
Obama made one gaffe in 8 years, Trump, 8,000 lies in 2 years.
"If you like your health care can keep your health care provider...PERIOD!"
Keep going. By the end of the day, you will have a handful of Obama lies to compare to the 8,000 Trump lies.

And those Trump "lies" don't come close to being as sleazy as what Barry did when he was trying to deceive the nation about what the ACA would do!
Lying about illegal border crossings to justify his wall is lying to the country.

Mm, this isn’t a lie though. Come on down and I’ll show ya.
No, unless you’re on the Moroccan border, he lied...

This thread is about attacking Trump. It's no different from most of the threads that the progressive "choir" starts here.
Keep going. By the end of the day, you will have a handful of Obama lies to compare to the 8,000 Trump lies.

And those Trump "lies" don't come close to being as sleazy as what Barry did when he was trying to deceive the nation about what the ACA would do!
You don't think Trump lying on national television about the size of his dick is sleazy?

I think someone making smarmy comments about the size of a political candidates dick on a nationally televised debate is sleazy! Like that has anything to do with the ability to govern? You on the left think nothing of making attacks like this yet scream bloody murder if anyone DARES to make an even slightly disparaging remark about one of your own!

You poor thing. That happened during the Republican primary debates. This had nothing to do with anyone on the left.

So nobody on the left mocked Trump for his penis size? Is that what you're claiming? You really want to go there, Faun?

This whole penis thing is just a diversion anyways. Back up your 400 seat claim!
The claim was making sleazy comments during a national debate. That had nothing to do with the left and everything to do with Republicans eating their own.
And those Trump "lies" don't come close to being as sleazy as what Barry did when he was trying to deceive the nation about what the ACA would do!
You don't think Trump lying on national television about the size of his dick is sleazy?

I think someone making smarmy comments about the size of a political candidates dick on a nationally televised debate is sleazy! Like that has anything to do with the ability to govern? You on the left think nothing of making attacks like this yet scream bloody murder if anyone DARES to make an even slightly disparaging remark about one of your own!

You poor thing. That happened during the Republican primary debates. This had nothing to do with anyone on the left.

So nobody on the left mocked Trump for his penis size? Is that what you're claiming? You really want to go there, Faun?

This whole penis thing is just a diversion anyways. Back up your 400 seat claim!
The claim was making sleazy comments during a national debate. That had nothing to do with the left and everything to do with Republicans eating their own. you can see from several of the posts just liberals have kept THAT narrative going for over two and a half YEARS now...turning a sleazy porn star into one of your favorite people!
You don't think Trump lying on national television about the size of his dick is sleazy?

I think someone making smarmy comments about the size of a political candidates dick on a nationally televised debate is sleazy! Like that has anything to do with the ability to govern? You on the left think nothing of making attacks like this yet scream bloody murder if anyone DARES to make an even slightly disparaging remark about one of your own!

You poor thing. That happened during the Republican primary debates. This had nothing to do with anyone on the left.

So nobody on the left mocked Trump for his penis size? Is that what you're claiming? You really want to go there, Faun?

This whole penis thing is just a diversion anyways. Back up your 400 seat claim!
The claim was making sleazy comments during a national debate. That had nothing to do with the left and everything to do with Republicans eating their own. you can see from several of the posts just liberals have kept THAT narrative going for over two and a half YEARS now...turning a sleazy porn star into one of your favorite people!
So? It was a gift from Republicans.
This thread is about attacking Trump. It's no different from most of the threads that the progressive "choir" starts here.
Well, if the lying sleazy mother fucker did not lie so much a thread like this would not exist. The thread is about Trump lying so much. Why do you try to defend him?
This thread is about attacking Trump. It's no different from most of the threads that the progressive "choir" starts here.
Well, if the lying sleazy mother fucker did not lie so much a thread like this would not exist. The thread is about Trump lying so much. Why do you try to defend him?
Liars defend fellow liars.
I loved how President Trump took out McCain over the weekend. "Last In his Class McCain" who spent his days in Vietnam in the Hanoi Hilton. People who are captured are losers.
This thread is about attacking Trump. It's no different from most of the threads that the progressive "choir" starts here.
Well, if the lying sleazy mother fucker did not lie so much a thread like this would not exist. The thread is about Trump lying so much. Why do you try to defend him?

Admit it, Camp...this thread exists because Trump beat Hillary! You couldn't care less about his "lies"...what really pisses you off is that the rest of the country didn't buy the line of bullshit that Clinton was selling in that election and voted for the OTHER candidate! You're pissed off that Clinton's smear campaign with Fusion GPS didn't sway voters. You're pissed that Comey and all the other Trump haters at the FBI couldn't sway the election in Clinton's favor! And what you're REALLY pissed about is that after two years of investigations...Bob Mueller isn't going to give you anything that you can use against Trump!
This thread is about attacking Trump. It's no different from most of the threads that the progressive "choir" starts here.
Well, if the lying sleazy mother fucker did not lie so much a thread like this would not exist. The thread is about Trump lying so much. Why do you try to defend him?
Liars defend fellow liars.

I'm still waiting to hear where you got that 400 seat number from, Faun! Why is it you can't provide that?
This thread is about attacking Trump. It's no different from most of the threads that the progressive "choir" starts here.
Well, if the lying sleazy mother fucker did not lie so much a thread like this would not exist. The thread is about Trump lying so much. Why do you try to defend him?
Liars defend fellow liars.

I'm still waiting to hear where you got that 400 seat number from, Faun! Why is it you can't provide that?
That’s ok, I’m still waiting for you to prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” gains more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

Now watch as I do what you can’t... prove what I say...



At the state level, Democrats picked up 69 Senate seats + 268 House seats + 7 governorships; plus 41 U.S. House seats - 2 U.S. Senate seats...



... for a grand total of 383 seats.

What a leftard fuck calls a lie, everyone else calls an exaggeration or for short, "tongue in cheek". El Tardo says lie, but we just snicker at their stupidity and ignore them.
What a leftard fuck calls a lie, everyone else calls an exaggeration or for short, "tongue in cheek". El Tardo says lie, but we just snicker at their stupidity and ignore them.
Riiight, just like Obama was just exaggerating when he said you can keep your doctor.
This thread is about attacking Trump. It's no different from most of the threads that the progressive "choir" starts here.
Well, if the lying sleazy mother fucker did not lie so much a thread like this would not exist. The thread is about Trump lying so much. Why do you try to defend him?
Liars defend fellow liars.

I'm still waiting to hear where you got that 400 seat number from, Faun! Why is it you can't provide that?
That’s ok, I’m still waiting for you to prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” gains more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

Now watch as I do what you can’t... prove what I say...



At the state level, Democrats picked up 69 Senate seats + 268 House seats + 7 governorships; plus 41 U.S. House seats - 2 U.S. Senate seats...



... for a grand total of 383 seats.


The 400 seat number was YOUR'S, Faun...not mine! I simply pointed out that Trump lost far fewer seats than either Bill Clinton in his first mid term or Barack Obama in his first mid term! Do you dispute that happened?
What a leftard fuck calls a lie, everyone else calls an exaggeration or for short, "tongue in cheek". El Tardo says lie, but we just snicker at their stupidity and ignore them.
Riiight, just like Obama was just exaggerating when he said you can keep your doctor.

Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
0vomit flat out lied, logical people figured it out early on, but lazy left CHOSE to believe it, and as just shown, still does. And you want to lead a country? HAHAHAHA
What a leftard fuck calls a lie, everyone else calls an exaggeration or for short, "tongue in cheek". El Tardo says lie, but we just snicker at their stupidity and ignore them.
Riiight, just like Obama was just exaggerating when he said you can keep your doctor.

Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
Apparently your idea of what is and isn't a lie tends to be pretty subjective...and based on who the person is
Last edited:
This thread is about attacking Trump. It's no different from most of the threads that the progressive "choir" starts here.
Well, if the lying sleazy mother fucker did not lie so much a thread like this would not exist. The thread is about Trump lying so much. Why do you try to defend him?
Liars defend fellow liars.

I'm still waiting to hear where you got that 400 seat number from, Faun! Why is it you can't provide that?
That’s ok, I’m still waiting for you to prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” gains more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

Now watch as I do what you can’t... prove what I say...



At the state level, Democrats picked up 69 Senate seats + 268 House seats + 7 governorships; plus 41 U.S. House seats - 2 U.S. Senate seats...



... for a grand total of 383 seats.


The 400 seat number was YOUR'S, Faun...not mine! I simply pointed out that Trump lost far fewer seats than either Bill Clinton in his first mid term or Barack Obama in his first mid term! Do you dispute that happened?
Every time you lie about this, I will post the dialog to show you falsely claimed 400 seats is a low number according to you (emphasis added to highlight your lie)...

Faun: We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.”

Oldstyle: That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

Now prove your claim. Prove that 400 seats is “actually down from what normally occurs”...

Do you ever stop lying, ya lying con tool?

Obama was lying to the American people when he repeatedly made that claim! He knew it know it now...yet you continue to pretend it wasn't a lie!
0vomit flat out lied, logical people figured it out early on, but lazy left CHOSE to believe it, and as just shown, still does. And you want to lead a country? HAHAHAHA
According to the numbnuts above, when Obama lies, it’s a lie. But when Trump lies, it’s merely an exaggeration.


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