was its lowest since September.”) Most worrisome for a president whose party commands a declining share of the electorate, “56 percent of independents disapproved of Trump during the first month of 2019, the most of any month since his Jan. 20, 2017, inauguration.”

Looking state by state with an eye toward the electoral college, Trump is underwater in key states: Minnesota (39/57), Wisconsin (40/56), Pennsylvania (43/53), Arizona (44/52), Ohio (45/51), Michigan (40/55) and North Carolina (46/50). “In all, the January data shows Trump’s net approval declined in 43 states and increased in four: Idaho, Louisiana, Georgia and New Mexico,” the polls finds. “The biggest slide came in New Hampshire, the traditional holder of the first-in-the-nation presidential primary. Nearly six in 10 Granite Staters (58 percent) disapproved of Trump in January — up 6 points since December — while 39 percent approved, down 4 points since the prior month.”
you, obviously, do your homework. Nice job.

I can't go without saying you are doing a good job.

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