Trump is your retribution, but is he your salvation?

Yes, those inflated death stats were very impressive!

COVID-19 deaths during core pandemic years were likely under-counted​

COVID-19 Deaths in the US Continue to Be Undercounted, Research Shows, Despite Claims of ‘Overcounts’

Another swing and a miss for you.
Trump campaign insider recounts failed hunt for 2020 fraud in new book

The December 2020 claim of voter fraud was explosive, if true: More than 700,000 people had voted twice in Wisconsin, the tip alleged.

But when a highly paid expert for Donald Trump’s campaign began to study the claim at the behest of a Trump lawyer, he quickly realized that not only was it false, it had also traveled a surprisingly twisted path before landing in his inbox.

The expert, Ken Block, learned it had first appeared in a post on a website called, where it was spotted by the owner of an IT company, who brought it to the attention of the general manager of Trump’s golf course in the Bronx.

The golf executive forwarded the tip to the president’s son, Eric, who passed it along to the lawyer. At last, the lawyer, Alex Cannon, directed the wild Wisconsin claim to Block, a software engineer and former politician from Rhode Island who was hired by the campaign shortly after the 2020 election.

The great unraveling continues in earnest.

COVID-19 deaths during core pandemic years were likely under-counted​

COVID-19 Deaths in the US Continue to Be Undercounted, Research Shows, Despite Claims of ‘Overcounts’

Another swing and a miss for you.

Were Cuomo and Whitmer right when they put COVID patients into nursing homes?
You're going in circles. It's already been established racism exists though it doesn't have a website. Trump has acknowledged people who have adopted beliefs associated with QAnon like him and he complimented them. You seem to be having trouble accepting this basic fact. I understand why.
I am not responsible to answer for an organization that is not organized,

because it doesent exist

Which is what you are demanding

You are peddling smoke
Sadly, I'm sure you will take that misinformed belief to the grave. Like many in The Following.

The US, although it represents just 4% of the world's population, accounted for over 20% of all confirmed COVID‐19 cases and deaths worldwide that took place on Trump's watch (Johns Hopkins University, 2022). This outcome was not inevitable. With a timelier, focused, scientifically informed, and sustained whole‐of‐government response, it has been estimated that hundreds of thousands of COVID‐19 deaths could have been avoided (Redlener et al., 2020; Woolhandler et al., 2021). Ultimately, in the US system, as the commander‐in‐chief, presidents are responsible for the decisions the federal government makes or fails to make, the mobilization and coordination of the federal response to national crises, and setting and enforcing the proper priorities. In the final analysis, when it comes to assessing responsibility for the avoidable failures of the federal government's COVID‐19 performance, the evidence examined here indicates that, while not responsible for everything that went wrong, President Trump was a decisive factor behind the tragically sub‐optimal US pandemic response.
The federal government paid a bounty for reported cases of covid 19

That gave hospitals a financial incentive

In one case a man who was killed in a motorcycle accident had covid 19 listed as his cause of death
He did say we would have life, and that more abundantly. Meaning the works we do are NOT conditional to salvation, but as a witness to bring others to the Cross. His ministry was, and is to bring sinners to Himself, not just to merely meet people's physical needs.
He preached against being wealthy. So the wealthy evangelists out there... good luck on getting thru the gates. Ain't happening.
He preached against being wealthy. So the wealthy evangelists out there... good luck on getting thru the gates. Ain't happening.
No, He didn't. You forget Nicodemus was well off for his time, as was Joseph of Aramathea. Yet Christ never condemned them for their wealth.
Luke 18:25. Remember when Osteen vehemently denied people safety in his church? Hypocrite defined. Sick. Twisted.
The mattress store owner was the real Christian. The wealthy people were anti christian.
Osteen, like Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyers, Jimmy Swaggart, and the godfather of them all: Kenneth Copeland are all part of the "Word of Faith" movement BKA "Prosperity 'gospel'" preachers. They are an affront to the true Gospel and will be held in extreme account before G-d if they don't repent of their heresy. Again, tending to people's material/physical needs are not conditional to salvation. Yeshua (Jesus) said in John 3:3 "Truly I say to you, unless a man is BORN AGAIN he cannot see the Kingdom of G-d". Basically, man's most basic need, above food, clothing, and shelter; is the forgiveness of his/her sin. That can only be accomplished through Christ and His perfect sacrifice on the Cross. That verse isn't called the new birth for nothing. We are born with dead souls. Already dead in sin.

Trump Declares a National Emergency, and Provokes a Constitutional Clash​

WASHINGTON — President Trump declared a national emergency on the border with Mexico on Friday in order to access billions of dollars that Congress refused to give him to build a wall there, transforming a highly charged policy dispute into a confrontation over the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution.

Trying to regain momentum after losing a grinding two-month battle with lawmakers over funding the wall, Mr. Trump asserted that the flow of drugs, criminals and illegal immigrants from Mexico constituted a profound threat to national security that justified unilateral action.

WASHINGTON — Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, went to bed Wednesday night cautiously optimistic that a shutdown crisis that had stretched back to December had finally ended.

Then President Trump awoke in a rage Thursday, feeling cornered into accepting a bipartisan funding deal struck earlier in the week that would deprive him once again of money for his long-promised wall along the southwestern border. Conservative commentators who had been cajoled into accepting the deal Wednesday were breaking their silence on Thursday.

By midmorning, after a particularly unpleasant meeting with the secretary of homeland security, Kirstjen Nielsen, the president was threatening to torpedo the deal, according to two people briefed on the exchange. Several hours and several phone calls later, Mr. McConnell had persuaded Mr. Trump to once again agree to sign the bill to avert another government shutdown looming at midnight Friday.

But persuasion came at a price: The president would declare a national emergency to try to secure wall funding without congressional approval, he told the majority leader — and Mr. McConnell would have to back him.

Gosh, what a feckless idiot.
The Democrats have done a lot of damage to the country, Trump is the ONLY man that can turn it around. Nikki Haley is just another political poser. If she cared about the country she wouldn't be acting like a spoiled little girl who didn't win prom queen.
That's the scary part of your reply, That ONLY one single person in the UNITED STATES can fix the problems we have.
At an event with pro-Putin autocrat Orban in attendance Trump said of him, "There's nobody who is better, smarter, or a better leader than Viktor. He's not controversial, he says the way it's going to be and that's the end of it."

Oh how he envies dictators.

Do I have to say hosting a pro-Putin autocrat, and complimenting him, is not what someone who is running for prez can normally get away with. Because his supporters normally wouldn't stand for it. But cult leaders can.

Former advisers sound the alarm that Trump praises despots in private and on the campaign trail

To Donald Trump, Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán is “fantastic,” Chinese leader Xi Jinping is “brilliant,” North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is “an OK guy,” and, most alarmingly, he allegedly said Adolf Hitler “did some good things,” a worldview that would reverse decades-old US foreign policy in a second term should he win November’s presidential election, multiple former senior advisers told CNN.

“He thought Putin was an OK guy and Kim was an OK guy — that we had pushed North Korea into a corner,” retired Gen. John Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff, told me. “To him, it was like we were goading these guys. ‘If we didn’t have NATO, then Putin wouldn’t be doing these things.’”

Trump’s lavish praise for Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán while hosting him at Mar-a-Lago on Friday, just days after all but sealing the Republican nomination on Super Tuesday, shows it’s a worldview he’s doubling down o
“There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán,” Trump said, adding, “He’s the boss and he’s a great leader, fantastic leader. In Europe and around the world, they respect him.”

There is no precedent in American history for a would be prez being a would be strongman.

Trump, on eve of fundraiser with Anheuser-Busch lobbyist, defends company​

Former President Donald Trump offered an olive branch to Anheuser-Busch on Tuesday, issuing a post on his social media platform calling on conservatives to drop their opposition to the besieged beer company.

“The Bud Light ad was a mistake of epic proportions, and for that a very big price was paid, but Anheuser-Busch is not a Woke company,” Trump wrote. “Anheuser-Busch is a Great American Brand that perhaps deserves a Second Chance? What do you think? Perhaps, instead, we should be going after those companies that are looking to DESTROY AMERICA!”

Trump’s post on Truth Social represents a major attempt at deescalation in a long-simmering feud between the political movement the former president leads and the mega corporation since April 2023, when it came under fire for a sponsored post with a transgender influencer.

Trump’s message also comes as a top Republican lobbyist for the company is set to host a fundraiser for the former president next month, with some tickets going at $10,000 each.

Next time a company is boycotted it will know what to do. Give Trump some payoff money.

Once a grifter always a grifter.

Trump, on eve of fundraiser with Anheuser-Busch lobbyist, defends company​

Former President Donald Trump offered an olive branch to Anheuser-Busch on Tuesday, issuing a post on his social media platform calling on conservatives to drop their opposition to the besieged beer company.

“The Bud Light ad was a mistake of epic proportions, and for that a very big price was paid, but Anheuser-Busch is not a Woke company,” Trump wrote. “Anheuser-Busch is a Great American Brand that perhaps deserves a Second Chance? What do you think? Perhaps, instead, we should be going after those companies that are looking to DESTROY AMERICA!”

Trump’s post on Truth Social represents a major attempt at deescalation in a long-simmering feud between the political movement the former president leads and the mega corporation since April 2023, when it came under fire for a sponsored post with a transgender influencer.

Trump’s message also comes as a top Republican lobbyist for the company is set to host a fundraiser for the former president next month, with some tickets going at $10,000 each.

Next time a company is boycotted it will know what to do. Give Trump some payoff money.

Once a grifter always a grifter.

Maybe he can get a Bud distributorship, like Jesse Jackson?

Former advisers sound the alarm that Trump praises despots in private and on the campaign trail

He's really not hiding it any more, and neither are they.

They want a Pinochet/Orban type, and he wants to be that guy.

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