Trump: It'll Be Me v. Biden, 'Cause Hillary's Going Down

It's very likely. As long as trump doesn't get the Bobby Kennedy treatment.
More RW fantasies.

Drumpf WILL drop out. Bet on it.

He has no other choice. He's all ego and hair spray. He can't win and he'd rather quit than lose. He'll come up with some pressing business yadda yadda and he WILL drop out.

I just hope he taps $arah for his veep. That way, they can quit together. It'll be deja vu all over again.
Trump will not drop out. Why should he? he is winning every poll.

The Hildebeast will drop out due to her criminal activities while SecState and the clinton foundation taking bribes.

Then, who do the dems have? Sanders---------an ancient socialst idiot. Biden------a circus clown with hair plugs. Gore-------------oh please run that idiot. O'Malley------------not a bad guy but the dems hate him. Webb----------probably the best they have, but he is much too truthful and has a military background so they would never run him.

The dims have no one. I find that hilarious.
biden , I think that he is good at 'plagerism' in his campaign speeches , isn't he ??

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