Trump Jr. Blames Hillary Clinton For June Meeting With Russian Lawyer


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

So it wasn’t adoptions, like they first claimed. Nor was it nothing, like they also claimed.

The new reason, according to Donald Trump, Jr.’s statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, that he met with the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June of 2016 during the U.S. presidential election was because… wait for it, you need to sit down… he was worried about Hillary Clinton’s fitness for office.

Trump Jr. Blames Hillary Clinton for His June Meeting with a Russian Lawyer
Of course the Trumpbots will whole-heartedly buy this clap-trap that he's altruistic in his motives.

So it wasn’t adoptions, like they first claimed. Nor was it nothing, like they also claimed.

The new reason, according to Donald Trump, Jr.’s statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, that he met with the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June of 2016 during the U.S. presidential election was because… wait for it, you need to sit down… he was worried about Hillary Clinton’s fitness for office.

Trump Jr. Blames Hillary Clinton for His June Meeting with a Russian Lawyer

Old news. He wanted dirt on Hillary. And the DNC wanted the Ukrainian President to be interviewed condemning Manafort.
Oh and the biggie that trumps all of these dirt digging efforts is a DNC and Clinton supporter PAYING Russian informants for dirt on Trump. aka the fake dossier.
Trump Jr., is that the retarded brother? I get them confused.
Oh and the biggie that trumps all of these dirt digging efforts is a DNC and Clinton supporter PAYING Russian informants for dirt on Trump. aka the fake dossier.
The Trump dossier is far from fake, enough has checked out so far that even your republican congressmen are taking it very seriously.

So it wasn’t adoptions, like they first claimed. Nor was it nothing, like they also claimed.

The new reason, according to Donald Trump, Jr.’s statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee, that he met with the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June of 2016 during the U.S. presidential election was because… wait for it, you need to sit down… he was worried about Hillary Clinton’s fitness for office.

Trump Jr. Blames Hillary Clinton for His June Meeting with a Russian Lawyer

Old news. He wanted dirt on Hillary. And the DNC wanted the Ukrainian President to be interviewed condemning Manafort.
Actually, the old news is the adoption excuse. Which you didn't mention.
Eh, what's the big deal, we all knew/know Hillary's a mental/physical basket case and yet perfect for a Democratic voter.

The guy wasted his time and admitted it, time to move on, stop the witch hunts and demand Congress Dem & Rep accomplish something for a change.

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Oh and the biggie that trumps all of these dirt digging efforts is a DNC and Clinton supporter PAYING Russian informants for dirt on Trump. aka the fake dossier.
The Trump dossier is far from fake, enough has checked out so far that even your republican congressmen are taking it very seriously.

Bullshit. Even the author of the dossier Christopher Steel has said it's unverified. Gee, that's why everyone is in court right now over a mega defamation lawsuit.

Steele and his partner, Fusion GPS AND McCain and his minion who retrieved the dossier are all going to be in court. Really looking forward to the screws being put to McCain. Note: the phrase uncorroborated reports.

John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
By Kevin G. Hall

July 11, 2017 5:00 AM

Sen. John McCain faces questions in a defamation lawsuit about leaks leading to publication of the now-infamous dossier that alleged Donald Trump’s campaign had connections to Russian operatives, McClatchy has learned.

The dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and his London firm, Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd., amounted to a collection of uncorroborated reports of collusion gathered as political research for sale to Trump’s opponents. It proved explosive when published by online news site BuzzFeed on Jan. 10.

Now, two lawsuits — one in the United States and a second in the U.K. — are being brought by lawyers for Aleksej Gubarev, a Cyprus-based Internet entrepreneur whom Steele’s Russian sources accused of cyber spying against the Democratic Party leadership.

According to a new court document in the British lawsuit, counsel for defendants Steele and Orbis repeatedly point to McCain, R-Ariz., a vocal Trump critic, and a former State Department official as two in a handful of people known to have had copies of the full document before it circulated among journalists and was published by BuzzFeed.

Read more here: John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
So, he says he was trying to get medical information on Hillary, or was he looking for some other dirt?

I'm still not clear on what y'all think Jr. did that was illegal. It's opposition research. It's not like he sold favors/influence to foreign governments via a family charitable foundation or anything.
So, he says he was trying to get medical information on Hillary, or was he looking for some other dirt?
Don Jr's emails clearly indicate he was expecting the Russians to give him dirt on Clinton to help his daddy get elected.

Trump likes to be called "daddy".
We have Texas reeling under a hundred year storm and a double whammy of two hurricanes targeting Florida and the crazies still worry about Trump Jr and the Hildabeast. Let it go lefties.
Don Jr's emails clearly indicate he was expecting the Russians to give him dirt on Clinton to help his daddy get elected.

Trump likes to be called "daddy".
We already know that. What's the difference between that and what he said to the committee? And, what's illegal about that?

And, wasn't that the grounds Obama used to get a FISA warrant on the Trump campaign? That WAS illegal.
Oh and the biggie that trumps all of these dirt digging efforts is a DNC and Clinton supporter PAYING Russian informants for dirt on Trump. aka the fake dossier.
The Trump dossier is far from fake, enough has checked out so far that even your republican congressmen are taking it very seriously.

Bullshit. Even the author of the dossier Christopher Steel has said it's unverified. Gee, that's why everyone is in court right now over a mega defamation lawsuit.

Steele and his partner, Fusion GPS AND McCain and his minion who retrieved the dossier are all going to be in court. Really looking forward to the screws being put to McCain. Note: the phrase uncorroborated reports.

John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
By Kevin G. Hall

July 11, 2017 5:00 AM

Sen. John McCain faces questions in a defamation lawsuit about leaks leading to publication of the now-infamous dossier that alleged Donald Trump’s campaign had connections to Russian operatives, McClatchy has learned.

The dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and his London firm, Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd., amounted to a collection of uncorroborated reports of collusion gathered as political research for sale to Trump’s opponents. It proved explosive when published by online news site BuzzFeed on Jan. 10.

Now, two lawsuits — one in the United States and a second in the U.K. — are being brought by lawyers for Aleksej Gubarev, a Cyprus-based Internet entrepreneur whom Steele’s Russian sources accused of cyber spying against the Democratic Party leadership.

According to a new court document in the British lawsuit, counsel for defendants Steele and Orbis repeatedly point to McCain, R-Ariz., a vocal Trump critic, and a former State Department official as two in a handful of people known to have had copies of the full document before it circulated among journalists and was published by BuzzFeed.

Read more here: John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
Unverified does not mean it is a fabrication, it just means that it is not currently proven to be 100% true. The reason that there is such a buzz around it is that some of it actually checks out. The claims contained are being investigated as yet so it remains to be seen how much is factual. I am not putting a great deal of stock in it but it is inaccurate to call it "fake". These people are apparently professional spies for hire, they are not going to just make things up so you may want to wait like the rest of us before simply discounting this thing, the truth or the lie of it will come out at some point.
Jr. is WRONG!

Obama's Department of Immigration had a ban on the Russian lawyer preventing her from coming into the United States. Much like he did with Congress, Barry went around his Department of Immigration to issue the lawyer, Putin's number one lawyer, a special Visa, one usually reserved for people experiencing emergencies.

Coincidentally, Obama's US Attorney General knew about the meeting and where it was going to take place far enough out to get a federal judge to issue a warrant / permission to bug the location where the meeting was going to be held.

Also coincidentally, Obama's own Russian interpreter, a former FBI agent, was planted in the room.

Personally, I don't believe in coincidences, especially this many, especially after Obama and his administration had illegally shared and leaked classified information, after they had illegally unmasked Americans, after they had committed Espionage for political benefit against Donald Trump, and after Obama and his FBI Director attempted to acquire a false report containing Russian propaganda from foreign operatives for political use against Donald Trump.

In the end, this whole thing turned into one big huge failed set up, one massive 'Nothing Burger'... yet another failed liberal attempt to take down Trump.

And here I find myself, amazingly, defending Hillary Clinton because the evidence doesn't point to her. It points back to Obama.
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