Trump is the weakest President in US history

I guess the big question to ask now is:

Is Donald Trump REALLY as stupid as he appeared this last week? Or, does he believe his followers are just that stupid?

Is Donald Trump REALLY so detached from reality that he did NOT understand what was happening during the press conference with Vladimir Putin? If that indeed is the case, what other stupid "misspoken words" did Trump make behind closed doors in 2 hours with Putin? Even at best....Trump said he had to review the transcript to know what he said in the press conference....we don't have that for the private meeting. Gee......I wonder why????????
The big question is whether all you dumbass snowflakes are dumb enough to think calling Trump a traitor over this trivia is going to win you an election. All you're doing is making the Dim party look like a collection of sleazy lying imbeciles
When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....we'll talk.....

But you don't 'talk', you're just a propaganda outlet for Mueller and the vast Russian conspiracy cult

And there's nothing wrong with memes just because you don't like the subject



You don't get what a conspiracy "theory" is.....a theory is a belief that is held that is unproven. We have all intelligence agencies (and now even Trump..kind of) saying that Russia meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump win. We have indictments based on investigations and evidence. These are tangible things I can point to. You have your own "theory".

Perfect call me "propaganda" for Mueller (of all people) simply because I call out the fact that indictments were made of both Russians AND Trump campaign officials. Plus, we have all intelligence agencies in the US stating that Russia has and continues to wage a cyber war against us. You have ??????????????????????????????

However, what you portray here is an obvious tactic by Trump and his supporters.....accuse us of what you are doing yourself. It's painfully obvious.

The "to help Trump win," is the part that makes your claim a paranoid conspiricy. The "Russian collusion" investigatation is the biggest conspiricy theory ever concieved. I won't bother debunking your bogus evidence. Intelligent people already know you're a clueless gullible douchebag who is worth considering.
You don't get what a conspiracy "theory" is.....a theory is a belief that is held that is unproven. We have all intelligence agencies (and now even Trump..kind of) saying that Russia meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump win. We have indictments based on investigations and evidence. These are tangible things I can point to. You have your own "theory".

You don't get what "evidence" is, Hillary's traumatized minions have been whining for two years about evil Russians but all you have is "all 17 intelligence agencies agree", "Mueller says..", "Have you seen Clapper's opinion?".. etc. etc.

There's actually more evidence of Saddam's evil WMD than there is of the vast Russian conspiracy

How come the orange clown is still in power if the evidence is so overwhelming?
Perfect call me "propaganda" for Mueller (of all people) simply because I call out the fact that indictments were made of both Russians AND Trump campaign officials. Plus, we have all intelligence agencies in the US stating that Russia has and continues to wage a cyber war against us. You have ??????????????????????????????

See? There you go again, all 'intelligence agencies say...'

And I don't have to have anything, usually it's the one with the conspiracy theory that has to produce the evidence
However, what you portray here is an obvious tactic by Trump and his supporters.....accuse us of what you are doing yourself. It's painfully obvious.

What's painfully obvious is that you can't produce a single piece of evidence that it was the Russians who stole the rightful crown of your beloved princess


You don't get what a conspiracy "theory" is.....a theory is a belief that is held that is unproven. We have all intelligence agencies (and now even Trump..kind of) saying that Russia meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump win. We have indictments based on investigations and evidence. These are tangible things I can point to. You have your own "theory".

You don't get what "evidence" is, Hillary's traumatized minions have been whining for two years about evil Russians but all you have is "all 17 intelligence agencies agree", "Mueller says..", "Have you seen Clapper's opinion?".. etc. etc.

There's actually more evidence of Saddam's evil WMD than there is of the vast Russian conspiracy

How come the orange clown is still in power if the evidence is so overwhelming?
Perfect call me "propaganda" for Mueller (of all people) simply because I call out the fact that indictments were made of both Russians AND Trump campaign officials. Plus, we have all intelligence agencies in the US stating that Russia has and continues to wage a cyber war against us. You have ??????????????????????????????

See? There you go again, all 'intelligence agencies say...'

And I don't have to have anything, usually it's the one with the conspiracy theory that has to produce the evidence
However, what you portray here is an obvious tactic by Trump and his supporters.....accuse us of what you are doing yourself. It's painfully obvious.

What's painfully obvious is that you can't produce a single piece of evidence that it was the Russians who stole the rightful crown of your beloved princess



Pointless rehashing the same thing over and over with you. People in prison always claim they're innocent, as well. Therefore, you might as well do the same here.

Go ahead and ignore indictments, intelligence agencies, Trump on video etc. etc.....we'll see who wins the message war in the end.
Some voted for Donald Trump because he claimed he'd be a "strong" President to stare down leaders from other countries....and this last week has proven just how pathetically weak he is. Not only has Trump given away the farm to another strongman leaders around the world, he has significantly weakened the United States status in the world.

Yesterday, he made things WORSE with his pathetic explanation for his actions. He insulted everyone's intelligence with his dithering response he read and reiterated just how weak of a man he is. Sadly, it revealed that Donald Trump truly has no idea what he is doing on the international stage and it is difficult to see if he even understands what America's best interests are.

Trump is proving that he is the OPPOSITE of what some Trump supporters thought he'd be....he is a terrible negotiator and he is incredibly weak when actually posed with opposition. If he isn't behind his computer with a tweet, or within the friendly walls of FOX "News"....he is the weakest President in history. There is a reason he never gives interviews to real new agencies....because when he does, he ALWAYS looks like a fool. It is obvious to almost everybody now.

Isn't just me saying this...finally, there are a chorus of Republicans saying the same thing. I encourage you to read the article from long time Republican George Will titled, "Trump is a sad, embarrassing wreck of a man."

^^This one swallowed the hook, line and sinker. We will cut the line, throw him back, hope for the best. Fortunately, one is never obligated to swim; he can hold still and be drawn along downstream with the rest.

You cannot seriously be saying you believe Trump's cowardly backtrack yesterday...can you?

Rope-A-Dope. K.O.

Sure...because you say so. (eyeroll) Guess there is ONE thing Trump hasn't lied about. His supporters ARE the dumbest group of morons this country has to offer.....
/——/ Sorry Spanky, but Trump never said that: Fact Check: Did Trump say in '98 Republicans are dumb?
When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....we'll talk.....

But you don't 'talk', you're just a propaganda outlet for Mueller and the vast Russian conspiracy cult

And there's nothing wrong with memes just because you don't like the subject



You don't get what a conspiracy "theory" is.....a theory is a belief that is held that is unproven. We have all intelligence agencies (and now even Trump..kind of) saying that Russia meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump win. We have indictments based on investigations and evidence. These are tangible things I can point to. You have your own "theory".

Perfect call me "propaganda" for Mueller (of all people) simply because I call out the fact that indictments were made of both Russians AND Trump campaign officials. Plus, we have all intelligence agencies in the US stating that Russia has and continues to wage a cyber war against us. You have ??????????????????????????????

However, what you portray here is an obvious tactic by Trump and his supporters.....accuse us of what you are doing yourself. It's painfully obvious.

The "to help Trump win," is the part that makes your claim a paranoid conspiricy. The "Russian collusion" investigatation is the biggest conspiricy theory ever concieved. I won't bother debunking your bogus evidence. Intelligent people already know you're a clueless gullible douchebag who is worth considering.

Putin even admitted in the press conference he wanted Trump to win. Trump was going to give him billions through lifting wonder why Putin made such an effort to get Trump elected.
Some voted for Donald Trump because he claimed he'd be a "strong" President to stare down leaders from other countries....and this last week has proven just how pathetically weak he is. Not only has Trump given away the farm to another strongman leaders around the world, he has significantly weakened the United States status in the world.

Yesterday, he made things WORSE with his pathetic explanation for his actions. He insulted everyone's intelligence with his dithering response he read and reiterated just how weak of a man he is. Sadly, it revealed that Donald Trump truly has no idea what he is doing on the international stage and it is difficult to see if he even understands what America's best interests are.

Trump is proving that he is the OPPOSITE of what some Trump supporters thought he'd be....he is a terrible negotiator and he is incredibly weak when actually posed with opposition. If he isn't behind his computer with a tweet, or within the friendly walls of FOX "News"....he is the weakest President in history. There is a reason he never gives interviews to real new agencies....because when he does, he ALWAYS looks like a fool. It is obvious to almost everybody now.

Isn't just me saying this...finally, there are a chorus of Republicans saying the same thing. I encourage you to read the article from long time Republican George Will titled, "Trump is a sad, embarrassing wreck of a man."

^^This one swallowed the hook, line and sinker. We will cut the line, throw him back, hope for the best. Fortunately, one is never obligated to swim; he can hold still and be drawn along downstream with the rest.

You cannot seriously be saying you believe Trump's cowardly backtrack yesterday...can you?

Rope-A-Dope. K.O.

Sure...because you say so. (eyeroll) Guess there is ONE thing Trump hasn't lied about. His supporters ARE the dumbest group of morons this country has to offer.....
/——/ Sorry Spanky, but Trump never said that: Fact Check: Did Trump say in '98 Republicans are dumb?

You're replying to a comment I never claimed he made. The infamous "fifth avenue" comment is on video genius.
^^This one swallowed the hook, line and sinker. We will cut the line, throw him back, hope for the best. Fortunately, one is never obligated to swim; he can hold still and be drawn along downstream with the rest.

You cannot seriously be saying you believe Trump's cowardly backtrack yesterday...can you?

Rope-A-Dope. K.O.

Sure...because you say so. (eyeroll) Guess there is ONE thing Trump hasn't lied about. His supporters ARE the dumbest group of morons this country has to offer.....
/——/ Sorry Spanky, but Trump never said that: Fact Check: Did Trump say in '98 Republicans are dumb?

You're replying to a comment I never claimed he made. The infamous "fifth avenue" comment is on video genius.
/——/ Correct, I heard him say that. I’ll remove the post.
Sorry slappy....I win.


When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....
ROFLMAO! says the troll that runs anyway anytime it's presented with an argument based on reason and evidence, I'd say I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but that would be a lie.

we'll talk. .
No, we won't, … I could have more interesting and insightful conversations with a block of granite than with you, so instead I'll just continue to make fun of you and laugh as you whine about it. :cool:

Pointless rehashing the same thing over and over with you.

Of course it's pointless, but it's also fun... maybe that is the point
People in prison always claim they're innocent, as well. Therefore, you might as well do the same here.

The inquisition claimed all of the witches they burned were guilty...therefore, you might as well do the same here
Go ahead and ignore indictments, intelligence agencies, Trump on video etc. etc.....we'll see who wins the message war in the end.

Maybe you didn't notice but the credibility ratings of your 'intelligence' agencies and the MSM aren't really what they used to be

I like to think the "just believe us" propaganda doesn't work any more but as someone once said "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"

Ah well, let the games continue

Sorry slappy....I win.


When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....
ROFLMAO! says the troll that runs anyway anytime it's presented with an argument based on reason and evidence, I'd say I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but that would be a lie.

we'll talk. .
No, we won't, … I could have more interesting and insightful conversations with a block of granite than with you, so instead I'll just continue to make fun of you and laugh as you whine about it. :cool:


People like you do a better job proving right wing ignorance than I ever could. So.....keep posting're only helping my side!
Last edited:
Pointless rehashing the same thing over and over with you.

Of course it's pointless, but it's also fun... maybe that is the point
People in prison always claim they're innocent, as well. Therefore, you might as well do the same here.

The inquisition claimed all of the witches they burned were guilty...therefore, you might as well do the same here
Go ahead and ignore indictments, intelligence agencies, Trump on video etc. etc.....we'll see who wins the message war in the end.

Maybe you didn't notice but the credibility ratings of your 'intelligence' agencies and the MSM aren't really what they used to be

I like to think the "just believe us" propaganda doesn't work any more but as someone once said "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public"

Ah well, let the games continue


I do agree with you that much of this is a game....however, I also like to think there CAN be a legitimate discussion where the voting public becomes educated on things that really affect society. I hope we can get back to a point where there are facts that are universally accepted.....not sure if we'll get back there, but, I'm optimistic (despite the status of politics now).
When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....we'll talk.....

But you don't 'talk', you're just a propaganda outlet for Mueller and the vast Russian conspiracy cult

And there's nothing wrong with memes just because you don't like the subject



You don't get what a conspiracy "theory" is.....a theory is a belief that is held that is unproven. We have all intelligence agencies (and now even Trump..kind of) saying that Russia meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump win. We have indictments based on investigations and evidence. These are tangible things I can point to. You have your own "theory".

Perfect call me "propaganda" for Mueller (of all people) simply because I call out the fact that indictments were made of both Russians AND Trump campaign officials. Plus, we have all intelligence agencies in the US stating that Russia has and continues to wage a cyber war against us. You have ??????????????????????????????

However, what you portray here is an obvious tactic by Trump and his supporters.....accuse us of what you are doing yourself. It's painfully obvious.

The "to help Trump win," is the part that makes your claim a paranoid conspiricy. The "Russian collusion" investigatation is the biggest conspiricy theory ever concieved. I won't bother debunking your bogus evidence. Intelligent people already know you're a clueless gullible douchebag who is worth considering.

Putin even admitted in the press conference he wanted Trump to win. Trump was going to give him billions through lifting wonder why Putin made such an effort to get Trump elected.
/——/ Well how about Trump lifting those sanctions?
When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....we'll talk.....

But you don't 'talk', you're just a propaganda outlet for Mueller and the vast Russian conspiracy cult

And there's nothing wrong with memes just because you don't like the subject



You don't get what a conspiracy "theory" is.....a theory is a belief that is held that is unproven. We have all intelligence agencies (and now even Trump..kind of) saying that Russia meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump win. We have indictments based on investigations and evidence. These are tangible things I can point to. You have your own "theory".

Perfect call me "propaganda" for Mueller (of all people) simply because I call out the fact that indictments were made of both Russians AND Trump campaign officials. Plus, we have all intelligence agencies in the US stating that Russia has and continues to wage a cyber war against us. You have ??????????????????????????????

However, what you portray here is an obvious tactic by Trump and his supporters.....accuse us of what you are doing yourself. It's painfully obvious.

The "to help Trump win," is the part that makes your claim a paranoid conspiricy. The "Russian collusion" investigatation is the biggest conspiricy theory ever concieved. I won't bother debunking your bogus evidence. Intelligent people already know you're a clueless gullible douchebag who is worth considering.

Putin even admitted in the press conference he wanted Trump to win. Trump was going to give him billions through lifting wonder why Putin made such an effort to get Trump elected.
/——/ Well how about Trump lifting those sanctions?

Try again. Here is information from a few months ago.
Trump just blocked his own administration’s Russia sanctions
I do agree with you that much of this is a game

Ah good, I thought you were being serious with the vast Russian conspiracy nonsense...
...however, I also like to think there CAN be a legitimate discussion where the voting public becomes educated on things that really affect society.

The voting public gets "educated" by the MSM and facebook... the last time someone tried to have a
'legitimate discussion' about real issues Hillary and the DNC made sure he didn't have a chance
I hope we can get back to a point where there are facts that are universally accepted.....not sure if we'll get back there, but, I'm optimistic (despite the status of politics now).

Well, if you want "the fact" that the Russians really stole the crown of the most qualified princess in history to become universally accepted I'm afraid you'll have to produce some evidence first

I do agree with you that much of this is a game

Ah good, I thought you were being serious with the vast Russian conspiracy nonsense...
...however, I also like to think there CAN be a legitimate discussion where the voting public becomes educated on things that really affect society.

The voting public gets "educated" by the MSM and facebook... the last time someone tried to have a
'legitimate discussion' about real issues Hillary and the DNC made sure he didn't have a chance
I hope we can get back to a point where there are facts that are universally accepted.....not sure if we'll get back there, but, I'm optimistic (despite the status of politics now).

Well, if you want "the fact" that the Russians really stole the crown of the most qualified princess in history to become universally accepted I'm afraid you'll have to produce some evidence first


The extent of "Russian conspiracy" is unknown, at this point. As a matter of fact, if I had to guess, I doubt Trump will even be charged with "collusion" because that is going to be very hard to prove in court. There ARE things that we DO know, however.

*We DO know that Putin wanted Trump to win the election....he said so at the press conference.
*We DO know that Russia launched cyberattacks against the United States by hacking the DNC and 21 different states' election systems.
*We DO know that the cyberattacks began within 24 hours of Trump's infamous asking Russia to "find the missing emails".
*We DO know that several Trump campaign people have been indicted
*We DO know that Trump campaign people and family members have lied about meetings with Russian officials
*We DO know that 26 different Russian agents have been indicted by a grand jury in the United States
*We DO know that Trump capitulated to Putin at the press conference the other day
*We DO know that the intelligence agencies are all in agreement that Russia continues to launch cyberattacks against the United States

Does that make it a Russian conspiracy?! I guess that is dependent on the person and their definition of the word. It almost certain is indication that something is going on that we are not aware of. It absolutely is indication that Trump, himself, is the LAST PERSON I want representing the United States' interests in dealing with Russia. He is the LAST PERSON I want meeting privately with Putin without people taking records.

I guess, sure, it is indeed still a theory....but a theory built upon all sorts of circumstantial evidence.
..Does that make it a Russian conspiracy?!

No, that makes it a conspiracy theory
It almost certain is indication that something is going on that we are not aware of.

Finally something that we can agree on. I could make you aware of it of course but then you would go simply back in denial mode...
It absolutely is indication that Trump, himself, is the LAST PERSON I want representing the United States' interests in dealing with Russia...

Actually, Trump is the 2nd LAST PERSON for a lot of people

Guess who's nr1
I guess, sure, it is indeed still a theory....but a theory built upon all sorts of circumstantial evidence.

Keep building on that theory, I'm afraid it won't make you win the coming selections though

Sorry slappy....I win.


When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....
ROFLMAO! says the troll that runs anyway anytime it's presented with an argument based on reason and evidence, I'd say I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but that would be a lie.

we'll talk. .
No, we won't, … I could have more interesting and insightful conversations with a block of granite than with you, so instead I'll just continue to make fun of you and laugh as you whine about it. :cool:


People like you do a better job proving right wing ignorance than I ever could. So.....keep posting Cletus....!

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

you're only helping my side

LOL, yeah your "side", the hyper-partisan Republicrat drone team...… you lemmings don't need any help from me, you're fucking everything up quite nicely all on your own.
Sorry slappy....I win.


When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....
ROFLMAO! says the troll that runs anyway anytime it's presented with an argument based on reason and evidence, I'd say I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but that would be a lie.

we'll talk. .
No, we won't, … I could have more interesting and insightful conversations with a block of granite than with you, so instead I'll just continue to make fun of you and laugh as you whine about it. :cool:


People like you do a better job proving right wing ignorance than I ever could. So.....keep posting Cletus....!

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

you're only helping my side

LOL, yeah your "side", the hyper-partisan Republicrat drone team...… you lemmings don't need any help from me, you're fucking everything up quite nicely all on your own.

Facts and evidence always seem to have a liberal bias. Eventually, morons like you are going to have to come up with a reason to believe you. Up until now, the name calling and the "I'm right because I say I'm right" is going to run thin. ESPECIALLY after we're finding how wages have gone DOWN (after Republican corporate welfare in 2017) and Trump's trade war is hurting the US economy....AND then, to boot, we're seeing just how weak Trump is as President; especially on the world stage.

When you grow a pair and can actually pose an argument that doesn't involve a stupid meme.....
ROFLMAO! says the troll that runs anyway anytime it's presented with an argument based on reason and evidence, I'd say I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but that would be a lie.

we'll talk. .
No, we won't, … I could have more interesting and insightful conversations with a block of granite than with you, so instead I'll just continue to make fun of you and laugh as you whine about it. :cool:


People like you do a better job proving right wing ignorance than I ever could. So.....keep posting Cletus....!

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

you're only helping my side

LOL, yeah your "side", the hyper-partisan Republicrat drone team...… you lemmings don't need any help from me, you're fucking everything up quite nicely all on your own.

Facts and evidence always seem to have a liberal bias. Eventually, morons like you are going to have to come up with a reason to believe you. Up until now, the name calling and the "I'm right because I say I'm right" is going to run thin. ESPECIALLY after we're finding how wages have gone DOWN (after Republican corporate welfare in 2017) and Trump's trade war is hurting the US economy....AND then, to boot, we're seeing just how weak Trump is as President; especially on the world stage.

Sorry... my LeftWingerTopian Gibberish to English Translator is in the shop.

Please resend your message in another language, preferably one spoken here on Earth.

P.S. Would you like a napkin to wipe all that foam from your lips?

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