Trump just de-regulated everything

Time to do business and make big bucks!!!!!!!!!! the Government is getting out of our way.....goodbye national Debt!!!!!!!Thank you Trump!!!!!!!

Actually the government got in the way even more with the internet. The new rules gives the FTC the power to approve or disapprove any business decision relating to blocking, throttling or giving paid prioritization to content. There is actually more government involvement than there was yesterday.

But hey, Trump had a cool photo op so none of you all would notice, and it worked like a charm.
But here’s where you’re brain-dead conservative [il]logic fails you .... whether I believe in those or not in no way speaks for what I believe drives the economy; which I don’t believe either of those does.

Be that as it may, I graciously gave you a choice to make and you honestly chose to prove you’re an idiot. Thanks for being so genuine
Holy Cow here she goes again...

Faun's words:disbelief:
"whether I believe in those or not in no way speaks for what I believe drives the economy; which I don’t believe either of those does."

But here’s where you’re brain-dead conservative [il]logic fails you .... whether I believe in those or not in no way speaks for what I believe drives the economy; which I don’t believe either of those does.

Be that as it may, I graciously gave you a choice to make and you honestly chose to prove you’re an idiot. Thanks for being so genuine
Holy Cow here she goes again...

Faun's words:disbelief:
"whether I believe in those or not in no way speaks for what I believe drives the economy; which I don’t believe either of those does."


You poor thing, bless your heart.

You poor thing, bless your heart.
Thank you Faun...that's the nicest you have ever been to me...guess the Christmas spirit has infected you...You're a good ol gal after all...Happy Holidays!
Trump is crushing so many Obama era regulations that have made government too big.

The fed is at least twice as big as it needs to be.

Build highways, keep my food and products safe, keep me safe from foreign aggressors....that’s much of what I want from the Federal government.

I don’t need the Federal government to tax my cell phone bill to give free cell phones to other people (Univeral Service fee (tax))
Free market give consumers a better product.
Deregulation Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers

IDIOT.....from your own citation........(learn to read before posting.....LOL)

Deregulation can be damaging to consumers, especially when natural monopolies are involved (such as electric utilities or other situations with immense infrastructure or technical needs). Some also point out that the elimination of weaker competitors in a deregulated environment means the loss of jobs
Can be if there is a monopoly. So we have only “one” cable provider in America?
Free market give consumers a better product.
Deregulation Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers

IDIOT.....from your own citation........(learn to read before posting.....LOL)

Deregulation can be damaging to consumers, especially when natural monopolies are involved (such as electric utilities or other situations with immense infrastructure or technical needs). Some also point out that the elimination of weaker competitors in a deregulated environment means the loss of jobs
Can be if there is a monopoly. So we have only “one” cable provider in America?

many communities have only one choice, yes.
Not in the least, I give Trump credit when he does something good. It does not happen very often so you do not see it much.

Bullshit. I don't ever remember you giving Donald trump credit for anything. How about starting here and now: List the great things he has done for this country.

I bet you can't.

he has done nothing great but he has done a few good things.

his choice for SCOTUS was good.
His plan to privatize ATC was good, but the senate already killed that.
His choice for SecDef was good.
His reinstatement of the Mexico City policy was good.

There might be one or two more but that is about all I can think of right now

Let me help you out, son...

Home Page | The White House
What source? A fake news right wing website by any chance?

Trump’s Lies vs. Obama’s


Can you find any of Trump's "lies" that aren't lies or uninformed nonsense?

"Look honey! Our little 5 year old has figured out how to use Microsoft Paint!!".


Ah, deflection. Has your 5 year old figured out how to do that yet?

They'll learn and by the time they're like 20, they'll be accepting bullshit and being unable to answer it.

Kids really should learn to deal with facts, rather than ignoring them, don't you think?

Can you find any of Trump's "lies" that aren't lies or uninformed nonsense? Or more bullshit deflection?

Just quit the bullshit. Accept the fact that Hillary lost, Trump won, and there's nothing you can do or say to change that.

I'm sorry, more deflection?

How about YOU answer the question, rather than posting some webpage I'm not going to click on?

Can you find any of Trump's "lies" that aren't lies or uninformed nonsense?

After the third time, I'll take your answer as "no"

What "lies" are you referring to? He never lied to me, as he's carrying out everything he promised. And then some.

I see you just now choose to not bothering to answer, slightly better than deflecting like crazy.

So, we agree that Trump is a massive and habitual liar then?
Trump is crushing so many Obama era regulations that have made government too big.

The fed is at least twice as big as it needs to be.

Build highways, keep my food and products safe, keep me safe from foreign aggressors....that’s much of what I want from the Federal government.

I don’t need the Federal government to tax my cell phone bill to give free cell phones to other people (Univeral Service fee (tax))
You mean ReaganPhones?
So, the internet is getting more expensive. That's what always happens when monopolies are allowed a free hand.

Libertarians don't understand that, as they wouldn't be libertarians if they understood basic economics.
Well. The first response to my original post continues to nail it. BluesLegend wrote "Someone have EMT's on standby, liberals are going to freak."

They certainly have been freaking out. I can 't wait to see what goodies Uncle Trump brings us tomorrow. :biggrin:

No one is freaking out, it's just you make stuff up, then pretend that liberals are freaking out about it because they tell you what you're saying is bullshit.
Free market give consumers a better product.
Deregulation Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers

IDIOT.....from your own citation........(learn to read before posting.....LOL)

Deregulation can be damaging to consumers, especially when natural monopolies are involved (such as electric utilities or other situations with immense infrastructure or technical needs). Some also point out that the elimination of weaker competitors in a deregulated environment means the loss of jobs
Can be if there is a monopoly. So we have only “one” cable provider in America?

many communities have only one choice, yes.
By deregulation they can now have more choices.
So, the internet is getting more expensive. That's what always happens when monopolies are allowed a free hand.

Libertarians don't understand that, as they wouldn't be libertarians if they understood basic economics.
Free market has given us highest standard of living in world...not big government.
Free market give consumers a better product.
Deregulation Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers

IDIOT.....from your own citation........(learn to read before posting.....LOL)

Deregulation can be damaging to consumers, especially when natural monopolies are involved (such as electric utilities or other situations with immense infrastructure or technical needs). Some also point out that the elimination of weaker competitors in a deregulated environment means the loss of jobs
Can be if there is a monopoly. So we have only “one” cable provider in America?

many communities have only one choice, yes.
By deregulation they can now have more choices.

Really? Usually deregulation leads to MORE monopolies than with regulation.
Free market give consumers a better product.
Deregulation Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers

IDIOT.....from your own citation........(learn to read before posting.....LOL)

Deregulation can be damaging to consumers, especially when natural monopolies are involved (such as electric utilities or other situations with immense infrastructure or technical needs). Some also point out that the elimination of weaker competitors in a deregulated environment means the loss of jobs
Can be if there is a monopoly. So we have only “one” cable provider in America?

many communities have only one choice, yes.
By deregulation they can now have more choices.

Really? Usually deregulation leads to MORE monopolies than with regulation.
Lol! No it does fucking not. Federal government is the monopoly that gets in the way of free market.
Lol! No it does fucking not. Federal government is the monopoly that gets in the way of free market.

Like I said, conseravatives have no understanding of real-world economics.

Liberals are the intellectual heirs of Adam Smith, the godfather of capitalism, who very specifically pointed out that government regulation of capitalism was necessary to prevent capitalism from devolving into monopolies and cronyism.
Why are Trumpets bragged that deregulation created jobs and help the economy? Like a very big deal.
So I’m asking this same question over and over.
Like what regulations that help created jobs or help the economy?
Any Trump snowflakes take on this question because I’m getting desperate.

Fewer government jobs = more private sector jobs.

You should know by now that government doesn't create wealth, nor does it create jobs.

"Over the year, the number of long-term unemployed was down by 275,000."

"Employment in professional and business services continued on an upward trend in November
(+46,000). Over the past 12 months, the industry has added 548,000 jobs.

"In November, manufacturing added 31,000 jobs. Within the industry, employment rose in
machinery (+8,000), fabricated metal products (+7,000), computer and electronic products
(+4,000), and plastics and rubber products (+4,000). Since a recent low in November 2016,
manufacturing employment has increased by 189,000."

"Health care added 30,000 jobs in November. Most of the gain occurred in ambulatory health
care services (+25,000), which includes offices of physicians and outpatient care centers.
Monthly employment growth in health care has averaged 24,000 thus far in 2017, compared
with an average increase of 32,000 per month in 2016.

"Within construction, employment among specialty trade contractors increased by 23,000 in
November and by 132,000 over the year."

"The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for September was revised up from +18,000
to +38,000, and the change for October was revised down from +261,000 to +244,000. With
these revisions, employment gains in September and October combined were 3,000 more than previously reported. (Monthly revisions result from additional reports received from
businesses and government agencies since the last published estimates and from the
recalculation of seasonal factors.) After revisions, job gains have averaged 170,000 over
the last 3 months."

Employment Situation Summary

Idiot. These has nothing to do with Trump. He doesn’t deserve these credits. Most Americans don’t give him these credits.
He inherited an excellent economy right place at the right time. That’s a fact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Since when do you speak for "most Americans"? Yuu certainly don't represent me, or the millions of people who elected President Trump.

Remember your Trump anemically garnered 63+ millions votes from 212 registered voters. With what we saw in last 11 months do not expect that 63+ millions are growing but declining fast. That’s a fact. You are right I do not represent you but I represent majority of Americans that hate your dumb dude.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why are Trumpets bragged that deregulation created jobs and help the economy? Like a very big deal.
So I’m asking this same question over and over.
Like what regulations that help created jobs or help the economy?
Any Trump snowflakes take on this question because I’m getting desperate.

Fewer government jobs = more private sector jobs.

You should know by now that government doesn't create wealth, nor does it create jobs.

"Over the year, the number of long-term unemployed was down by 275,000."

"Employment in professional and business services continued on an upward trend in November
(+46,000). Over the past 12 months, the industry has added 548,000 jobs.

"In November, manufacturing added 31,000 jobs. Within the industry, employment rose in
machinery (+8,000), fabricated metal products (+7,000), computer and electronic products
(+4,000), and plastics and rubber products (+4,000). Since a recent low in November 2016,
manufacturing employment has increased by 189,000."

"Health care added 30,000 jobs in November. Most of the gain occurred in ambulatory health
care services (+25,000), which includes offices of physicians and outpatient care centers.
Monthly employment growth in health care has averaged 24,000 thus far in 2017, compared
with an average increase of 32,000 per month in 2016.

"Within construction, employment among specialty trade contractors increased by 23,000 in
November and by 132,000 over the year."

"The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for September was revised up from +18,000
to +38,000, and the change for October was revised down from +261,000 to +244,000. With
these revisions, employment gains in September and October combined were 3,000 more than previously reported. (Monthly revisions result from additional reports received from
businesses and government agencies since the last published estimates and from the
recalculation of seasonal factors.) After revisions, job gains have averaged 170,000 over
the last 3 months."

Employment Situation Summary

Idiot. These has nothing to do with Trump. He doesn’t deserve these credits. Most Americans don’t give him these credits.
He inherited an excellent economy right place at the right time. That’s a fact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Since when do you speak for "most Americans"? Yuu certainly don't represent me, or the millions of people who elected President Trump.

Remember your Trump anemically garnered 63+ millions votes from 212 registered voters. With what we saw in last 11 months do not expect that 63+ millions are growing but declining fast. That’s a fact. You are right I do not represent you but I represent majority of Americans that hate your dumb dude.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not as much as we hate you.
IDIOT.....from your own citation........(learn to read before posting.....LOL)

Deregulation can be damaging to consumers, especially when natural monopolies are involved (such as electric utilities or other situations with immense infrastructure or technical needs). Some also point out that the elimination of weaker competitors in a deregulated environment means the loss of jobs
Can be if there is a monopoly. So we have only “one” cable provider in America?

many communities have only one choice, yes.
By deregulation they can now have more choices.

Really? Usually deregulation leads to MORE monopolies than with regulation.
Lol! No it does fucking not. Federal government is the monopoly that gets in the way of free market.

It can do, I'm not going to argue that the govt is always a force for good. However Monopolies are MORE likely without govt intervention.

How many large companies existed before hand, and took advantage of deregulation when they had the chance?

With the exception of the computer companies like Microsoft, Google and Apple, oil companies and others are all based around old companies that existed before WW2.

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