Trump Just Created His Own CURE for Corona Virus - Pure GENIUS!

“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

Sad thing is most of his base believes this.
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

Sad thing is most of his base believes this.

What's even worse is Pence is also spewing the bullshit narrative. He says that there won't be a second wave, and the only reason cases are increasing is because of testing. Wonder if he knows that the cases requiring to be hospitalized have also gone up?
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

He's actually right.. Every different health dept has VARYING definitions of a Covid case or death.. And SOME are counting cases from "antibody" testing and some only "confirmed" cases that were found from swab testing..

The ORIGINAL "death rate" from CV19 was 2 to 3% when the PANIC began.. This was based on the math (#deaths)/((#diagnosed) X 2) .. The factor of TWO being a "wild ass guess" at how many ACTUAL infections there were that never GOT reported to a doctor...

So NOW -- the death rate from CV19 is TEN TIMES LOWER than the estimate when the "shut downs" were triggered and everyone was PANICKED... It's NOW somewhere like 0.15 to 0.2%... WHY????

Because the TESTING HAS UNCOVERED ABOUT 19 PEOPLE infected for every ONE that enters medical treatment... Making this A LOT CLOSER to some other flus that HAVE vaccine preventatives...

The more they TEST --- the HIGHER the slope will be on "new cases".. But only about 10% of those will ever need med attention at all...

You brought math and logic to leftists.

This is not going to bode well.
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

If we stopped doing pregnancy tests, we could eliminate the need for abortions!!!
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

He's actually right.. Every different health dept has VARYING definitions of a Covid case or death.. And SOME are counting cases from "antibody" testing and some only "confirmed" cases that were found from swab testing..

The ORIGINAL "death rate" from CV19 was 2 to 3% when the PANIC began.. This was based on the math (#deaths)/((#diagnosed) X 2) .. The factor of TWO being a "wild ass guess" at how many ACTUAL infections there were that never GOT reported to a doctor...

So NOW -- the death rate from CV19 is TEN TIMES LOWER than the estimate when the "shut downs" were triggered and everyone was PANICKED... It's NOW somewhere like 0.15 to 0.2%... WHY????

Because the TESTING HAS UNCOVERED ABOUT 19 PEOPLE infected for every ONE that enters medical treatment... Making this A LOT CLOSER to some other flus that HAVE vaccine preventatives...

The more they TEST --- the HIGHER the slope will be on "new cases".. But only about 10% of those will ever need med attention at all...

What part of 118,000 people died in under 130 days, are you ignoring? Oh yeah, all of it. That's the highest death rate from a pandemic in the USA over 100 years. Donald Trump called 18,000 deaths from H1N1 over 18 months a "national disgrace" and said he would never allow such a thing to happen if he were President.

These pathetic attempts to spin Trump's pandemic response as anything other than the clusterfuck for the ages, get more desperate by the day. Every day more people get sick, than get better, and another 1000 Americans die.

Now that people in red states with serious outbreaks are essentially being forced back to work, many being told the are not allowed to wear masks, in high risk environments, there have already been deaths, because of the working conditions. Republicans want to indemnify employers who fail to protect their workers.

Remember when Donald Trump signed an EO to keep meat packing plants open to keep food on American tables? $129 million dollars worth of pork was sold and shipped to China in April and May. Donald Trump kept high risk American meat packing plants open, spiking cases and deaths throughout the mid-West, to keep food on Chinese tables.

If you don't test for Pregnancy, you can't get pregnant.
God bless the many Trump haters who attack him and wind up looking more stupid than what Trump is alleged to be. It's the "Brer Rabbit" syndrome.

Trump never said you can't be infected by the Covid virus if you don't get get tested. Never happened.
If you don't test for Pregnancy, you can't get pregnant.
God bless the many Trump haters who attack him and wind up looking more stupid than what Trump is alleged to be. It's the "Brer Rabbit" syndrome.

Trump never said you can't be infected by the Covid virus if you don't get get tested. Never happened.

No, he said if you'd didn't test for the virus, there would be no cases.
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

He's actually right.. Every different health dept has VARYING definitions of a Covid case or death.. And SOME are counting cases from "antibody" testing and some only "confirmed" cases that were found from swab testing..

The ORIGINAL "death rate" from CV19 was 2 to 3% when the PANIC began.. This was based on the math (#deaths)/((#diagnosed) X 2) .. The factor of TWO being a "wild ass guess" at how many ACTUAL infections there were that never GOT reported to a doctor...

So NOW -- the death rate from CV19 is TEN TIMES LOWER than the estimate when the "shut downs" were triggered and everyone was PANICKED... It's NOW somewhere like 0.15 to 0.2%... WHY????

Because the TESTING HAS UNCOVERED ABOUT 19 PEOPLE infected for every ONE that enters medical treatment... Making this A LOT CLOSER to some other flus that HAVE vaccine preventatives...

The more they TEST --- the HIGHER the slope will be on "new cases".. But only about 10% of those will ever need med attention at all...

The truth burns them like a cross for a vampire....
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

And Trumptards eat it up.
I never knew so many people could be so fucking stupid.

Seemingly outnumbered by the massive minions of morons who just binge on biased news written by folks that can't deal with math or facts...

There MAY be a spike in Covid because of the riots/protests.. But the number REPORTING to medical services will be a 1/10 of the increase due to testing.. Simple math for normal people -- but I'm DAMN CERTAIN -- you don't GET IT and you DONT CARE....
see I told you they'd slurp it up.

If Trump and DeSantis were right that testing accounts for this increase, it should also show up as a proportional increase in the number of new tests conducted each day over the same period.

But that’s not what the data shows. In reality, Florida has been conducting roughly the same average number of COVID-19 tests every day for the last month. During the last two weeks of May, the state conducted 369,557 tests in total, or 26,396 per day on average. During the first two weeks of June, the state conducted 387,666 tests in total, or 27,690 per day on average.

In other words, the number of tests conducted per day in Florida was unchanged, while average cases more than doubled. And so Trump and DeSantis are incorrect: Testing doesn’t explain Florida’s recent increase in infections.

The truth about testing is that it delivers diminishing returns. Sure, there’s an initial relationship between increased testing and increased case counts; the people who seek out tests first are the most likely to be sick. But scale up capacity and you start to test more and more people with less and less chance of infection. Eventually, there’s not much correlation between the amount of testing and the scale of an epidemic.

Other data from Florida reflects this dynamic as well. For instance: If the size of the state’s outbreak were stable — and if the growing case count were simply the inevitable, even desirable byproduct of increased testing — then the percentage of positive tests per day would be going down (or, at worst, staying the same).

Instead, Florida’s seven-day rolling average of positive tests rose from 3.85 percent on June 1 to 6.35 percent on June 15. Trump on coronavirus: 'If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any.' Why he's dangerously wrong.
Florida is just hunky-Dory.
No, he said if you'd didn't test for the virus, there would be no cases.
No....he said if we stopped testing we would have very few case (of Covid 19), if any.

And that's quite true. We are finding very few cases of Covid and with more testing the cases we do see are mostly asymptomatic cases that require no hospitalization.

So he's guilty of getting the barking dogs all excited again. And that's about all. Call me teacher...'cause you've
been schooled.
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

And Trumptards eat it up.
I never knew so many people could be so fucking stupid.
Group pathology.

It's happened before in history.
He misspoke, you PROGS can't see it because you're dumb and need the material.

We've conducted 26 millions tests and counting. His point is without tests we don't have the # of cases, and wouldn't know the difference because many don't have symptoms anyway. Then there's heard immunity, but you know, PROGS know science and stuff like that.

Protest something.
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!
Imagine the cancer epidemic we would have if everyone got tested....or heart disease or high cholesterol or lung cancer or ANY OTHER disease....

As long as the mortality rate stays low you're gonna have to just suck it up.
Problem is that the South is SPIKING!
Hospital beds are filling up fast!
Claim your hospital bed NOW, before it's too late...
“If we stop testing right now,” Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”

He came up with that all on his own.
What a genius, huh? PURE Genius!

He's actually right.. Every different health dept has VARYING definitions of a Covid case or death.. And SOME are counting cases from "antibody" testing and some only "confirmed" cases that were found from swab testing..

The ORIGINAL "death rate" from CV19 was 2 to 3% when the PANIC began.. This was based on the math (#deaths)/((#diagnosed) X 2) .. The factor of TWO being a "wild ass guess" at how many ACTUAL infections there were that never GOT reported to a doctor...

So NOW -- the death rate from CV19 is TEN TIMES LOWER than the estimate when the "shut downs" were triggered and everyone was PANICKED... It's NOW somewhere like 0.15 to 0.2%... WHY????

Because the TESTING HAS UNCOVERED ABOUT 19 PEOPLE infected for every ONE that enters medical treatment... Making this A LOT CLOSER to some other flus that HAVE vaccine preventatives...

The more they TEST --- the HIGHER the slope will be on "new cases".. But only about 10% of those will ever need med attention at all...

The truth burns them like a cross for a vampire....

The stupid is strong in this one.
Trumpsters have nothing against so they are going for excuse #3654 : Gaslighting

Everyone everywhere who says a single bad thing about Trump is suffering from TDS....

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