Trump Job Approval 50% or Higher in 17 States in 2018

Texas approval rating is 41% ?????

What's up with that? Almost gives me hope.

Houston is a blue, blue, blue city. Black mayor, Hispanic county sheriff, lesbian D.A. with a large gay population.
And surpassing Chicago as the the 3rd largest city in the country.
Like how Trump was not going to beat Crooked Hillary?
We're not yet in the Trump recession of 2020, which will certainly be the case come November that year.

I'll be ready and waiting to make a bet with you around that time as to who gets to stay and who gets to leave this forum based on which side wins.

Keep on spinning then.
Like how Trump was not going to beat Crooked Hillary?

How many times do morons like you need to be told???

Trump won the electoral college vote, BUT millions of voters cast their ballots to keep this clown from infesting the oval office.

Trump will NOT win (or maybe evern run) in 2020.

What do you expect, Nat?
They seem to forget that Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, too.
Then they forgot that Trump said Mexico would pay through the USMCA trade deal.
Soon they will forget that Trump is STEALING money already assigned by Congress to other projects and disaster relief.
That's how these stupid idiots justify supporting Trump....They have Trumpzheimer's Disease.
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I live in MA and no one asked me. Fake News.

I live in Texas, look at his rating there.

fuck with us and take our land for a wall nobody wants, and we'll show you out the back door.
"Our land?" Since when did you acquire any land along the border?

Texas land owners stand united.

GFY moron.

I have two good friends in Austin. They vehemently disagree with you. Another lie. You're consistent.

you ask for a link, I gave you one.

did you hear ?

There aint gonna be no damn WALL.
I live in MA and no one asked me. Fake News.

I live in Texas, look at his rating there.

fuck with us and take our land for a wall nobody wants, and we'll show you out the back door.
"Our land?" Since when did you acquire any land along the border?

Texas land owners stand united.

GFY moron.

I have two good friends in Austin. They vehemently disagree with you. Another lie. You're consistent.

you ask for a link, I gave you one.

did you hear ?

There aint gonna be no damn WALL.

You said "nobody". Unless you suck at math you know 43% is not "nobody".
Like how Trump was not going to beat Crooked Hillary?

How many times do morons like you need to be told???

Trump won the electoral college vote, BUT millions of voters cast their ballots to keep this clown from infesting the oval office.

Trump will NOT win (or maybe evern run) in 2020.
In other words, Trump beat Hillary. He'll also beat whatever pathetic specimen the Dims drag up in 2020
What do you expect, Nat?
They seem to forget that Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, too.
Then they forgot that Trump said Mexico would pay through the USMCA trade deal.
Soon they will forget that Trump is STEALING money already assigned by Congress to other projects and disaster relief.
That's how these stupid idiots justify supporting Trump....They have Trumpzheimer's Disease.

....and the other "beaut" of a promise about HC coverage for EVERYBODY....CHEAPER....and BETTER....from almost day one in office, no less...............The Trump CULT is rather "forgetful"
Texas approval rating is 41% ?????

What's up with that? Almost gives me hope.

Houston is a blue, blue, blue city. Black mayor, Hispanic county sheriff, lesbian D.A. with a large gay population.
And surpassing Chicago as the the 3rd largest city in the country.


Yes, if you read the article it's Texans are divided on the wall. Nothing specific about Houstonians.
What do you expect, Nat?
They seem to forget that Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, too.
Then they forgot that Trump said Mexico would pay through the USMCA trade deal.
Soon they will forget that Trump is STEALING money already assigned by Congress to other projects and disaster relief.
That's how these stupid idiots justify supporting Trump....They have Trumpzheimer's Disease.

....and the other "beaut" of a promise about HC coverage for EVERYBODY....CHEAPER....and BETTER....from almost day one in office, no less...............The Trump CULT is rather "forgetful"
Did anyone ever take him seriously on this? Although I admit I never understood why anyone voted for him. I mean if you're stridently anti-abortion and thing the gummit forcing your employer to pay for insurance covering IUD's is .... murder, Ok I get it.
Did anyone ever take him seriously on this? Although I admit I never understood why anyone voted for him. I mean if you're stridently anti-abortion and thing the gummit forcing your employer to pay for insurance covering IUD's is .... murder, Ok I get it.

As Trump stated in a moment of candor......."I LOVE THE POORLY EDUCATED....."

Did anyone ever take him seriously on this? Although I admit I never understood why anyone voted for him. I mean if you're stridently anti-abortion and thing the gummit forcing your employer to pay for insurance covering IUD's is .... murder, Ok I get it.

As Trump stated in a moment of candor......."I LOVE THE POORLY EDUCATED....."

I know professional people who voted for Trump. Male and female. Over 20 of them, easily. Really more. Every one of them.shares a common view that gummit has given people who are too lazy to work some of THEIR stuff. I can't say they're wrong, and I even agree with them. But that doesn't excuse racism, nor is a reason to not want kids whose parents don't have insurance to get Medicaid with Schips.

I know two guys who are longtime mainstreet gopers who give money, in one case LOTS of money, but I'm not sure they voted for him. Here in ole Miss-sippee, the gop has a track record of implementing voter ID while making sure anyone eligible to vote has an ID. Race is an issue, but denying voting isn't an issue.

Imo everyone gets a pass on how they view issues, but birtherism and the Central Park 5, not to mention illegally denying housing on racial lines is NOT ok.
This is the state of the race as I see it.

View attachment 247855

Republicans need to win every state while Democrats have a number of combinations which win.

Not sure I follow that Wyoming call. I dunno the whole thing looks pessimistic.

Who's the brown candidate?

I did make a mistake on Wyoming. Everything not blue or red is a swing state.


Here is the corrected map. Republicans have to win every undecided state.
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If that were true he would not be holding rallies.
He loves the rallies because he is an egomaniac. No matter what happens he will seek cheering crowds for the rest of his life.

So he held rallies before he ran? Doesn’t compute. He is an egomaniac and he wants to win 100%.
He had a TV show and wallowed in the attention his fictional character received.

Mark Burnett, the producer for "The Apprentice" SAVED Trump's sorry ass in the 1990s when the banks regarded Trump as toxic after so many business failures and bankruptices.

Burnett created an aura and image of Trump as a successful billionaire, when he was actually struggling to keep from going entirely under and lose Trump Tower.

Trumpanzees need to learn how to read instead of just watching Fox Noise.

#1) NOT TRUE at all. Banks NEVER regarded him as toxic. WOW. What a damn lie.
#2) Trump had that image before. Burnett capitalized on it.
#3) You need to learn to tell the truth.

Trump was forced to go overseas for his money as US banks refused to deal with him.

How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business

This is the state of the race as I see it.

View attachment 247855

Republicans need to win every state while Democrats have a number of combinations which win.

Not sure I follow that Wyoming call. I dunno the whole thing looks pessimistic.

Who's the brown candidate?

I did make a mistake on Wyoming. Everything not blue or red is a swing state.

View attachment 247884

Here is the corrected map. Republicans have to win every undecided state.

You don't think Ohio is in play? Or Missouri?

Also did you take into account that Nebraska and Maine split their EVs by district?
Here in ole Miss-sippee

I had an aunt who wrote a strongly-worded letter to her TV station chiding its weatherman for pronouncing the state that way. :rofl:

She passed away a coupla years ago at age 97. I told that story at her funeral and added how proud I was to be related to her.
This is the state of the race as I see it.

View attachment 247855

Republicans need to win every state while Democrats have a number of combinations which win.

Not sure I follow that Wyoming call. I dunno the whole thing looks pessimistic.

Who's the brown candidate?

I did make a mistake on Wyoming. Everything not blue or red is a swing state.

View attachment 247884

Here is the corrected map. Republicans have to win every undecided state.

You don't think Ohio is in play? Or Missouri?

Also did you take into account that Nebraska and Maine split their EVs by district?

Colorado, Nevada, Ohio and Missouri will not be in play in 2020. In Nevada, Democrats are on a roll and Republicans the same in Missouri. Colorado and Ohio have certain demographics that put them out of play in 2020. Colorado has a larger number of educated people than the national average and Ohio fewer. Maine uses a ranked voting system for federal elections which means Republicans will likely lose the electoral vote they got in Maine..
He was the ceo of a large worldwide real estate corporation and a billionaire. Obama was a community organizer .

Obama never filed bankruptcy six times, either.
Obama didn't inherit $413M from his daddy, and then squander it on failed airlines and casinos.
Obama never had a lawsuit for $35M in fraud filed against him.
Obama released his tax returns before both elections.

I could go on, but I suspect your eyes have glazed over already.

#1) You have to take a risk and start a business to file bankruptcy, which is just a legal term for reorganization not the same as a personal bankruptcy.
#2) If you mean making it worth 10x that squander. Sure.
#3) Never took risks why would there be lawsuits?
#4) Obama had simple returns

Please go on. This is a lot of fun.
How is there risk if you never intend to pay back money you borrow, and simply default on loans from private individuals whose only recourse is to take sole possession of a casino with insufficient customers?

Who forced them to loan Trump the money?
In 17 states his approval is above 50%.
In 13 states his approval is between 40% and 50%.
In 20 states his approval is below 40%.

From highest to lowest




Although much can change between now and Election Day 2020, a job approval rating of 50% or higher would presumably put Trump in good position to win a state in the presidential election.

The 17 states with 50%+ approval ratings account for a combined total of 102 electoral votes.

In contrast, the states in which Trump has an approval rating below 40% account for 201 electoral votes.

In order to get to the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency, Trump would have to win all but one or two of the states in which his 2018 approval rating was between 41% and 49%.

Some of the more challenging states to win from among this group, based on that approval rating, would be Texas (41%); Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan (all at 42%); and Arizona and Florida (43%).

Trump Job Approval 50% or Higher in 17 States in 2018

In other words, 2/3 of the country currently disapprove.

Like I said before folks, Trump Is Definitely NOT Going To Win Reelection.
He will be re-elected easily...

He will be a two-term president -- his second term will be more productive than his first....maybe even reach 6% GDP growth

Lol, wanna bet on 6 % GDP? I do not care who the president is, it ain't gonna happen!

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