
LMAO you mean numerous posts?
Fine with me... post numerous links to your posts I ran from...

Site doesn’t search back that far. So on the record you’re claiming otherwise? Because I am sure we ll run into each other again and you will run again but this time I ll keep tabs. Fair? Hell I ll start Now.

Trump meant Tim and Apple. It was a faux pas and Lefitsts nitpicked it. Which is stupid.
No link proves you’re full of shit.

Thanks for tryin’ anyway. Here’s your participation trophy ...


Don’t need a link. Either you have dementia or you’re in denial. :1peleas:
So you say — sadly, you can’t prove it.

But I’ll at least give you credit for trying to keep this thread on topic...

Yeah he meant Tim and Apple. LOL. Who cares? Your TDS kicking in again and causing you to have dementia too?
Site doesn’t search back that far. So on the record you’re claiming otherwise? Because I am sure we ll run into each other again and you will run again but this time I ll keep tabs. Fair? Hell I ll start Now.

Trump meant Tim and Apple. It was a faux pas and Lefitsts nitpicked it. Which is stupid.
like ah repubs nit picked 57 states??

That's pretty bad, Eddie! If Sarah Palin had said on the left would have gone APE SHIT and you know it!
well palin was a complete idiot so you might be right,,,,and she was your idiot not mine

So why does Obama get a pass for saying something you'd have gone after Palin for?
because what obama said was clearly a faux pas while palin s weren't

Palin was actually stupid enough to claim that part of Paul Revere’s ride was to warn the British. :ack-1:
Fine with me... post numerous links to your posts I ran from...

Site doesn’t search back that far. So on the record you’re claiming otherwise? Because I am sure we ll run into each other again and you will run again but this time I ll keep tabs. Fair? Hell I ll start Now.

Trump meant Tim and Apple. It was a faux pas and Lefitsts nitpicked it. Which is stupid.
No link proves you’re full of shit.

Thanks for tryin’ anyway. Here’s your participation trophy ...


Don’t need a link. Either you have dementia or you’re in denial. :1peleas:
So you say — sadly, you can’t prove it.

But I’ll at least give you credit for trying to keep this thread on topic...

So you’re on record saying we have never interacted? Just want to make sure.


You poor demented idiot, I never said any such thing.


Dayum, you’re getting increasingly desperate. No, fool, I challenged you to show where I did what Oldstyle did, which was to run away from my challenge, which you claim I did to you....

Put up or shut up time....
Fine with me... post numerous links to your posts I ran from...

Site doesn’t search back that far. So on the record you’re claiming otherwise? Because I am sure we ll run into each other again and you will run again but this time I ll keep tabs. Fair? Hell I ll start Now.

Trump meant Tim and Apple. It was a faux pas and Lefitsts nitpicked it. Which is stupid.
No link proves you’re full of shit.

Thanks for tryin’ anyway. Here’s your participation trophy ...


Don’t need a link. Either you have dementia or you’re in denial. :1peleas:
So you say — sadly, you can’t prove it.

But I’ll at least give you credit for trying to keep this thread on topic...

Yeah he meant Tim and Apple. LOL. Who cares? Your TDS kicking in again and causing you to have dementia too?

Seems your TDS is far worse, pretending like you know what he meant regardless of what he actually said. :cuckoo:

Trump also did far better than Bill Clinton did in HIS first midterm! Want to try again?
What I’d like is to see you prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” loses more than 400 seats, but you’ve now demonstrated you can’t prove that.

C’est la vie.

Since I didn't claim that...why would I have to prove it? The 400 seat number is something you came up with to make it look like Trump got destroyed in that election and historically that wasn't the case! I simply pointed out that historically parties in power tend to lose seats in the first mid term after a new President is elected. That was the case with Bill Clinton...that was the case with Barack Obama and that was the case with Donald Trump! I also pointed out that Trump lost FAR fewer seats than either Obama or Clinton!
You’re lying again, ya lying con tool. I’ve already posted your reply to me pointing out Democrats won 400 seats while Trump’s been president...

”That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

You can keep lying and deny you said that; but all you’re doing is proving me right when I point out you’re a lying con tool.


I pointed out that both Clinton and Obama lost far more seats than Trump did. Why you think that proves you right about anything mystifies me!
Site doesn’t search back that far. So on the record you’re claiming otherwise? Because I am sure we ll run into each other again and you will run again but this time I ll keep tabs. Fair? Hell I ll start Now.

Trump meant Tim and Apple. It was a faux pas and Lefitsts nitpicked it. Which is stupid.
like ah repubs nit picked 57 states??

That's pretty bad, Eddie! If Sarah Palin had said on the left would have gone APE SHIT and you know it!
well palin was a complete idiot so you might be right,,,,and she was your idiot not mine

So why does Obama get a pass for saying something you'd have gone after Palin for?
because what obama said was clearly a faux pas while palin s weren't

Why was Obama not knowing how many States there are in the United States a "faux pas" but Palin was lambasted unmercifully for saying she could see Russia from Alaska?
like ah repubs nit picked 57 states??

That's pretty bad, Eddie! If Sarah Palin had said on the left would have gone APE SHIT and you know it!
well palin was a complete idiot so you might be right,,,,and she was your idiot not mine

So why does Obama get a pass for saying something you'd have gone after Palin for?
because what obama said was clearly a faux pas while palin s weren't

Why was Obama not knowing how many States there are in the United States a "faux pas" but Palin was lambasted unmercifully for saying she could see Russia from Alaska?
because clearly obama knows how many states there are just a faux pas while palin is a stupid moron
That's pretty bad, Eddie! If Sarah Palin had said on the left would have gone APE SHIT and you know it!
well palin was a complete idiot so you might be right,,,,and she was your idiot not mine

So why does Obama get a pass for saying something you'd have gone after Palin for?
because what obama said was clearly a faux pas while palin s weren't

Why was Obama not knowing how many States there are in the United States a "faux pas" but Palin was lambasted unmercifully for saying she could see Russia from Alaska?
because clearly obama knows how many states there are just a faux pas while palin is a stupid moron

Palin was a successful Mayor and a successful Governor. How do you think a "moron" was able to accomplish those things, Eddie? Admit it...the reason you hate Palin isn't because she's a's because she DARED to run against the anointed one!
well palin was a complete idiot so you might be right,,,,and she was your idiot not mine

So why does Obama get a pass for saying something you'd have gone after Palin for?
because what obama said was clearly a faux pas while palin s weren't

Why was Obama not knowing how many States there are in the United States a "faux pas" but Palin was lambasted unmercifully for saying she could see Russia from Alaska?
because clearly obama knows how many states there are just a faux pas while palin is a stupid moron

Palin was a successful Mayor and a successful Governor. How do you think a "moron" was able to accomplish those things, Eddie? Admit it...the reason you hate Palin isn't because she's a's because she DARED to run against the anointed one!
did you ever listen to her?? I did She was and is an idiot
So why does Obama get a pass for saying something you'd have gone after Palin for?
because what obama said was clearly a faux pas while palin s weren't

Why was Obama not knowing how many States there are in the United States a "faux pas" but Palin was lambasted unmercifully for saying she could see Russia from Alaska?
because clearly obama knows how many states there are just a faux pas while palin is a stupid moron

Palin was a successful Mayor and a successful Governor. How do you think a "moron" was able to accomplish those things, Eddie? Admit it...the reason you hate Palin isn't because she's a's because she DARED to run against the anointed one!
did you ever listen to her?? I did She was and is an idiot

Once again, Eddie...I judge people solely on what they DO...not what they say! I would strongly suggest you do the same or you will continually end up with people who sound good but don't have a clue what they're doing!
That’s one election and doesn’t prove the “norm.”

Trump also did far better than Bill Clinton did in HIS first midterm! Want to try again?
What I’d like is to see you prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” loses more than 400 seats, but you’ve now demonstrated you can’t prove that.

C’est la vie.

Since I didn't claim that...why would I have to prove it? The 400 seat number is something you came up with to make it look like Trump got destroyed in that election and historically that wasn't the case! I simply pointed out that historically parties in power tend to lose seats in the first mid term after a new President is elected. That was the case with Bill Clinton...that was the case with Barack Obama and that was the case with Donald Trump! I also pointed out that Trump lost FAR fewer seats than either Obama or Clinton!
You’re lying again, ya lying con tool. I’ve already posted your reply to me pointing out Democrats won 400 seats while Trump’s been president...

”That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

You can keep lying and deny you said that; but all you’re doing is proving me right when I point out you’re a lying con tool.


I pointed out that both Clinton and Obama lost far more seats than Trump did. Why you think that proves you right about anything mystifies me!
Because you failed to prove your nonsensical claim that it’s normal for the opposition party to gain more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.
Trump also did far better than Bill Clinton did in HIS first midterm! Want to try again?
What I’d like is to see you prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” loses more than 400 seats, but you’ve now demonstrated you can’t prove that.

C’est la vie.

Since I didn't claim that...why would I have to prove it? The 400 seat number is something you came up with to make it look like Trump got destroyed in that election and historically that wasn't the case! I simply pointed out that historically parties in power tend to lose seats in the first mid term after a new President is elected. That was the case with Bill Clinton...that was the case with Barack Obama and that was the case with Donald Trump! I also pointed out that Trump lost FAR fewer seats than either Obama or Clinton!
You’re lying again, ya lying con tool. I’ve already posted your reply to me pointing out Democrats won 400 seats while Trump’s been president...

”That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

You can keep lying and deny you said that; but all you’re doing is proving me right when I point out you’re a lying con tool.


I pointed out that both Clinton and Obama lost far more seats than Trump did. Why you think that proves you right about anything mystifies me!
Because you failed to prove your nonsensical claim that it’s normal for the opposition party to gain more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

So I demonstrated that Clinton lost far more seats than did Obama...but you still want to claim that it's "unusual" for a President to lose seats in a first term mid term election? You've become a joke on this topic, Faun! You might want to just stick to calling me a "lying con tool"'s what you do best! :)
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

No, not really.

What I’d like is to see you prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” loses more than 400 seats, but you’ve now demonstrated you can’t prove that.

C’est la vie.

Since I didn't claim that...why would I have to prove it? The 400 seat number is something you came up with to make it look like Trump got destroyed in that election and historically that wasn't the case! I simply pointed out that historically parties in power tend to lose seats in the first mid term after a new President is elected. That was the case with Bill Clinton...that was the case with Barack Obama and that was the case with Donald Trump! I also pointed out that Trump lost FAR fewer seats than either Obama or Clinton!
You’re lying again, ya lying con tool. I’ve already posted your reply to me pointing out Democrats won 400 seats while Trump’s been president...

”That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

You can keep lying and deny you said that; but all you’re doing is proving me right when I point out you’re a lying con tool.


I pointed out that both Clinton and Obama lost far more seats than Trump did. Why you think that proves you right about anything mystifies me!
Because you failed to prove your nonsensical claim that it’s normal for the opposition party to gain more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

So I demonstrated that Clinton lost far more seats than did Obama...but you still want to claim that it's "unusual" for a President to lose seats in a first term mid term election? You've become a joke on this topic, Faun! You might want to just stick to calling me a "lying con tool"'s what you do best! :)
Lying con tool, you did not prove Republicans gained more than 400 seats in 1994.

Do you ever stop lying?

Since I didn't claim that...why would I have to prove it? The 400 seat number is something you came up with to make it look like Trump got destroyed in that election and historically that wasn't the case! I simply pointed out that historically parties in power tend to lose seats in the first mid term after a new President is elected. That was the case with Bill Clinton...that was the case with Barack Obama and that was the case with Donald Trump! I also pointed out that Trump lost FAR fewer seats than either Obama or Clinton!
You’re lying again, ya lying con tool. I’ve already posted your reply to me pointing out Democrats won 400 seats while Trump’s been president...

”That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

You can keep lying and deny you said that; but all you’re doing is proving me right when I point out you’re a lying con tool.


I pointed out that both Clinton and Obama lost far more seats than Trump did. Why you think that proves you right about anything mystifies me!
Because you failed to prove your nonsensical claim that it’s normal for the opposition party to gain more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

So I demonstrated that Clinton lost far more seats than did Obama...but you still want to claim that it's "unusual" for a President to lose seats in a first term mid term election? You've become a joke on this topic, Faun! You might want to just stick to calling me a "lying con tool"'s what you do best! :)
Lying con tool, you did not prove Republicans gained more than 400 seats in 1994.

Do you ever stop lying?


I showed quite clearly that Trump didn't come close to losing as many seats in the House and the Senate as Barack Obama did and Bill Clinton did in their first mid term elections but you're not here to illuminate with the truth...are you, Faun? You're here to mislead. It's why you brought up the 400 seats in the first place! You think that number sounds more damaging than the number of seats Republicans lost in Congress which is why you went with it! I STILL haven't seen you cite where you got the 400 number FROM! I'm assuming that's because you're embarrassed to admit what far left propaganda site it was that you parroted your message from?
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

No, not really.

Obama made one gaffe in 8 years, Trump, 8,000 lies in 2 years.
You’re lying again, ya lying con tool. I’ve already posted your reply to me pointing out Democrats won 400 seats while Trump’s been president...

”That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!”

You can keep lying and deny you said that; but all you’re doing is proving me right when I point out you’re a lying con tool.


I pointed out that both Clinton and Obama lost far more seats than Trump did. Why you think that proves you right about anything mystifies me!
Because you failed to prove your nonsensical claim that it’s normal for the opposition party to gain more than 400 seats in a president’s first mid-term.

So I demonstrated that Clinton lost far more seats than did Obama...but you still want to claim that it's "unusual" for a President to lose seats in a first term mid term election? You've become a joke on this topic, Faun! You might want to just stick to calling me a "lying con tool"'s what you do best! :)
Lying con tool, you did not prove Republicans gained more than 400 seats in 1994.

Do you ever stop lying?


I showed quite clearly that Trump didn't come close to losing as many seats in the House and the Senate as Barack Obama did and Bill Clinton did in their first mid term elections but you're not here to illuminate with the truth...are you, Faun? You're here to mislead. It's why you brought up the 400 seats in the first place! You think that number sounds more damaging than the number of seats Republicans lost in Congress which is why you went with it! I STILL haven't seen you cite where you got the 400 number FROM! I'm assuming that's because you're embarrassed to admit what far left propaganda site it was that you parroted your message from?

All that blather to cover for the fact you can’t prove your bullshit that the opposition party normally gains more than 400 seats. :eusa_doh:
Trump lied about the size of his dick on national television according to a porn hooker.
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

No, not really.

Obama made one gaffe in 8 years, Trump, 8,000 lies in 2 years.

"If you like your health care can keep your health care provider...PERIOD!"
It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

It's insane. Any other President who lied this blatantly would be dead in the water

He called Tim Cook (Apple CEO) Tim "Apple"...and then denied he did it.

Despite the fact that it happened in public and of course was on video

Scarborough Can't Believe Trump Denies Calling Apple CEO 'Tim Apple'

No, not really.

Obama made one gaffe in 8 years, Trump, 8,000 lies in 2 years.

"If you like your health care can keep your health care provider...PERIOD!"

That seems to be one of the only lies Obama told since it’s just about the only one rightards ever cite.

They seem to draw a moral equivalence between telling a few lies with telling thousands of lies.

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