Trump Just Arrived In Poland And Got An Unexpected Surprise

This Is How Greenpeace Welcomed Donald Trump to Poland
Greenpeace greeted President Donald Trump to Poland with a message of defiance projected on the side of Warsaw's tallest building.

A video on YouTube shows the environmental activists projecting a huge 'No Trump, Yes Paris' onto the Palace of Culture and Science while onlookers take photographs. The slogan refers to Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement last month, which many said would weaken attempts to tackle global warming.

You do realize that green peace went over there and projected that on the outside of the building, right? It had nothing to do with the Polish people.


Greenpeace was the group that put up the message? What a freaking joke.

yeah and the leftard ate it all up


as if it was real

Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..
You believe the 200 degree crap they are saying? Please answer.
200 degree crap is aptly stated..
It's what you loons are stating because Trump got us out of the Paris bullshit.
Donald Trump : climate change is a hoax.
Did Donald Trump Claim Global Warming Is a Hoax?

We have a backward, antiscience, ignoramus president.

No, what we have is a POTUS who has been right most of the time and is right again. Man made Climate Change is in fact a hoax.
Another knuckle dragger science denier.

No moron, I'm a science lover. Have been all my life. I have a career in a science field for more than 34 years.the difference between me and an ignorant fool like you is that I also know history. Not just broad history but historical specifics like the history of science and scientists. I know what is science and what isn't, and I know that scientists have always been for sale, and the history of science is a history of being wrong more often than being right. At times you can learn as much or more from being wrong than you do from being right.

If you weren't so profoundly uneducated, you would already know that.
A far cry from Obama’s avowal that Islamic civilization will triumph.

July 7, 2017

Robert Spencer

Interrupted repeatedly by chants of “Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!” as he was speaking in Poland on Thursday, President Trump delivered a ringing affirmation that he would defend Western civilization: “Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail, our people will thrive, and our civilization will triumph.”

Now, we’re used Presidents affirming that civilization will triumph. Barack Obama did it, too. Trump’s remarkable innovation here, and sharp departure from the example his predecessor set, is in declaring that Western civilization would triumph. Barack Hussein Obama, by contrast, was famous for declaring the triumph of Islamic civilization, most notably when he told the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2012: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”


We cannot accept those who reject our values.” After eight years of Obama acting as if the freedom of speech and the right to bear arms were burdens to be cast off rather than rights to be defended, this is an extraordinary statement. It is also one of the reasons why Trump’s notorious “travel ban” contains a little-noted directive that is clearly designed to preserve American values. The March 6 executive order states:


That element of the executive order is the kind of thing that is involved in ensuring that “our civilization will triumph”: stopping the encroachment of Sharia values in the United States. Trump in Warsaw wasn’t just paying lip service to unattainable ideals, any more than Obama was when he said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Obama worked very hard to make sure that would be true, and now his successor is working very hard to ensure that Judeo-Christian civilization survives instead. Americans can be grateful that we do not, for the moment, have (as Trump as said) a President of the world, but a President of the United States.

Trump in Poland: “Our Civilization Will Triumph”
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.
Do you think after just a few months, he is worse than Obama who sucks for 8 years?
Obama respected our environment and his policies reflected that. Just as Trump hates America except what it can do to enrich himself.

No one who respects our environment would be stressing out over the Paris accords. They would just clean the environment
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Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..

Merkel will plan how to get more 3rd word people immigrated into the first world. Because obviously, turning the first world into 3rd world will save the planet! So will fattening byrocrats wallet by trillions and trillions, as Paris accord does. One thing it won't affect almost at all is the temperature. At least they can pretend like they are saving the planet as they are raping their own countries.
100% unadulterated bullshit. There is no planet B. The countries of the world have united ( except the United States) to save the planet.
We have a president setting this country back 40 years with his rape and plunder the planet policies.

To save the planet? You mean spend 100 trillion to lower the temperature by 0.03 F. What a genius plan! If you saved that amount today, that's more than the predicted cost of all global warming.

But please pretend that you are "saving the planet" as you are getting robbed. Useful fool.
Science illiterate.

You don't have to stay that way. I highly recommend reading some books or running some experiments
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Merkel will plan how to get more 3rd word people immigrated into the first world. Because obviously, turning the first world into 3rd world will save the planet! So will fattening byrocrats wallet by trillions and trillions, as Paris accord does. One thing it won't affect almost at all is the temperature. At least they can pretend like they are saving the planet as they are raping their own countries.
100% unadulterated bullshit. There is no planet B. The countries of the world have united ( except the United States) to save the planet.
We have a president setting this country back 40 years with his rape and plunder the planet policies.

To save the planet? You mean spend 100 trillion to lower the temperature by 0.03 F. What a genius plan! If you saved that amount today, that's more than the predicted cost of all global warming.

But please pretend that you are "saving the planet" as you are getting robbed. Useful fool.
Science illiterate.

That's what the official documentation says. And of course, there is zero reason to believe that it's accurate. It's made by the same people who get paid if the deal goes through.

Seems like you don't understand the first thing about science. Especially about how these scientist
Ever question why this disgrace of a president put the United States out on an island while the rest of the world has agreed to work together?
No of course not. Thinking isn't your bag.

Because Paris was a bad deal. Even the media was saying that until trump announced plans not to join the accord
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.
Please post the link proving Trump's policies are hated world-wide.

Oh, sorry - I forgot. You snowflakes 'don't do EVIDENCE'.

One day after the inauguration people from all 50 states and 32 countries, even Antarctica came out and protested the toxic policies of the orange anus..
It doesn't get any more definitive than that..

Antarctica? Really?

Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..

So now it's blanket ass's crying. Um, wonder if Merkel will talk with her buds about how her pet Haji's like to rape the little kids? We will see how snobby Europe is when Putin really starts making noise.
Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..

Merkel will plan how to get more 3rd word people immigrated into the first world. Because obviously, turning the first world into 3rd world will save the planet! So will fattening byrocrats wallet by trillions and trillions, as Paris accord does. One thing it won't affect almost at all is the temperature. At least they can pretend like they are saving the planet as they are raping their own countries.
100% unadulterated bullshit. There is no planet B. The countries of the world have united ( except the United States) to save the planet.
We have a president setting this country back 40 years with his rape and plunder the planet policies.
We are now isolated among all the countries on the world stage..
I expect lots of protests and people raising their voices everywhere the orange anus goes.
Boy, am I glad we don't have one of those around. That sounds icky.
Merkel is loaded for bear on this one. That will be Topic #1 on the summit agenda. Trump will be sitting there feeling lonely and left out while the rest of them talk about their plans.
Yes..,, the real leaders of our planet will talk about preserving and saving our planet while the orange anus sits there thinking of new ways to destroy it.
His most recent: opening up both coasts to oil drilling.
Reminds me of that old commercial with a Native American and a tear rolling down his eye..

So now it's blanket ass's crying. Um, wonder if Merkel will talk with her buds about how her pet Haji's like to rape the little kids? We will see how snobby Europe is when Putin really starts making noise.

yup well then there is the mayor of New York going to protest outside the G-20 when trump speaks


and they wonder why they are a dying breed


maybe while he is there he can pick up a couple of rocks to hurl through

a window with the rioters

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View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.

Polish Crowds Cheering as President Trump Arrives in Warsaw

Jack Posobiec on Twitter
The conservative Polish president said he will do everything he can including bus people in to give Trump a warm welcome.

yeah that is pretty much normal transportation in poland

leftards tend to twist a story to help fill the needed fix of hate
View attachment 137255 His policies are hated world wide.
Thank you Poles for speaking up to ignorance.

Polish Crowds Cheering as President Trump Arrives in Warsaw

Jack Posobiec on Twitter
The conservative Polish president said he will do everything he can including bus people in to give Trump a warm welcome.

It was on TV,or do you not trust the news? I understand if you don't.

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