Trump Is Sued in Death of Capitol Police Officer After Jan. 6

You better fight like hell or you won't have a country, and the ones pleading guilty said it was under Trumps instruction.

Another public school student. Perhaps I'm using too big of words for you leftists.

Ambiguous means something that has more than one meaning. If I get a traffic ticket, and I say I'm going to fight like hell to not pay the fine, does that mean I'm going to court and punch the judge in the face? If my city council writes an ordinance that I can't have my hedges more than 4 feet high, and I say I'm going to the council meeting to fight like hell to rescind their ordinance, does that mean I'm going to beat up all members of my city council?

Yes, I know, I know, your Holy Bible, the book 1984. But we're not there yet. There is no such thing as Thought Police.
Your second ex wife said that to you
Okay, now we have a real juvenile prick here who still needs someone to wash his ass. You couldn't command the debate so now you took the low road. A weakling and a coward. Get lost. Get back down into your mommas basement. You aint got shit to offer here.
Yea, dont bother opening it. Something might make you start thinking on your own, it is much safer and more comfortable to keep you head in the right wing noise machine and just do the group think thing.

Oh, so you did read it? Then just quote me where any autopsy stated the reason for the officers death was because of 1/6.
Another public school student. Perhaps I'm using too big of words for you leftists.

Ambiguous means something that has more than one meaning. If I get a traffic ticket, and I say I'm going to fight like hell to not pay the fine, does that mean I'm going to court and punch the judge in the face? If my city council writes an ordinance that I can't have my hedges more than 4 feet high, and I say I'm going to the council meeting to fight like hell to rescind their ordinance, does that mean I'm going to beat up all members of my city council?

Yes, I know, I know, your Holy Bible, the book 1984. But we're not there yet. There is no such thing as Thought Police.
Another argument for amateurs. Do you pick out highlights when reading? Did you not read the part where these Trump toadies carrying his water to the Capitol admitted it was at Trumps direction? Get with the program. You are losing every time.
Another public school student. Perhaps I'm using too big of words for you leftists.

Ambiguous means something that has more than one meaning. If I get a traffic ticket, and I say I'm going to fight like hell to not pay the fine, does that mean I'm going to court and punch the judge in the face? If my city council writes an ordinance that I can't have my hedges more than 4 feet high, and I say I'm going to the council meeting to fight like hell to rescind their ordinance, does that mean I'm going to beat up all members of my city council?

Yes, I know, I know, your Holy Bible, the book 1984. But we're not there yet. There is no such thing as Thought Police.
You are not nearly as smart as you think you are.
LIes as usual. Boring. They have a real good chance of suing scum bag. He is a walking talking piece of shit. Force him onto the stand, and he will blow it with his hate speech so bad that a normal jury has a great chance of putting it to the piece of shit. Love to watch this happens. The most hated man in the world is a easy target now. Only the q anon hate Nazi's support him at this point.

You'll be lucky if a court even decides to hear the case yet alone rule in this money whores favor. You can't sue anybody for exercising their constitutional rights. Yeah, you're a leftist so I know you hate the document, but that's what this is all about.
Yea, dont bother opening it. Something might make you start thinking on your own, it is much safer and more comfortable to keep you head in the right wing noise machine and just do the group think thing.
The January 6 committee was a joke.
That like gathering RWers to judge Biden.
I am not discussing an article with you you wont read, because your premise is wrong.
They are lazy as shit, weak, and they lie. Folks like that aren't strong enough to engage because they know the truth is not on their side.
Anyone supporting or actually involved in the attempted overthrow of our country and democracy through force, with the attempted murder of hundreds of police. Should have the death sentence. That means trump and probably 3 or 4 dozen of other traitors in the Republican Party. . It also has to be made clear that anyone who supports them in our public are traitors to this country and should be treated as such. They should be forced out of public view , business should decide not to serve these people considering they are enemy of this country. The finger should be pointed at these low lives every time they are seen in public.
Look you leftists, I'm not about to pay or sign up to your commie news outlets to read what you can't convey in this topic. Post a site THAT ADDRESSES THE SUBJECT that isn't a pay or subscribe site and I'll give you one chance by reading it and responding.
At least you are funny.
Look you leftists, I'm not about to pay or sign up to your commie news outlets to read what you can't convey in this topic. Post a site THAT ADDRESSES THE SUBJECT that isn't a pay or subscribe site and I'll give you one chance by reading it and responding.
I know you won't. You are a loser, liar, you're weak, and willfully ignorant. That combination is the ultimate fail evrery time. Say good night to the people because you aint hitting on shit.
It was presented. You asked a dishonest question. You're a loser.

No, nothing was presented. All you clowns have done so far is post opinions, nothing of substance or fact. What you did post are pay/ subscription sites you know I'm not going to read. And you post them on purpose because you really don't want me reading them.

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