"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."


"white" conservatives are mocking her.

Good grief 99% of the shit she spews is ignorant blather. It's odd you don't recognize that

The woman is an ignorant fool

By the way I detect racism in your post

Only if "mocking" means running scare of her and the futrue you believe she represents.

I recognize trhat 99% of what you post is blather.

Again with the scarey stuff

I do believe that white conservative reaction to AOC is racially based. Thanks for noticing.

Piss of moonbat. I in no way fear Occasional Kotex nor any ignorant left loon...such as yourself.
The demoquacks better come up with someone better then the clown car full that have announced.

Bring Barry back! WE WANT BARRY! Barry, Barry, Barry!

In hindsight, Barry doesn't seem so bad compared to the has beens, and "never will be"s that the Democrats are offering up!

Those even with some minor amount of name recognition gained that through their infamy.
The demoquacks better come up with someone better then the clown car full that have announced.

Bring Barry back! WE WANT BARRY! Barry, Barry, Barry!

In hindsight, Barry doesn't seem so bad compared to the has beens, and "never will be"s that the Democrats are offering up!

Those even with some minor amount of name recognition gained that through their infamy.

Obama was by no means unintelligent.... Just a sneaky little piss ant socio-commie-reparationist....Trained well by Cloward, Piven and Alinsky.

So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."

"We" believe that AOC is fixin' to get drummed out of Congress. No one fears her and no one admires her. She's an embarrassment to her party, if that is possible.
justoffal, post: 21941990
You imagine that somehow we are going in a different direction than a Democrat would have taken us. That is purely naive especially given the new fiscal policies of the new and improved left.

Then why is Trumpo and his idiots taking credit for the very short lived economic good news but no responsibility for the damage to the Federal budget that the Trumpo tax cuts have directly caused.

We can and will pin the loss of revenue due to the tax cuts on Trumpo and his Party and his base of morons that continue to support him.

A Democrat / the second Clinton President does not sign the rediculous tax cut stimulus plan that Trumpo conned the suckers born every minute into supporting to get to 6% gdp.
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."


"white" conservatives are mocking her.

Good grief 99% of the shit she spews is ignorant blather. It's odd you don't recognize that

The woman is an ignorant fool

By the way I detect racism in your post

Coming from the queen of ignorant blather that is rich.
"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!

I'm unimpressed.

Also, you're a smiling, giggling retard when Orange messiah opens his maw? :21: That's a good Cult45 member. Be sure to clean up after you take his Orange dick out of your mouth, deplorable.

Well, an actual shithole dweller.

You will be proud to know that you prove Pres. Trump is right about the shithole countries only sending over their worst people.

You resemble those remarks.
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Only sick racists "think" like that.

One more reason we need to stop ALL immigration and humanely and legally reduce the Muslim population in America as low and as soon as possible to avoid the predictable results of an increase in Muslims.

More dangerous Islamization.

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest


2 years ago
Beyond the Cusp

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

There is the theory that there are four stages to Islamic Conquest which are Infiltration, Consolidation, Open Warfare, and Totalitarian Theocratic Rule. This theory is defined here and defines a militaristic look at the cold functions as Islam tightens its grip on a society. What we will present is a measuring stick by which you can tell which of those four stages the place where you reside currently sits and decide from this what could and should be done. We will start with a quote from Winston Churchill after which we will describe five stages.

The last four relate directly to the four stages listed above and described at the link. We will be defining the societal apparatus and an easy measuring stick which might be handy such that one may test the waters in their community or simply coldly take measurements and determine where they are situated.

First, as promised, we give you a quote from Sir Winston Churchill which was written for the people of Poland while the world geared up and Poland was overrun by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany never standing any hope of survival. Now here is the promised quote from Mr. Churchill.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
If you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly;
You may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case.
You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

These Five Stages are summarized from multiple sites which all appeared to be authored by Richard Butrick. Ours use their definitions for stages and populations percentages but our own interpretations of each stage. We are hoping we can be more elaborate and specific in our descriptions and hope you will appreciate such.

Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

Stage I. Introduction or Beachhead. (Under 2% of population)

This stage is exactly what it states, the first Muslims arrive and Islam is an unknown entity so they are the ones to initially define Islam. Their introductory phrasings are of extreme importance as these will be echoed by the political class and many of the more shallow educators and those who are simply too lazy to research and simply take things at face value. Muslims keep largely to themselves and practice the Mecca Quran which taught cooperation and coexistence. They preach tolerance and reflect the values of the society where they are now an insignificant minority often equal or slightly higher percentage than Jews, Kurds and other small minorities. They may request that prayer rooms be placed in places where they frequent and in schools in their neighborhoods along with footbaths in or at the entrance to their prayer rooms so they may meet their Quranic obligation of five prayer sessions each day. They will begin polite and noninvasive proselytization and conversion. These efforts will be more targeted than general and done as privately as possible. Their main objective is to purchase lands for Mosques, Community Buildings, and Outreach Centers. These buildings may initially be semi-permanent structures which are inexpensive and can easily be taken down when real construction of a more imposing edifice can be constructed. Often Mosques are built such that they are significantly larger and more imposing than all other religious buildings in an area often challenging or even surpassing the size of cathedrals. Islam, as it conquered large swaths of lands between 623 and 750 as it spread across the nations of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and into Europe, would often take conquered cathedrals and transform them into Mosques as they did with the Hagia Sophia, the largest cathedral in Christendom, in Constantinople, which was renamed Istanbul.

Islamic Expansion

Since these conquests, Islam has relied on the slower political method for adding territory as Islam faced serious defeats later with the final one coming as a result of World War I and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Islam remained as a religion and as the European colonial enterprise withdrew, often within fifty years after World War I, Islam returned to rule the countries as they were defined by the Europeans. Currently there are tribal issues tearing many of these constructs apart. The nations appearing to have the least problems are Saudi Arabia and Iran, two nations not actively colonized, and Algeria which was largely Berber and thus a single people and tribe which allowed for greater unity.

Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier

The described efforts of stage one are mostly for the introduction and quiet and pliable nature of Islam which will prove later to have been largely a misrepresentation which managed this face by completely inverting the Islamic idea and use of abrogation where when two verses contradict one another, the later verse supersedes the former verse and in almost every case the Medina Quranic verses are more violent, warlike and propose the superiority of Islam over all other religions and the need by Allah for all to be made to worship Islam and only Islam. This will become evident as we proceed.

Stage II. Establish Initial Control of Areas, Form Outposts and Centers of Operations. (2% to 5% of population)

This is simply a continuation of the efforts from Stage I except with some added urgency. All Islamic proselytization and conversion efforts are ramped up but mostly still at targeted populations. The favorite targets are troubled and disaffected youth, other minorities, homeless, marginal groups and others who due to their situations seek assistance and hope. Again, the Islamic worshipers stress cooperation, coexistence, tolerance and reflect the values of the society trying to fit in and not make enemies. They seek to join organizations just to get their foot in the door and establish outreach centers. They will use public systems to spread the word with a special effort in the prison systems. Within the prison system is where the true face of Islam will first appear as here they preach the Medina verses to willing and appropriate targets usually attempting to coopt leaders of gangs within the prison system as this is an easy way to get a strong group of Islamic warriors with which to try and spread the word of the supremacy of Islam within the prison system. These converts will be the tip of the spear when the time for open conquest arrives, in the meantime they can build an Islamic network and future army both inside and outside the prisons amongst the criminal world. They may also seek inroads into the drug trafficking scene seeking fertile grounds to spread their message and also take control so as to have a ready area for financing other efforts.

Stage III. Expand Areas of Control Targeting Cities. (5% to 15% of population)

This is exactly as it is titled, expanding the base networks using the people already gathered into the flock. Now the true face will begin to appear as the percentage rises above 8% to 12% and entire neighborhoods are under Islamic control. These neighborhoods will demand self-rule and their own Sharia Courts. The Sharia will be imposed with smoking, alcohol and dress restriction imposed. Islam will tighten their grip and non-Muslims remaining in these enclaves will feel threatened and if at all possible move away making these areas completely Islamic. Churches, Synagogues, Temples and any other religious buildings other than Mosques will be converted to Islamic centers, Mosques or torn down and replaced with something useful to Islam. Music will be banned and Sharia punishments for violations will be introduced. Initially enforcement may take milder options such as fines or public apologies with subsequent infractions receiving slowly increasing punishments. Demands will be made that the school systems to observe Islamic holidays and that people refrain from eating during the daily fast period anywhere there are Muslims during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is done from sun-up to sun-down but often Muslims will become offended at other people eating at any point in their presence as they begin to exercise strength and control. Intimidation practices are introduced initially within the community and towards the upper end also outside the community, usually at government offices and public venues. Islamic sensitivity is demanded and there will be complaints of attacks on Muslims introducing the idea of Islamophobia. Whenever there is a terrorist attack, the response of the Islamic community will be to begin reporting, fabricated if necessary, reports of attacks on Muslims and make the entire event an example of how Muslims are being persecuted and how Islamophobia dominates the culture. Islamophobia will become the number one reported and covered form of persecution and of hate crimes. This is despite the fact that anti-Semitism will remain three to five times more likely than any numbers of the same upon Muslims, even if every report of Islamophobic violence were verified as true. Should a Muslim ever be accused of a hate crime there will come such an uproar from the Islamic community pointing out how this person snapped under the unmerciful onslaught of Islamophobic assaults and therefore their actions were completely understandable and any further traumatizing this unfortunate individual would be tantamount to torture. The efforts will also include attempting to infiltrate and convert gangs as the gathering of a military styled force continues to be utilized later, potentially very soon.

Stage IV. Establish Regions of Control and General Superiority. (15% to 50% of population)

More of the same except no longer any regard is given to diversity or anything else which might connote compromise. Islam is now officially at war and not taking prisoners. Cities will witness rioting at the slightest offense. People will start to look to the ground and not walk on the sidewalk when a Muslim is present. Submission will start to spread throughout the community. The most rural areas will remain calm if for no other reason than lack of numbers of Muslims or any Islamic control center. Cities and metropolitan areas will face ever-increasing violence and demands. The politicians will continue to preach, “Islam is the religion of peace,” all the while claiming the rioting is but a small minority of Muslims. Yes, the political talking heads and newscasters will start to appear more and more irrelevant and what people witness with their own eyes will count for more. The problem is that democracies, and this applies almost double to republics, act and react very slowly and are often ten steps behind the public. The reason is that they are not designed for brave and drastic steps but are designed to try to keep the peace through coercion and the expectation that people will obey the laws. Neither of these restrictions will continue to hold any power in the Islamic communities and in their areas they will operate under Sharia and Islam will rule absolutely with people found breaking their laws, rules and codes will be prosecuted. Women entering the Islamic areas wearing anything short of a full body covering will be groped initially and brutally mass raped eventually with many not surviving the assaults towards the end of this phase. The police will refuse to enter the Islamic controlled areas unless absolutely demanded, and then only with massive force and still they may face superior firepower as now the Islamic areas will be heavily armed most often with military grade weaponry such as AK47’s, RPG’s, grenades, IED’s, suicide vests, car bombs and other varieties of weapons. Should any nation decide that they no longer desire to play nicely, they will require their military to intervene. Should there be rules making this difficult, then the politicians will balk at using such forces and even should they do so, they may find that their generals and officers are more sympathetic to the Islamic leadership than that of their country. This will be due to their selection of officers, starting initially with the lower ranks and working their way up in the previous stages until many of the officers are highly sympathetic to or are actually Islamic. Islam will have cowed the political class, the police and quite possibly the military to such an extent that the nation may find itself completely helpless and unable to stand against the Islamic forces. Such nations it will be but a measure of time before the final stage will arrive and that time will be short. This may also be the last time there will be any hope for survival because after this point the operations become mopping up, as we will see. Vigilante groups will start to organize though they may be too late. Even if they have the strength to oppose Islam, they will need to cooperate as one or else their efforts are doomed.

Stage V. Total Control, Dhimmitude, Convert or Die. (greater than 50% of population)

There is little to probably say which has not been figured out. By now, the military and police have been replaced by Islamic military police, as the two will largely be the same. As this point is reached the Christians and maybe Jews, will be granted Dhimmitude, a protected status of second-class citizen with few rights but generally protected as long as they pay the Jiyza, a tax for Dhimmis which provides their protection. This tax can be reasonable or it can be used to further subjugate these protected people and take from them all wealth. Even the Dhimmi have but a limited life expectancy. Sharia will be uniformly applied to the population and any infraction by a non-Muslim will receive the harshest of punishments. This is yet another form of coercion to get people to simply accept Islam and surrender to Allah. Now people will realize that Islam means surrender and it means total surrender of your will and all freedom of thought. Books will be destroyed with few copies of even scientific books remaining as they only need sufficient for the few they deem may study such works. Memorization of the Quran will be required and there might be snap quizzes forced upon people by the police who will initially be demanding such repetitions as a teaching tool but eventually it will become another brutalizing disciplining tool. As the percentage approaches total Islamic population there will come a point where the choice will be imposed of covert or die, and that will be exactly the choice. The unfortunate part is that your new Islamic betters get to decide in what manner your execution will take. Back in friendlier times, it was simply off with your head and with a swift, strong, heavy sword blow would remove your head almost instantly and that was that. Now the means are far less humane. There is virtually no possibility of ever returning from this stage unless your country is conquered by some non-Islamic power, think Spain and the Spanish Inquisition which was King Ferdinand’s and Queen Izabella’s means for purging Spain (formerly Andalusia) of its Islamic population as well as its Jews and any other non-Catholics.

Islam divides the world into two houses, Dar al Islam and Dar al-harb, House of Islam and House of War. The reasoning is this way they are always aiming to destroy that which is not under Islam and subjugate them and that way eventually conquers the world for Allah. Further, Islam believes that once any lands were controlled by Islam they must forever remain under Islam. We really need remember above all else that Islam believes that they must conquer the world and until they and only they control the entire world and everybody has been converted to Islam or executed, then the world is not perfect. Only when all is Islam will the world be perfected. This is part of why all conquered lands must remain conquered, as they do not desire to pay for the same lands more than once. This is one part of the reasoning behind the Israeli Arab Conflict. Another reason behind the Israeli Arab Conflict is the Muslims, especially the Arab Muslims, believe themselves to be superior to others and believe that the Jews are the most wretched offspring of monkeys and pigs. This insult is often repeated in Arab society in and around Israel and Jordan is found to be the nation with the highest anti-Semitism in the world. The Arab Muslims simply cannot accept or believe that it is possible that they can lose a war to the likes of Jews. It is taught in the Arab schools that in every war between Israel and the Arab Muslims that the Muslim forces were vastly superior and won great victories and were never defeated. Why or how Israel exists and why they had to depend upon foreign intervention forcing an end to the conflict and insisting that Israel return all gained lands despite their being won in a defensive struggle which normally would permit the conquering nation to retain the land and return the population to the vanquished land. Israel is required to return the land and even now take in refugees which would make Israel into an Arab majority nation. That is their aim at which time they will vote the Jew off the island, or out of the country and not by emigration but by extermination.

Beyond the Cusp

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest
Last edited:
"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!

I'm unimpressed.

Also, you're a smiling, giggling retard when Orange messiah opens his maw? :21: That's a good Cult45 member. Be sure to clean up after you take his Orange dick out of your mouth, deplorable.

Well, an actual shithole dweller.

You will be proud to know that you prove Pres. Trump is right about the shithole countries only sending over their worst people.

You resemble those remarks.

I'm proud to know that all Cult45 has is impotent talking points, bad faith arguments and a bitter hatred for the majority of Americans. Ooh, that was a primo word: Impotent. That's you to a T.
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Only sick racists "think" like that.

One more reason we need to stop ALL immigration and humanely and legally reduce the Muslim population in America as low and as soon as possible to avoid the predictable results of an increase in Muslims.

More dangerous Islamization.

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest


2 years ago
Beyond the Cusp

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

There is the theory that there are four stages to Islamic Conquest which are Infiltration, Consolidation, Open Warfare, and Totalitarian Theocratic Rule. This theory is defined here and defines a militaristic look at the cold functions as Islam tightens its grip on a society. What we will present is a measuring stick by which you can tell which of those four stages the place where you reside currently sits and decide from this what could and should be done. We will start with a quote from Winston Churchill after which we will describe five stages.

The last four relate directly to the four stages listed above and described at the link. We will be defining the societal apparatus and an easy measuring stick which might be handy such that one may test the waters in their community or simply coldly take measurements and determine where they are situated.

First, as promised, we give you a quote from Sir Winston Churchill which was written for the people of Poland while the world geared up and Poland was overrun by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany never standing any hope of survival. Now here is the promised quote from Mr. Churchill.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
If you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly;
You may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case.
You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

These Five Stages are summarized from multiple sites which all appeared to be authored by Richard Butrick. Ours use their definitions for stages and populations percentages but our own interpretations of each stage. We are hoping we can be more elaborate and specific in our descriptions and hope you will appreciate such.

Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

Stage I. Introduction or Beachhead. (Under 2% of population)

This stage is exactly what it states, the first Muslims arrive and Islam is an unknown entity so they are the ones to initially define Islam. Their introductory phrasings are of extreme importance as these will be echoed by the political class and many of the more shallow educators and those who are simply too lazy to research and simply take things at face value. Muslims keep largely to themselves and practice the Mecca Quran which taught cooperation and coexistence. They preach tolerance and reflect the values of the society where they are now an insignificant minority often equal or slightly higher percentage than Jews, Kurds and other small minorities. They may request that prayer rooms be placed in places where they frequent and in schools in their neighborhoods along with footbaths in or at the entrance to their prayer rooms so they may meet their Quranic obligation of five prayer sessions each day. They will begin polite and noninvasive proselytization and conversion. These efforts will be more targeted than general and done as privately as possible. Their main objective is to purchase lands for Mosques, Community Buildings, and Outreach Centers. These buildings may initially be semi-permanent structures which are inexpensive and can easily be taken down when real construction of a more imposing edifice can be constructed. Often Mosques are built such that they are significantly larger and more imposing than all other religious buildings in an area often challenging or even surpassing the size of cathedrals. Islam, as it conquered large swaths of lands between 623 and 750 as it spread across the nations of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and into Europe, would often take conquered cathedrals and transform them into Mosques as they did with the Hagia Sophia, the largest cathedral in Christendom, in Constantinople, which was renamed Istanbul.

Islamic Expansion

Since these conquests, Islam has relied on the slower political method for adding territory as Islam faced serious defeats later with the final one coming as a result of World War I and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Islam remained as a religion and as the European colonial enterprise withdrew, often within fifty years after World War I, Islam returned to rule the countries as they were defined by the Europeans. Currently there are tribal issues tearing many of these constructs apart. The nations appearing to have the least problems are Saudi Arabia and Iran, two nations not actively colonized, and Algeria which was largely Berber and thus a single people and tribe which allowed for greater unity.

Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier

The described efforts of stage one are mostly for the introduction and quiet and pliable nature of Islam which will prove later to have been largely a misrepresentation which managed this face by completely inverting the Islamic idea and use of abrogation where when two verses contradict one another, the later verse supersedes the former verse and in almost every case the Medina Quranic verses are more violent, warlike and propose the superiority of Islam over all other religions and the need by Allah for all to be made to worship Islam and only Islam. This will become evident as we proceed.

Stage II. Establish Initial Control of Areas, Form Outposts and Centers of Operations. (2% to 5% of population)

This is simply a continuation of the efforts from Stage I except with some added urgency. All Islamic proselytization and conversion efforts are ramped up but mostly still at targeted populations. The favorite targets are troubled and disaffected youth, other minorities, homeless, marginal groups and others who due to their situations seek assistance and hope. Again, the Islamic worshipers stress cooperation, coexistence, tolerance and reflect the values of the society trying to fit in and not make enemies. They seek to join organizations just to get their foot in the door and establish outreach centers. They will use public systems to spread the word with a special effort in the prison systems. Within the prison system is where the true face of Islam will first appear as here they preach the Medina verses to willing and appropriate targets usually attempting to coopt leaders of gangs within the prison system as this is an easy way to get a strong group of Islamic warriors with which to try and spread the word of the supremacy of Islam within the prison system. These converts will be the tip of the spear when the time for open conquest arrives, in the meantime they can build an Islamic network and future army both inside and outside the prisons amongst the criminal world. They may also seek inroads into the drug trafficking scene seeking fertile grounds to spread their message and also take control so as to have a ready area for financing other efforts.

Stage III. Expand Areas of Control Targeting Cities. (5% to 15% of population)

This is exactly as it is titled, expanding the base networks using the people already gathered into the flock. Now the true face will begin to appear as the percentage rises above 8% to 12% and entire neighborhoods are under Islamic control. These neighborhoods will demand self-rule and their own Sharia Courts. The Sharia will be imposed with smoking, alcohol and dress restriction imposed. Islam will tighten their grip and non-Muslims remaining in these enclaves will feel threatened and if at all possible move away making these areas completely Islamic. Churches, Synagogues, Temples and any other religious buildings other than Mosques will be converted to Islamic centers, Mosques or torn down and replaced with something useful to Islam. Music will be banned and Sharia punishments for violations will be introduced. Initially enforcement may take milder options such as fines or public apologies with subsequent infractions receiving slowly increasing punishments. Demands will be made that the school systems to observe Islamic holidays and that people refrain from eating during the daily fast period anywhere there are Muslims during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is done from sun-up to sun-down but often Muslims will become offended at other people eating at any point in their presence as they begin to exercise strength and control. Intimidation practices are introduced initially within the community and towards the upper end also outside the community, usually at government offices and public venues. Islamic sensitivity is demanded and there will be complaints of attacks on Muslims introducing the idea of Islamophobia. Whenever there is a terrorist attack, the response of the Islamic community will be to begin reporting, fabricated if necessary, reports of attacks on Muslims and make the entire event an example of how Muslims are being persecuted and how Islamophobia dominates the culture. Islamophobia will become the number one reported and covered form of persecution and of hate crimes. This is despite the fact that anti-Semitism will remain three to five times more likely than any numbers of the same upon Muslims, even if every report of Islamophobic violence were verified as true. Should a Muslim ever be accused of a hate crime there will come such an uproar from the Islamic community pointing out how this person snapped under the unmerciful onslaught of Islamophobic assaults and therefore their actions were completely understandable and any further traumatizing this unfortunate individual would be tantamount to torture. The efforts will also include attempting to infiltrate and convert gangs as the gathering of a military styled force continues to be utilized later, potentially very soon.

Stage IV. Establish Regions of Control and General Superiority. (15% to 50% of population)

More of the same except no longer any regard is given to diversity or anything else which might connote compromise. Islam is now officially at war and not taking prisoners. Cities will witness rioting at the slightest offense. People will start to look to the ground and not walk on the sidewalk when a Muslim is present. Submission will start to spread throughout the community. The most rural areas will remain calm if for no other reason than lack of numbers of Muslims or any Islamic control center. Cities and metropolitan areas will face ever-increasing violence and demands. The politicians will continue to preach, “Islam is the religion of peace,” all the while claiming the rioting is but a small minority of Muslims. Yes, the political talking heads and newscasters will start to appear more and more irrelevant and what people witness with their own eyes will count for more. The problem is that democracies, and this applies almost double to republics, act and react very slowly and are often ten steps behind the public. The reason is that they are not designed for brave and drastic steps but are designed to try to keep the peace through coercion and the expectation that people will obey the laws. Neither of these restrictions will continue to hold any power in the Islamic communities and in their areas they will operate under Sharia and Islam will rule absolutely with people found breaking their laws, rules and codes will be prosecuted. Women entering the Islamic areas wearing anything short of a full body covering will be groped initially and brutally mass raped eventually with many not surviving the assaults towards the end of this phase. The police will refuse to enter the Islamic controlled areas unless absolutely demanded, and then only with massive force and still they may face superior firepower as now the Islamic areas will be heavily armed most often with military grade weaponry such as AK47’s, RPG’s, grenades, IED’s, suicide vests, car bombs and other varieties of weapons. Should any nation decide that they no longer desire to play nicely, they will require their military to intervene. Should there be rules making this difficult, then the politicians will balk at using such forces and even should they do so, they may find that their generals and officers are more sympathetic to the Islamic leadership than that of their country. This will be due to their selection of officers, starting initially with the lower ranks and working their way up in the previous stages until many of the officers are highly sympathetic to or are actually Islamic. Islam will have cowed the political class, the police and quite possibly the military to such an extent that the nation may find itself completely helpless and unable to stand against the Islamic forces. Such nations it will be but a measure of time before the final stage will arrive and that time will be short. This may also be the last time there will be any hope for survival because after this point the operations become mopping up, as we will see. Vigilante groups will start to organize though they may be too late. Even if they have the strength to oppose Islam, they will need to cooperate as one or else their efforts are doomed.

Stage V. Total Control, Dhimmitude, Convert or Die. (greater than 50% of population)

There is little to probably say which has not been figured out. By now, the military and police have been replaced by Islamic military police, as the two will largely be the same. As this point is reached the Christians and maybe Jews, will be granted Dhimmitude, a protected status of second-class citizen with few rights but generally protected as long as they pay the Jiyza, a tax for Dhimmis which provides their protection. This tax can be reasonable or it can be used to further subjugate these protected people and take from them all wealth. Even the Dhimmi have but a limited life expectancy. Sharia will be uniformly applied to the population and any infraction by a non-Muslim will receive the harshest of punishments. This is yet another form of coercion to get people to simply accept Islam and surrender to Allah. Now people will realize that Islam means surrender and it means total surrender of your will and all freedom of thought. Books will be destroyed with few copies of even scientific books remaining as they only need sufficient for the few they deem may study such works. Memorization of the Quran will be required and there might be snap quizzes forced upon people by the police who will initially be demanding such repetitions as a teaching tool but eventually it will become another brutalizing disciplining tool. As the percentage approaches total Islamic population there will come a point where the choice will be imposed of covert or die, and that will be exactly the choice. The unfortunate part is that your new Islamic betters get to decide in what manner your execution will take. Back in friendlier times, it was simply off with your head and with a swift, strong, heavy sword blow would remove your head almost instantly and that was that. Now the means are far less humane. There is virtually no possibility of ever returning from this stage unless your country is conquered by some non-Islamic power, think Spain and the Spanish Inquisition which was King Ferdinand’s and Queen Izabella’s means for purging Spain (formerly Andalusia) of its Islamic population as well as its Jews and any other non-Catholics.

Islam divides the world into two houses, Dar al Islam and Dar al-harb, House of Islam and House of War. The reasoning is this way they are always aiming to destroy that which is not under Islam and subjugate them and that way eventually conquers the world for Allah. Further, Islam believes that once any lands were controlled by Islam they must forever remain under Islam. We really need remember above all else that Islam believes that they must conquer the world and until they and only they control the entire world and everybody has been converted to Islam or executed, then the world is not perfect. Only when all is Islam will the world be perfected. This is part of why all conquered lands must remain conquered, as they do not desire to pay for the same lands more than once. This is one part of the reasoning behind the Israeli Arab Conflict. Another reason behind the Israeli Arab Conflict is the Muslims, especially the Arab Muslims, believe themselves to be superior to others and believe that the Jews are the most wretched offspring of monkeys and pigs. This insult is often repeated in Arab society in and around Israel and Jordan is found to be the nation with the highest anti-Semitism in the world. The Arab Muslims simply cannot accept or believe that it is possible that they can lose a war to the likes of Jews. It is taught in the Arab schools that in every war between Israel and the Arab Muslims that the Muslim forces were vastly superior and won great victories and were never defeated. Why or how Israel exists and why they had to depend upon foreign intervention forcing an end to the conflict and insisting that Israel return all gained lands despite their being won in a defensive struggle which normally would permit the conquering nation to retain the land and return the population to the vanquished land. Israel is required to return the land and even now take in refugees which would make Israel into an Arab majority nation. That is their aim at which time they will vote the Jew off the island, or out of the country and not by emigration but by extermination.

Beyond the Cusp

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

Thank goodness you are old and won't be around to spread your xenophobic, hate-filled nonsense for much longer.

You are an atypical Trumpbot, alright.
As one who was dead set against GW Bush's Iraq invasion this part of the linked OP article rekindles my disgust with the war mongering Republicans of that era:

He joked about being in the White House all alone on New Year's because of the government shutdown. "I was in the White House and I was lonely, so I went to Iraq," he said, recounting that when his plane was approaching the U.S. airstrip in Iraq, all lights had to be extinguished for landing. "We spend trillions of dollars in the Middle East and we can't land planes [in Iraq] with the lights on," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "We gotta get out."
I'm not a Trump fan but I most appreciate he values the military for defending the country and discounts their effectiveness in fantasy political and social change.
"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!

I'm unimpressed.

Also, you're a smiling, giggling retard when Orange messiah opens his maw? :21: That's a good Cult45 member. Be sure to clean up after you take his Orange dick out of your mouth, deplorable.

Well, an actual shithole dweller.

You will be proud to know that you prove Pres. Trump is right about the shithole countries only sending over their worst people.

You resemble those remarks.

I'm proud to know that all Cult45 has is impotent talking points, bad faith arguments and a bitter hatred for the majority of Americans. Ooh, that was a primo word: Impotent. That's you to a T.

You had better hope Okra Winfree and Mary Jane Williamson run on the same ticket or you have no chance in 2020.

Not. A. Chance.
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Only sick racists "think" like that.

One more reason we need to stop ALL immigration and humanely and legally reduce the Muslim population in America as low and as soon as possible to avoid the predictable results of an increase in Muslims.

More dangerous Islamization.

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest


2 years ago
Beyond the Cusp

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

There is the theory that there are four stages to Islamic Conquest which are Infiltration, Consolidation, Open Warfare, and Totalitarian Theocratic Rule. This theory is defined here and defines a militaristic look at the cold functions as Islam tightens its grip on a society. What we will present is a measuring stick by which you can tell which of those four stages the place where you reside currently sits and decide from this what could and should be done. We will start with a quote from Winston Churchill after which we will describe five stages.

The last four relate directly to the four stages listed above and described at the link. We will be defining the societal apparatus and an easy measuring stick which might be handy such that one may test the waters in their community or simply coldly take measurements and determine where they are situated.

First, as promised, we give you a quote from Sir Winston Churchill which was written for the people of Poland while the world geared up and Poland was overrun by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany never standing any hope of survival. Now here is the promised quote from Mr. Churchill.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
If you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly;
You may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.
There may even be a worse case.
You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

These Five Stages are summarized from multiple sites which all appeared to be authored by Richard Butrick. Ours use their definitions for stages and populations percentages but our own interpretations of each stage. We are hoping we can be more elaborate and specific in our descriptions and hope you will appreciate such.

Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

Stage I. Introduction or Beachhead. (Under 2% of population)

This stage is exactly what it states, the first Muslims arrive and Islam is an unknown entity so they are the ones to initially define Islam. Their introductory phrasings are of extreme importance as these will be echoed by the political class and many of the more shallow educators and those who are simply too lazy to research and simply take things at face value. Muslims keep largely to themselves and practice the Mecca Quran which taught cooperation and coexistence. They preach tolerance and reflect the values of the society where they are now an insignificant minority often equal or slightly higher percentage than Jews, Kurds and other small minorities. They may request that prayer rooms be placed in places where they frequent and in schools in their neighborhoods along with footbaths in or at the entrance to their prayer rooms so they may meet their Quranic obligation of five prayer sessions each day. They will begin polite and noninvasive proselytization and conversion. These efforts will be more targeted than general and done as privately as possible. Their main objective is to purchase lands for Mosques, Community Buildings, and Outreach Centers. These buildings may initially be semi-permanent structures which are inexpensive and can easily be taken down when real construction of a more imposing edifice can be constructed. Often Mosques are built such that they are significantly larger and more imposing than all other religious buildings in an area often challenging or even surpassing the size of cathedrals. Islam, as it conquered large swaths of lands between 623 and 750 as it spread across the nations of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and into Europe, would often take conquered cathedrals and transform them into Mosques as they did with the Hagia Sophia, the largest cathedral in Christendom, in Constantinople, which was renamed Istanbul.

Islamic Expansion

Since these conquests, Islam has relied on the slower political method for adding territory as Islam faced serious defeats later with the final one coming as a result of World War I and the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Islam remained as a religion and as the European colonial enterprise withdrew, often within fifty years after World War I, Islam returned to rule the countries as they were defined by the Europeans. Currently there are tribal issues tearing many of these constructs apart. The nations appearing to have the least problems are Saudi Arabia and Iran, two nations not actively colonized, and Algeria which was largely Berber and thus a single people and tribe which allowed for greater unity.

Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier

The described efforts of stage one are mostly for the introduction and quiet and pliable nature of Islam which will prove later to have been largely a misrepresentation which managed this face by completely inverting the Islamic idea and use of abrogation where when two verses contradict one another, the later verse supersedes the former verse and in almost every case the Medina Quranic verses are more violent, warlike and propose the superiority of Islam over all other religions and the need by Allah for all to be made to worship Islam and only Islam. This will become evident as we proceed.

Stage II. Establish Initial Control of Areas, Form Outposts and Centers of Operations. (2% to 5% of population)

This is simply a continuation of the efforts from Stage I except with some added urgency. All Islamic proselytization and conversion efforts are ramped up but mostly still at targeted populations. The favorite targets are troubled and disaffected youth, other minorities, homeless, marginal groups and others who due to their situations seek assistance and hope. Again, the Islamic worshipers stress cooperation, coexistence, tolerance and reflect the values of the society trying to fit in and not make enemies. They seek to join organizations just to get their foot in the door and establish outreach centers. They will use public systems to spread the word with a special effort in the prison systems. Within the prison system is where the true face of Islam will first appear as here they preach the Medina verses to willing and appropriate targets usually attempting to coopt leaders of gangs within the prison system as this is an easy way to get a strong group of Islamic warriors with which to try and spread the word of the supremacy of Islam within the prison system. These converts will be the tip of the spear when the time for open conquest arrives, in the meantime they can build an Islamic network and future army both inside and outside the prisons amongst the criminal world. They may also seek inroads into the drug trafficking scene seeking fertile grounds to spread their message and also take control so as to have a ready area for financing other efforts.

Stage III. Expand Areas of Control Targeting Cities. (5% to 15% of population)

This is exactly as it is titled, expanding the base networks using the people already gathered into the flock. Now the true face will begin to appear as the percentage rises above 8% to 12% and entire neighborhoods are under Islamic control. These neighborhoods will demand self-rule and their own Sharia Courts. The Sharia will be imposed with smoking, alcohol and dress restriction imposed. Islam will tighten their grip and non-Muslims remaining in these enclaves will feel threatened and if at all possible move away making these areas completely Islamic. Churches, Synagogues, Temples and any other religious buildings other than Mosques will be converted to Islamic centers, Mosques or torn down and replaced with something useful to Islam. Music will be banned and Sharia punishments for violations will be introduced. Initially enforcement may take milder options such as fines or public apologies with subsequent infractions receiving slowly increasing punishments. Demands will be made that the school systems to observe Islamic holidays and that people refrain from eating during the daily fast period anywhere there are Muslims during the month of Ramadan. Fasting is done from sun-up to sun-down but often Muslims will become offended at other people eating at any point in their presence as they begin to exercise strength and control. Intimidation practices are introduced initially within the community and towards the upper end also outside the community, usually at government offices and public venues. Islamic sensitivity is demanded and there will be complaints of attacks on Muslims introducing the idea of Islamophobia. Whenever there is a terrorist attack, the response of the Islamic community will be to begin reporting, fabricated if necessary, reports of attacks on Muslims and make the entire event an example of how Muslims are being persecuted and how Islamophobia dominates the culture. Islamophobia will become the number one reported and covered form of persecution and of hate crimes. This is despite the fact that anti-Semitism will remain three to five times more likely than any numbers of the same upon Muslims, even if every report of Islamophobic violence were verified as true. Should a Muslim ever be accused of a hate crime there will come such an uproar from the Islamic community pointing out how this person snapped under the unmerciful onslaught of Islamophobic assaults and therefore their actions were completely understandable and any further traumatizing this unfortunate individual would be tantamount to torture. The efforts will also include attempting to infiltrate and convert gangs as the gathering of a military styled force continues to be utilized later, potentially very soon.

Stage IV. Establish Regions of Control and General Superiority. (15% to 50% of population)

More of the same except no longer any regard is given to diversity or anything else which might connote compromise. Islam is now officially at war and not taking prisoners. Cities will witness rioting at the slightest offense. People will start to look to the ground and not walk on the sidewalk when a Muslim is present. Submission will start to spread throughout the community. The most rural areas will remain calm if for no other reason than lack of numbers of Muslims or any Islamic control center. Cities and metropolitan areas will face ever-increasing violence and demands. The politicians will continue to preach, “Islam is the religion of peace,” all the while claiming the rioting is but a small minority of Muslims. Yes, the political talking heads and newscasters will start to appear more and more irrelevant and what people witness with their own eyes will count for more. The problem is that democracies, and this applies almost double to republics, act and react very slowly and are often ten steps behind the public. The reason is that they are not designed for brave and drastic steps but are designed to try to keep the peace through coercion and the expectation that people will obey the laws. Neither of these restrictions will continue to hold any power in the Islamic communities and in their areas they will operate under Sharia and Islam will rule absolutely with people found breaking their laws, rules and codes will be prosecuted. Women entering the Islamic areas wearing anything short of a full body covering will be groped initially and brutally mass raped eventually with many not surviving the assaults towards the end of this phase. The police will refuse to enter the Islamic controlled areas unless absolutely demanded, and then only with massive force and still they may face superior firepower as now the Islamic areas will be heavily armed most often with military grade weaponry such as AK47’s, RPG’s, grenades, IED’s, suicide vests, car bombs and other varieties of weapons. Should any nation decide that they no longer desire to play nicely, they will require their military to intervene. Should there be rules making this difficult, then the politicians will balk at using such forces and even should they do so, they may find that their generals and officers are more sympathetic to the Islamic leadership than that of their country. This will be due to their selection of officers, starting initially with the lower ranks and working their way up in the previous stages until many of the officers are highly sympathetic to or are actually Islamic. Islam will have cowed the political class, the police and quite possibly the military to such an extent that the nation may find itself completely helpless and unable to stand against the Islamic forces. Such nations it will be but a measure of time before the final stage will arrive and that time will be short. This may also be the last time there will be any hope for survival because after this point the operations become mopping up, as we will see. Vigilante groups will start to organize though they may be too late. Even if they have the strength to oppose Islam, they will need to cooperate as one or else their efforts are doomed.

Stage V. Total Control, Dhimmitude, Convert or Die. (greater than 50% of population)

There is little to probably say which has not been figured out. By now, the military and police have been replaced by Islamic military police, as the two will largely be the same. As this point is reached the Christians and maybe Jews, will be granted Dhimmitude, a protected status of second-class citizen with few rights but generally protected as long as they pay the Jiyza, a tax for Dhimmis which provides their protection. This tax can be reasonable or it can be used to further subjugate these protected people and take from them all wealth. Even the Dhimmi have but a limited life expectancy. Sharia will be uniformly applied to the population and any infraction by a non-Muslim will receive the harshest of punishments. This is yet another form of coercion to get people to simply accept Islam and surrender to Allah. Now people will realize that Islam means surrender and it means total surrender of your will and all freedom of thought. Books will be destroyed with few copies of even scientific books remaining as they only need sufficient for the few they deem may study such works. Memorization of the Quran will be required and there might be snap quizzes forced upon people by the police who will initially be demanding such repetitions as a teaching tool but eventually it will become another brutalizing disciplining tool. As the percentage approaches total Islamic population there will come a point where the choice will be imposed of covert or die, and that will be exactly the choice. The unfortunate part is that your new Islamic betters get to decide in what manner your execution will take. Back in friendlier times, it was simply off with your head and with a swift, strong, heavy sword blow would remove your head almost instantly and that was that. Now the means are far less humane. There is virtually no possibility of ever returning from this stage unless your country is conquered by some non-Islamic power, think Spain and the Spanish Inquisition which was King Ferdinand’s and Queen Izabella’s means for purging Spain (formerly Andalusia) of its Islamic population as well as its Jews and any other non-Catholics.

Islam divides the world into two houses, Dar al Islam and Dar al-harb, House of Islam and House of War. The reasoning is this way they are always aiming to destroy that which is not under Islam and subjugate them and that way eventually conquers the world for Allah. Further, Islam believes that once any lands were controlled by Islam they must forever remain under Islam. We really need remember above all else that Islam believes that they must conquer the world and until they and only they control the entire world and everybody has been converted to Islam or executed, then the world is not perfect. Only when all is Islam will the world be perfected. This is part of why all conquered lands must remain conquered, as they do not desire to pay for the same lands more than once. This is one part of the reasoning behind the Israeli Arab Conflict. Another reason behind the Israeli Arab Conflict is the Muslims, especially the Arab Muslims, believe themselves to be superior to others and believe that the Jews are the most wretched offspring of monkeys and pigs. This insult is often repeated in Arab society in and around Israel and Jordan is found to be the nation with the highest anti-Semitism in the world. The Arab Muslims simply cannot accept or believe that it is possible that they can lose a war to the likes of Jews. It is taught in the Arab schools that in every war between Israel and the Arab Muslims that the Muslim forces were vastly superior and won great victories and were never defeated. Why or how Israel exists and why they had to depend upon foreign intervention forcing an end to the conflict and insisting that Israel return all gained lands despite their being won in a defensive struggle which normally would permit the conquering nation to retain the land and return the population to the vanquished land. Israel is required to return the land and even now take in refugees which would make Israel into an Arab majority nation. That is their aim at which time they will vote the Jew off the island, or out of the country and not by emigration but by extermination.

Beyond the Cusp

Islam from First Muslim to Total Control, Five Stages of Islamic Conquest

Thank goodness you are old and won't be around to spread your xenophobic, hate-filled nonsense for much longer.

You are an atypical Trumpbot, alright.

There are hundreds of thousands like me.

But they are young and they are patriots and you will never beat them.
We can and will pin the loss of revenue due to the tax cuts on Trumpo and his Party and his base of morons that continue to support him.

Well, Mr Smartypants, we h ave been having RECORD FEDERAL REVENUES, not reductions in revenue, so what exactly are you pinning on Trump and his supporters?

Your last brain cell?
"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!

I'm unimpressed.

Also, you're a smiling, giggling retard when Orange messiah opens his maw? :21: That's a good Cult45 member. Be sure to clean up after you take his Orange dick out of your mouth, deplorable.

Well, an actual shithole dweller.

You will be proud to know that you prove Pres. Trump is right about the shithole countries only sending over their worst people.

You resemble those remarks.

I'm proud to know that all Cult45 has is impotent talking points, bad faith arguments and a bitter hatred for the majority of Americans. Ooh, that was a primo word: Impotent. That's you to a T.

You had better hope Okra Winfree and Mary Jane Williamson run on the same ticket or you have no chance in 2020.

Not. A. Chance.

Ooh. There's that impotence again. The only problem is I'm not running for political office in 2020 wingertard.
I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."


"white" conservatives are mocking her.

Good grief 99% of the shit she spews is ignorant blather. It's odd you don't recognize that

The woman is an ignorant fool

By the way I detect racism in your post

Coming from the queen of ignorant blather that is rich.

Prove me wrong you drooling pile of left loon excrement.

In 15 years I've never taken your left loon ramblings serious and I'm not about to start now
We can and will pin the loss of revenue due to the tax cuts on Trumpo and his Party and his base of morons that continue to support him.

Well, Mr Smartypants, we h ave been having RECORD FEDERAL REVENUES, not reductions in revenue, so what exactly are you pinning on Trump and his supporters?

Your last brain cell?

1) Revenue for the first 4 months of FY 2019 is actually down slightly from the first four months of FY 2018. So it is not currently at record levels.

2) Outlays (spending) for the first four months of FY 2019 IS at a record pace and is far higher than the first four months of Obama's last FY in office.

3) The present, fiscal deficit for FY 2019 is (pro rated) at over $900 billion.


Do you consider a $900 billion fiscal deficit acceptable during peacetime with a growing economy? Yes or no, please?
Last edited:
JimBowie1958, post: 21944150
..... we have been having RECORD FEDERAL REVENUES, not reductions in revenue, ...

Not true. Receipts are down .4% for the first year of Trumpo tax cuts

U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law Treasury has attributed the weaker revenue—including lower corporate and individual income-tax rates—to the tax law that took effect in January 2018.

U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law

Sorry, it’s worse. It’s 1..5% less revenue according to latest:

U.S. Budget Gap Widened 77% in First Four Months of Fiscal Year U.S. tax revenues declined 1.5% over past 12 months, Treasury says
By Kate Davidson March 5, 2019 4:15 p.m. ET

"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

Why do you despise facts so much?
JimBowie1958, post: 21944150
..... we have been having RECORD FEDERAL REVENUES, not reductions in revenue, ...

Not true. Receipts are down .4% for the first year of Trumpo tax cuts

U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law Treasury has attributed the weaker revenue—including lower corporate and individual income-tax rates—to the tax law that took effect in January 2018.

U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law

Sorry, it’s worse. It’s 1..5% less revenue according to latest:

U.S. Budget Gap Widened 77% in First Four Months of Fiscal Year U.S. tax revenues declined 1.5% over past 12 months, Treasury says
By Kate Davidson March 5, 2019 4:15 p.m. ET

"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

Why do you despise facts so much?

Trumps budget had not even had an affect on the economy in his first year of office, moron.

In terms of actual absolute cash flow in, Federal revenues are going up. It is only as a percentage of the over all economy that it is going down AS PLANNED.

US Federal Revenue Anaylsis - Charts Tables History




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