Trump is turning to racism to mock Nikki Haley's Indian name. Experts say it could backfire.

Emblematic of your cult's meaningless word salads passing as thinking. Thanks. Kudos.
Fear, ignorance, and stupidity – can’t forget stupidity, childish stupidity.

Trump supporters act like stupid children – Trump’s childish name-calling entertains the Trump Cult.
Fear, ignorance, and stupidity – can’t forget stupidity, childish stupidity.

Trump supporters act like stupid children – Trump’s childish name-calling entertains the Trump Cult.
It does. Mostly becasue it winds up you Karens in the Biden cult. Like clockwork.

But that wasn't my question. My question that you avoided is why your cult is calling this particular name calling racist.
Biden is racist.

Joe Biden once called state-mandated school integration “the most

racist concept you can come up with,” and Barack Obama “the first

sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and

clean.” He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s,

and leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and

‘90s. Uncle Joe has described African-American felons as

“predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate, and white supremacist

senators as his friends.
Biden is racist.

Joe Biden once called state-mandated school integration “the most

racist concept you can come up with,” and Barack Obama “the first

sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and

clean.” He was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s,

and leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and

‘90s. Uncle Joe has described African-American felons as

“predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate, and white supremacist

senators as his friends.

As a Democrat all of that is cancelled out.
Other Democrats don't care.
It's their team.
Power is all that matters.

Trump is turning to racism to mock Nikki Haley's Indian name. Experts say it could backfire.

“Trump is no stranger to turning to racism and name calling against his political foes.”

“A 2021 study led by Aaron Dusso, associate professor of political science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, showed that name-calling did nothing to impact a voter's perception of the insulted candidate.”

“Instead, the name-calling backfired and impacted how the respondents viewed the perpetrating candidate.”

“‘Whatever effect we found was all focused on the actual attacker,’ Dusso told BI in an interview.”

This may be true for other politicians, but not for trump and his devoted fans. Name-calling, bigoted and racial slurs, and his other hate-filled rhetoric are what most impress his supporters. His hate-speech has, in fact, liberated the devout trumpists from polite societal restrictions and has motivated their similar behavior since trump began his first presidential campaign in 2015.

Civil discourse is not anything trump wants and prefers to avoid such situations as in debates and news conferences. With his history of unconscionable behavior, trump’s cult members would lose confidence in their leader should he resort to civil discourse.

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Ahh the experts have spoken
Umm, good poster Frankenstein.....well, mein freund, you are trying too hard.
lol..."trying to hard"?...that seems to be your go to line whenever one of your tell tale faux pas' give you away...[that/this was/is effortless btw] use that lame excuse every time I point out your discriminatory/racist/sexist nature.
That "atmosphere" you now complain about was 60yrs ago in a lunch bar in a German restaurant in downtown Chicago.
Yeah you made that clear with the original Freudian what? what's the point of even mentioning how long ago it was if not in the hopes of being able to distract from your original shamelessness?
Were you even born?
see, meaningless! what is the point of that question...I am 66 years old. Now, what in all your verbal silliness does that change?
But that was then. This is now. I will not fret about the zeitgeist of America or even Illinois... in the wayback times of my youth. Whatsoever.
After all, 60yrs before THAT....women couldn't vote in Illinois.
and you were just fitting in? not only discriminate but try to explain the necessity of it....and what of your contemporary discrimination? if you do not consider it necessary then it has to be gratuitous.
But......times change, perceptions change, things change. Duh!
I was merely pointing out that you haven't, and you went on to explain why....btw I am not the poster Frankenstein Mr. Duh!
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what's the point of even mentioning how long ago it was if not in the hopes of being able to distract from your original shamelessness?
Ah, good poster Frank-2, I mean it.
You are simply trying too hard here.

Do this: Calm. Breathe slowly. Look inward for your inner zen center.
And consider the long-term reputation of your poor avatar.
You are making him/her look bad.

Now, as far as your hyperventilation over the young me eating a really good corned-beef hash at a famous German restaurant in Chicago's Loop 6 decades ago, well, with that too, please settle down. Breathe. Calm.

It was only corned beef.
You are getting overwrought.
Don't do that. It makes your avatar look bad.

BTW, Frank-2, me going to that restaurant 60+ years ago when the establishment wouldn't serve women (for lunch in the upstairs streetside bar) has really really burdened my conscience over all those years.

But, as a testament to my resiliency and forward thinking -----I long ago reconciled myself that eating corned beef for lunch with a bunch of guys in a famous German restaurant* in Chicago's Loop was probably the most despicable thing on my resume. And I forgave myself. Mea culpa, mea culpa.

*by the way, the Berghoff is still a highly successful restaurant And if you are a fan of creamed-spinach, well, you will never.....ever.....find a better one than at the Berghoff. Trust me. Also, the Berghoff for a long long long time, certainly while I worked in the Loop, ONLY had male waiters. I don't know when that changed. But change it did. (the famous Chicago Greek restaurant on Halstead, The Parthenon, was the same way. Only men served the diners. That changed.)

** BTW #2. You might find this of interest: (from Wicki)

"The Berghoff restaurant, at 17 West Adams Street, near the center of the Chicago Loop, was opened in 1898 by Herman Joseph Berghoff and has become a Chicago landmark.[1] In 1999, The Berghoff won a James Beard Foundation Award in the "America's Classics" category, which honors legendary family-owned restaurants across the country.[2]

The restaurant opened in 1898 as a saloon, but during Prohibition, when serving alcohol was illegal, it became known for its characteristic German food, such as sauerbraten, wiener schnitzel, creamed spinach, and apple strudel. The Berghoff was also known for its waiters, who were professionals, with formal cloth aprons, and remembered orders with no need to write them down. The restaurant followed a European system under which waiters purchased food from the kitchen via a token system and resold it to the customer. For much of its history, the Berghoff maintained a separate men's only bar. The segregation ended in 1969, when seven members of the National Organization for Women, followed a little later by the organization's head, Gloria Steinem, stood at the bar and demanded service.[3] [4]


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