Trump Just Arrived In Poland And Got An Unexpected Surprise

View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.
Do you think after just a few months, he is worse than Obama who sucked for 8 years?
Obama gets better than average marks on domestic policy.

On the other hand, he was a foreign policy disaster.
Yeah...he gets better than average marks on domestic policy by whom? The DNC media! LMFAO!

Let's see....never exceeded 3% GDP growth for the first time EVER!!! Doubled the national debt...adding nearly 10 TRILLION with almost nothing to show for it...blew billions on alternative energy boondoggles etc...........................................................................

Can't fix stupid.

Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth | Zero Hedge
Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..

Merkel will plan how to get more 3rd word people immigrated into the first world. Because obviously, turning the first world into 3rd world will save the planet! So will fattening byrocrats wallet by trillions and trillions, as Paris accord does. One thing it won't affect almost at all is the temperature. At least they can pretend they are saving the planet as they are raping their own countries.

That's one funny sig line outstanding :eusa_clap::laugh:
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.
Please post the link proving Trump's policies are hated world-wide.

Oh, sorry - I forgot. You snowflakes 'don't do EVIDENCE'.

One day after the inauguration people from all 50 states and 32 countries, even Antarctica came out and protested the toxic policies of the orange anus..
It doesn't get any more definitive than that..

Antarctica? Really?

Yes Even in Antarctica they protested the toxic Trump policies.


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View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.
Do you think after just a few months, he is worse than Obama who sucks for 8 years?
Obama respected our environment and his policies reflected that. Just as Trump hates America except what it can do to enrich himself.

No one who respects our environment would be stressing out over the Paris accords. They would jist clean he environment

You want to clean up the environment, fine dismantle the filthy pollution spewing sewage spilling Democrat inner cities. They spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw sewing into public waterways each year, so fouling them swimming must be banned. They spew so much garbage it has to be hauled out to see on barges and dumped or buried in giant land fills. They paved over the environment obliterating it. Dem cities the boils on the environment.
View attachment 137460
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.
Please post the link proving Trump's policies are hated world-wide.

Oh, sorry - I forgot. You snowflakes 'don't do EVIDENCE'.

One day after the inauguration people from all 50 states and 32 countries, even Antarctica came out and protested the toxic policies of the orange anus..
It doesn't get any more definitive than that..

Antarctica? Really?

Yes Even in Antarctica they protested the toxic Trump policies.
You DO know that Antarctica is a CONTINENT and can''t physically protest, right?!
From my link:,
In Hamburg, Mr Trump could receive a very different reception, with 100,000 protesters expected.

That's what happens when a nationalistic far right government doesn't bus in people and real people speak.
More like 100,000 more German inbreds will populating the cuckold forums in protest of Trump...

That is what happens when a treasonous, anti-intellectual government floods its own country with its ancient enemies and literally creates tax-payer funded propaganda for the refugees to game white women.

No one likes the hideous creature known as Angela Merkel, but fascistic hate crime and hate speech laws prohibit the people from speaking out properly.

Don't beleive it. The sign was by Greenpeace.
He is talking about Germany.

Germany is cuckold nation.
Another ignoramus pounding his chest.

A modern country at the heart of Europe

You realize the modern era was 100 years ago? Any actual modern nation would be way behind the times.
View attachment 137460
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.
Please post the link proving Trump's policies are hated world-wide.

Oh, sorry - I forgot. You snowflakes 'don't do EVIDENCE'.

One day after the inauguration people from all 50 states and 32 countries, even Antarctica came out and protested the toxic policies of the orange anus..
It doesn't get any more definitive than that..

Antarctica? Really?

Yes Even in Antarctica they protested the toxic Trump policies.

Transporting people to Antarctica doesn't not mean Antarctica protested.
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.

The building does seem a tad bit elitist. An old castle of some sort. The ones accommodating it have probably exploited the middle class/poor there since the communist times.

I bet the nation applauds as these snobs are unable to control themselves as Trump arrives.

The building is elitist? Does it have a Monacle? Or are you grasping at straws?
Btw how is environmentalist protesting at all surprising or unexpected?
Btw how is environmentalist protesting at all surprising or unexpected?

It's a bit funny that they are protesting in the tallest building seems to be a huge drain on the environment... by putting on the lights (more drain on the environment).

But then again, only a fool would believe these people care a shit about the environment.
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View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.
Do you think after just a few months, he is worse than Obama who sucked for 8 years?
Obama gets better than average marks on domestic policy.

On the other hand, he was a foreign policy disaster.
Yeah...he gets better than average marks on domestic policy by whom? The DNC media! LMFAO!

Let's see....never exceeded 3% GDP growth for the first time EVER!!! Doubled the national debt...adding nearly 10 TRILLION with almost nothing to show for it...blew billions on alternative energy boondoggles etc...........................................................................

Can't fix stupid.

Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth | Zero Hedge

Obumble gets better-than-average marks on domestic policy.

After Bush spending untold hundreds of billions in a pointless war in Iraq...

After Bush left him with a Second Great Crash on his hands...

Pulling the economy and the country back from the brink...

Yeah... he gets better-than-average marks...

Certainly by every single living soul that his policies helped

GDP is only one indicator of improvement...

Another indicator is the rebounded state of the economy as he left office...

Another indicator is the No. of souls saved (uninsured sick and injured, underwater homeowners, etc.), so to speak, from the disaster that Shrub bequeathed to him.

Puhkk GDP, and phukk the beans...

Souls saved is far more important.

For anyone worthy of the label 'human being', anyway.


The guy pulled the US economy out of the crap situation that the Republicans had left him...

So, yeah... Obama gets better-than-average marks on domestic policy.

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