Trump jokingly says to donors US should put ‘Chinese flag on jets and bomb the sh*t out of Russia'

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated a horrifying scenario during a speech to some 250 elite Republican donors: He said the U.S. could bomb Russia with jets disguised with Chinese flags, then sit back and watch those nations go to war.

Specifically, Trump said the U.S. could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22 fighter jets and use them to “bomb the shit out of Russia,” according to a recording of his speech that was obtained by The Washington Post.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump said.

Trump Floats Idea That U.S. Bomb Russia With Jets In China Flags, Then ‘Sit Back And Watch’

Trump is a genius! What do you think

I would say it's just about the dumbest thing he ever said but I would soon have to amend that statement the next time he opens his pie hole.
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated a horrifying scenario during a speech to some 250 elite Republican donors: He said the U.S. could bomb Russia with jets disguised with Chinese flags, then sit back and watch those nations go to war.

Specifically, Trump said the U.S. could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22 fighter jets and use them to “bomb the shit out of Russia,” according to a recording of his speech that was obtained by The Washington Post.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump said.

Trump Floats Idea That U.S. Bomb Russia With Jets In China Flags, Then ‘Sit Back And Watch’

Trump is a genius! What do you think?

And you believe every word written in WAPO as gospel. :abgg2q.jpg:
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated a horrifying scenario during a speech to some 250 elite Republican donors: He said the U.S. could bomb Russia with jets disguised with Chinese flags, then sit back and watch those nations go to war.

Specifically, Trump said the U.S. could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22 fighter jets and use them to “bomb the shit out of Russia,” according to a recording of his speech that was obtained by The Washington Post.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump said.

Trump Floats Idea That U.S. Bomb Russia With Jets In China Flags, Then ‘Sit Back And Watch’

Trump is a genius! What do you think?
Every American should be thankful Trump was voted out of office.

And conservatives want Trump to be president again.
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated a horrifying scenario during a speech to some 250 elite Republican donors: He said the U.S. could bomb Russia with jets disguised with Chinese flags, then sit back and watch those nations go to war.

Specifically, Trump said the U.S. could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22 fighter jets and use them to “bomb the shit out of Russia,” according to a recording of his speech that was obtained by The Washington Post.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump said.

Trump Floats Idea That U.S. Bomb Russia With Jets In China Flags, Then ‘Sit Back And Watch’

Trump is a genius! What do you think?
Don't blame Trump here. In fact, it seems that if Trump HAD been in power, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated a horrifying scenario during a speech to some 250 elite Republican donors: He said the U.S. could bomb Russia with jets disguised with Chinese flags, then sit back and watch those nations go to war.

Specifically, Trump said the U.S. could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22 fighter jets and use them to “bomb the shit out of Russia,” according to a recording of his speech that was obtained by The Washington Post.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump said.

Trump Floats Idea That U.S. Bomb Russia With Jets In China Flags, Then ‘Sit Back And Watch’

Trump is a genius! What do you think?
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Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated a horrifying scenario during a speech to some 250 elite Republican donors: He said the U.S. could bomb Russia with jets disguised with Chinese flags, then sit back and watch those nations go to war.

Specifically, Trump said the U.S. could “put the Chinese flag” on F-22 fighter jets and use them to “bomb the shit out of Russia,” according to a recording of his speech that was obtained by The Washington Post.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump said.

Trump Floats Idea That U.S. Bomb Russia With Jets In China Flags, Then ‘Sit Back And Watch’

Trump is a genius! What do you think?

It was a joke. You probably didn't get it either when Reagan was caught on a hot microphone saying "The bombing will begin in five minutes", did you?

Did we die then?
‘Did Trump, who appears to be gearing up for a run again in 2024, lay out a detailed, well-researched, militarily sound plan to counter Putin? Of course not. Instead, he thought this would be a good time to crack a joke, despite heart-wrenching images of Ukrainians being bombed and fleeing for their lives.

According to a recording of the speech obtained by The Washington Post, Trump told the audience of GOP donors that the United States should “put the Chinese flag” on F-22 fighter jets and “bomb the s**t” out of Russia. He quipped, “And then we say, China did it. Then they start fighting with each other, and we sit back and watch.”

The Post reports that the audience responded with laughter, which is baffling. This is the type of joke a second-rate comedian would make in a crappy comedy club in New Jersey on a weeknight – not the words of a former President of the United States. But apparently to Trump, joking about a conflict where people are fighting for their lives against a nuclear superpower is a real knee-slapper.’

Trump’s fellow conservatives likewise think the Ukrainian people fighting for their lives is ‘funny.’
It was a joke. You probably didn't get it either when Reagan was caught on a hot microphone saying "The bombing will begin in five minutes", did you?

Did we die then?

They cannot comprehend 'tongue in cheek' stuff. They are that stupid.
I'm not convinced that Trump was joking.

That's because you do not understand the humor of Trump.

Just stick with your Biden humor, and you'll be ok. Like pratt falls and funny gaffes.


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