
Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
0vomit flat out lied, logical people figured it out early on, but lazy left CHOSE to believe it, and as just shown, still does. And you want to lead a country? HAHAHAHA
According to the numbnuts above, when Obama lies, it’s a lie. But when Trump lies, it’s merely an exaggeration.

Obama was not taken to task by the fawning progressive socialist media and entertainers. There is cause and affect.
Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
0vomit flat out lied, logical people figured it out early on, but lazy left CHOSE to believe it, and as just shown, still does. And you want to lead a country? HAHAHAHA
According to the numbnuts above, when Obama lies, it’s a lie. But when Trump lies, it’s merely an exaggeration.

Obama was not taken to task by the fawning progressive socialist media and entertainers. There is cause and affect.
So? Trump lies almost daily and his acolytes don’t care. Blaming that apathy on others is what losers do to shirk personal responsibility.
I loved how President Trump took out McCain over the weekend. "Last In his Class McCain" who spent his days in Vietnam in the Hanoi Hilton. People who are captured are losers.
Unlike The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, McCain was NOT last in his class at Annapolis, a school The RAT could never even have gotten into. The low IQ RAT was just jealously projecting his class rank onto McCain.
Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
0vomit flat out lied, logical people figured it out early on, but lazy left CHOSE to believe it, and as just shown, still does. And you want to lead a country? HAHAHAHA
According to the numbnuts above, when Obama lies, it’s a lie. But when Trump lies, it’s merely an exaggeration.

Obama was not taken to task by the fawning progressive socialist media and entertainers. There is cause and affect.
So? Trump lies almost daily and his acolytes don’t care. Blaming that apathy on others is what losers do to shirk personal responsibility.
He lies by the progressive socialist media and entertainers spouting their propaganda. From my point of view, when you take over tens of millions will eventually be exterminated.
Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
0vomit flat out lied, logical people figured it out early on, but lazy left CHOSE to believe it, and as just shown, still does. And you want to lead a country? HAHAHAHA
According to the numbnuts above, when Obama lies, it’s a lie. But when Trump lies, it’s merely an exaggeration.

Obama was not taken to task by the fawning progressive socialist media and entertainers. There is cause and affect.
So? Trump lies almost daily and his acolytes don’t care. Blaming that apathy on others is what losers do to shirk personal responsibility.
He lies by the progressive socialist media and entertainers spouting their propaganda. From my point of view, when you take over tens of millions will eventually be exterminated.
You poor thing. A lie is a lie.
Well, if the lying sleazy mother fucker did not lie so much a thread like this would not exist. The thread is about Trump lying so much. Why do you try to defend him?
Liars defend fellow liars.

I'm still waiting to hear where you got that 400 seat number from, Faun! Why is it you can't provide that?
That’s ok, I’m still waiting for you to prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” gains more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

Now watch as I do what you can’t... prove what I say...



At the state level, Democrats picked up 69 Senate seats + 268 House seats + 7 governorships; plus 41 U.S. House seats - 2 U.S. Senate seats...



... for a grand total of 383 seats.


The 400 seat number was YOUR'S, Faun...not mine! I simply pointed out that Trump lost far fewer seats than either Bill Clinton in his first mid term or Barack Obama in his first mid term! Do you dispute that happened?
Every time you lie about this, I will post the dialog to show you falsely claimed 400 seats is a low number according to you (emphasis added to highlight your lie)...

Faun: We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.”

Oldstyle: That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

Now prove your claim. Prove that 400 seats is “actually down from what normally occurs”...

Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I've already shown that Bill Clinton AND Barack Obama lost far more seats in their first term mid term than Donald Trump did! What else matters? Your semantics?

You claimed you'd gained 400 seats and then provided proof that you'd gained 383 seats...the majority of which were State level positions...not seats in the House and Senate! Now why would someone distort reality like that? I'll tell you why! Because you're not on here to spread the're on here to spread propaganda.
Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
0vomit flat out lied, logical people figured it out early on, but lazy left CHOSE to believe it, and as just shown, still does. And you want to lead a country? HAHAHAHA
According to the numbnuts above, when Obama lies, it’s a lie. But when Trump lies, it’s merely an exaggeration.


When Obama lies it's a whopper! Like telling the country the Affordable Care Act will save the average middle class person $2,500 when he knew damn well that liberal Democrats were passing something that HAD to raise their health care costs! Like declaring over and over again that if you liked your healthcare plan or your doctor that you could keep both when he again knew without a doubt that wouldn't be the case! Those are the deliberate HUGE lies that Obama told with regularity. You on the left ignored those but get your panties in a twist because Trump exaggerates about the size of his inauguration crowd? That's absurd!
Dirty lying mother fucker Donald Trump gave America a notable Presidential lie when like the scum bag degenerate liar he is, claimed war hero, Navy pilot, and former POW, now deceased Senator John McCain finished last in his class when he graduated from Annapolis, the US Naval Acadamy. Trump lied about a dead man who could not defend himself. He told a blatant malicious lie about a deceased American war hero.

No amount of deflecting away from Trump lies by whining about Obama takes away from the fact that Trump is a scumbag level liar.
Liars defend fellow liars.

I'm still waiting to hear where you got that 400 seat number from, Faun! Why is it you can't provide that?
That’s ok, I’m still waiting for you to prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” gains more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

Now watch as I do what you can’t... prove what I say...



At the state level, Democrats picked up 69 Senate seats + 268 House seats + 7 governorships; plus 41 U.S. House seats - 2 U.S. Senate seats...



... for a grand total of 383 seats.


The 400 seat number was YOUR'S, Faun...not mine! I simply pointed out that Trump lost far fewer seats than either Bill Clinton in his first mid term or Barack Obama in his first mid term! Do you dispute that happened?
Every time you lie about this, I will post the dialog to show you falsely claimed 400 seats is a low number according to you (emphasis added to highlight your lie)...

Faun: We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.”

Oldstyle: That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

Now prove your claim. Prove that 400 seats is “actually down from what normally occurs”...

Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?


I've already shown that Bill Clinton AND Barack Obama lost far more seats in their first term mid term than Donald Trump did! What else matters? Your semantics?

You claimed you'd gained 400 seats and then provided proof that you'd gained 383 seats...the majority of which were State level positions...not seats in the House and Senate! Now why would someone distort reality like that? I'll tell you why! Because you're not on here to spread the're on here to spread propaganda.
“the majority of which were State level positions...not seats in the House and Senate! Now why would someone distort reality like that?”

Aww, the poor, lying con tool is getting desperate now. Lying con tool, aside from the number 400 itself being obvious that wasn’t limited to the U.S. House & Senate since Republicans didn’t even hold that many seats to lose — I fucking told you what I was talking about...
Federal and state level seats.

Now then, let’s see you prove your idiotic claim that first term presidents normally lose more than 400 seats to their opposition party at the midterm.....

It’s a good thing I wasn’t holding my breath for you to prove that, huh? :badgrin:
Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
0vomit flat out lied, logical people figured it out early on, but lazy left CHOSE to believe it, and as just shown, still does. And you want to lead a country? HAHAHAHA
According to the numbnuts above, when Obama lies, it’s a lie. But when Trump lies, it’s merely an exaggeration.


When Obama lies it's a whopper! Like telling the country the Affordable Care Act will save the average middle class person $2,500 when he knew damn well that liberal Democrats were passing something that HAD to raise their health care costs! Like declaring over and over again that if you liked your healthcare plan or your doctor that you could keep both when he again knew without a doubt that wouldn't be the case! Those are the deliberate HUGE lies that Obama told with regularity. You on the left ignored those but get your panties in a twist because Trump exaggerates about the size of his inauguration crowd? That's absurd!
Trump lied about illegal border crossers to gain support for his wall. But that’s just an exaggeration, right? Trump lied about not knowing anything about Cohen paying Stormy Daniels hush money a week before the election. Just another exaggeration, right? Trump lied about being wiretapped in his own office & home by Obama. Another exaggeration, right?

Like declaring over and over again that if you liked your healthcare plan or your doctor that you could keep both when he again knew without a doubt that wouldn't be the case! Those are the deliberate HUGE lies that Obama told with regularity.
No those are LIES you worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascists tell with regularity, even when you are shown that Obamacare GRANDFATHERED all previous healthcare plans even if they didn't match the new standards established by the PPACA. Obama had nothing to do with a plan losing its grandfather status, it was either the employer or the insurance co changing plans

What It Means to Have Grandfathered Status | Medical Mutual
Overview of Grandfathered Status Plans
Grandfathered plans are health plans that were in place before March 23, 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law. These plans are allowed to offer the coverage they did before the Affordable Care Act. Changes can be made to grandfathered plans (subject to certain limitations) without losing grandfathered status. A grandfathered status plan might not include certain benefits or consumer protections that non-grandfathered plans are required to include. A few examples of this include:
  • Grandfathered status plans are not required to cover all preventive services at a $0 copay (such as contraceptive coverage).
  • Grandfathered status plans are not required to cover all of the benefits healthcare reform has deemed to be “essential,” such as certain types of testing and treatment.
  • Grandfathered status plans have different member appeal rights.
However, healthcare reform has added some benefits to both grandfathered and non-grandfathered status plans, including:
  • No lifetime dollar limit on benefits and/or no monetary limits on essential benefits (For example, your plan cannot have a $200,000 lifetime cap on organ transplants – it must be unlimited)
  • Dependent coverage to your adult children until they turn 26, subject to certain limitations (the age limit is 28 in Ohio for fully insured plans.)
Why Do Plans Have Grandfathered Status?
If you have individual coverage:
If you have individual health plan coverage with grandfathered status it’s because you have stayed in the same plan and/or not made a plan change affecting grandfathered status during your renewal.

If you have employer coverage:
When you have coverage through your employer, he or she makes decisions about what type of health coverage is available. Your employer also chooses whether your plan keeps its grandfathered status. As long as your employer maintains grandfathered status plans, your benefits will remain generally unchanged and your benefits may not be the same as someone in a non-grandfathered status plan. New plans created after March 23, 2010, will never have grandfathered status.
Like declaring over and over again that if you liked your healthcare plan or your doctor that you could keep both when he again knew without a doubt that wouldn't be the case! Those are the deliberate HUGE lies that Obama told with regularity.
No those are LIES you worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascists tell with regularity, even when you are shown that Obamacare GRANDFATHERED all previous healthcare plans even if they didn't match the new standards established by the PPACA. Obama had nothing to do with a plan losing its grandfather status, it was either the employer or the insurance co changing plans

What It Means to Have Grandfathered Status | Medical Mutual
Overview of Grandfathered Status Plans
Grandfathered plans are health plans that were in place before March 23, 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law. These plans are allowed to offer the coverage they did before the Affordable Care Act. Changes can be made to grandfathered plans (subject to certain limitations) without losing grandfathered status. A grandfathered status plan might not include certain benefits or consumer protections that non-grandfathered plans are required to include. A few examples of this include:
  • Grandfathered status plans are not required to cover all preventive services at a $0 copay (such as contraceptive coverage).
  • Grandfathered status plans are not required to cover all of the benefits healthcare reform has deemed to be “essential,” such as certain types of testing and treatment.
  • Grandfathered status plans have different member appeal rights.
However, healthcare reform has added some benefits to both grandfathered and non-grandfathered status plans, including:
  • No lifetime dollar limit on benefits and/or no monetary limits on essential benefits (For example, your plan cannot have a $200,000 lifetime cap on organ transplants – it must be unlimited)
  • Dependent coverage to your adult children until they turn 26, subject to certain limitations (the age limit is 28 in Ohio for fully insured plans.)
Why Do Plans Have Grandfathered Status?
If you have individual coverage:
If you have individual health plan coverage with grandfathered status it’s because you have stayed in the same plan and/or not made a plan change affecting grandfathered status during your renewal.

If you have employer coverage:
When you have coverage through your employer, he or she makes decisions about what type of health coverage is available. Your employer also chooses whether your plan keeps its grandfathered status. As long as your employer maintains grandfathered status plans, your benefits will remain generally unchanged and your benefits may not be the same as someone in a non-grandfathered status plan. New plans created after March 23, 2010, will never have grandfathered status.

The vast majority of health care plans did not fall under the "grandfathered" status category! If your plan didn't meet the guidelines imposed by the ACA then it was not allowed to be sold to you...something that Barry knew damn well when he was telling those blatant lies on the campaign stump!
No he didn’t.. re listen moron
Are you REALLY this stupid?

He literally COULD shoot someone in broad daylight and on video and people like this Southie turd would say

No he didn't...
Trump seems to attract many, many suckers.

I wouldn't call you a "sucker", Camp...just grossly uninformed! :)
Informed enough to know that every time a thread appears about Donald Trump lying one of his supporters here on USMB deflects and diverts the discussion by bringing up one of the handful of lies allegedly told by President Obama as if that gives Trump permission to tell 8,000 lies as President, including lying about an American war hero. Trump, the silver spoon fake bone spur draft evader tells malicious and hateful lies about an American war hero and his supporters like you who continue to lamely defend his sorry ass, seemingly without shame.
Like declaring over and over again that if you liked your healthcare plan or your doctor that you could keep both when he again knew without a doubt that wouldn't be the case! Those are the deliberate HUGE lies that Obama told with regularity.
No those are LIES you worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascists tell with regularity, even when you are shown that Obamacare GRANDFATHERED all previous healthcare plans even if they didn't match the new standards established by the PPACA. Obama had nothing to do with a plan losing its grandfather status, it was either the employer or the insurance co changing plans

What It Means to Have Grandfathered Status | Medical Mutual
Overview of Grandfathered Status Plans
Grandfathered plans are health plans that were in place before March 23, 2010, when the Affordable Care Act was signed into law. These plans are allowed to offer the coverage they did before the Affordable Care Act. Changes can be made to grandfathered plans (subject to certain limitations) without losing grandfathered status. A grandfathered status plan might not include certain benefits or consumer protections that non-grandfathered plans are required to include. A few examples of this include:
  • Grandfathered status plans are not required to cover all preventive services at a $0 copay (such as contraceptive coverage).
  • Grandfathered status plans are not required to cover all of the benefits healthcare reform has deemed to be “essential,” such as certain types of testing and treatment.
  • Grandfathered status plans have different member appeal rights.
However, healthcare reform has added some benefits to both grandfathered and non-grandfathered status plans, including:
  • No lifetime dollar limit on benefits and/or no monetary limits on essential benefits (For example, your plan cannot have a $200,000 lifetime cap on organ transplants – it must be unlimited)
  • Dependent coverage to your adult children until they turn 26, subject to certain limitations (the age limit is 28 in Ohio for fully insured plans.)
Why Do Plans Have Grandfathered Status?
If you have individual coverage:
If you have individual health plan coverage with grandfathered status it’s because you have stayed in the same plan and/or not made a plan change affecting grandfathered status during your renewal.

If you have employer coverage:
When you have coverage through your employer, he or she makes decisions about what type of health coverage is available. Your employer also chooses whether your plan keeps its grandfathered status. As long as your employer maintains grandfathered status plans, your benefits will remain generally unchanged and your benefits may not be the same as someone in a non-grandfathered status plan. New plans created after March 23, 2010, will never have grandfathered status.

The vast majority of health care plans did not fall under the "grandfathered" status category! If your plan didn't meet the guidelines imposed by the ACA then it was not allowed to be sold to you...something that Barry knew damn well when he was telling those blatant lies on the campaign stump!
ALL previously held plans prior to March 23, 2010 were allowed to be grandfathered, as you well know. Only NEW plans AFTER March 23, 2010 could not be grandfathered, obviously, because they were NEW plans.

Again, when the worthless lying scum Right have their lies exposed, they just keep on lying. The worthless lying scum Right will NEVER admit the truth no matter how many times they are exposed to the truth.
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

BS all presidents lie. Now I do admit Trump lies more than average, but most of his lies are about stupid shit
How many of his 8,000 recorded lies over the last few years do you think were about stupid shit vs important serious shit?

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