Trump is universally disrespected in western Europe and Asia

Having traveled to both western Europe and Asia since Trump has risen to lead the USA, I have been surprised how universally he is disrespected.

Does this mean that a Nobel Peace Prize is out of the question for Trump?

They can't all be peacemakers like Obama I reckon
Having traveled to both western Europe and Asia since Trump has risen to lead the USA, I have been surprised how universally he is disrespected.

I experienced the same thing a couple of months ago when I was in Beijing.
You get what you give .

Obama was respected world wide . Unlike the orange embarrassment.
Maybe we should pull our foreign aid and spend our taxpayer money on Americans.
Trump has considerably reduced the US soft power globally.

Only enemies of the US would consider that a good thing...
EXCELLENT!!!! I'm very glad to hear that. It suggests to me a far more America-centric POTUS and Government thst us not bending over for foreign entities.

So you think that only people only respect a President because they can put stuff over on him? I would say the opposite is true. People respect a leader who is intelligent, well read, knows their facts and is willing to stand up for their country while giving respect to others.

Trump is none of these things and he does most assuredly bend over to other world leaders, especially Putin, who has has given a free hand to in the Urkraine and in Syria.
Well, today Trump was golfing with Abe, and meanwhile China is busy getting ready for the Big Shuew, as Ed Sullivan would say.
China is going to win over Trump with a welcome of such majesty, shock and awe that he will be flattered out of his pants. I'm waiting to see if they've found a set of steps that will reach the door of Air Force One yet.

Hey, the approach worked for the Arabs. Let's see how China does. I'm sure Trump will enjoy it a great deal.
Annnd let’s not forget how he’s dealing with North Korea . That’s annoyed every country in the region .

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