Trump just declared war on Islam

It is amazing how easily leftists, like those on this board, are duped by the left media and consistently post the exact talking points of the MSM EVERY F-ING DAY.
If the "peaceful" Muslims we hear so much about would make even a measurable effort to suppress and contain their jihadists I might believe it's just a "radical fringe.

Why, so people like you can feel safer and more secure? Why should they concern themselves with your fear and paranoia? Countless Muslims prefer to just keep to themselves in peace and quiet and don't wish to get involved with Jihad, or all this political drama, protests and mass media... and I totally approve.

Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.
Did he ask anyone to act violently?
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.
why do you use the word dangerous. What is dangerous about it? explain.
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.
Did he ask anyone to act violently?
yeah, I just asked what is dangerous about what he said. I can't wait for the reply.
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

Come on, folks.

What are we supposed to call real war now?

Workplace violence?
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.
Could you please explain your line of reasoning so that I may specifically show you where your logic failed?
Trump has become the terrorist most valuable recruiting tool. He is now endangering America and Americans.
how? what the fk does this mean? explain.
He is displaying and advertising a hatred of Muslims, the vast majority of which are not radical or interesting in waging war. His rhetoric is able to be used as propaganda to show the "true" nature of how America feels towards Muslims. In addition, his refusal to allow Muslims into the country can be viewed by the terrorist as a challenge. It is on par with Bush challenging the terrorist to "Bring it on" that caused them to flock to Iraq to kill Americans. How did that work out for us?
Trump has become the terrorist most valuable recruiting tool. He is now endangering America and Americans.
how? what the fk does this mean? explain.
He is displaying and advertising a hatred of Muslims, the vast majority of which are not radical or interesting in waging war. His rhetoric is able to be used as propaganda to show the "true" nature of how America feels towards Muslims. In addition, his refusal to allow Muslims into the country can be viewed by the terrorist as a challenge. It is on par with Bush challenging the terrorist to "Bring it on" that caused them to flock to Iraq to kill Americans. How did that work out for us?
how is he showing hatred? Do you even know what that word means? You should, you use it daily against your conservative brothers and sisters. So far from your definition I can tell you that.
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.

As much as i do view Trump as a shock jock candidate the reality is we are at war with Radical Islam and not with all of Islam and Radical Islam is at war with us.

If you do not believe it then try to understand the Fatwa's that have been issued in the past by radical Cleric's and leaders of groups like ISIL and Al-Qaeda, and the reality is we are at war even if some want to ignore it!

Again remember Radical is the key word of the day before you write about how I am grouping all of Islam into one like Trump is doing!
Trump defends proposed ban on Muslims into U.S., says 'no choice'

"Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday defended his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling it a temporary measure in a time of war."

Oh good, now the right has finally decided the enemy is Islam, or at least the thickos that support Trump. His rhetoric is getting dangerous and at some point he should be arrested and locked up for inciting violence and hatred.
Arrested for speaking his mind.
Dangerous speech you say.
What a good little Brownshirter. ZEIG HEIL!
the left in this country has become an enemy to the rest of us. Talk about aiding and abetting Muslim Terrorist coming across into our country. wake up people vote out this Democrat party in 2016

Obama and the Media's Muslim "Fear" Meme
Do you think we need to get serious about fighting Islamic terrorism? Stop being so afraid.
December 7, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Obama and his media allies have responded to the latest Muslim terror attack in America by condescendingly lecturing Americans about their "fear". Fear is their argument to anyone questioning their policies.

Don't want to bring 1,300 Syrian ISIS supporters to America? It's just fear.

Do you think we need to get serious about fighting Islamic terrorism? Stop being so afraid.

Maybe it's time to talk about Islamic terrorism? Stop with the FEAR already!

The message is that law enforcement (in its current crippled politically correct form) has this covered already and anyone who disagrees is speaking out of fear.

The New York Times headlined its editorial, "Fear Ignorance, Not Muslims".

all of it here:
Obama and the Media's Muslim "Fear" Meme
Have they released pictures from Sandy Hook yet?

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