Trump Just Arrived In Poland And Got An Unexpected Surprise

From my link:,
In Hamburg, Mr Trump could receive a very different reception, with 100,000 protesters expected.

That's what happens when a nationalistic far right government doesn't bus in people and real people speak.
More like 100,000 more German inbreds will populating the cuckold forums in protest of Trump...

That is what happens when a treasonous, anti-intellectual government floods its own country with its ancient enemies and literally creates tax-payer funded propaganda for the refugees to game white women.

No one likes the hideous creature known as Angela Merkel, but fascistic hate crime and hate speech laws prohibit the people from speaking out properly.

Don't beleive it. The sign was by Greenpeace.
He is talking about Germany.

Germany is cuckold nation.
Another ignoramus pounding his chest.

A modern country at the heart of Europe
Progressive sites only , no doubt.
Is that your home?
From my link:,
In Hamburg, Mr Trump could receive a very different reception, with 100,000 protesters expected.

That's what happens when a nationalistic far right government doesn't bus in people and real people speak.
More like 100,000 more German inbreds will populating the cuckold forums in protest of Trump...

That is what happens when a treasonous, anti-intellectual government floods its own country with its ancient enemies and literally creates tax-payer funded propaganda for the refugees to game white women.

No one likes the hideous creature known as Angela Merkel, but fascistic hate crime and hate speech laws prohibit the people from speaking out properly.
What you know about Germany can fit on the head of a pin.
Germany is more advanced than the US in a few areas including alternative energy..
I'm a lifelong US citizen. I read. You should try it sometime..
No, only those fooled or making money off the scam are.
Another knuckle dragger science denier.
Yeah because every prediction so far has been bullshit.
Even the Koch Brothers disagrees with you.
Who cares?
Anyone with a brain cares. Even chronic polluters like the Kochs have admitted the dangers of climate change.
Germany Has Some Revolutionary Ideas, and They're Working
Germany is moving forward. Trump is taking our country backwards.
It's what you loons are stating because Trump got us out of the Paris bullshit.
No, what we have is a POTUS who has been right most of the time and is right again. Man made Climate Change is in fact a hoax.
Another knuckle dragger science denier.
Yeah because every prediction so far has been bullshit.
Even the Koch Brothers disagrees with you.
Who cares?
Anyone with a brain cares. Even chronic polluters like the Kochs have admitted the dangers of climate change.
Yes it changes every day, and in a few months it will be fall. Changing again.
Germany, along with most countries realize that alternative energy is the wave of the future.,
How many times have you heard the orange anus talk about alternative energy?
No this dumb bastard just came out this week saying he wants to start drilling for oil in the ocean off both coasts..
This could kill billion dollar tourism industries not to mention the environmental hazards..
Tell me how they are moving forward?
Germany Votes To Abandon Most Green Energy Subsidies
No, only those fooled or making money off the scam are.
Yeah because every prediction so far has been bullshit.
Even the Koch Brothers disagrees with you.
Who cares?
Anyone with a brain cares. Even chronic polluters like the Kochs have admitted the dangers of climate change.
Germany Has Some Revolutionary Ideas, and They're Working
Germany is moving forward. Trump is taking our country backwards.
Another knuckle dragger science denier.
Yeah because every prediction so far has been bullshit.
Even the Koch Brothers disagrees with you.
Who cares?
Anyone with a brain cares. Even chronic polluters like the Kochs have admitted the dangers of climate change.
Yes it changes every day, and in a few months it will be fall. Changing again.
A scientist you are not. A rational human being, either.
Tell me how they are moving forward?
Germany Votes To Abandon Most Green Energy Subsidies
No, only those fooled or making money off the scam are.
Even the Koch Brothers disagrees with you.
Who cares?
Anyone with a brain cares. Even chronic polluters like the Kochs have admitted the dangers of climate change.
Germany Has Some Revolutionary Ideas, and They're Working
Germany is moving forward. Trump is taking our country backwards.
The tea bagging Daily Caller. Fail. Giant fail.
Hilarious you have to dig into your far right bogus sites to spout your gibberish.

I'll see your bogus site and raise you a science site:
The European nation’s energy revolution has made it a leader in replacing nukes and fossil fuels with wind and solar technology.
Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..

Merkel will plan how to get more 3rd word people immigrated into the first world. Because obviously, turning the first world into 3rd world will save the planet! So will fattening byrocrats wallet by trillions and trillions, as Paris accord does. One thing it won't affect almost at all is the temperature. At least they can pretend they are saving the planet as they are raping their own countries.
Oh, pshaw! It was just in '06 that AlGore's Inconvenient Truth warned us we only had another ten years before the shit would hit the fan if we didn't act, PRONTO! And here it is '17 and look how bad things have...oops, never mind.
Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..
You believe the 200 degree crap they are saying? Please answer.
200 degree crap is aptly stated..
It's what you loons are stating because Trump got us out of the Paris bullshit.
Donald Trump : climate change is a hoax.
Did Donald Trump Claim Global Warming Is a Hoax?

We have a backward, antiscience, ignoramus president.

No, what we have is a POTUS who has been right most of the time and is right again. Man made Climate Change is in fact a hoax.
Another knuckle dragger science denier.

Do you not know the difference between political science and actual real science?
Political science is fake, driven by political agendas with government funded money with the results being favoured for the projects, the one now being global warming by fossil fuels.
From my link:,
In Hamburg, Mr Trump could receive a very different reception, with 100,000 protesters expected.

That's what happens when a nationalistic far right government doesn't bus in people and real people speak.
More like 100,000 more German inbreds will populating the cuckold forums in protest of Trump...

That is what happens when a treasonous, anti-intellectual government floods its own country with its ancient enemies and literally creates tax-payer funded propaganda for the refugees to game white women.

No one likes the hideous creature known as Angela Merkel, but fascistic hate crime and hate speech laws prohibit the people from speaking out properly.

Don't beleive it. The sign was by Greenpeace.
He is talking about Germany.

Germany is cuckold nation.
Another ignoramus pounding his chest.

A modern country at the heart of Europe
Last edited:
Loading up on wind and solar is causing new problems for Germany
Alarms Ringing for Green Energy

Tell me how they are moving forward?
Germany Votes To Abandon Most Green Energy Subsidies
No, only those fooled or making money off the scam are.
Who cares?
Anyone with a brain cares. Even chronic polluters like the Kochs have admitted the dangers of climate change.
Germany Has Some Revolutionary Ideas, and They're Working
Germany is moving forward. Trump is taking our country backwards.
The tea bagging Daily Caller. Fail. Giant fail.
Hilarious you have to dig into your far right bogus sites to spout your gibberish.

I'll see your bogus site and raise you a science site:
The European nation’s energy revolution has made it a leader in replacing nukes and fossil fuels with wind and solar technology.
From my link:,
In Hamburg, Mr Trump could receive a very different reception, with 100,000 protesters expected.

That's what happens when a nationalistic far right government doesn't bus in people and real people speak.
More like 100,000 more German inbreds will populating the cuckold forums in protest of Trump...

That is what happens when a treasonous, anti-intellectual government floods its own country with its ancient enemies and literally creates tax-payer funded propaganda for the refugees to game white women.

No one likes the hideous creature known as Angela Merkel, but fascistic hate crime and hate speech laws prohibit the people from speaking out properly.
What you know about Germany can fit on the head of a pin.
Germany is more advanced than the US in a few areas including alternative energy..
Germany is a backwater which is current initiating archaic land grabbing policies that mimic 3rd world shitholes like Zimbabwe and South Africa to steal property from indigenous Germans to give to "refugees".
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.

The building does seem a tad bit elitist. An old castle of some sort. The ones accommodating it have probably exploited the middle class/poor there since the communist times.

I bet the nation applauds as these snobs are unable to control themselves as Trump arrives.
You think that's a castle? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Poland had to scour their country for pro-Trump people and then bused them in for his speech.
Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..
That Indian was actually an Italian.
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.

The building does seem a tad bit elitist. An old castle of some sort. The ones accommodating it have probably exploited the middle class/poor there since the communist times.

I bet the nation applauds as these snobs are unable to control themselves as Trump arrives.
The message was a projection onto the building.
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.

The building does seem a tad bit elitist. An old castle of some sort. The ones accommodating it have probably exploited the middle class/poor there since the communist times.

I bet the nation applauds as these snobs are unable to control themselves as Trump arrives.
The message was a projection onto the building.

Apparently the message was sent by green peace. The radical environmentalist organization. I wonder if the days of this activist group are numbered in Poland now.

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