Trump Is Starting To Get On My Nerves

Until you have one standard for both parties, this bull shit is just noise, vermin
There is only one now.

I don't understand what you think makes two of them other than you want one the protects the former fuckup.
You're wrong. He is hugely forgiving. It is his way to fire back at those who take potshots at him, however petty or petulant it makes him look, and DeSantis did start it way back when. But if the two met and made up, and Trump thought DeSantis would be a good fit, Trump would take Ron in a heartbeat.

Remember the WWIII between Trump and Ted Cruz in the 2016 election? Trump took a shot at Heidi Cruz (which I hated him doing) and Ted went rightfully ballistic. There were a lot of ugly volleys back and forth. The two of them are great friends now.

Did you seriously say Trump is "forgiving?" Wow, I never saw that side of him. He's totally getting fucked by the left, I don't blame him for being angry, but I have only seen him ever hold grudges, not get over them
Don't need to argue this, we'll see, but I seriously don't see Trump picking DeSantis. Trump's ads in Florida all are really nasty and ALL are directed at DeSantis not Biden
Biden isn't seriously running in Florida. Again the very obviously planned and coordinated Trump bashing I see from DeSantis supporters on social media are pretty ugly too.

Anyway it's most likely a moot point because I think there is a rule, maybe even a law, that the President and Vice President can't come from the same state.

Edit: I stand corrected. There is no law that says the POTUS and VP can't be from the same state. The problem would be with the Florida electors who would have to get creative as they can't cast two votes for somebody from their own state.
People vote in those countries. They're offered up fake choices and they dutifully pull the levers. Just like we do. Except that we do it voluntarily, because we fall for the fearmongering.

So Democrats aren't trying to put their primary political rival in prison. Link?
The former fuckup during his one term stated several times that he had sex in common with his daughter.

Good daddy.

What he says and what he does are two different things. As opposed to Joe Biden, who actually sexually-abused his own daughter and took showers with her.

Look at the difference between the Biden family and the Biden family: Donald Trump's kids are successful, happy, well-adjusted people who have no scandals in their lives, and nothing to hide. They are perfect examples of how anyone would want their kids to grow up to be.

Biden's kids on the other hand, are freaked-out, dysfunctional idiots who have been abused, mishandled, and scandal-ridden like the whoremongering crack head Hunter. The entire Biden family are a bunch of liars, thieves, and crooks.
Did you seriously say Trump is "forgiving?" Wow, I never saw that side of him. He's totally getting fucked by the left, I don't blame him for being angry, but I have only seen him ever hold grudges, not get over them
Again you didn't read what I posted. I gave you a very good illustration of him and Ted Cruz making up and becoming friends and allies. And there are many other instances I have observed as well. He chose Pence as VP after serious volleys during the GOP debates.
So Democrats aren't trying to put their primary political rival in prison. Link?
It seems like once people fall into the lesser-of-two-evils scam, there's no talking them out of it. No matter how bad it gets. We could be offered up Stalin vs Hitler and you idiots would still be trying to figure out which was the "lesser evil". :rolleyes:
Biden isn't seriously running in Florida. Again the very obviously planned and coordinated Trump bashing I see from DeSantis supporters on social media are pretty ugly too.

Anyway it's most likely a moot point because I think there is a rule, maybe even a law, that the President and Vice President can't come from the same state.

Edit: I stand corrected. There is no law that says the POTUS and VP can't be from the same state. The problem would be with the Florida electors who would have to get creative as they can't cast two votes for somebody from their own state.

Well, if I were DeSantis I'd never take it at this point. Trump's ads are like you'd expect for his Biden ads, not a fellow Republican, one he agrees with on almost everything. This is why I won't vote for Trump. Biden is the enemy, not DeSantis or Halley or even Christie
It seems like once people fall into the lesser-of-two-evils scam, there's no talking them out of it. No matter how bad it gets. We could be offered up Stalin vs Hitler and you idiots would still be trying to figure out which was the "lesser evil". :rolleyes:

That would be a good argument if Democrats weren't LITERALLY trying to put their opposition leader in prison. But that is happening and you still see no threat in it because you are a libertarian/Democrat and don't know any better. I know lots of Libertarians, lots of libertarian Republicans, and you, the only libertarian Democrat I ever met
That would be a good argument if Democrats weren't LITERALLY trying to put their opposition leader in prison. But that is happening and you still see no threat in it because you are a libertarian/Democrat and don't know any better
He is putting himself in prison BY HIS own actions.

Are you not all about laws of our country Mr. back the blue.
It seems like once people fall into the lesser-of-two-evils scam, there's no talking them out of it. No matter how bad it gets. We could be offered up Stalin vs Hitler and you idiots would still be trying to figure out which was the "lesser evil". :rolleyes:
Can you not see how non sequitur this post is--and how unrelated--to Kaz's question to you? The issue is not between Stalin and Hitler. The issue is whether it is okay to militarize the government to take out a political opponent so that you can win an election.

If you think Trump is no better than Biden or Trump is no different than Hitler or Stalin, you are too uninformed to post anything sensical in the first place though.
That would be a good argument if Democrats weren't LITERALLY trying to put their opposition leader in prison. But that is happening and you still see no threat in it because you are a libertarian/Democrat and don't know any better. I know lots of Libertarians, lots of libertarian Republicans, and you, the only libertarian Democrat I ever met
Stay the course!
Again you didn't read what I posted. I gave you a very good illustration of him and Ted Cruz making up and becoming friends and allies. And there are many other instances I have observed as well. He chose Pence as VP after serious volleys during the GOP debates.

You seem to think my not agreeing with something you said means I didn't see it.. I think we covered it. It will be interesting to see who Trump picks. I fear it will be someone like Haley who I like personally but have no interest in being President
I fail to see what's unlikable about him

I would say

What do you want, Jesus Christ for president?

But I won't
Trump is sometimes petty, petulant, verbally vindictive, irritating, obnoxious in some of his rhetoric and I don't like him much at those times. Most of the time he is funny, engaging, down to Earth, informative, decisive and I like him a lot at those times. I'll put up with the negatives that don't amount to a hill of beans to get more of his track record as President which was amazingly good.

But yeah he made mistakes and no doubt will continue to make them. But he got it right a whole bunch more than he got it wrong and that's as much as we can require of anybody in an administrative leadership role.
Stay the course!

At this point since you refuse to even acknowledge the Democrats trying to put their opposition's leader in prison, it's time to assume you don't care. Yeah, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, none of them ever put opposition leaders in prison, I see why you aren't worried, sad little man
Trump is sometimes petty, petulant, verbally vindictive, irritating, obnoxious in some of his rhetoric and I don't like him much at those times. Most of the time he is funny, engaging, down to Earth, informative, decisive and I like him a lot at those times. I'll put up with the negatives that don't amount to a hill of beans to get more of his track record as President which was amazingly good.

But yeah he made mistakes and no doubt will continue to make them. But he got it right a whole bunch more than he got it wrong and that's as much as we can require of anybody in an administrative leadership role.

He beat Hillary Clinton in his first campaign ever. Pretty solid instincts. Plus, Hillary is an arrogant narcissistic bitch who refused to take a final tour through the “BLUE WALL” before the election.

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