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Trump Jr. Is Not the Problem

After we saw the democrat party give a standing ovation to a democrat congressman (Gerry Studds) who was convicted of sexual abusing a male page and Hillary's husband declined into a street pervert offering young girls n autograph for a BJ session in the White House and Obama telling the Country to admit confused boys into the girls locker room and confused men into the ladies room and authorized the IRS to spy on American citizens and authorized the federal cops to give thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the left suddenly assumed the role of the morality cops? Don't make me laugh

Gerry Studds was never charged or convicted of anything. He was censured by the House for having a relationship with a House page, the young man was over the age of consent and said it was a consensual relationship and he had no issues with it.

The censure was because pages are subordinate to Members of Congress, not because it was abusive or illegal.

Once again conservatives lie because the truth gives them nothing to bitch about.
View attachment 139105 The only response this mental midget can ever muster up is HILLARYor OBAMA. Lol
View attachment 139109
Moron still doesn't understand Jr's email is proof positive " There's something in there."
Keep living in denial. I remember folks like you took the same blind attitude with Nixon. How'd that turn out?
John Dean: this is worse thanWatergate.
But what does he know, right?

LMAO! I don't participate in the elections of the banana republic but I know a load of bullshit when I see it and the motivation behind it. McCain, Podesta, Hildebeast are 1000 times more involved with Russia than Trump and I don't have a problem with it because Russia isn't MY enemy. I have a helluva lot more respect for Putin than I do the Barrypuppet, the Clinton and Bush crime families. Russia is being used as a scapegoat to cover up the criminality and corruption of the DNC which is why SHILLS like you refuse to address the contents of the leaked e-mails. You are not pissed about the incriminating evidence....you are simply pissed because it was revealed and that speaks volumes about your lack of integrity.....get it now????

The ONLY stuff you believe is bullshit. Anything sane or reasonable you dismiss as false. The more bizarre and unbelievable the story or the source, the more likely you are to believe it.

It's not surprising you're a Putin fan. He shuts down all his critics forcefully, lies with impunity and does whatever he wants. And he seems to get away with it.

It's almost amusing that you endorse all the fake conspiracies for which there is no absolutely no creditable evidence of while denying the very real conspiracy that both Trump Sr. and Jr. have both confessed to and provided evidence that they really did do that.

Really, Toots? What I believe and have researched is "bullshit"???? Based on what, exactly? I am a 100 times more knowledgeable than you are as to how things work and the controllers behind it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue. I don't know if Trump is legit or not....is he just another deep state puppet like the rest? I don't have a good read on him because it's only been 6 months since he got in office and has been fighting the Deep State and their lackeys in the corporate owned media ever since Day 1....is this simply theater? I don't know yet. What I do know and can say unequivocally is that shills like you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper sack with a box-knife a, flashlight and a sack lunch.

Yeah, I am a fan of Putin, he kicked out the Rothschild central bank, nationalized it and has been working to purge the commie oligarchs from prominent positions......and don't give me this bullshit about shutting down critics, lying with impunity, killing political foes etc, etc......USA.INC has been doing this for decades. It is and has always been the biggest terrorist threat on the planet since the Bretton Woods agreement. There could have been no Bolshevik revolution without the bankers and Wall Street same goes for Hitler and Mao-Tse -Tung. You have no clue as to how deep this rabbit hole goes because you are a simpleton with simpleton thoughts and simpleton ways. Keep coming at me, Toots.....I LOVE smacking you down here in cyber-ville.

I'm not making a fool of you, I'm just giving you leave to develop your natural tendencies.

You know stuff that no sane reasonable person believes because you're just so much smarter than the rest of us.

Anyone who believes the old Jewish bankers conspiracy theory is too stupid to be one person.
The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

It took elected leaders such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and the Republican National Committee (not to mention its donors and activists) to wave off Trump's racists attacks on a federal judge, blatant lies about everything from 9/11 to his own involvement in birtherism, replete evidence of disloyalty to America (i.e. Trump's "Russia first" policies), misogyny, Islamophobia, ongoing potential violations of the Constitution's emoluments clause (along with a mass of conflicts of interests), firing of an FBI director, and now, evidence that the campaign was willing to enlist a foreign power to defeat Clinton in the presidential election.

Out of its collective sense of victimhood came the GOP's disdain for not just intellectuals but also intellectualism, science, Economics 101, history and constitutional fidelity.

If the Trump children became slaves to money and to their father's unbridled ego, then the GOP became slaves to its own demons and false narratives.

A party that has to deny climate change and insist "illegal" immigrants are creating a crime wave - because that is what "conservatives" must believe, since liberals do not - is a party that will deny Trump's complicity in gross misconduct.

It's a party as unfit to govern as Trump is unfit to occupy the White House. It's not by accident that Trump chose to inhabit the party that has defined itself in opposition to reality and to any "external moral truth or ethical code."

Jennifer Rubin is a Washington Post columnist, writing from a conservative perspective.

Now this is the type of conservative that I can respect. We used to have a lot of those in the GOP. Now all we have is a bunch of "Conservatives" that think bliss is kissing Russian ass, and worshiping the treasonous senile old orange clown.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

Again, to borrow from Brooks, beyond partisanship the GOP evidences "no attachment to any external moral truth or ethical code."

When they push morals and ethics, liberals whine.
Now liberals whine that they aren't.

I see the common thread.
I see a common thread in treasonous assholes like you that would weaken our nation in the name of kissing the ass of a treasonous billionaire.
After we saw the democrat party give a standing ovation to a democrat congressman (Gerry Studds) who was convicted of sexual abusing a male page and Hillary's husband declined into a street pervert offering young girls n autograph for a BJ session in the White House and Obama telling the Country to admit confused boys into the girls locker room and confused men into the ladies room and authorized the IRS to spy on American citizens and authorized the federal cops to give thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the left suddenly assumed the role of the morality cops? Don't make me laugh

You're a hack. The sexual peccadilloes of members of Congress exists on both sides of the aisle, and many past presidents have had affairs. Your dishonest post and use of hyperbole is way over the top, and thus lacks any topical substance or honest reporting.

Posting truth is being a "hack"? Seriously? It is the best post on this thread so it doesn't surprise me that you don't like it.
You have never posted the truth, yet. You are just another russian ass kissing conspriracy theorist that has about a two digit IQ. The e-mails and statement of Trump Jr. and the treasonous senile old orange clown himself demonstrate what liars both are. Yet the GOP just supports all of that. What a collection of immoral and unethical jerks.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.
What a Goddamned liar you are. You will not say a word about the purposeful weakening of NATO and alienation of our traditional allies, while all the time puckering up and kissing Putin's ass as he shit in your face. Instead, you spew the lies that they are all like that. People like you have no morals or ethics, and would be felons if you had to courage to steal.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

Again, to borrow from Brooks, beyond partisanship the GOP evidences "no attachment to any external moral truth or ethical code."

When they push morals and ethics, liberals whine.
Now liberals whine that they aren't.

I see the common thread.

Liberals complain when conservative push their religious beliefs regarding their private sex and family life on private individuals, who are entitled to live by their own morals and ethics within the limits of the law.

What we're complaining about here is public individuals who flout the laws regarding accepting help or influence from a foreign government to win an election, who disregards the ethics requirements regarding accepting money from foreign governments, the nepotism laws, disposing of private business interests before taking office, and who are openly using the office of the President to line their own pockets, who are alienating your allies and fracturing your alliances in aid of a hostile foreign government, who is openly racist and xenophobic, not to mention misogynistic.

That's a far cry from private morals and family life.
Trump Jr. Is Not the Problem

Liberalism is.
Oh yah, the treasonous fat senile old orange clown and his moron son were forced to continually lie by the liberals? You are fucking stupid even to try to make a statement like that. The GOP has rotted from the core outward. They courted the insane right, and the insane right is now in control of the GOP. And we see the results in the policies of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. That you support that definitely shows that you care nothing for this nation. Another ass kisser of the Russians.
Moron still doesn't understand Jr's email is proof positive " There's something in there."
Keep living in denial. I remember folks like you took the same blind attitude with Nixon. How'd that turn out?
John Dean: this is worse thanWatergate.
But what does he know, right?

LMAO! I don't participate in the elections of the banana republic but I know a load of bullshit when I see it and the motivation behind it. McCain, Podesta, Hildebeast are 1000 times more involved with Russia than Trump and I don't have a problem with it because Russia isn't MY enemy. I have a helluva lot more respect for Putin than I do the Barrypuppet, the Clinton and Bush crime families. Russia is being used as a scapegoat to cover up the criminality and corruption of the DNC which is why SHILLS like you refuse to address the contents of the leaked e-mails. You are not pissed about the incriminating evidence....you are simply pissed because it was revealed and that speaks volumes about your lack of integrity.....get it now????

The ONLY stuff you believe is bullshit. Anything sane or reasonable you dismiss as false. The more bizarre and unbelievable the story or the source, the more likely you are to believe it.

It's not surprising you're a Putin fan. He shuts down all his critics forcefully, lies with impunity and does whatever he wants. And he seems to get away with it.

It's almost amusing that you endorse all the fake conspiracies for which there is no absolutely no creditable evidence of while denying the very real conspiracy that both Trump Sr. and Jr. have both confessed to and provided evidence that they really did do that.

Really, Toots? What I believe and have researched is "bullshit"???? Based on what, exactly? I am a 100 times more knowledgeable than you are as to how things work and the controllers behind it. You don't have the slightest fucking clue. I don't know if Trump is legit or not....is he just another deep state puppet like the rest? I don't have a good read on him because it's only been 6 months since he got in office and has been fighting the Deep State and their lackeys in the corporate owned media ever since Day 1....is this simply theater? I don't know yet. What I do know and can say unequivocally is that shills like you couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper sack with a box-knife a, flashlight and a sack lunch.

Yeah, I am a fan of Putin, he kicked out the Rothschild central bank, nationalized it and has been working to purge the commie oligarchs from prominent positions......and don't give me this bullshit about shutting down critics, lying with impunity, killing political foes etc, etc......USA.INC has been doing this for decades. It is and has always been the biggest terrorist threat on the planet since the Bretton Woods agreement. There could have been no Bolshevik revolution without the bankers and Wall Street same goes for Hitler and Mao-Tse -Tung. You have no clue as to how deep this rabbit hole goes because you are a simpleton with simpleton thoughts and simpleton ways. Keep coming at me, Toots.....I LOVE smacking you down here in cyber-ville.

I'm not making a fool of you, I'm just giving you leave to develop your natural tendencies.

You know stuff that no sane reasonable person believes because you're just so much smarter than the rest of us.

Anyone who believes the old Jewish bankers conspiracy theory is too stupid to be one person.

"I'm not making a fool of you"

Well "duh"? You have all you can handle making your own self a fool.

" I'm just giving you leave to develop your natural tendencies"

LOL! How "condescending" of you but yet it is a rather unique tactic to "cut bait" as we say here in Texas.

"You know stuff that no sane reasonable person believes because you're just so much smarter than the rest of us"

I know that false flags and staged events have been used all through history to manipulate the masses. You only see conspiracies as it affects the leftard clown posse of sniveling wusses that believe that most people want leftards in charge and anything that prevents that is a (gasp) "CONSPIRACY" and it's real!!!!"

"Anyone who believes the old Jewish bankers conspiracy theory is too stupid to be one person"

Show me one single post where I have ever blamed the fiat currency and debt slavery on the Jewish people and I will leave this forum forever. Have I ever brought up the "fake Jews" i.e the Kharzarian Jews that have been put in front to distract attention away from Rome and the 13 bloodline families that go all the way back to the days of Egypt? Indeed I have. You have no idea on how the system works, what was attempted to prevent it and how it affects every country with a central bank. Yeah, I know more than you and I prove it daily.
Yes, they tend to choose like-minded people as candidates.
Exactly. They didn't see a problem with Hillary because they didn't view anything she did as immoral.

I guess you didn't bother to read the piece and her comments about idiots who say "but Hillary", or who cry victim and blame the MSM.

YOU are exactly the kind of Republican she's talking about.
The kind who ruins your story with the truth?

No, the kind who denies the problem, claims that Democrats are just as bad, and who claims Trump is just a victim of a biased MSM.
You mean like Bill Clinton was a victim of a vast right wing conspiracy?

Bill Clinton withstood 6 years of harassment by Republicans determined to bring him down. Tell me again about all of that charges against Bill Clinton. I know of a perjury charge for lying about a blow job. Other than that, what do you have? Nothing.

Bill should not have lied about that blow job. So that one is on him. But the rest of the bullshit thrown at him - no charges, no indictments, no convictions.

Even Ken Starr had apologized for his part in the witch hunt against the Clintons and said it was wrong.

And right wingers today are still calling for prosecution of the Clintons. You get E for effort and F for continuing to flail a dead horse. If after 25 years and $100 million you still haven't found a single witness or a shred of evidence, it's time to let it go.
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.
What a Goddamned liar you are. You will not say a word about the purposeful weakening of NATO and alienation of our traditional allies, while all the time puckering up and kissing Putin's ass as he shit in your face. Instead, you spew the lies that they are all like that. People like you have no morals or ethics, and would be felons if you had to courage to steal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! NATO is a fucking joke and a tool of the U.N and always has been. Your understanding of the real history of NATO is utterly pathetic. You should listen to Major George Jordan's Diaries speech....easily available on youtube. It would take an hour to listen to but that is 50 minutes longer than your attention span. LOL!!!!!!
After we saw the democrat party give a standing ovation to a democrat congressman (Gerry Studds) who was convicted of sexual abusing a male page and Hillary's husband declined into a street pervert offering young girls n autograph for a BJ session in the White House and Obama telling the Country to admit confused boys into the girls locker room and confused men into the ladies room and authorized the IRS to spy on American citizens and authorized the federal cops to give thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the left suddenly assumed the role of the morality cops? Don't make me laugh

You're a hack. The sexual peccadilloes of members of Congress exists on both sides of the aisle, and many past presidents have had affairs. Your dishonest post and use of hyperbole is way over the top, and thus lacks any topical substance or honest reporting.

Posting truth is being a "hack"? Seriously? It is the best post on this thread so it doesn't surprise me that you don't like it.
You have never posted the truth, yet. You are just another russian ass kissing conspriracy theorist that has about a two digit IQ. The e-mails and statement of Trump Jr. and the treasonous senile old orange clown himself demonstrate what liars both are. Yet the GOP just supports all of that. What a collection of immoral and unethical jerks.

I find it hilarious that Russia suddenly became on "enemy" of the leftard clown posse after a 145 million dollar bribe to "grease the skids" to procure uranium that the Hildebeast and Barrypuppet profited from. They suddenly became a feared foe after the illegal coup of the Ukrainian government and Crimea decided to cast their lot with Russia instead of the globalist E.U and George Soros that coveted the Crimean Peninsula.......then Russia cut an oil pipeline deal with Syria that was being attacked by a NATO sponsored proxy army known as "ISIS" to try and take out Assad and prevent the pipeline from being built. You don't know diddly squat, "Old Fuck".......
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.
What a Goddamned liar you are. You will not say a word about the purposeful weakening of NATO and alienation of our traditional allies, while all the time puckering up and kissing Putin's ass as he shit in your face. Instead, you spew the lies that they are all like that. People like you have no morals or ethics, and would be felons if you had to courage to steal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! NATO is a fucking joke and a tool of the U.N and always has been. Your understanding of the real history of NATO is utterly pathetic. You should listen to Major George Jordan's Diaries speech....easily available on youtube. It would take an hour to listen to but that is 50 minutes longer than your attention span. LOL!!!!!!

Please, you're blithering. Your not even making sense anymore. There are real problems in the world which you ignore in favour of the Rothschild banking cabals, Deep State conspiracies, false flags.

If you want to read about REAL shit going down, read The Shock Doctrine. Yes it's a thick book with lots of big words, but I managed to read it in about 4 days, after work.

In the meantime, take your meds and calm down go for a walk in the real world.
Exactly. They didn't see a problem with Hillary because they didn't view anything she did as immoral.

I guess you didn't bother to read the piece and her comments about idiots who say "but Hillary", or who cry victim and blame the MSM.

YOU are exactly the kind of Republican she's talking about.
The kind who ruins your story with the truth?

No, the kind who denies the problem, claims that Democrats are just as bad, and who claims Trump is just a victim of a biased MSM.
You mean like Bill Clinton was a victim of a vast right wing conspiracy?

Bill Clinton withstood 6 years of harassment by Republicans determined to bring him down. Tell me again about all of that charges against Bill Clinton. I know of a perjury charge for lying about a blow job. Other than that, what do you have? Nothing.

Bill should not have lied about that blow job. So that one is on him. But the rest of the bullshit thrown at him - no charges, no indictments, no convictions.

Even Ken Starr had apologized for his part in the witch hunt against the Clintons and said it was wrong.

And right wingers today are still calling for prosecution of the Clintons. You get E for effort and F for continuing to flail a dead horse. If after 25 years and $100 million you still haven't found a single witness or a shred of evidence, it's time to let it go.

OMG, the Clintons, like the Bushes are a protected class. The Clintons worked with the Bush crime family to run cocaine into the Mena, Arkansas airport that was not under FAA authority. That is a huge part of Iran/Contra. You want to talk about the dead bodies of people that had dirt on the Clintons that continues to this day? HOLY shit, you are like the owner of a dog that got loose and killed a bunch of chickens and even though the dog is standing behind you with blood and feathers all over his face? You profusely deny that your dog ever left the yard..........tooooo fucking FUNNY!!!!
View attachment 139105 The only response this mental midget can ever muster up is HILLARYor OBAMA. Lol
View attachment 139109
Moron still doesn't understand Jr's email is proof positive " There's something in there."
Keep living in denial. I remember folks like you took the same blind attitude with Nixon. How'd that turn out?
John Dean: this is worse thanWatergate.
But what does he know, right?

LMAO! I don't participate in the elections of the banana republic but I know a load of bullshit when I see it and the motivation behind it. McCain, Podesta, Hildebeast are 1000 times more involved with Russia than Trump and I don't have a problem with it because Russia isn't MY enemy. I have a helluva lot more respect for Putin than I do the Barrypuppet, the Clinton and Bush crime families. Russia is being used as a scapegoat to cover up the criminality and corruption of the DNC which is why SHILLS like you refuse to address the contents of the leaked e-mails. You are not pissed about the incriminating evidence....you are simply pissed because it was revealed and that speaks volumes about your lack of integrity.....get it now????
Podesta and Hillary aren't under federal investigation. The Trump crime family is. Funny you keep forgetting this.
Just like that laughable tweet when the orange anus connected Podesta to the DNC. He wasn't a part of the DNC. Your ignoramus president keeps bearing fruit for comedians all over the country.
Dumbest president ever.
GW Bush: I'm off the hook.

ROTFLMAO! You don't have the faintest fucking clue....you are merely a troll and not a very good one. Obamamonkey gets a free pass, the Hildebeast gets a free pass but trump up bullshit charges on Trump.....seriously, you can't make this shit up. Leftards are all "Don't read those damning e-mails!!!!! It was the Rooskies!!!!!"..........tooo fucking funny.
You couldn't point out one thing I was wrong about. All u can do is exactly like your mental patient President. Scream Obama and Hillary.
You seem more than a little unbalanced yourself..
Jennifer Rubin is WAPO's right wing editorial writer. It's hard to disagree with her assessment of the situation.

The GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. | Opinion

I am conservative, but not Republican. Moral rot is pervasive throughout politics and it is blind to party affiliation; it afflicts the left just as readily as it afflicts the right. If you don't see this, you are simply blinded by your party affiliation.
What a Goddamned liar you are. You will not say a word about the purposeful weakening of NATO and alienation of our traditional allies, while all the time puckering up and kissing Putin's ass as he shit in your face. Instead, you spew the lies that they are all like that. People like you have no morals or ethics, and would be felons if you had to courage to steal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! NATO is a fucking joke and a tool of the U.N and always has been. Your understanding of the real history of NATO is utterly pathetic. You should listen to Major George Jordan's Diaries speech....easily available on youtube. It would take an hour to listen to but that is 50 minutes longer than your attention span. LOL!!!!!!

Please, you're blithering. Your not even making sense anymore. There are real problems in the world which you ignore in favour of the Rothschild banking cabals, Deep State conspiracies, false flags.

If you want to read about REAL shit going down, read The Shock Doctrine. Yes it's a thick book with lots of big words, but I managed to read it in about 4 days, after work.

In the meantime, take your meds and calm down go for a walk in the real world.

Naomi Klein????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Holy shit! You just sunk yourself with that comment and you will never understand or grasp just how you did that! Thanks for the laugh!!!!!!
Our early onset Alzheimer's president was tweeting all day about.... guess what.
Hillary Clinton.
The thin skinned whiny little bitch just can't get over that he lost the popular vote.
How can anyone respect a president like that?
Moron still doesn't understand Jr's email is proof positive " There's something in there."
Keep living in denial. I remember folks like you took the same blind attitude with Nixon. How'd that turn out?
John Dean: this is worse thanWatergate.
But what does he know, right?

LMAO! I don't participate in the elections of the banana republic but I know a load of bullshit when I see it and the motivation behind it. McCain, Podesta, Hildebeast are 1000 times more involved with Russia than Trump and I don't have a problem with it because Russia isn't MY enemy. I have a helluva lot more respect for Putin than I do the Barrypuppet, the Clinton and Bush crime families. Russia is being used as a scapegoat to cover up the criminality and corruption of the DNC which is why SHILLS like you refuse to address the contents of the leaked e-mails. You are not pissed about the incriminating evidence....you are simply pissed because it was revealed and that speaks volumes about your lack of integrity.....get it now????
Podesta and Hillary aren't under federal investigation. The Trump crime family is. Funny you keep forgetting this.
Just like that laughable tweet when the orange anus connected Podesta to the DNC. He wasn't a part of the DNC. Your ignoramus president keeps bearing fruit for comedians all over the country.
Dumbest president ever.
GW Bush: I'm off the hook.

ROTFLMAO! You don't have the faintest fucking clue....you are merely a troll and not a very good one. Obamamonkey gets a free pass, the Hildebeast gets a free pass but trump up bullshit charges on Trump.....seriously, you can't make this shit up. Leftards are all "Don't read those damning e-mails!!!!! It was the Rooskies!!!!!"..........tooo fucking funny.
You couldn't point out one thing I was wrong about. All u can do is exactly like your mental patient President. Scream Obama and Hillary.
You seem more than a little unbalanced yourself..

Actually, I couldn't point out anything that you were "right" about is the problem. You always shy away from addressing the contents of the released e-mails....why is that?????
It is a lie by omission. The premise might be valid (if not for the hyperbole) but the conclusion of moral authority is not sound.

"A valid argument may still have a false conclusion. When we construct our arguments, we must aim to construct one that is not only valid, but sound. A sound argument is one that is not only valid, but begins with premises that are actually true.", not half-truths!
Validity and Soundness | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

There was nothing in that post he wrote that wasn't true. I don't have any use for either political party but the way that Trump has been attacked while not applying the same rules and scrutiny to the last three puppet presidents is obvious to me. You couldn't care less if Trump could actually steer this country out of the ditch because he doesn't have a "D" by his name and he isn't a blatant socialist and that is all there is to that one.

I guess you completely missed the 17 investigations and special prosecutor hired to take down the Clintons, the 7 Benghazi Investigations against Obama's administration, none of which found any evidence of wrong doing, and the ongoing Fast and Furious investigation.

Trump is dealing with ONE investigation and his entire administration is being paralyzed by it.

Spare me, the stonewalling done by the Clinton, Bush and Obama admins are legendary. I HEARD the whistle blower's own testimony about Benghazi from their own mouths. I HEARD the testimony from whistle blowers about Fast and Furious and what the goals were....how Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress. Lois Lerner stonewalls and claims her hard drive took a dive. Who in the fuck do you think you are dealing with here? This is what I do all day, every day. You are simply a partisan hack. I know that these sacks of shit are protected by the Deep State and I have seen the "dog and pony" shows of these investigations. The one where Comey admits that the Hildebeast compromised national security by using her private server but (snicker) "She didn't mean to do so" that followed a meeting with Bill "drop trou" and Clinton lackey Loretta Lynch. You are barking up the wrong tree, sis. Next time you get pulled over for a traffic violation and tell the cop you refuse to accept the ticket because "You didn't mean too" and tel me how that works out for ya.

What I do know is you don't know the purpose of a paragraph, or supporting evidence. No one cares what you purport to have heard, and those of us who watch the events in your rant as contemporary events know what is true and what is bullshit.

"No one cares what you purport to have heard"

I don't "hear", I read, research and discern information and since when did a troll like you become the spokesperson for this forum? I certainly wasn't consulted....was there a coronation ceremony? Do you know that other leftards also claim that they are the official "spokesperson" for USmessageboard as well? There seems to be a conflict and you all need to settle on one. (snicker)

"and those of us who watch the events in your rant as contemporary events know what is true and what is bullshit"

Per CNN, MSNBC, Huffingtonpost, Washingtonpost, NYT, etc, etc???? Oh HELL yeah, that's (snicker) "truth" right there......you betcha.

LOL, you and Sarah Palin, "read, research and" ... sure you do. You admit discounting the MSM, which leaves the question, what do you read and research?

Tell the reader, what is the source of your claim? Come on, you have time to google something, otherwise you will be struck dumb as Palin did when confronted by Katie Couric.

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