Trump Is 'Single Largest Driver' Of Covid-19 Misinformation, Cornell Study Finds

“Trump Is 'Single Largest Driver' Of Covid-19 Misinformation, Cornell Study Finds”

Consistent with the fact that Trump is single largest driver of misinformation in general.

That's true.

It's sad too.
He has downplayed this whole thing since the beginning, up to and including yesterday.

Who is getting him to do this to the country?
He’s a classic narcissist. I suspect no one is getting him to do this. He’s doing it all on his own. He may have lost his mind.
He has downplayed this whole thing since the beginning, up to and including yesterday. Who is getting him to do this to the country?
His ego? Or alter ego?
It's like we're in a movie and it hasn't reached its climax yet.

But if this were a movie, I wouldn't have believed so many people are fine with what's happening.
Well...we all know the MSM would be saying how strong and tough Obama is, if he did the exact same thing as Donnie.

They have zero credibility.
He has downplayed this whole thing since the beginning, up to and including yesterday. Who is getting him to do this to the country?
His ego? Or alter ego?
It's like we're in a movie and it hasn't reached its climax yet.

But if this were a movie, I wouldn't have believed so many people are fine with what's happening.
Well...we all know the MSM would be saying how strong and tough Obama is, if he did the exact same thing as Donnie.

They have zero credibility.
Obama couldn't be more different than this person.
He has downplayed this whole thing since the beginning, up to and including yesterday. Who is getting him to do this to the country?
His ego? Or alter ego?
It's like we're in a movie and it hasn't reached its climax yet.

But if this were a movie, I wouldn't have believed so many people are fine with what's happening.
Me either! Would have never believed it, in a Million gazillion years! :eek-52:
He has downplayed this whole thing since the beginning, up to and including yesterday. Who is getting him to do this to the country?
His ego? Or alter ego?
It's like we're in a movie and it hasn't reached its climax yet.

But if this were a movie, I wouldn't have believed so many people are fine with what's happening.
Well...we all know the MSM would be saying how strong and tough Obama is, if he did the exact same thing as Donnie.

They have zero credibility.
He has downplayed this whole thing since the beginning, up to and including yesterday. Who is getting him to do this to the country?
His ego? Or alter ego?
It's like we're in a movie and it hasn't reached its climax yet.

But if this were a movie, I wouldn't have believed so many people are fine with what's happening.
Well...we all know the MSM would be saying how strong and tough Obama is, if he did the exact same thing as Donnie.

They have zero credibility.
Obama couldn't be more different than this person.
I don’t agree. O was a huge narcissist. However he knew not to make a fool of himself. He tried hard to appear presidential, but it was all a show.
I thought it was Lil’ Lying Fauci.
Another “doctored” piece?
What’s the source?
Unlike the RNC speeches in Front of the White House, at least they have masks.
Really? You think the picture is doctored?

I am a professional photographer. I have been using photoshop since it's first version. I can spot an altered shot from a mile away.

That is not an altered photo.

The woman's head is at a weird angle but the shadows from her head match up on the chair behind her to her left. You can also see the correct shape shadow of Fauci's head on the chair behind him to his left which is directly behind the lady. The seats are in the correct order with the numbers that show look in the correct succession. Fauci is sitting in the correct relation to others sitting in their seats too.

I will point out, they seem to be alone in that section which is proper public distancing. He and the lady with him should have kept his mask on.
I appreciate your analysis. Seems legit.
Regarding whether they should all have masks on, that depends on the situation, no? If they are family members and no one else is around them, like in their own house, it may not be necessary to wear a mask.

They should have had their mask on to prevent exactly what's happening now.

He gave the far right a photo to use against him.

He also should have been wearing one to set a good example.

That is why he should have been wearing a mask.

He was obviously alone with those 2 people in that area. Those two people obviously were friends or family. No he didn't need to wear a mask because of the virus.
I respectively disagree.
Fauci is NOT POLITICAL. He’s a very experienced medical practitioner and should do what makes sense, based on his expert scientific understanding.
In that situation in the photo, no one was at risk for contracting a dangerous virus, unlike at Trump’s White House events.
As far as Fauci is concerned, I think we have to question him. His number one job for 40 years was to prepare and protect Americans from a pandemic. He failed.

Same with the CDC. They’re one job was to protect Americans and they failed miserably.
You don’t know how the authority works in an organization?
Trump sits at the top and the buck stops there. Fauci and CDC report to Trump; they give their scientific expert advice, which Trump often ignores for political reasons.
Trump is the one who failed the American people with his self-serving politics.
And now he & others in his dirty House are paying for his greed & stupidity with COVID-19 in their brains.
I thought it was Lil’ Lying Fauci.
Another “doctored” piece?
What’s the source?
Unlike the RNC speeches in Front of the White House, at least they have masks.
Really? You think the picture is doctored?

I am a professional photographer. I have been using photoshop since it's first version. I can spot an altered shot from a mile away.

That is not an altered photo.

The woman's head is at a weird angle but the shadows from her head match up on the chair behind her to her left. You can also see the correct shape shadow of Fauci's head on the chair behind him to his left which is directly behind the lady. The seats are in the correct order with the numbers that show look in the correct succession. Fauci is sitting in the correct relation to others sitting in their seats too.

I will point out, they seem to be alone in that section which is proper public distancing. He and the lady with him should have kept his mask on.
I appreciate your analysis. Seems legit.
Regarding whether they should all have masks on, that depends on the situation, no? If they are family members and no one else is around them, like in their own house, it may not be necessary to wear a mask.

They should have had their mask on to prevent exactly what's happening now.

He gave the far right a photo to use against him.

He also should have been wearing one to set a good example.

That is why he should have been wearing a mask.

He was obviously alone with those 2 people in that area. Those two people obviously were friends or family. No he didn't need to wear a mask because of the virus.
I respectively disagree.
Fauci is NOT POLITICAL. He’s a very experienced medical practitioner and should do what makes sense, based on his expert scientific understanding.
In that situation in the photo, no one was at risk for contracting a dangerous virus, unlike at Trump’s White House events.
As far as Fauci is concerned, I think we have to question him. His number one job for 40 years was to prepare and protect Americans from a pandemic. He failed.

Same with the CDC. They’re one job was to protect Americans and they failed miserably.
You don’t know how the authority works in an organization?
Trump sits at the top and the buck stops there. Fauci and CDC report to Trump; they give their scientific expert advice, which Trump often ignores for political reasons.
Trump is the one who failed the American people with his self-serving politics.
And now he & others in his dirty House are paying for his greed & stupidity with COVID-19 in their brains.
No. That’s pure partisanship. Trump’s not a doctor or immunologist. That’s the job of little Fauci and the CDC.

Surely Trump’s actions in minimizing the Covid and failing to take precautions are worthy of criticism.
I am not at all a Trump supporter, but clearly Trump got covid-19 right.
We should have gone with herd immunity back in March, and then it would have been gone in 6 weeks, thus saving 150,000 lives.

Where Fauci went wrong is that by not having enough testing data, from only testing those heavily symptomatic, they failed to detect that 90% of those infected were asymptomatic.
And that lead them to claim covid-19 was 10 times more lethal than it really was.
They also did not realize that over half the population had to already be inherent immune, as that is the only way so many could be asymptomatic.
So it turns out, herd immunity would be both quickest and with the least deaths.
By asking for volunteers under 38 to be deliberately infected, it could have been ended with 1% of the current death rate. That is because almost all the deaths are from those over 70, and you could protect them for 6 weeks.
I thought it was Lil’ Lying Fauci.
Another “doctored” piece?
What’s the source?
Unlike the RNC speeches in Front of the White House, at least they have masks.
Really? You think the picture is doctored?

I am a professional photographer. I have been using photoshop since it's first version. I can spot an altered shot from a mile away.

That is not an altered photo.

The woman's head is at a weird angle but the shadows from her head match up on the chair behind her to her left. You can also see the correct shape shadow of Fauci's head on the chair behind him to his left which is directly behind the lady. The seats are in the correct order with the numbers that show look in the correct succession. Fauci is sitting in the correct relation to others sitting in their seats too.

I will point out, they seem to be alone in that section which is proper public distancing. He and the lady with him should have kept his mask on.
I appreciate your analysis. Seems legit.
Regarding whether they should all have masks on, that depends on the situation, no? If they are family members and no one else is around them, like in their own house, it may not be necessary to wear a mask.

They should have had their mask on to prevent exactly what's happening now.

He gave the far right a photo to use against him.

He also should have been wearing one to set a good example.

That is why he should have been wearing a mask.

He was obviously alone with those 2 people in that area. Those two people obviously were friends or family. No he didn't need to wear a mask because of the virus.
I respectively disagree.
Fauci is NOT POLITICAL. He’s a very experienced medical practitioner and should do what makes sense, based on his expert scientific understanding.
In that situation in the photo, no one was at risk for contracting a dangerous virus, unlike at Trump’s White House events.
As far as Fauci is concerned, I think we have to question him. His number one job for 40 years was to prepare and protect Americans from a pandemic. He failed.

Same with the CDC. They’re one job was to protect Americans and they failed miserably.
You don’t know how the authority works in an organization?
Trump sits at the top and the buck stops there. Fauci and CDC report to Trump; they give their scientific expert advice, which Trump often ignores for political reasons.
Trump is the one who failed the American people with his self-serving politics.
And now he & others in his dirty House are paying for his greed & stupidity with COVID-19 in their brains.

No, Trump wanted to go with herd immunity, which is what historically ended every other entrenched epidemic in all of history.
Fauci talked him out of it and into social distancing instead, which has proven to be a huge mistake.
Flattening the curve only kills more by stretching it out over time, greatly increasing the area under the curve.
Fauci's mistake was not doing enough testing to catch that 90% of the infected were asymptomatic.
“Trump Is 'Single Largest Driver' Of Covid-19 Misinformation, Cornell Study Finds”

Consistent with the fact that Trump is single largest driver of misinformation in general.

That's true.

It's sad too.
He has downplayed this whole thing since the beginning, up to and including yesterday.

Who is getting him to do this to the country?
He’s a classic narcissist. I suspect no one is getting him to do this. He’s doing it all on his own. He may have lost his mind.

Except that clearly Trump is absolutely right on covid-19.

Tell me a single entrenched epidemic that has ever been ended by anything other than herd immunity?
You can't, not just because herd immunity is the only way any entrenched epidemic has ever been ended, but is the ONLY way one can.

Where Fauci went wrong and Trump was not able to argue, was that we did not at one time have the results showing 90% of those infected were asymptomatic, so were not getting tested or counted. So we were claiming a lethality rate over 10 time reality.

So we could and should have gone with herd immunity back in March, and prevented 150,000 deaths.
Reading this thread, I think the brainwashed dupes here who are still living in continual fear over a virus with a 99.96% survival rate are completely insane. And the hilarious thing is, they think all those who aren’t on board with their indoctrinated brainwashed position are the crazy ones. Go back to the idiot box, bootlicking fools.
I'm not surprised. trump and his people have been lying about this from the beginning.

It's not surprising the study found that trump is the single largest driver of virus lies.

Yep, saw this over the weekend. The study's findings are kind of a DUH? - As if we didn't already know!
I'm not surprised. trump and his people have been lying about this from the beginning.

It's not surprising the study found that trump is the single largest driver of virus lies.

And yet, all his estimates of testing and infection rates and mortality rates are much much more accurate than those of the "experts". So Dems hate that the leftyvirus hasn't lived up to the hype which means, as usual, the President must be lying.
I thought it was Lil’ Lying Fauci.
Another “doctored” piece?
What’s the source?
Unlike the RNC speeches in Front of the White House, at least they have masks.
Really? You think the picture is doctored?

I am a professional photographer. I have been using photoshop since it's first version. I can spot an altered shot from a mile away.

That is not an altered photo.

The woman's head is at a weird angle but the shadows from her head match up on the chair behind her to her left. You can also see the correct shape shadow of Fauci's head on the chair behind him to his left which is directly behind the lady. The seats are in the correct order with the numbers that show look in the correct succession. Fauci is sitting in the correct relation to others sitting in their seats too.

I will point out, they seem to be alone in that section which is proper public distancing. He and the lady with him should have kept his mask on.

If memory serves, it was around 95 degrees that day. Can't hydrate with a mask on unless one were to slide a straw underneath.

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