
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?
Infinitely better than the America hating Russia loving POS we have now!!!!!
I judge people on performance...not rhetoric. Barack Obama was over his head as President for his entire two terms. He talked a good game but was clueless about how to stimulate an economy and how to create jobs! So bad in fact that his administration had to start using "jobs created or saved" as their go to statistic in order to hide how few jobs they had created despite record spending and a near zero interest rate from the Fed!

In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulations slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.
Last edited:
Reagan?? News to me I've read posts of republicans bashing JFK and FDR

Great, you need a new news source, Fakebook just ain't working for ya.
AOC blames reagan - Bing video
Wonderful You pick out a nut job that can't control her mouth At least she has the excuse of youth on her side What excuse do those dirty old men on the republican side have?

I'm pretty sure it was your far left liberals that "picked" Ocasio Cortez, Eddie! Haven't you heard? She's the new "face" of the Democratic Party! You're going to have that "nut job" around for years now! With that liberal district she's from you've got a better chance of getting rid of a bad case of herpes than getting rid of AOC!

AOC is not the new face of a damn thing but a republican smear campaign. You call her a nut job while you support a demented pathological liar who made up a deep state that is out to get him ran by people he picked. it was the GOP that got her pictures on the covers of Time and Newsweek? It was us dastardly conservatives that had her on Good Morning America and the night time talk shows? You can't admit that you liberals elected a moron, IM2 and gave her "celebrity status"! Now you're stuck with her...idiotic statements and all!

AOC is not my representative. And you republicans are making her famous. I really haven't listened to her and I know that conservative media will lie and make false statements about people that idiots like you believe like it's gospel. You elected the moron and he sits at 1600 Pennsylvania.
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
You keep telling yourself that, IM2.
Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
You keep telling yourself that, IM2.

The facts speak for me. Too bad you can't say the same.
Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
I have to laugh at what you call a news source.:auiqs.jpg:
What ever gets you through the night, IM2

The Guardian
The newspaper's reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial, despite the high proportion of privately educated journalists writing for it, has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often (but not always) pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or politically correct ...
The Guardian - Wikipedia

The Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a research institution funded, chaired, and promoted by labor unions and labor union supporters. The Institute distributes research studies supporting the labor union agenda by promoting international trade restrictions,[1] substantial increases in minimum wages,[2] and claims that public sector union employees are underpaid.[3]

While it asserts that it is nonpartisan for tax reasons, Economic Policy Institute has close ties to current and former Democratic Party officeholders. Its founders include two Democratic Secretaries of Labor, Ray Marshall and Robert Reich, who continue to sit on EPI’s board. A third, Alexis Herman, also sits on EPI’s board. Minnesota Attorney General and former U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a firm ally of organized labor, was also an EPI board member as of 2014.[4] Democratic National Committee chair and Obama administration Secretary of Labor Tom Perez has also been added to the EPI board.[5]

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)
In 20 doubt, you clowns are still bashing Reagan...dumbass.
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.

Is Barack a Muslim?
And you assholes are still bashing Carter, .... HYPOCRITE!!!!

Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.

Is Barack a Muslim?

How does this matter?
Yea, tough to beat his title as "worst president ever"....dumbass.

Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.

Is Barack a Muslim?

How does this matter?

If he isn't he is Barry. Unless of course his Cultural Appropriation ok because you like him?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
I have to laugh at what you call a news source.:auiqs.jpg:
What ever gets you through the night, IM2

The Guardian
The newspaper's reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial, despite the high proportion of privately educated journalists writing for it, has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often (but not always) pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or politically correct ...
The Guardian - Wikipedia

The Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a research institution funded, chaired, and promoted by labor unions and labor union supporters. The Institute distributes research studies supporting the labor union agenda by promoting international trade restrictions,[1] substantial increases in minimum wages,[2] and claims that public sector union employees are underpaid.[3]

While it asserts that it is nonpartisan for tax reasons, Economic Policy Institute has close ties to current and former Democratic Party officeholders. Its founders include two Democratic Secretaries of Labor, Ray Marshall and Robert Reich, who continue to sit on EPI’s board. A third, Alexis Herman, also sits on EPI’s board. Minnesota Attorney General and former U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a firm ally of organized labor, was also an EPI board member as of 2014.[4] Democratic National Committee chair and Obama administration Secretary of Labor Tom Perez has also been added to the EPI board.[5]

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)
But FOX and Limpaw are such fine tellers of truth ?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Trump is the worst president ever. GW Bush second worst.

Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
I have to laugh at what you call a news source.:auiqs.jpg:
What ever gets you through the night, IM2

The Guardian
The newspaper's reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial, despite the high proportion of privately educated journalists writing for it, has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often (but not always) pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or politically correct ...
The Guardian - Wikipedia

The Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a research institution funded, chaired, and promoted by labor unions and labor union supporters. The Institute distributes research studies supporting the labor union agenda by promoting international trade restrictions,[1] substantial increases in minimum wages,[2] and claims that public sector union employees are underpaid.[3]

While it asserts that it is nonpartisan for tax reasons, Economic Policy Institute has close ties to current and former Democratic Party officeholders. Its founders include two Democratic Secretaries of Labor, Ray Marshall and Robert Reich, who continue to sit on EPI’s board. A third, Alexis Herman, also sits on EPI’s board. Minnesota Attorney General and former U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a firm ally of organized labor, was also an EPI board member as of 2014.[4] Democratic National Committee chair and Obama administration Secretary of Labor Tom Perez has also been added to the EPI board.[5]

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)

Facts are non partisan junior.
Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
I have to laugh at what you call a news source.:auiqs.jpg:
What ever gets you through the night, IM2

The Guardian
The newspaper's reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial, despite the high proportion of privately educated journalists writing for it, has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often (but not always) pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or politically correct ...
The Guardian - Wikipedia

The Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a research institution funded, chaired, and promoted by labor unions and labor union supporters. The Institute distributes research studies supporting the labor union agenda by promoting international trade restrictions,[1] substantial increases in minimum wages,[2] and claims that public sector union employees are underpaid.[3]

While it asserts that it is nonpartisan for tax reasons, Economic Policy Institute has close ties to current and former Democratic Party officeholders. Its founders include two Democratic Secretaries of Labor, Ray Marshall and Robert Reich, who continue to sit on EPI’s board. A third, Alexis Herman, also sits on EPI’s board. Minnesota Attorney General and former U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a firm ally of organized labor, was also an EPI board member as of 2014.[4] Democratic National Committee chair and Obama administration Secretary of Labor Tom Perez has also been added to the EPI board.[5]

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)
But FOX and Limpaw are such fine tellers of truth ?
Not sure what dog fight you're in, Ed.....but you should get up to speed.
Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
I have to laugh at what you call a news source.:auiqs.jpg:
What ever gets you through the night, IM2

The Guardian
The newspaper's reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial, despite the high proportion of privately educated journalists writing for it, has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often (but not always) pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or politically correct ...
The Guardian - Wikipedia

The Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a research institution funded, chaired, and promoted by labor unions and labor union supporters. The Institute distributes research studies supporting the labor union agenda by promoting international trade restrictions,[1] substantial increases in minimum wages,[2] and claims that public sector union employees are underpaid.[3]

While it asserts that it is nonpartisan for tax reasons, Economic Policy Institute has close ties to current and former Democratic Party officeholders. Its founders include two Democratic Secretaries of Labor, Ray Marshall and Robert Reich, who continue to sit on EPI’s board. A third, Alexis Herman, also sits on EPI’s board. Minnesota Attorney General and former U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a firm ally of organized labor, was also an EPI board member as of 2014.[4] Democratic National Committee chair and Obama administration Secretary of Labor Tom Perez has also been added to the EPI board.[5]

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)

Facts are non partisan junior.
And that's why I pointed out to you that you're using faulty partisan political sights as your Bible, dude.
That wasn't even a good try on your behalf. shameful
Dude, he oversaw the worst recovery from a recession
And The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, is overseeing the worst "recovery" from a recovery in history!
Yeah, except the US has one of the strongest economies in the world right now? Duh?
Thanks to OBAMA's recovery that The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, has not been able to crash yet even though he keeps trying to.
Moron has a $4.75 trillion budget LARGEST in our history
Dude, he oversaw the worst recovery from a recession
And The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, is overseeing the worst "recovery" from a recovery in history!
Yeah, except the US has one of the strongest economies in the world right now? Duh?
Thanks to OBAMA's recovery that The RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, has not been able to crash yet even though he keeps trying to.
Moron has a $4.75 trillion budget LARGEST in our history
I agree.....Congress needs to start cutting back on the spending.
Let me guess...Barry is the best President ever?

Barry who?

Now Barack Obama saved us from a depression and created the economy Trump inherited. I understand foolish dumb ass racist whites want to ignore these things but I won't.
Another spoonfed liberal pulling the race card because they aren't smart enough to articulate any debate without using the card
to try and shutdown any further discussion. It's old and it's warn out.
Trump's economy grew stronger when he used EO's to rid the business stifling regulations put in place by
Obama. Those regulation slowed the recovery by years. Central Banks were the crutch for Obama through
his entire tenure as president.


Whites invented the race card. And you right wingers here at USMB use it all the time so you can drop that one. The economy has not grown under Trump. And the Obama recovery was slowed because of republican obstruction.

Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says
Why is recovery taking so long—and who’s to blame?
The congressional GOP has smothered a more rapid economic recovery

Face the truth.
A report card for Trump's economy
I have to laugh at what you call a news source.:auiqs.jpg:
What ever gets you through the night, IM2

The Guardian
The newspaper's reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial, despite the high proportion of privately educated journalists writing for it, has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often (but not always) pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or politically correct ...
The Guardian - Wikipedia

The Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a research institution funded, chaired, and promoted by labor unions and labor union supporters. The Institute distributes research studies supporting the labor union agenda by promoting international trade restrictions,[1] substantial increases in minimum wages,[2] and claims that public sector union employees are underpaid.[3]

While it asserts that it is nonpartisan for tax reasons, Economic Policy Institute has close ties to current and former Democratic Party officeholders. Its founders include two Democratic Secretaries of Labor, Ray Marshall and Robert Reich, who continue to sit on EPI’s board. A third, Alexis Herman, also sits on EPI’s board. Minnesota Attorney General and former U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a firm ally of organized labor, was also an EPI board member as of 2014.[4] Democratic National Committee chair and Obama administration Secretary of Labor Tom Perez has also been added to the EPI board.[5]

Economic Policy Institute (EPI)

Facts are non partisan junior.

Why yes they are which is why if Barry isn't a Muslim he cannot be "Barack".
LIES are NOT evidence!
From your lying link: "Our search was by no means comprehensive, yet it turned up reports from nearly every state showing that Obamacare is forcing employers to eliminate jobs, reduce hiring, and reduce workers' hours to below 30 per week (the threshold above which ObamaCare's employer mandate applies)."

Now the actual BLS data:
When Obamacare was passed in March of 2010 there were 9,126,000 working PT who wanted FT.
In April, 2015, the date the liar who wrote the article says he last updated his data, the number DECLINED to 6,522,000 and did not increase as your lying scum source claimed. It continued to DECLINE to 5,696,000 at the time Obama left office.

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