Trump Is Surrounded By People So Stupid They Thought Releasing Call Readout Was Smart


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Yes, a handful of advisers to the popular-vote loser and chief traitor urged him not to release the call readout with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—mainly Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They may be evil, but at least they’re not total idiots, which is why Donald Trump apparently ignored them, instead listening to, well, this cast of jokers.

Trump is surrounded by people so stupid, they thought releasing call readout was smart

How ironic. So does a handful of people on us messageboard.:1041:
Yes, a handful of advisers to the popular-vote loser and chief traitor urged him not to release the call readout with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—mainly Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They may be evil, but at least they’re not total idiots, which is why Donald Trump apparently ignored them, instead listening to, well, this cast of jokers.

Trump is surrounded by people so stupid, they thought releasing call readout was smart

How ironic. So does a handful of people on us messageboard.:1041:
or it could be your TDS is acting up again,,,
Yes, a handful of advisers to the popular-vote loser and chief traitor urged him not to release the call readout with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—mainly Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They may be evil, but at least they’re not total idiots, which is why Donald Trump apparently ignored them, instead listening to, well, this cast of jokers.

Trump is surrounded by people so stupid, they thought releasing call readout was smart

How ironic. So does a handful of people on us messageboard.:1041:

Amen! It's somewhat like a rodeo clown surrounded by other rodeo clowns.
Damn daily Kos are you going to do the onion next. I swear the left gets further and further away from reality every day.
Yes, a handful of advisers to the popular-vote loser and chief traitor urged him not to release the call readout with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—mainly Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They may be evil, but at least they’re not total idiots, which is why Donald Trump apparently ignored them, instead listening to, well, this cast of jokers.

Trump is surrounded by people so stupid, they thought releasing call readout was smart

How ironic. So does a handful of people on us messageboard.:1041:
Yet he is still YOUR PRESIDENT!
Yes, a handful of advisers to the popular-vote loser and chief traitor urged him not to release the call readout with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—mainly Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They may be evil, but at least they’re not total idiots, which is why Donald Trump apparently ignored them, instead listening to, well, this cast of jokers.

Trump is surrounded by people so stupid, they thought releasing call readout was smart

How ironic. So does a handful of people on us messageboard.:1041:

They had already been told the call was "pitch perfect". Who were they to disagree?
But, the canckles **** lost, didn't she? And it is so hard for the tardentia to accept. <snicker>

Yes, a handful of advisers to the popular-vote loser and chief traitor urged him not to release the call readout with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—mainly Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They may be evil, but at least they’re not total idiots, which is why Donald Trump apparently ignored them, instead listening to, well, this cast of jokers.

Trump is surrounded by people so stupid, they thought releasing call readout was smart

How ironic. So does a handful of people on us messageboard.:1041:

I agree with the decision also. The alt-left crazies were going down this road regardless. Many of the socialist and globally funded had this on their mind before he was even inaugurated.

So, in this context, transparency is vital, it takes away many of their bullets and when the rabid crazies cool off, cooler heads will prevail and analyze. It happened with Kavanaugh, with the Russian 2+ year investigation.

Think of the outcome since the release. Biden is finished now, even if Trump were impeached. The House in 2020 is going to be a massive loss for Dems. At best, they somehow get enough GOP to end their political careers and impeach, which ensures they get a China First globalist in the WH. That's a big roll of the dice.

As I said, to me this is fully political. The global socialist feel another 4 years of America First with thwart their agendas. It's an orchestrated Hail Mary, that isn't appealing to Americans and they are going to go full steam ahead to sell it.

They went to the well way too often and with the same tactics. Why would ANY citizens, let alone the citizens of the U.S want to see an election overturned, especially when America is winning? You are opening yourselves up to foreign abuses like never before. Chinese, Russian and Iranian spies will have a field day with the division.
Americans won't win, only elites.
If he wouldn't have released it, it would have been obstruction of justice. Not that there isn't a ton of that already.

And he wouldn't care anyway, he thinks he's above the law, and so far he still is.
Anyone watching Adam Shiff the last few days can see that even if a document contains 100% transparency, liars like Mr. Schiff can twist it to make it 'say' anything they want it to say. If we didn't know what the actual document said, Shiff could yet again get away with telling another Whopper.
Yes, a handful of advisers to the popular-vote loser and chief traitor urged him not to release the call readout with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—mainly Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They may be evil, but at least they’re not total idiots, which is why Donald Trump apparently ignored them, instead listening to, well, this cast of jokers.

Trump is surrounded by people so stupid, they thought releasing call readout was smart

How ironic. So does a handful of people on us messageboard.:1041:
Trump is in trouble, and like usual they dig from the bottom of the barrel because they don't have shit.
Yes, a handful of advisers to the popular-vote loser and chief traitor urged him not to release the call readout with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky—mainly Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They may be evil, but at least they’re not total idiots, which is why Donald Trump apparently ignored them, instead listening to, well, this cast of jokers.

Trump is surrounded by people so stupid, they thought releasing call readout was smart

How ironic. So does a handful of people on us messageboard.:1041:

Trump is in trouble, and like usual they dig from the bottom of the barrel because they don't have shit.

I wouldn't call the TRUTH the 'bottom of the barrel' that would be the Democrats digging to find any way they can to twist the TRUTH.
It WAS a smart move.

Read some real news. Trump did nothing wrong, while the democrats were shown to be insane... again.
It was the dems have to openly blatantly lie to keep this charade going...the people are not that least not the majority of them....this was a huge blunder for the dems...just wait and see...and remember one not forget that is the nose under the tent for the end to DC corruption...and when Trump repeats that word the dems shake in their boots....
President Trump mentioned the cybersecurity company in his July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. His issue with CrowdStrike wasn’t clear from the call, though it was ostensibly related to the company’s investigation into the 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee. CrowdStrike’s stock has fallen more than 10% since the White House memo of that call was released midday Wednesday.

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