Trump Is Starting To Get On My Nerves

Thank you but --

Let me be clear: I am NOT a Republican and I for god-damned sure am not a dirtbag liberturdian. I am an American Citizen and a Veteran.

I wouldn't care if a communist ran for Office that had the same principles that our Founding Fathers had....... He, or she, would get my vote.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Not just in this election but everywhere, at any time, in any country, under any circumstances..... dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

If the dimocrap party were to be destroyed to its very core, that would be the best thing ever happen to, not just America, but to the world. They are scum.

And destroying them should be our Number 1, Numero Uno goal. After that, we can, hopefully, have a choice again. Maybe the Democrat Party will re-emerge and take back their Party. Although I doubt it. They are a beaten people.

But dimocraps are scum, they are a threat not only to Republicans but to the few Democrats that still cling to their principles.

I'm old enough to remember having a choice. When being a Democrat meant something. Now all we got is dimocrap scum.
And continue to throw tantrums like the above, just like Trump.

Are you also a "martyr", like Dotard is?
We have chickenshit voters on the left, supporting corrupt, inept leadership because they're convinced that Republicans are evil fascists who must be stopped at all costs!

And we have chickenshit voters on the right, supporting unhinged, authoritarian douchebags, because they're convinced the Democrats are pure evil and must be stopped at all costs!

Just say no.
At this point since you refuse to even acknowledge the Democrats trying to put their opposition's leader in prison, it's time to assume you don't care. Yeah, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, none of them ever put opposition leaders in prison, I see why you aren't worried, sad little man
Are you out of your fucking skull? Russia, China etc never put opposition in prison?

He beat Hillary Clinton in his first campaign ever. Pretty solid instincts. Plus, Hillary is an arrogant narcissistic bitch who refused to take a final tour through the “BLUE WALL” before the election.
He lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes though and she has never accepted that she lost that election. She failed to play the electoral college to her advantage as effectively as Trump did though. She won't make that mistake again.

We can never be complacent or confident that we have it in the bag. We know they will cheat. And we know they have significant numbers who will vote Democrat if they were running a ham sandwich for President.

What we need most to do is learn how to set aside our personal biases/prejudices and set aside this or that issue until after the election and pull as one team in harness to get our candidate, whoever it is, over the finish line the furthest.

A vote for ANYBODY other than the GOP candidate(s) is a vote for more totalitarian minded destructive Democrat government.
He spent $400m and beat Hillary who spent $1.2 billion. :laughing0301:

That’s why she made up the Russia hoax. Her corrupt donors wanted answers! So she said he cheated.

It is so fucking obvious if you are not a cult fuck.
He lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes though and she has never accepted that she lost that election. She failed to play the electoral college to her advantage as effectively as Trump did though. She won't make that mistake again.

We can never be complacent or confident that we have it in the bag. We know they will cheat. And we know they have significant numbers who will vote Democrat if they were running a ham sandwich for President.

What we need most to do is learn how to set aside our personal biases/prejudices and set aside this or that issue until after the election and pull as one team in harness to get our candidate, whoever it is, over the finish line the furthest.

A vote for ANYBODY other than the GOP candidate(s) is a vote for more totalitarian minded destructive Democrat government.

If you normalize California and New York, where she ran up the score because of such a disparity in blue population over red population, she didn’t accomplish shit.
We have chickenshit voters on the left, supporting corrupt, inept leadership because they're convinced that Republicans are evil fascists who must be stopped at all costs!

And we have chickenshit voters on the right, supporting unhinged, authoritarian douchebags, because they're convinced the Democrats are pure evil and must be stopped at all costs!

Just say no.
Unhinged authoritarian?
Who might that be?
And yes democrats are evil snakes who have no common sense. And allow their emotions to dictate their thinking.
Not that I would ever, ever, ever, under any circumstances vote for a dim..... Unless the Republican had two horns and a tail..... Even then, I would have to re-examine my morals..

I digress. Trump is way ahead in polling but he seems to insist on taking cheap shots at my Governor. Who, I would frankly rather see as the Republican nominee. But I'm okay with Trump. If he'd just learn to shut the hell up once in a while.

Exhibit A

-- Confronted with this, Fauci now says he Made a Freudian Typo and that he was wrong at the time to say it was a "fact."

All of this is creating some blowback for Donald Trump, who effectively made Anthony Fauci the President-in-Fact for a year, and later bestowed upon him a Presidential Commendation for his great service.

Donald Trump is frank and forthright in admitting that if there were any mistakes made, they were all made by (checks notes) Ron "DeSanctimonious."

I know people make excuses for Trump's cowardly, weakling failure to step up to Fauci and Brix and tell them NO! The country was in a panic, they'll say. He's a germophobe. Fauci and Brix "played" him.

(The very stable genius seems to get "played" by leftwingers an awful lot.)

Okay, suppose I excuse his Chicken Little act in 2020-2021:

What excuses his shameless, remorseless lying now?

Is just everything acceptable if Trump does it?

H/T Ace

But CBD is a despicable coward

This is a very stupid post from an uneducated biased perspective.
He lost the popular vote to Hillary by 3 million votes though and she has never accepted that she lost that election. She failed to play the electoral college to her advantage as effectively as Trump did though. She won't make that mistake again.

We can never be complacent or confident that we have it in the bag. We know they will cheat. And we know they have significant numbers who will vote Democrat if they were running a ham sandwich for President.

What we need most to do is learn how to set aside our personal biases/prejudices and set aside this or that issue until after the election and pull as one team in harness to get our candidate, whoever it is, over the finish line the furthest.

A vote for ANYBODY other than the GOP candidate(s) is a vote for more totalitarian minded destructive Democrat government.
dimocrap scum don't take partial control of -- Anything. Ever.

In many of the States they do control, it is almost Universal and Total control. Not all of them, but most of them. New Yawk Kaliphony, Illie-noise. And those States have a lot of people. And dimocraps control the Voting apparatus in them.

I mean, not that a State that elevated Al Capone to near Sainthood should have their integrity challenged. Or New Yawk where The Mob has run things for 100 years. And Kaliphony, where the Pretend is Reality.

Lots of people, lots of ballots to print. Lots of ways to cheat. When there is no competition, there is no accountability.
If you normalize California and New York, where she ran up the score because of such a disparity in blue population over red population, she didn’t accomplish shit.
Three million votes isn't shit/insignificant though. That is a very big number. It is very important that we learn from that just as Hillary no doubt learned that the popular vote isn't enough to win. Biden won by extending the popular vote margin past the point that the electoral college was a factor. Was a lot of that via cheating? There are many millions of Americans who will believe it was. And if it was, nothing has been done to prevent it from happening again. The Democrats do not CARE how many of us distrust the election. They just want to be able to declare themselves the victor.

Our ONLY chance to win in November is to pull together as one voting bloc determined to prevent the Democrats from further destroying America. If we do that I believe we can overcome even their cheating. If Trump is the candidate and some won't vote for him, they are voting for Biden or whoever is the Democrat nominee. And the Democrats win again.
Unhinged authoritarian?
Who might that be?
And yes democrats are evil snakes who have no common sense. And allow their emotions to dictate their thinking.

In fact, all humans are irrational beings who are emotionally not intellectually guided. This is why science is so important.
As you singling out dems, all studies show the emotion response to stimuli is much strong in conservatives.
Three million votes isn't shit/insignificant though. That is a very big number. It is very important that we learn from that just as Hillary no doubt learned that the popular vote isn't enough to win. Biden won by extending the popular vote margin past the point that the electoral college was a factor. Was a lot of that via cheating? There are many millions of Americans who will believe it was. And if it was, nothing has been done to prevent it from happening again. The Democrats do not CARE how many of us distrust the election. They just want to be able to declare themselves the victor.

Our ONLY chance to win in November is to pull together as one voting bloc determined to prevent the Democrats from further destroying America. If we do that I believe we can overcome even their cheating. If Trump is the candidate and some won't vote for him, they are voting for Biden or whoever is the Democrat nominee. And the Democrats win again.

She lost. Who cares if she got 40 million votes in Cali and Trump got zero? It does not matter.

Its like saying you had more yards in a football game, so you really won…Those are not the rules.
dimocrap scum don't take partial control of -- Anything. Ever.

In many of the States they do control, it is almost Universal and Total control. Not all of them, but most of them. New Yawk Kaliphony, Illie-noise. And those States have a lot of people. And dimocraps control the Voting apparatus in them.

I mean, not that a State that elevated Al Capone to near Sainthood should have their integrity challenged. Or New Yawk where The Mob has run things for 100 years. And Kaliphony, where the Pretend is Reality.

Lots of people, lots of ballots to print. Lots of ways to cheat. When there is no competition, there is no accountability.
Solid blue states are automatically written off by the GOP in a general election. We know a ham sandwich with a D on it will win all or most of the elections in those states. They might focus on a very few districts in which a Republican could win a House seat. Certainly the Democrat presidential nominee will get the huge majority of votes.

That's why the focus is always on a few swing states that could go either way.

In New Mexico, solid blue--has never had a Republican controlled legislature in its 112 year history--I could choose not to vote for a Republican I really don't like and vote for the Libertarian or Independent instead. And it probably wouldn't mean a lot in the grand scheme of things. But it does boost the popular vote for the Democrat giving them ammunition for moral authority and it weakens New Mexicans from being the surprise vote nobody was suspecting.

So I will vote GOP knowing that my vote most likely won't count in the electoral college. But it is the only ethical choice I have.

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