Trump Jnr says following the teachings of Jesus has gotten us nothing

"We've turned the other cheek and I understand sort of the biblical reference, I understand the mentality but it's gotten us nothing," he complained. "OK? It's gotten us nothing while we've ceded ground in every major institution."

Is this an evangelical stance ?
I am Jewish, not Christian.

Progressives never turn the other cheek -- they do what they can to destroy anyone who disagrees with them.

President Trump's comment about Mexicans was wrong. Sadly, most Progressives agree that all Mexican men, like all men are potential rapists. Progressives are wrong.

"We've turned the other cheek and I understand sort of the biblical reference, I understand the mentality but it's gotten us nothing," he complained. "OK? It's gotten us nothing while we've ceded ground in every major institution."

Is this an evangelical stance ?

Perhaps this man of letters is busy on a revisionist version of the good book that is more in keeping with modern conservatism ?

"Dont covet thy neighbours wife, unless she is hot"

" Love thy neighbour ,unless he speaks Mexican"

"Render unto Caeser , as little as you can get away with"

"Suffer little children, it aint your responsibility"
Finally, he's admitted it, he's not Christian at all.

"We've turned the other cheek and I understand sort of the biblical reference, I understand the mentality but it's gotten us nothing," he complained. "OK? It's gotten us nothing while we've ceded ground in every major institution."

Is this an evangelical stance ?

Perhaps this man of letters is busy on a revisionist version of the good book that is more in keeping with modern conservatism ?

"Dont covet thy neighbours wife, unless she is hot"

" Love thy neighbour ,unless he speaks Mexican"

"Render unto Caeser , as little as you can get away with"

"Suffer little children, it aint your responsibility"
How would a Trump who has never followed the teachings of Jesus know whether or not it works?

"We've turned the other cheek and I understand sort of the biblical reference, I understand the mentality but it's gotten us nothing," he complained. "OK? It's gotten us nothing while we've ceded ground in every major institution."

Is this an evangelical stance ?
Of course Conservatives do violate the Seven Laws of Noah. Progressives violate these Laws to a much greater extent.

Do you support the murder of unborn children?
How is he playing me?

I don't give a fuck about religion.

I don't believe in "turn the other cheek.". I believe in dominance and submission. You let me live in peace and with liberty or I won't let you all.

Anything goes. We are always at war. We must be ruthless.

He is finally coming around to my way of thinking.

Nuturing your extremism is ridiculous.
As a Jew I can not speak for Christians.

I know that throughout History, Christians did fight many brutal wars. How is Donald Trump Jr. different?

"We've turned the other cheek and I understand sort of the biblical reference, I understand the mentality but it's gotten us nothing," he complained. "OK? It's gotten us nothing while we've ceded ground in every major institution."

Is this an evangelical stance ?

Perhaps this man of letters is busy on a revisionist version of the good book that is more in keeping with modern conservatism ?

"Dont covet thy neighbours wife, unless she is hot"

" Love thy neighbour ,unless he speaks Mexican"

"Render unto Caeser , as little as you can get away with"

"Suffer little children, it aint your responsibility"
This is what he actually said: "We've turned the other cheek and I understand sort of the biblical reference, I understand the mentality but it's gotten us nothing," he complained. "OK? It's gotten us nothing while we've ceded ground in every major institution."

Certainly he isn't advocating slapping a dem...but he's suggesting playing by their rules. As your propaganda piece says, Trump even said he hates playing their game,...I don't blame him...but it's the game they set.

Nothing Jesus said, suggested not playing by the rules they set. If they smack you, turn the other their game.
"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." - anonymous kenyan lawn jockey, circa June 2008

"If they steal another election, we drag them through the fucking streets. Fuck religion." - 2Fe, 2021
Turning Point USA - Wikipedia

Turning Point USA (TPUSA), or Turning Point, is an American nonprofit organization that advocates for conservative values on high school, college, and university campuses. The organization was founded in 2012 by Charlie Kirk and Bill Montgomery. TPUSA's sister organizations include Turning Point Endowment, Turning Point Action and Students for Trump, and Turning Point

In June 2018, conservative radio talk show host Joe Walsh resigned from the TPUSA board because Charlie Kirk was too closely tied to Donald Trump. Walsh said that "It's so important to not be beholden to politicians, but to be beholden to the issues ... When Charlie went to work for Trump, that crossed that line. You can't advance Trump and advance these issues."[116]

During October and November 2019, Turning Point USA launched the 'Culture War' college tour of speaking events with appearances from many conservatives such as Donald Trump Jr., Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle. These events were frequently targeted by homophobic and antisemitic members of the alt- and far-right who consider TPUSA to be too mainstream and not sufficiently conservative. Concerted efforts were made by this group to ask leading questions during the Q&A sections on controversial topics such as Israel and LGBTQ issues in order to challenge the extent of the speakers' views. These members are called Groypers.[117]

In December 2017, The New Yorker published an article by Jane Mayer showcasing interviews with former minority members of the organization. Former staff members said they witnessed widespread discrimination against minorities in the group, and stated "the organization was a difficult workplace and rife with tension, some of it racial."[27][118] One former employee, an African-American woman, said she was the only person of color working for the organization at the time she was hired in 2014; she then said that she was fired on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The article also revealed text messages sent by Crystal Clanton – who was a leading figure in the organization and served as the group's national field director for five years – to another Turning Point employee saying "i hate black people. Like fuck them all . . . I hate blacks. End of story." Kirk responded to the revelations by saying that "Turning Point assessed the situation and took decisive action within 72 hours of being made aware of the issue."[27] The article also noted that Kirk had explicitly praised Clanton in his book Time for a Turning Point, saying that she had been "the best hire we ever could have made," and that "Turning Point needs more Crystals; so does America."[27]

In an article titled "Turning Point USA Keeps Accidentally Hiring Racists," HuffPost reported that the woman hired to replace Crystal Clanton had a history of using racial slurs, particularly against African-Americans, on Twitter before deleting her account. In response to the reports, Kirk referred to the individual in question as "a former employee" in his official statement (without clarifying when she had been fired), and Turning Point issued an internal memo announcing that all current and new staff would face social media background checks.[119]

In 2018, the Southern Poverty Law Center's Hatewatch documented TPUSA's links to white supremacists.

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