Trump Is Starting To Get On My Nerves

Yes most of it was due to the pandemic. As for Fauci, I can forgive Trump as he was a long time esteemed member of government and Trump had no way to know how much Fauci had lied and misrepresented the facts or how incompetent were his suggestions/edicts. Trump knows a lot about a lot of different things, but every President has to depend on informed advice on many different subjects/issues. He very well may have signed off on some kind of commendation for Fauci recommended by some staffer and then forgot about it. I believe him when he says it wasn't his idea.
That was exactly what I had always thought... but I guess sometimes the libs and RINOs got to me

You know how most Rs don't stick together like the left do... which is not to say we have to agree or be silent about everything Rs say to keep unity. But damn, i get tired of all the criticism Rs give to other Rs. We all see how the left stick together and how are we going to accomplish anything much if we don't do thesame?

Maybe some Rs in Congress are getting this? Again, they recently had a vote where ALL the Rs voted Yes for Impeachment

while the Ds voted in unison against it.

Thank God for the midterms (Rs got the House)!
I don't like Trump either. But I don't hate him.

He has a lot of faults but like I said, his biggest Plus is -- He's not a dimocrap. And dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

That's the way the shit parties roll. They convince you to vote for their shitty candidates by scaring you into believing that the other side is, OMG Pure Evil!!!!!
Yes, you said it by 2 or 3 sites you went to and didn't see a lot of DeSantis bashing those days. I thought you had more than that. Anyway, I live here and you're wrong, FYI, DeSantis is bashed here regularly by the left wing media and Trump whatever you see about Florida in New Mexico. It's clear they believe DeSantis is next in line, that's specifically how they attack him and it's relentless. It also isn't working because we know they are lying when they say their stupid lies
You live there. I don't. I can only go by what articles I have read available to me in the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and maybe a couple of others from time to time. Because of their paywalls I don't see their stuff regularly.

I was recently reading a Tampa Bay Times article on the Florida legislature endorsing DeSantis for President and making it possible for him to do that while still governor. It was an entirely objective and non-hostile article and they didn't slip a non-related negative into the story which almost all leftwing press does with a Republican or conservative. I don't want media to be obviously pro or anti anybody but just print the facts. The Tampa Bay Times did that in this particular news story.
That's the way the shit parties roll. They convince you to vote for their shitty candidates by scaring you into believing that the other side is, OMG Pure Evil!!!!!
The other side IS evil

if you speak of the dimrats as the other side
I don't like Trump either. But I don't hate him.

He has a lot of faults but like I said, his biggest Plus is -- He's not a dimocrap. And dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

Biden has gotten us knee-deep into Two (2) Wars and he's lost control of them. They're getting worse by the day. The economy sucks, people just aren't happy anymore, and the wrong ones are giving orders in the wrong places. The Country is falling apart and it is completely the fault of dimocrap scum.

I don't want a 'Messiah' I just want somebody to end the stupidity of dimocrap FILTH.
That's the way the shit parties roll. They convince you to vote for their shitty candidates by scaring you into believing that the other side is, OMG Pure Evil!!!!!
Nihilists are so much fun
Ron DeSantis, the Harvard Law School Graduate, has known for a long time that Trump will be barred from the 2024 election ballot and put in prison (maybe long-term house arrest?)

That's why DeSantis (and Haley) are running. Once Trump is out of the picture, DeSantis will pick up all of Trumps supporters. I don't think Haley has much of a chance of winning the nomination against DeSantis.

DeSantis won't have all of Trump's baggage - so he'll have a pretty good chance of winning.

We should all be discussing a Biden v. DeSantis election.
Ron DeSantis, the Harvard Law School Graduate, has known for a long time that Trump will be barred from the 2024 election ballot and put in prison (maybe long-term house arrest?)

That's why DeSantis (and Haley) are running. Once Trump is out of the picture, DeSantis will pick up all of Trumps supporters. I don't think Haley has much of a chance of winning the nomination against DeSantis.

DeSantis won't have all of Trump's baggage - so he'll have a pretty good chance of winning.

We should all be discussing a Biden v. DeSantis election.
If they succeed in getting rid of Trump, Dems will replace Biden. But with who??
That was exactly what I had always thought... but I guess sometimes the libs and RINOs got to me

You know how most Rs don't stick together like the left do... which is not to say we have to agree or be silent about everything Rs say to keep unity. But damn, i get tired of all the criticism Rs give to other Rs. We all see how the left stick together and how are we going to accomplish anything much if we don't do thesame?

Maybe some Rs in Congress are getting this? Again, they recently had a vote where ALL the Rs voted Yes for Impeachment

while the Ds voted in unison against it.

Thank God for the midterms (Rs got the House)!
One thing that has been my personal mission in this campaign is to try to get R's, Patriots, conservatives to see how they are defeating themselves by attacking their own they disagree with on this or that issue or just because they dislike a person.

The Democrats have nothing, absolutely nothing, positive to run on. They can't point to any spending, initiatives, policies, legislation that has improved the lives of much of anybody and they ignore the sometimes severe negative consequences of what they do.

What they do have is a 100% herd mentality. No matter what their personal feelings are, they dutifully parrot the assigned talking points and party line or just refuse to participate in a negative discussion about one of their own. They speak with one mind, one voice, one objective in mind. Their one single goal is to destroy or defeat anybody who isn't them, win elections, increase their power until nobody dare challenge them in anything. And they have no problem with cheating.

Until we Republicans can set aside our differences on this or that issue and look past personality to vision and accomplishment, we will never be able to pull together in harness sufficiently to defeat the Democrats.

Last night: "Republicans want people to vote for them. Democrats want to stop everybody from voting for anybody but them."--Gutfield.
Not that I would ever, ever, ever, under any circumstances vote for a dim..... Unless the Republican had two horns and a tail..... Even then, I would have to re-examine my morals..

I digress. Trump is way ahead in polling but he seems to insist on taking cheap shots at my Governor. Who, I would frankly rather see as the Republican nominee. But I'm okay with Trump. If he'd just learn to shut the hell up once in a while.

Exhibit A

-- Confronted with this, Fauci now says he Made a Freudian Typo and that he was wrong at the time to say it was a "fact."

All of this is creating some blowback for Donald Trump, who effectively made Anthony Fauci the President-in-Fact for a year, and later bestowed upon him a Presidential Commendation for his great service.

Donald Trump is frank and forthright in admitting that if there were any mistakes made, they were all made by (checks notes) Ron "DeSanctimonious."

I know people make excuses for Trump's cowardly, weakling failure to step up to Fauci and Brix and tell them NO! The country was in a panic, they'll say. He's a germophobe. Fauci and Brix "played" him.

(The very stable genius seems to get "played" by leftwingers an awful lot.)

Okay, suppose I excuse his Chicken Little act in 2020-2021:

What excuses his shameless, remorseless lying now?

Is just everything acceptable if Trump does it?

H/T Ace

But CBD is a despicable coward

Trump is an asshole.
But he is better than Biden.
Ron DeSantis, the Harvard Law School Graduate, has known for a long time that Trump will be barred from the 2024 election ballot and put in prison (maybe long-term house arrest?)

That's why DeSantis (and Haley) are running. Once Trump is out of the picture, DeSantis will pick up all of Trumps supporters. I don't think Haley has much of a chance of winning the nomination against DeSantis.

DeSantis won't have all of Trump's baggage - so he'll have a pretty good chance of winning.

We should all be discussing a Biden v. DeSantis election.
All the polls show DeSantis losing to Biden.
That's the way the shit parties roll. They convince you to vote for their shitty candidates by scaring you into believing that the other side is, OMG Pure Evil!!!!!

That was always true, and why I didn't vote Republican from 1992 to 2016 (inclusive), but only a true idiot doesn't notice that changed when one of those shit parties started trying to put the leader of the other shit party in prison. At that point it was no longer just SAYING the other party is a threat to your freedom
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All the polls show DeSantis losing to Biden.

I do agree DeSantis should drop out. Everyone who would vote for him is voting for Trump. The never Trumpers and the neocons like Nikki. DeSantis doesn't have a constituency. Of course if DeSantis were the nominee, those Trump voters would switch to him, but that isn't happening, not this election cycle. I'm a DeSantis supporter as I always say, but that is the reality for him and I agree it's time for him to give it up and prepare for 2028 when he will be a major player without Trump there to compete with for the same voters

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