Trump issues lengthy statement after The Washington Post retracted false quotes

The Breeze

Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2010
Two months later? Screw the washington post (lower case intended).

Hours after The Washington Post made a correction to its story that it had “misquoted” former President Donald Trump, the former President issued a blistering statement.

The bad reporting from WaPo claimed Trump told Georgia’s top elections investigator “to find the fraud,” in December. The Post says this quote was false and they lay blame on an unidentified source.

Two months later? Screw the washington post (lower case intended).

Hours after The Washington Post made a correction to its story that it had “misquoted” former President Donald Trump, the former President issued a blistering statement.

The bad reporting from WaPo claimed Trump told Georgia’s top elections investigator “to find the fraud,” in December. The Post says this quote was false and they lay blame on an unidentified source.

"Trump did not tell the investigator to ‘find the fraud’ or say she would be ‘a national hero’ if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Ga., asserting she would find ‘dishonesty’ there. He also told her that she had ‘the most important job in the country right now.’”
Two months later? Screw the washington post (lower case intended).

Hours after The Washington Post made a correction to its story that it had “misquoted” former President Donald Trump, the former President issued a blistering statement.

The bad reporting from WaPo claimed Trump told Georgia’s top elections investigator “to find the fraud,” in December. The Post says this quote was false and they lay blame on an unidentified source.

"Trump did not tell the investigator to ‘find the fraud’ or say she would be ‘a national hero’ if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Ga., asserting she would find ‘dishonesty’ there. He also told her that she had ‘the most important job in the country right now.’”

And he was right.
Is that it?

the washington post hits a pedestrian at 80 mph, driving while intoxicated and all that happens is they issue a Sorry ‘Bout That in their crummy lying newspaper?

but thats not good enough

Someone at WAPO should to go to jail

no one will because printing lies in a newspaper is not a federal crime

but it should be

This is why we refer to the media as the LYING LIB media
the original washington post lie, was published just before the georgia senate for thought!

Meanwhile the lie they posted was used by liberals across the country to convince people that Trump was trying to steal the election.

AND, will continue to be so used, by liberals, who missed or just ignore the retraction, on unsuspecting people who make the mistake of giving the liberals or the washington post any credibility.
What a jerk. Nothing in response to the news that Trump followers are refusing to take a vaccine he wants full credit for but a "Blistering" diatribe in response to being misquoted? His priorities are still the same.
What a jerk. Nothing in response to the news that Trump followers are refusing to take a vaccine he wants full credit for but a "Blistering" diatribe in response to being misquoted? His priorities are still the same.

That "misquote" was used by liberals to support their narrative that Trump and his supporters were trying to steal the election.

That was and still is important.

Liberals are lying about their enemies to justify their escalating oppression, censorship and violence.
What a jerk. Nothing in response to the news that Trump followers are refusing to take a vaccine he wants full credit for but a "Blistering" diatribe in response to being misquoted? His priorities are still the same.

That "misquote" was used by liberals to support their narrative that Trump and his supporters were trying to steal the election.

That was and still is important.

Liberals are lying about their enemies to justify their escalating oppression, censorship and violence.
He was trying overturn the election by simply calling those people. Only an idiot would think otherwise. When is Trump going to retract any of the thousands of lies he told?
the original washington post lie, was published just before the georgia senate for thought!

Meanwhile the lie they posted was used by liberals across the country to convince people that Trump was trying to steal the election.

AND, will continue to be so used, by liberals, who missed or just ignore the retraction, on unsuspecting people who make the mistake of giving the liberals or the washington post any credibility.

The CONS are freaking out like a 13 year old girl, who just lost her first boyfriend, over 6 words.

"find the fraud" and ‘a national hero’ .

Of course they dismiss:

“The people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry,” Trump tells the state’s election chief at another point. “And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, that you’ve recalculated.”
“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state,” Trump says on the call.

Talk about TRIGGERED.
Well the only issue is the wording. Find the fraud is just a simple summary statement.

transcript of an hour long call made by Trump clamming example of fraud that have not been found to be true as of this day. Just accusation that are unproven and he offers no proof other than what Rudy and his lawyers told him.

He claimed fraud by using examples

Dead people voting, well is he alluding to fraud

I had bigger rallies with a lot of people and there is no way I would lose based on the number of people in my rally. Is he claiming fraud because he had more people show up at his rallies and there is no way he could lose in Georgia. Yeah real scientific proof of winning.

etc, etc. a long list of unproven accusation

if someone calls a person pleasantly plump

that person may take it as you said I am fat

but the person says I didn't call you fat

well that person may not have said those exact words but the meaning is clear
He was trying overturn the election by simply calling those people. Only an idiot would think otherwise. When is Trump going to retract any of the thousands of lies he told?
So its ok for the lib media to lie as long as they are serving a “good cause?”
another non-journalistic, wanna be paper. cant even call it a "newspaper, because all they write are LIES, same thing the communist demonRATS do daily
What a jerk. Nothing in response to the news that Trump followers are refusing to take a vaccine he wants full credit for but a "Blistering" diatribe in response to being misquoted? His priorities are still the same.

That "misquote" was used by liberals to support their narrative that Trump and his supporters were trying to steal the election.

That was and still is important.

Liberals are lying about their enemies to justify their escalating oppression, censorship and violence.
He was trying overturn the election by simply calling those people. Only an idiot would think otherwise. When is Trump going to retract any of the thousands of lies he told?
TRUMP was after the TRUTH. no one would expect a brainless commie, demonRAT to understand that.
if you wanna talk lies, count the ones the shit stain demonRATS have told
Well the only issue is the wording. Find the fraud is just a simple summary statement.

transcript of an hour long call made by Trump clamming example of fraud that have not been found to be true as of this day. Just accusation that are unproven and he offers no proof other than what Rudy and his lawyers told him.

He claimed fraud by using examples

Dead people voting, well is he alluding to fraud

I had bigger rallies with a lot of people and there is no way I would lose based on the number of people in my rally. Is he claiming fraud because he had more people show up at his rallies and there is no way he could lose in Georgia. Yeah real scientific proof of winning.

etc, etc. a long list of unproven accusation

if someone calls a person pleasantly plump

that person may take it as you said I am fat

but the person says I didn't call you fat

well that person may not have said those exact words but the meaning is clear
So if trump was wrong on the facts why did your lib media have to tell you lies?

wasnt the truth good enough?
Well we all know who stole the election and it wasn't Trump.

We are now stuck with that stuttering fuck, his EO's, his green shit and his mess at the border with thousands of illegals, many with the Chinese Virus, flowing in.

Just wait till the convoys from South America show up. Trump had a simple way to deal with them which Biden got rid of.

Get ready for four years of misery with the Biden/Harris shit show.
What a jerk. Nothing in response to the news that Trump followers are refusing to take a vaccine he wants full credit for but a "Blistering" diatribe in response to being misquoted? His priorities are still the same.

That "misquote" was used by liberals to support their narrative that Trump and his supporters were trying to steal the election.

That was and still is important.

Liberals are lying about their enemies to justify their escalating oppression, censorship and violence.
He was trying overturn the election by simply calling those people. Only an idiot would think otherwise. When is Trump going to retract any of the thousands of lies he told?

If that was true, the washing post would not have lied about what he said.

Calling to tell someone to investigate something is very, very different from telling them to what result to come back with.

That was the difference between what actually happened and what the Press told the American people.

This was done to tear the nation apart, to divide US against each other.

Few would begrudge a reasonable investigation into possible fraud.

But create a situation where both halves of the country believe that the other half is supporting a steal?

What kind of person WANTS to do that to this country?
What a jerk. Nothing in response to the news that Trump followers are refusing to take a vaccine he wants full credit for but a "Blistering" diatribe in response to being misquoted? His priorities are still the same.
so are yours...listen to the communist demonRATS LIE daily. talk about TRUMP--LIE--talk about TRUMP--LIE-- talk about TRUMP
this is all you shit stain commie demonRATS do....

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