Trump judge’s ruling could ban abortion pill across the US

Side effects include severe infections and bleeding that can result in death. Liberal men don't care because their future responsibilities are over and it's only a woman. Homosexual men don't care because it's only a woman. Why not give birth?
Like denying healthcare to women.

Homicide is not healthcare.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that makes you delusionally imagine that you are better than (or even nearly as good as) an honest construction worker/electrician like me?

This just sounds too crazy to be true. But the Judge is one of the crazies that Trump appointed so his personal feelings count for more than the actual law.

Of course we know that making drugs illegal totally stops them being used and I would start buying shares in canadian and Mexican pharmacies if this goes through.

I actually hope that it does happen. Americans need a wake up call.L ife under the Taliban might kill conservatism in the longer term.

Nobody votes for their life to be worse.
2024 will be another vote on the right of privacy and maga crazy big government.

What happened to states rights?
Side effects include severe infections and bleeding that can result in death. Liberal men don't care because their future responsibilities are over and it's only a woman. Homosexual men don't care because it's only a woman. Why not give birth?
Ask Herschel Walker
We have an excess amount of births. Promote getting married and not having kids. Promote contraception. No abortion. Alot less pregnancies. Find the fault in that.
The right's war on women continues.

The Left's Wrong's war on children. Making it as easy as possible to kill them in cold blood early in their life, and later on, striving to make them easy prey for pedofaggottrannies and related childfuckers.

Your LIbtARd ideology truly is both a mental disease and a moral disease.
These freaks want to ban freedom for woman just like the taliban or islamic state. It isn't just a war on lgbt but every single freedom gained in the pass 400 years.

What standing do you think you have to speak for women?

I know that you claim to be female, but I'd bet that you are, in fact, a mentally- and morally-fucked up male pervert that claims to be a “trans woman”. You probably get off on going into women's locker rooms, and waving your dick around in front of actual women, while leering at them in as they are in states of undress.

One thing is for sure—none of the positions that I have seen you express on this forum are representative of any actual women that I know.
The Left's Wrong's war on children. Making it as easy as possible to kill them in cold blood early in their life, and later on, striving to make them easy prey for pedofaggottrannies and related childfuckers.

Your LIbtARd ideology truly is both a mental disease and a moral disease.
Children live in a girl/women's womb?
Now you want to post about George Floyd.
Did you lose track of the post with your knee jerk racist slur? The (abortion) drugs that mostly liberal men force their women to take will kill them with infection and uncontrolled bleeding.
Did you lose track of the post with your knee jerk racist slur? The (abortion) drugs that mostly liberal men force their women to take will kill them with infection and uncontrolled bleeding.
Sure, show the evidence.
What standing do you think you have to speak for women?

I know that you claim to be female, but I'd bet that you are, in fact, a mentally- and morally-fucked up male pervert that claims to be a “trans woman”. You probably get off on going into women's locker rooms, and waving your dick around in front of actual women, while leering at them in as they are in states of undress.

One thing is for sure—none of the positions that I have seen you express on this forum are representative of any actual women that I know.
You crazy bob.

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