
Great, you need a new news source, Fakebook just ain't working for ya.
AOC blames reagan - Bing video
Wonderful You pick out a nut job that can't control her mouth At least she has the excuse of youth on her side What excuse do those dirty old men on the republican side have?

I'm pretty sure it was your far left liberals that "picked" Ocasio Cortez, Eddie! Haven't you heard? She's the new "face" of the Democratic Party! You're going to have that "nut job" around for years now! With that liberal district she's from you've got a better chance of getting rid of a bad case of herpes than getting rid of AOC!

AOC is not the new face of a damn thing but a republican smear campaign. You call her a nut job while you support a demented pathological liar who made up a deep state that is out to get him ran by people he picked. it was the GOP that got her pictures on the covers of Time and Newsweek? It was us dastardly conservatives that had her on Good Morning America and the night time talk shows? You can't admit that you liberals elected a moron, IM2 and gave her "celebrity status"! Now you're stuck with her...idiotic statements and all!

AOC is not my representative. And you republicans are making her famous. I really haven't listened to her and I know that conservative media will lie and make false statements about people that idiots like you believe like it's gospel. You elected the moron and he sits at 1600 Pennsylvania.

We're making her famous? Her saying nothing but stupid shit is what's making her famous....dumbass.
In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.

You can STATE that Obama "saved us" from a depression, IM2 but the facts don't back up that claim! His policies quite frankly didn't help the economy grow or put people back to work. It doesn't take a genius to understand that the reason the Fed was forced to keep interest rates at near zero for as long as they unprecedented length of time!...was that the economy was stalled badly!

To blunt...if the GOP hadn't taken back the House in the 2010 midterms...the economy would have gotten even worse because you liberals were determined to pass Cap & Trade legislation next...something that would have made it almost impossible for US companies to compete globally. If the oil and natural gas boom hadn't taken place then Obama's economic numbers would have been historically bad and that boom only took place on lands that Obama and the Federal Government didn't have control over!
So far, pretty good. We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.

That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun! You didn't win the Senate...did you?
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

Notice how when I responded to Faun it was HE who "ran away"! He's great at accusing others of cowardice and lying which is amusing since he's guilty of both those things in this string! Come back and play, little Faun!
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun! You didn't win the Senate...did you?
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

Notice how when I responded to Faun it was HE who "ran away"! He's great at accusing others of cowardice and lying which is amusing since he's guilty of both those things in this string! Come back and play, little Faun!
Perhaps old, Faun had something other to do than remain here Reading fauns posts I seriously doubt any fear of you is a cause
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun! You didn't win the Senate...did you?
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun! You didn't win the Senate...did you?
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

Notice how when I responded to Faun it was HE who "ran away"! He's great at accusing others of cowardice and lying which is amusing since he's guilty of both those things in this string! Come back and play, little Faun!

And by “run away,” you mean live life outside this forum.

And post the lie(s) you are now claiming I’m telling... it’s put up or shut up time...
witch hunt
Trump this Trump that
lie this racist that
STFU --we don't CARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...

Did you want to tell me what seats it is that you're talking about? House? Senate? State Legislatures? When you tell me what you're basing your "400 seats" on...other than a number that you pulled out of your nether regions....then I'll be able to address the number!

Your point is still unfounded though because Barack Obama lost MORE seats in the House and Senate in his first term than Trump did! That's what I've pointed out REPEATEDLY!
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

Notice how when I responded to Faun it was HE who "ran away"! He's great at accusing others of cowardice and lying which is amusing since he's guilty of both those things in this string! Come back and play, little Faun!

And by “run away,” you mean live life outside this forum.

And post the lie(s) you are now claiming I’m telling... it’s put up or shut up time... it's OK for you to accuse me of running away when I'm away from the computer but not OK for me to return the favor? Gotta love you Progressives!
Prove that....

You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...
Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm

It amazes me that you don't know this stuff, Faun! need to get out of your little progressive bubble. Too much CNN, MSNBC and The New York Times has turned your brain to suet!
You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...

Did you want to tell me what seats it is that you're talking about? House? Senate? State Legislatures? When you tell me what you're basing your "400 seats" on...other than a number that you pulled out of your nether regions....then I'll be able to address the number!

Your point is still unfounded though because Barack Obama lost MORE seats in the House and Senate in his first term than Trump did! That's what I've pointed out REPEATEDLY!
Federal and state level seats.

Now prove your claim that number is lower than normal.
You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...
Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm
That’s one election and doesn’t prove the “norm.”
You want me to prove you didn't win the Senate? Or that a party in power historically takes a big hit in the first mid term? Do you really not know this stuff, Faun? I thought you were one of the more intelligent progressives on this board! I expect ignorance like that from the R-Derps and Not Fooled's of this board. I thought you were different!
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

Notice how when I responded to Faun it was HE who "ran away"! He's great at accusing others of cowardice and lying which is amusing since he's guilty of both those things in this string! Come back and play, little Faun!

And by “run away,” you mean live life outside this forum.

And post the lie(s) you are now claiming I’m telling... it’s put up or shut up time... it's OK for you to accuse me of running away when I'm away from the computer but not OK for me to return the favor? Gotta love you Progressives!
Lying con tool, I pointed out you ran away from answering my post because you were on here posting away with others after I challenged you to prove your bullshit. Whereas you were whining that I ran away when I in fact was away and not posting at all.
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...
Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm
That’s one election and doesn’t prove the “norm.”

That's your comeback? Seriously? Wow, that's pathetic! Just admit that you were totally wrong (as usual) and then apologize for calling me a liar. Or did you want to be shown to be even more full of shit than you've already been?
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

Notice how when I responded to Faun it was HE who "ran away"! He's great at accusing others of cowardice and lying which is amusing since he's guilty of both those things in this string! Come back and play, little Faun!

And by “run away,” you mean live life outside this forum.

And post the lie(s) you are now claiming I’m telling... it’s put up or shut up time... it's OK for you to accuse me of running away when I'm away from the computer but not OK for me to return the favor? Gotta love you Progressives!
Lying con tool, I pointed out you ran away from answering my post because you were on here posting away with others after I challenged you to prove your bullshit. Whereas you were whining that I ran away when I in fact was away and not posting at all.

To be honest, Faun...I didn't reply to your post because it's common knowledge that Obama and Bill Clinton lost FAR more seats in Congress than Donald Trump did! Some things that people post here are so ignorant THEY DON'T DESERVE A RESPONSE! Your post would be in that category!
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...
Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm
That’s one election and doesn’t prove the “norm.”

That's your comeback? Seriously? Wow, that's pathetic! Just admit that you were totally wrong (as usual) and then apologize for calling me a liar. Or did you want to be shown to be even more full of shit than you've already been?

You poor lying con tool, “normal” means conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

You found one instance. The exception does not define the rule.

But keep running, Forrest... :scared1:
Last edited:
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...
Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm
That’s one election and doesn’t prove the “norm.”

Trump also did far better than Bill Clinton did in HIS first midterm! Want to try again?
No, lying con tool... I want you to prove a the opposition party of a first term president normally gains more than 400 seats in the mid-term...
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

Notice how when I responded to Faun it was HE who "ran away"! He's great at accusing others of cowardice and lying which is amusing since he's guilty of both those things in this string! Come back and play, little Faun!

And by “run away,” you mean live life outside this forum.

And post the lie(s) you are now claiming I’m telling... it’s put up or shut up time... it's OK for you to accuse me of running away when I'm away from the computer but not OK for me to return the favor? Gotta love you Progressives!
Lying con tool, I pointed out you ran away from answering my post because you were on here posting away with others after I challenged you to prove your bullshit. Whereas you were whining that I ran away when I in fact was away and not posting at all.

Wow. Faun you run away from me ALL the time but you dare mock others for doing the same? What a tool you are! Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.
For the record, the lying con tool ran away from proving his fallacious claim that first term presidents “normally” gain more than 400 seats for their opposition party in the mid-term election.

At what point did I ever bring up 400 seats, Faun? That was your unsupported number. What seats? In Congress? In State elections? My point was that historically...the party in power loses seats in mid term elections and that the Republican Party lost far fewer than what Barack Obama lost in HIS first mid term election!
Lying con tool — it’s even in the quote inside your post. :eusa_doh:

I pointed out how Democrats gained around 400 seats since Trump was sworn in...
We’ve gained 400 seats so far since Trump became president.
... to which you responded by claiming that’s lower than normal...
That's actually down from what normally occurs in a mid term of a first term President, Faun!
So either prove that or prove me right again when I say you’re nothing but a lying con tool who’s incapable of telling the truth...
Trump actually did way better than Obama in his first midterm
That’s one election and doesn’t prove the “norm.”

Trump also did far better than Bill Clinton did in HIS first midterm! Want to try again?
What I’d like is to see you prove your claim that the opposition party “normally” loses more than 400 seats, but you’ve now demonstrated you can’t prove that.

C’est la vie.

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