Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.

Reports are now claiming that the Chinese knew of the virus as early as October. That they have lied about the numbers infected and the number of deaths. How anyone can trust the Chinese government is beyond me.

I heard as early as September. By November China was in full scale war with coronavirus. While our government caught sleeping and watching what is going on in China. Thatā€™s the reason why the pandemic team that he disbanded was created to begin with to react before it hit US. NOT after it hit us.
You are right we cannot trust Chinese numbers but why are you so concerned? We should worry our own numbers. donā€™t you think.

This country is heavily intertwined or invested with countries all over the world. If there is an outbreak somewhere at high percentage it can happen here.

It happened that we have an inept amateur president. Results? Look at where and what is happening to this country. We are so screwed. Itā€™s all on Trump
So you heard about Covid-19 in September? Do you have a link? The reports from China claimed the end of December and the virus was not named until WHO named it in January.
No I donā€™t have a link.
Like I posted many many times. About 85% of my consumables are made in China since 1995. Iā€™ve been to China many many times and so with neighboring countries. Last time I was there was February 25 to March 9, 2019.

ALL of you I mean ALL of you Trump supporters make up your mind. You donā€™t trust the numbers coming from China. I do NOT trust those numbers and the dates.

What makes you think those dates are accurate? What makes you think this has not happened a lot sooner than they broadcast?
Countries like China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia people died there with different kind of illnesses. What made you think they knew itā€™s the virus? They donā€™t have the health care systems that we have.

That doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s how Trump fucked this up. Very poor, pure stupidity and ignorance by Trump administration.

  • Thanks
Reactions: BWK
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
Nick Wadhams and Jennifer Jacobs
BloombergApril 1, 2020, 1:21 PM EDT

(Bloomberg) -- China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths itā€™s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials.
The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that Chinaā€™s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that Chinaā€™s numbers are fake.
The report was received by the White House last week, one of the officials said.
The outbreak began in Chinaā€™s Hubei province in late 2019, but the country has publicly reported only about 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. That compares to more than 189,000 cases and more than 4,000 deaths in the U.S., which has the largest publicly reported outbreak in the world.
Communications staff at the White House and the Chinese embassy in Washington didnā€™t immediately respond to requests for comment.
ā€œThe reality is that we could have been better off if China had been more forthcoming,ā€ Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday on CNN. ā€œWhat appears evident now is that long before the world learned in December that China was dealing with this, and maybe as much as a month earlier than that, that the outbreak was real in China.


We should be preparing ourselves for armageddon. It is what is next and the op is a clear example of the enemy of truth.

Better pick a side

China concealing it or not is worth teats on a bo hog. Trumps retarded redneck base think they can mask Trumps failures against China concealing the virus. Trump and his bad decisions to make a joke of this virus for two months has cost US lives. Period! It's how we respond and act in our own country that matters. Trump has been backpedaling off his failures for a week now, and he still doesn't get it, or care. He's still campaigning off this virus. He is one sick fuck. I will bet my life that when this thing turns a corner for the better and there are only 20,000 deaths for example, he'll claim victory, and that will be his campaign pitch. When in reality, he fiddled around for two months lying about this virus. What a pos.
Last edited:
Reports are now claiming that the Chinese knew of the virus as early as October. That they have lied about the numbers infected and the number of deaths. How anyone can trust the Chinese government is beyond me.

I heard as early as September. By November China was in full scale war with coronavirus. While our government caught sleeping and watching what is going on in China. Thatā€™s the reason why the pandemic team that he disbanded was created to begin with to react before it hit US. NOT after it hit us.
You are right we cannot trust Chinese numbers but why are you so concerned? We should worry our own numbers. donā€™t you think.

This country is heavily intertwined or invested with countries all over the world. If there is an outbreak somewhere at high percentage it can happen here.

It happened that we have an inept amateur president. Results? Look at where and what is happening to this country. We are so screwed. Itā€™s all on Trump
So you heard about Covid-19 in September? Do you have a link? The reports from China claimed the end of December and the virus was not named until WHO named it in January.
No I donā€™t have a link.
Like I posted many many times. About 85% of my consumables are made in China since 1995. Iā€™ve been to China many many times and so with neighboring countries. Last time I was there was February 25 to March 9, 2019.

ALL of you I mean ALL of you Trump supporters make up your mind. You donā€™t trust the numbers coming from China. I do NOT trust those numbers and the dates.

What makes you think those dates are accurate? What makes you think this has not happened a lot sooner than they broadcast?
Countries like China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia people died there with different kind of illnesses. What made you think they knew itā€™s the virus? They donā€™t have the health care systems that we have.

That doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s how Trump fucked this up. Very poor, pure stupidity and ignorance by Trump administration.

Sometimes hearts get broken. I am sure the Chinese are great, but not their leadership.
America is a free country not a communist dictatorship where lock downs and quarantines are enforced in two different ways. Also you can not trust any numbers coming out of china
You aren't free when you are dead. Congratulations! You managed to prove my case about these Trump cultists. They are the best candidates for natural selection because their priorities are all about worrying about communism.

And your worry is about making sure no one knows China Government is lying about their numbers and hiding the truth!

When you have a Government like China Government that arrests those that were warning about the virus then you do not trust anything else that government has to say but you seem to believe them as long as it help you with your hatred for Trump!

Facts are facts and China Government numbers are not to be trusted and if you fully believe their numbers are correct then you will have no issues walking in the infectious region!
Facts are facts. Our own media in this country is telling us they are loosening restrictions. So go question our own coverage of the facts before you question China. If you were questioning the facts of China, or my own thread, then don't sit there with your finger up your ass. Go do your own research.

What the fuck!?!

I can question why your beloved China Government did not do anything to stop the spread of the virus for nearly two months after they learned about the damn virus!

You do not tell me who I should question and also restrictions are still up because of China Government failure so tell what is next?

The Virus did not originate in China?

China Government never arrested people to hide the fact they were do nothing to slow the virus spread?

China Government claim the first confirm case was Jan and not November?

No, China Government failed and there is nothing you write that will change those facts!
Trump fucked this up royally, despite what you think happened in China. China is lifting some restrictions, which means their response was much better. China's Lifting of Restrictions Has Worked, Flu Expert Says
then do us all a favor and move your ass to China
Why should I leave? Trump is the illegal president. I am not. He needs to go. He is the one who hates America. Look at how he set us up for genocide, and sold us out to Russia.
Reports are now claiming that the Chinese knew of the virus as early as October. That they have lied about the numbers infected and the number of deaths. How anyone can trust the Chinese government is beyond me.

I heard as early as September. By November China was in full scale war with coronavirus. While our government caught sleeping and watching what is going on in China. Thatā€™s the reason why the pandemic team that he disbanded was created to begin with to react before it hit US. NOT after it hit us.
You are right we cannot trust Chinese numbers but why are you so concerned? We should worry our own numbers. donā€™t you think.

This country is heavily intertwined or invested with countries all over the world. If there is an outbreak somewhere at high percentage it can happen here.

It happened that we have an inept amateur president. Results? Look at where and what is happening to this country. We are so screwed. Itā€™s all on Trump
So you heard about Covid-19 in September? Do you have a link? The reports from China claimed the end of December and the virus was not named until WHO named it in January.
No I donā€™t have a link.
Like I posted many many times. About 85% of my consumables are made in China since 1995. Iā€™ve been to China many many times and so with neighboring countries. Last time I was there was February 25 to March 9, 2019.

ALL of you I mean ALL of you Trump supporters make up your mind. You donā€™t trust the numbers coming from China. I do NOT trust those numbers and the dates.

What makes you think those dates are accurate? What makes you think this has not happened a lot sooner than they broadcast?
Countries like China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia people died there with different kind of illnesses. What made you think they knew itā€™s the virus? They donā€™t have the health care systems that we have.

That doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s how Trump fucked this up. Very poor, pure stupidity and ignorance by Trump administration.

Sometimes hearts get broken. I am sure the Chinese are great, but not their leadership.
Much better than Trump's leadership with all his royal fuck ups. And boy howdy did he do some fucking up. And still is. Every day it's something new with that loser.
China did a great job? Well it is easy to drop your number of cases when you just kill everybody you think is infected. Anybody believing anything coming out of there is a special kind of stupid.

No, it is easy to drop the number when China Government does not report it numbers until January, silence all news about it unless they approve the storyline, arrest all the doctor's that did the whistleblowing and have their trolls try to write misinformation while denying the timeline of events!

Only a moron would believe China Government did a great job and this board is seeing it damn share!
Reports are now claiming that the Chinese knew of the virus as early as October. That they have lied about the numbers infected and the number of deaths. How anyone can trust the Chinese government is beyond me.

I heard as early as September. By November China was in full scale war with coronavirus. While our government caught sleeping and watching what is going on in China. Thatā€™s the reason why the pandemic team that he disbanded was created to begin with to react before it hit US. NOT after it hit us.
You are right we cannot trust Chinese numbers but why are you so concerned? We should worry our own numbers. donā€™t you think.

This country is heavily intertwined or invested with countries all over the world. If there is an outbreak somewhere at high percentage it can happen here.

It happened that we have an inept amateur president. Results? Look at where and what is happening to this country. We are so screwed. Itā€™s all on Trump
So you heard about Covid-19 in September? Do you have a link? The reports from China claimed the end of December and the virus was not named until WHO named it in January.
No I donā€™t have a link.
Like I posted many many times. About 85% of my consumables are made in China since 1995. Iā€™ve been to China many many times and so with neighboring countries. Last time I was there was February 25 to March 9, 2019.

ALL of you I mean ALL of you Trump supporters make up your mind. You donā€™t trust the numbers coming from China. I do NOT trust those numbers and the dates.

What makes you think those dates are accurate? What makes you think this has not happened a lot sooner than they broadcast?
Countries like China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia people died there with different kind of illnesses. What made you think they knew itā€™s the virus? They donā€™t have the health care systems that we have.

That doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s how Trump fucked this up. Very poor, pure stupidity and ignorance by Trump administration.

Sometimes hearts get broken. I am sure the Chinese are great, but not their leadership.
Much better than Trump's leadership with all his royal fuck ups. And boy howdy did he do some fucking up. And still is. Every day it's something new with that loser.
Yeah, we know you carry a torch for China. Got it.
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
Nick Wadhams and Jennifer Jacobs
BloombergApril 1, 2020, 1:21 PM EDT

(Bloomberg) -- China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths itā€™s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials.
The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that Chinaā€™s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that Chinaā€™s numbers are fake.
The report was received by the White House last week, one of the officials said.
The outbreak began in Chinaā€™s Hubei province in late 2019, but the country has publicly reported only about 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. That compares to more than 189,000 cases and more than 4,000 deaths in the U.S., which has the largest publicly reported outbreak in the world.
Communications staff at the White House and the Chinese embassy in Washington didnā€™t immediately respond to requests for comment.
ā€œThe reality is that we could have been better off if China had been more forthcoming,ā€ Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday on CNN. ā€œWhat appears evident now is that long before the world learned in December that China was dealing with this, and maybe as much as a month earlier than that, that the outbreak was real in China.


We should be preparing ourselves for armageddon. It is what is next and the op is a clear example of the enemy of truth.

Better pick a side
What did I just said? We have intelligence and spies all over the world. This is nothing new..

Itā€™s how Trump reacted downplayed the crisis makes the difference.
Reports are now claiming that the Chinese knew of the virus as early as October. That they have lied about the numbers infected and the number of deaths. How anyone can trust the Chinese government is beyond me.

I heard as early as September. By November China was in full scale war with coronavirus. While our government caught sleeping and watching what is going on in China. Thatā€™s the reason why the pandemic team that he disbanded was created to begin with to react before it hit US. NOT after it hit us.
You are right we cannot trust Chinese numbers but why are you so concerned? We should worry our own numbers. donā€™t you think.

This country is heavily intertwined or invested with countries all over the world. If there is an outbreak somewhere at high percentage it can happen here.

It happened that we have an inept amateur president. Results? Look at where and what is happening to this country. We are so screwed. Itā€™s all on Trump
So you heard about Covid-19 in September? Do you have a link? The reports from China claimed the end of December and the virus was not named until WHO named it in January.
No I donā€™t have a link.
Like I posted many many times. About 85% of my consumables are made in China since 1995. Iā€™ve been to China many many times and so with neighboring countries. Last time I was there was February 25 to March 9, 2019.

ALL of you I mean ALL of you Trump supporters make up your mind. You donā€™t trust the numbers coming from China. I do NOT trust those numbers and the dates.

What makes you think those dates are accurate? What makes you think this has not happened a lot sooner than they broadcast?
Countries like China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia people died there with different kind of illnesses. What made you think they knew itā€™s the virus? They donā€™t have the health care systems that we have.

That doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s how Trump fucked this up. Very poor, pure stupidity and ignorance by Trump administration.

Sometimes hearts get broken. I am sure the Chinese are great, but not their leadership.
Much better than Trump's leadership with all his royal fuck ups. And boy howdy did he do some fucking up. And still is. Every day it's something new with that loser.
Yeah, we know you carry a torch for China. Got it.
That's a chicken shit response, minus an intelligent counter argument. You're a loser.
I could care less whether China hid the severity of the Coronavirus or not. What my OP is about involves their response to contain it, and Trump fucked that up on so many fronts, we can't even keep up how many different ways he did that. And he is still doing it today, because Trump could care less.

In other words, and no one is surprised, you "could care less" about FACTS.

Second Wave: A County In Central China Is Locked Down Because Of New Coronavirus Cases
JOHN SEXTONPosted at 5:01 pm on April 1, 2020
Henan province in central China has taken the drastic measure of putting a mid-sized county in total lockdown as authorities try to fend off a second coronavirus wave in the midst of a push to revive the economy.

Curfew-like measures came into effect on Tuesday in Jia county, near the city of Pingdingshan, with the areaā€™s roughly 600,000 residents told to stay home, according to a notice on the countryā€™s official microblog accountā€¦

All businesses have been shut down, except utilities, medical suppliers, logistics companies and food processing firms. All shops except supermarkets, hospitals, food markets, petrol stations, pharmacies and hotels have been closed.
Good! Then they are doing a good job. Trump could learn a thing or two about how the Chinese do it. Because, under Trump's leadership, he's more worried about his stock portfolio and tax deductions for strip joints.
He is also worried of his ratings better than the Bachelor.
He blamed Obama for leaving the shelves empty 3 years after he is in the office. Talking about dorky.
China did a great job? Well it is easy to drop your number of cases when you just kill everybody you think is infected. Anybody believing anything coming out of there is a special kind of stupid.

No, it is easy to drop the number when China Government does not report it numbers until January, silence all news about it unless they approve the storyline, arrest all the doctor's that did the whistleblowing and have their trolls try to write misinformation while denying the timeline of events!

Only a moron would believe China Government did a great job and this board is seeing it damn share!
Only a moron would believe the US is doing a good job compared to China, when Trump spent two months making up jokes and lies about it. What he has said the last few days is a 180 compared to what he has been saying for two months. Somebody finally took his lying ass out to the wood shed and told him he had to finally be straight with the American people. That fucking scum bag.
America is a free country not a communist dictatorship where lock downs and quarantines are enforced in two different ways. Also you can not trust any numbers coming out of china
You aren't free when you are dead. Congratulations! You managed to prove my case about these Trump cultists. They are the best candidates for natural selection because their priorities are all about worrying about communism.

And your worry is about making sure no one knows China Government is lying about their numbers and hiding the truth!

When you have a Government like China Government that arrests those that were warning about the virus then you do not trust anything else that government has to say but you seem to believe them as long as it help you with your hatred for Trump!

Facts are facts and China Government numbers are not to be trusted and if you fully believe their numbers are correct then you will have no issues walking in the infectious region!
Facts are facts. Our own media in this country is telling us they are loosening restrictions. So go question our own coverage of the facts before you question China. If you were questioning the facts of China, or my own thread, then don't sit there with your finger up your ass. Go do your own research.

What the fuck!?!

I can question why your beloved China Government did not do anything to stop the spread of the virus for nearly two months after they learned about the damn virus!

You do not tell me who I should question and also restrictions are still up because of China Government failure so tell what is next?

The Virus did not originate in China?

China Government never arrested people to hide the fact they were do nothing to slow the virus spread?

China Government claim the first confirm case was Jan and not November?

No, China Government failed and there is nothing you write that will change those facts!
Trump fucked this up royally, despite what you think happened in China. China is lifting some restrictions, which means their response was much better. China's Lifting of Restrictions Has Worked, Flu Expert Says
then do us all a favor and move your ass to China
Why should I leave? Trump is the illegal president. I am not. He needs to go. He is the one who hates America. Look at how he set us up for genocide, and sold us out to Russia.

Dumbest answer in the history of the Universe!

Trump won the Electoral College, so he is the legal President but nice to see you want to change the topic because of your failure to convince people China Government did not fail seeing they allowed the spread of the virus around the World!

Imagine if Trump arrested whistleblowers, lied to the who and waited nearly two months before ordering a quarantine where the virus started like China Government did!?!

Also imagine destroying all data so the WHO can not discover what really happened like China Government did!?!

I mean just imagine that and you are so damn proud of China Government, so did they allow your family to eat today after all the lies you told?
I could care less whether China hid the severity of the Coronavirus or not. What my OP is about involves their response to contain it, and Trump fucked that up on so many fronts, we can't even keep up how many different ways he did that. And he is still doing it today, because Trump could care less.

Translated, you proudly continue to post your ignorance.

You must feel so smug.
That's not an argument challenging any facts, but a failure on your part to lock horns, with the facts from the OP.

Secret intel confirms China lied about coronavirus
By M. Dowling
April 1, 2020

According to Bloomberg, three United States intelligence officials familiar with a classified report sent to the White House last week indicates that China severely mishandled the coronavirus pandemic. China officials inaccurately reported the total deaths and the total number of individuals infected.

The Chinese government tried to place the blame on the U.S. military.

Bloomberg reported that China concealed the extent of the virus outbreak and under-reported total cases and deaths, according to three US Officials.

The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that Chinaā€™s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that Chinaā€™s numbers are fake.

WOW! Shocker!

Isnā€™t that what we have been saying?? We didnā€™t need intelligence officials to state the obvious.

After China banned U.S. reporters, they claimed there were no new cases of the virus. It was either a miracle or a lie. The evidence slipping out of China strongly suggested it was a lie.

As a result of Chinaā€™s despicable actions, we could lose 200,000 Americans to this disease and our economy will be devastated.

Reports are now claiming that the Chinese knew of the virus as early as October. That they have lied about the numbers infected and the number of deaths. How anyone can trust the Chinese government is beyond me.

I heard as early as September. By November China was in full scale war with coronavirus. While our government caught sleeping and watching what is going on in China. Thatā€™s the reason why the pandemic team that he disbanded was created to begin with to react before it hit US. NOT after it hit us.
You are right we cannot trust Chinese numbers but why are you so concerned? We should worry our own numbers. donā€™t you think.

This country is heavily intertwined or invested with countries all over the world. If there is an outbreak somewhere at high percentage it can happen here.

It happened that we have an inept amateur president. Results? Look at where and what is happening to this country. We are so screwed. Itā€™s all on Trump
So you heard about Covid-19 in September? Do you have a link? The reports from China claimed the end of December and the virus was not named until WHO named it in January.
No I donā€™t have a link.
Like I posted many many times. About 85% of my consumables are made in China since 1995. Iā€™ve been to China many many times and so with neighboring countries. Last time I was there was February 25 to March 9, 2019.

ALL of you I mean ALL of you Trump supporters make up your mind. You donā€™t trust the numbers coming from China. I do NOT trust those numbers and the dates.

What makes you think those dates are accurate? What makes you think this has not happened a lot sooner than they broadcast?
Countries like China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia people died there with different kind of illnesses. What made you think they knew itā€™s the virus? They donā€™t have the health care systems that we have.

That doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s how Trump fucked this up. Very poor, pure stupidity and ignorance by Trump administration.

Sometimes hearts get broken. I am sure the Chinese are great, but not their leadership.
Much better than Trump's leadership with all his royal fuck ups. And boy howdy did he do some fucking up. And still is. Every day it's something new with that loser.
Yeah, we know you carry a torch for China. Got it.
That's a chicken shit response, minus an intelligent counter argument. You're a loser.
No, the loser is the one that refuses to face the facts, not media created crap.
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
Nick Wadhams and Jennifer Jacobs
BloombergApril 1, 2020, 1:21 PM EDT

(Bloomberg) -- China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths itā€™s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials.
The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that Chinaā€™s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that Chinaā€™s numbers are fake.
The report was received by the White House last week, one of the officials said.
The outbreak began in Chinaā€™s Hubei province in late 2019, but the country has publicly reported only about 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. That compares to more than 189,000 cases and more than 4,000 deaths in the U.S., which has the largest publicly reported outbreak in the world.
Communications staff at the White House and the Chinese embassy in Washington didnā€™t immediately respond to requests for comment.
ā€œThe reality is that we could have been better off if China had been more forthcoming,ā€ Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday on CNN. ā€œWhat appears evident now is that long before the world learned in December that China was dealing with this, and maybe as much as a month earlier than that, that the outbreak was real in China.


We should be preparing ourselves for armageddon. It is what is next and the op is a clear example of the enemy of truth.

Better pick a side
What did I just said? We have intelligence and spies all over the world. This is nothing new..

Itā€™s how Trump reacted downplayed the crisis makes the difference.

Just like Mayor de Blasio of New York at the end of January and the beginning of February, so if Trump is a failure so is those like de Blasio!

So let be clear China Government is at fault for the virus and not Trump, de Blasio or Santa fucking Claus!
How would the Pandemic team had been able to know what was going on when China Government was refusing help when we offered it?
And... wasn't China taking away press privileges from foreign journalists who were trying to report the truth about the effects of the virus in China

Yes and No. I already posted this. March 17/20 China ordered 3 US media to pack.They were there last year and years before that. Pompeo reacted angrily against the Chinese government. Trump reacted differently likes it because US media are his enemies.
Month before that Trump ordered 60 Chinese journalists to pack. Bottom line China retaliated.
Much better than Trump's leadership with all his royal fuck ups. And boy howdy did he do some fucking up. And still is. Every day it's something new with that loser.

No I donā€™t have a link.

So like all Progressives, LYING is something you just take naturally.
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
Nick Wadhams and Jennifer Jacobs
BloombergApril 1, 2020, 1:21 PM EDT

(Bloomberg) -- China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths itā€™s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials.
The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that Chinaā€™s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that Chinaā€™s numbers are fake.
The report was received by the White House last week, one of the officials said.
The outbreak began in Chinaā€™s Hubei province in late 2019, but the country has publicly reported only about 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. That compares to more than 189,000 cases and more than 4,000 deaths in the U.S., which has the largest publicly reported outbreak in the world.
Communications staff at the White House and the Chinese embassy in Washington didnā€™t immediately respond to requests for comment.
ā€œThe reality is that we could have been better off if China had been more forthcoming,ā€ Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday on CNN. ā€œWhat appears evident now is that long before the world learned in December that China was dealing with this, and maybe as much as a month earlier than that, that the outbreak was real in China.


We should be preparing ourselves for armageddon. It is what is next and the op is a clear example of the enemy of truth.

Better pick a side
What did I just said? We have intelligence and spies all over the world. This is nothing new..

Itā€™s how Trump reacted downplayed the crisis makes the difference.

Just like Mayor de Blasio of New York at the end of January and the beginning of February, so if Trump is a failure so is those like de Blasio!

So let be clear China Government is at fault for the virus and not Trump, de Blasio or Santa fucking Claus!
It doesnā€™t matter what de Blasio or Santa said.

Itā€™s howTrump handled, downplayed, hoax hoax hoax, impeachment, pointing fingers the crisis.
And I DONT FUCKING LIE. I post based from my experience, facts and reality. ALL my post.
I could care less whether China hid the severity of the Coronavirus or not. What my OP is about involves their response to contain it, and Trump fucked that up on so many fronts, we can't even keep up how many different ways he did that. And he is still doing it today, because Trump could care less.

In other words, and no one is surprised, you "could care less" about FACTS.

Second Wave: A County In Central China Is Locked Down Because Of New Coronavirus Cases
JOHN SEXTONPosted at 5:01 pm on April 1, 2020
Henan province in central China has taken the drastic measure of putting a mid-sized county in total lockdown as authorities try to fend off a second coronavirus wave in the midst of a push to revive the economy.

Curfew-like measures came into effect on Tuesday in Jia county, near the city of Pingdingshan, with the areaā€™s roughly 600,000 residents told to stay home, according to a notice on the countryā€™s official microblog accountā€¦

All businesses have been shut down, except utilities, medical suppliers, logistics companies and food processing firms. All shops except supermarkets, hospitals, food markets, petrol stations, pharmacies and hotels have been closed.
Good! Then they are doing a good job. Trump could learn a thing or two about how the Chinese do it. Because, under Trump's leadership, he's more worried about his stock portfolio and tax deductions for strip joints.
He is also worried of his ratings better than the Bachelor.
He blamed Obama for leaving the shelves empty 3 years after he is in the office. Talking about dorky.
Trump is a coward who blames everyone but himself while making a joke of this pandemic. He is the worst leader this country has ever known. This is the most disgraceful and unprecedented period in our history as we witness a pure madman who cares nothing about anything but himself, while pretending to run a country. It is so unbelievably pathetic.

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