Trump just declared war on Islam

What a reasonable solution Mr Trump has offered. He's right you know. There will be another WTC if we don't do something about the Muslims. Put a moratorium on bringing them into our Country. We can't tell them apart until it's too late. Reasonable people see the logic in Trump's position. Democrats and Republicans agree.
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

That's like condemning FDR for declaring war on Japan after Pearl Harbor.

Islam declared war on us a long time ago.

No it didn't. Clearly it didn't.

Saudi Arabia is a big US ally, Turkey is also an ally in NATO, Pakistan is an ally, the Afghan govt is an ally,


Kazakhstan, Morocco, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Indonesia and Somalia have bases used by the US.

It's not Islam that's declared war at all, but it serves the purposes of the right. Bush probably went into Iraq wanting to make Islam the enemy in the first place. And now people like you are falling right in line.
Idiot. Islam is a disease
What a reasonable solution Mr Trump has offered. He's right you know. There will be another WTC if we don't do something about the Muslims. Put a moratorium on bringing them into our Country. We can't tell them apart until it's too late. Reasonable people see the logic in Trump's position. Democrats and Republicans agree.

Do exactly what you more time the people killed those people, save for the wife...where born here!!
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.
Arrested for speaking his mind.
Dangerous speech you say.
What a good little Brownshirter. ZEIG HEIL!

Or what a good little person who knows what freedom of speech is. Freedom of speech isn't say whatever you like, no right is unlimited. But you wouldn't know about things like rights, now would you?
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

Excuse me but how are ambassadors, diplomats, kings and business people who are muslim going to be able to enter America if this ban is put in place?

Does trump think things through? Does any of his followers think things through?

That's on top of the whole thing being very unconstitutional, illegal and violation of international treaties America has signed and ratified into law.

Isn't the whole point of nationalism and the like just to do something that sounds good? Most of Trump's supporters aren't the brightest sparks, and he's giving them what they want, it's scary.
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

Excuse me but how are ambassadors, diplomats, kings and business people who are muslim going to be able to enter America if this ban is put in place?

Does trump think things through? Does any of his followers think things through?

That's on top of the whole thing being very unconstitutional, illegal and violation of international treaties America has signed and ratified into law.

Isn't the whole point of nationalism and the like just to do something that sounds good? Most of Trump's supporters aren't the brightest sparks, and he's giving them what they want, it's scary.
Be very afraid...
you have to love how they get all up in the air over WORDS. what did they use to say. IF you aren't a freaking criminal you don't have ANYTHING to worry about OVER WORDS being said. you on the left is aiding and abetting terrorist in my book and stomping on our freedom of speech all at the same time.

what week are you people never outraged. my gawd. he says something every day and it's OMG OMG OMG OMG

You would go to this link for you party? for political points? to smear and spread lies?

Nope. He just suggested a very smart move.

A moratorium on letting Muslims into the country.

In case its escaped your feeble brain Muslims are the folks who are trying to kill us.

Jesus your a jackass.
"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

The classic 'we're at war' nonsense to 'justify' violating the Constitution, the rule of law, and the rights of individuals – Trump asks Americans to surrender their freedom in exchange for the illusion of 'security.'
"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

The classic 'we're at war' nonsense to 'justify' violating the Constitution, the rule of law, and the rights of individuals – Trump asks Americans to surrender their freedom in exchange for the illusion of 'security.'

when did Trump BAN muslims from entering the United States? My impression is that he wants to stop immigration of muslims to the United States TEMPORARILY.
Halting immigration of this or that group of people------in NO WAY violates the
constitution of the United States. The present "WAR ON TERRORISM" is just
as much a "war" as was the "cold war" that the USA waged with the Soviet Union.
That "war" did result in various restrictions on interaction with the soviet union. Why do you post up nonsensical lies?
when does the left/democrats ever tell the truth? they take their leads from their party and lapdog leftwing sites/medias ....and no questions asked they march off to mislead the people in the country and it's all their PARTY

it's a sad sad thing to be a sheep
Last edited:
when does the left/democrats ever tell the truth? they take their leads from their party and lapdog leftwing sites/medias ....and no questions asked they march off to mislead the people in the country and it's all their PARTY

it's a sad sad thing to be a sheep
Or in your case, an idiot.
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.
Arrested for speaking his mind.
Dangerous speech you say.
What a good little Brownshirter. ZEIG HEIL!

Or what a good little person who knows what freedom of speech is. Freedom of speech isn't say whatever you like, no right is unlimited. But you wouldn't know about things like rights, now would you?
What a good little Brownshirter. Now he has limits on what people can say in speeches or they will be arrested. ZEIG HEIL!
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

Perhaps Mr. Trump and his team have actually spent the hours necessary to understand the threat.

Those of you who want to catch up should invest some time too. Here's one resource from Bill Warner:
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

Perhaps Mr. Trump and his team have actually spent the hours necessary to understand the threat.

Those of you who want to catch up should invest some time too. Here's one resource from Bill Warner:

Just what we didn't need, another Islamophobic loon...
Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration
The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by "force, violence, or other unconstitutional means." This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life's guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any "organization" that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited.
I found out a law on the books banning immigrants who have multiple wives or practice polygamy... That's a real threat there... As best I can tell immigration is pretty much based on whomever is in power's whim. So just like Obama can bring in a huge pile of mostly folks from the ME, the next president can choose /not/ to bring them in - in fact, as I understand the remnants of the quota system still in place, the "general rule" is based on a 5 year average - so basically if we've been taking in large amounts from the ME over the past 5 years (which I do believe we have been) the quota system on the books (as I understand it) actually supports a ME immigration hold/stop/pause/ban.


Sanctions Against Iran Remarks Announcing U.S. Actions.
April 7, 1980



Jimmy Carter
1980-81: Book I


District of Columbia

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The American Presidency Project

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Ever since Iranian terrorists imprisoned American Embassy personnel in Tehran early in November, these 50 men and women—their safety, their health, and their future—have been our central concern. We've made every effort to obtain their release on honorable, peaceful, and humanitarian terms, but the Iranians have refused to release them or even to improve the inhumane conditions under which these Americans are being held captive.

The events of the last few days have revealed a new and significant dimension in this matter. The militants controlling the Embassy have stated they are willing to turn the hostages over to the Government of Iran, but the Government has refused to take custody of the American hostages. This lays bare the full responsibility of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for the continued illegal and outrageous holding of the innocent hostages. The Iranian Government can no longer escape full responsibility by hiding behind the militants at the Embassy.

It must be made clear that the failure to release the hostages will involve increasingly heavy costs to Iran and to its interests. I have today ordered the following steps.

First, the United States of America is breaking diplomatic relations with the Government of Iran. The Secretary of State has informed the Government of Iran that its Embassy and consulates in the United States are to be closed immediately. All Iranian diplomatic and consular officials have been declared persona non grata and must leave this country by midnight tomorrow.

Second, the Secretary of the Treasury will put into effect official sanctions prohibiting exports from the United States to Iran, in accordance with the sanctions approved by 10 members of the United Nations Security Council on January 13 in the resolution which was vetoed by the Soviet Union. Although shipment of food and medicine were not included in the U.N. Security Council vote, it is expected that exports even of these items to Iran will be minimal or nonexistent.

Third, the Secretary of Treasury will make a formal inventory of the assets of the Iranian Government, which were frozen by my previous order, and also will make a census or an inventory of the outstanding claims of American citizens and corporations against the Government of Iran. This accounting of claims will aid in designing a program against Iran for the hostages, for the hostage families, and other U.S. claimants. We are now preparing legislation, which will be introduced in the Congress, to facilitate processing and paying of these claims.

Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.

In order to minimize injury to the hostages, the United States has acted at all times with exceptional patience and restraint in this crisis. We have supported Secretary-General Waldheim's activities under the U.N. Security Council mandate to work for a peaceful solution. We will continue to consult with our allies and other friendly governments on the steps we are now taking and on additional measures which may be required.

I am committed to resolving this crisis. I am committed to the safe return of the American hostages and to the preservation of our national honor. The hostages and their families, indeed all of us in America, have lived with the reality and the anguish of their captivity for 5 months. The steps I have ordered today are those that are necessary now. Other action may become necessary if these steps do not produce the prompt release of the hostages.
Thank you very much.

Note: The President spoke at 3:10 p.m. to reporters assembled in the Briefing Room at the White House.Citation: Jimmy Carter: "Sanctions Against Iran Remarks Announcing U.S. Actions. ," April 7, 1980. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. Jimmy Carter: Sanctions Against Iran Remarks Announcing U.S. Actions..
Perhaps Mr. Trump and his team have actually spent the hours necessary to understand the threat.

Those of you who want to catch up should invest some time too. Here's one resource from Bill Warner:
Just what we didn't need, another Islamophobic loon...[/QUOTE]

From your tone, it's pretty obvious that some self-study on the subject is exactly what you need...cheers

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