Trump Is Starting To Get On My Nerves

I live in Florida and DeSantis is my governor. In my opinion he is the best governor Florida has had in the half a century I have lived here. He is not much of a talker and he can’t fire up a crowd like Trump but he is a doer and he is far less obnoxious than Trump.
I've been in Fort Myers for over 47 years. And RDS is the best we've had since I've been here.

It has been said, accurately, that the attributes it takes to win an election are the exact opposite of what it takes to be a good leader. I'm sure I misquoted it but you get the drift.

RDS may not win against OMB and that's okay. Because I don't think he's done
Not that I would ever, ever, ever, under any circumstances vote for a dim..... Unless the Republican had two horns and a tail..... Even then, I would have to re-examine my morals..

I digress. Trump is way ahead in polling but he seems to insist on taking cheap shots at my Governor. Who, I would frankly rather see as the Republican nominee. But I'm okay with Trump. If he'd just learn to shut the hell up once in a while.

Exhibit A

-- Confronted with this, Fauci now says he Made a Freudian Typo and that he was wrong at the time to say it was a "fact."

All of this is creating some blowback for Donald Trump, who effectively made Anthony Fauci the President-in-Fact for a year, and later bestowed upon him a Presidential Commendation for his great service.

Donald Trump is frank and forthright in admitting that if there were any mistakes made, they were all made by (checks notes) Ron "DeSanctimonious."

I know people make excuses for Trump's cowardly, weakling failure to step up to Fauci and Brix and tell them NO! The country was in a panic, they'll say. He's a germophobe. Fauci and Brix "played" him.

(The very stable genius seems to get "played" by leftwingers an awful lot.)

Okay, suppose I excuse his Chicken Little act in 2020-2021:

What excuses his shameless, remorseless lying now?

Is just everything acceptable if Trump does it?

H/T Ace

But CBD is a despicable coward

Whether political candidates do it personally or by proxy--DeSantis supporters are VICIOUS re Trump on X (formerly Twitter) and other social media for instance and it is so uniform and coordinated I wonder who is orchestrating it--there are going to be some ugly volleys during the campaign.

There is no doubt about it that Trump can be petty, sometimes even mean, petulant at times, obnoxious at times, but his track record gets me past all that and longing for a return to the great economy, peace, prosperity, border security etc. that he delivered as President.

Those who vote for personality and likability choose some of the worst candidates. I personally am so horrified at the militarization of government and moving toward Marxism by the Democrats and that they have yet to produce a recent policy or initiative that has been good for anybody, I will vote GOP no matter who the nominee is.

I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for DeSantis. I would need a barf bag to vote for Christie but I would choose him over any Democrat. But I will be voting Trump in the primary. However obnoxious or irritating he might be at times, he earned a second term.
I live in Florida and DeSantis is my governor. In my opinion he is the best governor Florida has had in the half a century I have lived here.

He has no understanding of how to work with the other side or even govern when his party does not have a super majority in the state legislature.

If he actually became POTUS he be at a total loss of how to deal with actual opposition
Santa didn't get you your Pony again this year??


I don't get it, sorry. They sure both love spending money. I want Republicans to stop melting down about government spending money and DO something about it. Trump is such a great example of that. What's this? "I'm signing this multi trillion dollar spending bill, but it's the last one." Answer, it's Trump every time he signed a massive spending bill ...
I've been in Fort Myers for over 47 years. And RDS is the best we've had since I've been here.

It has been said, accurately, that the attributes it takes to win an election are the exact opposite of what it takes to be a good leader. I'm sure I misquoted it but you get the drift.

RDS may not win against OMB and that's okay. Because I don't think he's done
I think DeSantis has been a great governor for Florida and have admired much of what he has accomplished. But he also has had mostly non hostile press and he has had a completely supportive legislature. I just have a gut feeling he isn't ready for the hostile media and hostile bureaucracy and possibly hostile Congress he will have to cope with in DC. I could be wrong but I tend to trust my gut in things like this.
I think DeSantis has been a great governor for Florida and have admired much of what he has accomplished. But he also has had mostly non hostile press and he has had a completely supportive legislature. I just have a gut feeling he isn't ready for the hostile media and hostile bureaucracy and possibly hostile Congress he will have to cope with in DC. I could be wrong but I tend to trust my gut in things like this.

DeSantis has been a great governor for sure, we love him here in Florida. But a "mostly non-hostile press?" Where the fuck did you get that, the left wing media has been vicious to him recognizing he's next up as their target after Trump FINALLY goes away for good
I think DeSantis has been a great governor for Florida and have admired much of what he has accomplished. But he also has had mostly non hostile press and he has had a completely supportive legislature. I just have a gut feeling he isn't ready for the hostile media and hostile bureaucracy and possibly hostile Congress he will have to cope with in DC. I could be wrong but I tend to trust my gut in things like this.

Mickey Mouse kicked his ass
DeSantis has been a great governor for sure, we love him here in Florida. But a "mostly non-hostile press?" Where the fuck did you get that, the left wing media has been vicious to him recognizing he's next up as their target after Trump FINALLY goes away for good
The MSM in general yes is hostile to ANY Republican that is doing anything good at all. But the local press in Florida seems to be pretty neutral in printing/broadcasting the good and the bad and the ugly in a more objective way. At least the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and a few others. But I don't live there and I don't see as much Florida local news as you do.
He has no understanding of how to work with the other side or even govern when his party does not have a super majority in the state legislature.

If he actually became POTUS he be at a total loss of how to deal with actual opposition
I’ll bet DeSantis is a quick learner. At any rate I know he would be a major improvement over Joe Biden. For one thing, DeSantis has military experience. You learn a lot in the military.

It's only 91 felony charges and those charges were recommended by impartial Grand Juries composed of Trump's peers.
According to his constitutional rights.
So what are you whining about snowflake?
The Duke LaCrosse case must be a high mark in American Justice in your book, huh? You have a picture of Mike Nifong on your bedroom wall?

How about the McMartin Preschool trials?

Were you on the Central Park 5 Grand Jury? betcha

The MSM in general yes is hostile to ANY Republican that is doing anything good at all. But the local press in Florida seems to be pretty neutral in printing/broadcasting the good and the bad and the ugly in a more objective way. At least the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and a few others. But I don't live there and I don't see as much Florida local news as you do.

I'm confused, so you realize the national news bashes DeSantis and you admit you don't hear the local news, so what was your claim DeSantis is mostly left alone by the media based on exactly?

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