Trump issues new threatening challenge to the GOP

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. —Donald Trump demanded that Republicans unify behind his campaign on Saturday night, arguing that conservatives who don’t back his campaign should fear the consequences of a third-party bid.

In another boisterous victory speech-press conference combo, Trump called on Sen. Marco Rubio to leave the race and suggested that he might not even bother to campaign if the “#NeverTrump” movement challenges him in the general election. Such a move, he warned, would guarantee Hillary Clinton a chance to replace the late conservative justice Antonin Scalia.

“If they run a third party or an independent party, if they do that, it will make it impossible for the Republican candidate, on the assumption it’s me, to win,” Trump said. “The Democrats would have an absolute free run. Probably you wouldn’t even campaign because it would be impossible to win.”

He is blackmailing the GOP. I guess he has a lot of experience in doing this. WOW!
But he is right. If the establishment Rs, which I thought you hated, mount an independent candidacy, Trump's chances of winning the WH are negligible.

It is funny how you post non-stop anti-Trump and pro-establishment R threads...yet also claim to be a radical leftist who hates Rs.

Did you not predict that Little Jebbie would win the R nomination? Being wrong all the time seems to be your MO.

Really? I claim to be a "radical leftist who hates Rs?" You just need to lay of the hallucinogens...

I respect the "true" Republican Party. That party looks nothing like the one that Trump is trying to promote. Many, many true conservatives that I know and respect are aghast over Donald and what he has brought to the GOP debates. He has turned the GOP debates into something between a verbal MMA and a Three Stooges reunion. Just Incredible!
When are you going to learn that all politicians are buffoons? They are all corrupt stinking liars.

We as a nation have been lead by career politicians and where has that gotten us?

I don't see how Trump could be any worse than any of the other candidates, all of whom are career lying politicians.
Jesse Ventura on presidential run: 'I'm considering it'
Jesse Ventura on presidential run: 'I'm considering it'

Would he pull more Sanders supporters, or Trump supporters?

Jesse Ventura torn between backing Sanders, Trump


Maybe Jesse can teach Donald how to body slam his debate opponents?
I don't think he needs any help with that, I think he has that covered. It's already part of his skill set, don't you think? :lmao:

The establishment is investing a fortune in stopping Trump's rescue of what remains of the former United States. There is no story they won't cook up and no lie they won't tell.
I feel for the Phrump faithful when/if Donald is elected and turns 180 degrees on all of his stances....again.

Maybe he will nominate a Mafia Boss for the Supreme Court.
I feel for the Phrump faithful when/if Donald is elected and turns 180 degrees on all of his stances....again.

Maybe he will nominate a Mafia Boss for the Supreme Court.
A real mafia boss would be better than the lavender mafia now on the bench.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. —Donald Trump demanded that Republicans unify behind his campaign on Saturday night, arguing that conservatives who don’t back his campaign should fear the consequences of a third-party bid.

In another boisterous victory speech-press conference combo, Trump called on Sen. Marco Rubio to leave the race and suggested that he might not even bother to campaign if the “#NeverTrump” movement challenges him in the general election. Such a move, he warned, would guarantee Hillary Clinton a chance to replace the late conservative justice Antonin Scalia.

“If they run a third party or an independent party, if they do that, it will make it impossible for the Republican candidate, on the assumption it’s me, to win,” Trump said. “The Democrats would have an absolute free run. Probably you wouldn’t even campaign because it would be impossible to win.”

He is blackmailing the GOP. I guess he has a lot of experience in doing this. WOW!
Trump is in fact an arrogant putz.
The new set of campaign ads against Trump in MI and OH and Florida are going to hurt him badly.

The strip the veneer of 'tough guy' and show him for the dork he is.
The new set of campaign ads against Trump in MI and OH and Florida are going to hurt him badly.

The strip the veneer of 'tough guy' and show him for the dork he is.

Is this one you are talking about?

So much for the Evangelistic vote...
I respect the "true" Republican Party.

Define the "true" Republican Party. Who is the leadership?

I don't know and I don't care, but if becomes Trump in the next few weeks, the GOP will splinter as never before.
I hope you are right, but your track record is dismal.
Oh, far better than yours. And I agree with him, that if Trump is the candidate then the GOP will reform and throw off certain groups.

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