"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

Flash, post: 21939296
Trump is doing a great job.

Yepp. Making America Greatly in Debt to Benefit Millionaires and Billionaires.

“The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a Washington fiscal watchdog, said the red ink may rise in fiscal 2019 to $1.12 trillion. If current policies continue, it said, the deficit could top a record-setting $2 trillion by 2027.”

U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts | Reuters

Of course the Messiah of hate and stupidity will be gone when the US deficit hits Two Trillion so the haters and the stupid will blame whoever sits in the White House and Congress at that time.

It’s nice to have a thread where the stupid and the hateful can proclaim their admiration to the man and his speech that exemplifies stupidity and hate to the hilt.

I mean you people could be happy with a couple of Supreme Court judges that dumb Trumpo rubber stamped, but going ga ga over the pussy grabber’s imbecilic and mentally unglued behavior at CPAC is not necessary or sane.

If you admit Trumpo is an idiot and is the force behind massive debt you still get to keep the judges and you won’t look yourselves to be so stupid and aligned with hate.

Dear obtuse, ignorant and fatally Partisan doofus. The debt increase curve has not
Veered significantly from it's vector for the past several Administration's. Sure it's increasing but along with that the economy is growing. News flash... You cannot achieve true revenue growth unless you first expand the economic base. Additionally....what the hell are you squawking about? The new look
Left has no problems dealing in Trillions and makes Trump look a financial prude by comparison. You're bitching about a deficit increase of what 10% while Bernie and AOC are talking about 500%!!!????

Look in the mirror dude.

I hope you aren't serious. That kinda infatuation is creepy and weird.

No no more so than a guy with an avi of a horse stroking off with his hooves.
Again, I forgive you for you know not who you insult.

Why don't you tell me who you are?
It's not who I am, but something I did, and it represents far more than just me.

If I talked about it nobody would believe me anyway, so it doesn't really matter anyway.

I'm glad to have finally helped you work through the fact of life of online posting.

You must choose between keeping your anonymity and abandoning your accolades or being a public figure...with all that comes with it.

I have been posting for roughly 20 years now.
Along the way I've bumped into famous writers, current office holders, numerous academic figures of note and a large body of so called highly educated folk. Most of them never speak from that angle as they generally have nothing to prove. Alarm bells usually go off when I get the " Do you know who I am?" Thing from some poster who is star struck with his own reflection...I couldn't help but read the exchange you are having with our famous resident incognito guy.

Just saying ....

"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!

And Ann Coulter is in the back somewhere in a closet weeping.
I have been posting for roughly 20 years now.
Along the way I've bumped into famous writers, current office holders, numerous academic figures of note and a large body of so called highly educated folk. Most of them never speak from that angle as they generally have nothing to prove. Alarm bells usually go off when I get the " Do you know who I am?" Thing from some poster who is star struck with his own reflection...I couldn't help but read the exchange you are having with our famous resident incognito guy.

Do you know who I am?

I'm just asking because I cant remember anything since I did my taxes.


No no more so than a guy with an avi of a horse stroking off with his hooves.
Again, I forgive you for you know not who you insult.

Why don't you tell me who you are?
It's not who I am, but something I did, and it represents far more than just me.

If I talked about it nobody would believe me anyway, so it doesn't really matter anyway.

I'm glad to have finally helped you work through the fact of life of online posting.

You must choose between keeping your anonymity and abandoning your accolades or being a public figure...with all that comes with it.
What makes you think I needed you to teach me anything, much less that? I
When I get a few spare minutes I will figure out how to block your posts.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!

And Ann Coulter is in the back somewhere in a closet weeping.
You are an unreliable political observer if you believe that.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Yup, one can heasr the roar of jackboots in lockstep coming to the '20 election....~S~
JGalt, post: 21938446
Especially since we're winning bigly.

You lost the House knucklehead. Huge NOT win.
We only lost the House because so many Republicans retired. And Trump lost fewer Republicans than Obama lost dems.

The Republicans lost the House primarily for the reason you stated, however there was also another reason. Many of the Democrats ran pretending to be somewhat Conservative. Of course they were lying like all Democrats do but it got them several seats in close races.
Flash, post: 21939296
Trump is doing a great job.

Yepp. Making America Greatly in Debt to Benefit Millionaires and Billionaires.

“The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a Washington fiscal watchdog, said the red ink may rise in fiscal 2019 to $1.12 trillion. If current policies continue, it said, the deficit could top a record-setting $2 trillion by 2027.”

U.S. budget deficit to top $1-trillion in 2019: budget experts | Reuters

Of course the Messiah of hate and stupidity will be gone when the US deficit hits Two Trillion so the haters and the stupid will blame whoever sits in the White House and Congress at that time.

It’s nice to have a thread where the stupid and the hateful can proclaim their admiration to the man and his speech that exemplifies stupidity and hate to the hilt.

I mean you people could be happy with a couple of Supreme Court judges that dumb Trumpo rubber stamped, but going ga ga over the pussy grabber’s imbecilic and mentally unglued behavior at CPAC is not necessary or sane.

If you admit Trumpo is an idiot and is the force behind massive debt you still get to keep the judges and you won’t look yourselves to be so stupid and aligned with hate.

You dumbass Moon Bats didn't give a shit when that asshole Obama was running up $10 trillion in debt so don't pretend that now you have miraculously turned into fiscal Conservatives, because you haven't it. You Moon Bats love big government and you don't care one iota if we go into debt to get the free stuff you desire so much. You just don't like Trump going ito debt to rebuild the military that Obama let to go to hell.

Just think what the debt would have been had that dumbass Crooked Hillary had won. It would be staggering.

It is evident that you are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, a serious mental Illness. You really need to go seek professional mental health treatment from a professional.
The debt increase curve has not
Veered significantly from it's vector for the past several Administration's.

That’s not true. Specifically if you go back to the Clinton Administration.

And the previous administration had to deal with the Great Bush recession that he left for Obama to cleanup.

There is no measurable or comparative curve for the Trumpo era that accounts for such a huge recession smack dab in the middle of the past four administrations.

We must go by what the experts say about Trumpo’s unwise decision to stimulate the economy when the GDP was in 2.6% territory.

Trump's deficits are permanent
Unlike the trillion dollar budget deficits that occurred during the Obama administration that were temporary and largely the result of the Great Recession, the Trump deficits that will soon reach and exceed $1 trillion are permanent and will only get worse in the years ahead.

The Trump deficits are the result of changes in federal spending and revenue that will continue to be in place until some president and Congress decide to reverse them, that is, to increase taxes and make cuts to popular programs.

Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin

Your curve vector excuse is a pathetic attempt to cover up Trump’s true long term economic failure,
Flash, post: 21940655
You dumbass Moon Bats didn't give a shit when that asshole Obama was running up $10 trillion in debt so don't pretend that now you have miraculously turned into fiscal Conservatives, because you haven't it.

I think the GDP was negative 2.5 when Obama had no choice but to stimulate the economy. And save the entire world from financial

Trumpo stimulated the economy with a 2.6 GDP. If you dont know the difference between positive and negative GDP then you don’t know anything.
Flash, post: 21940655
You dumbass Moon Bats didn't give a shit when that asshole Obama was running up $10 trillion in debt so don't pretend that now you have miraculously turned into fiscal Conservatives, because you haven't it.

I think the GDP was negative 2.5 when Obama had no choice but to stimulate the economy. And save the entire world from financial

Trumpo stimulated the economy with a 2.6 GDP. If you dont know the difference between positive and negative GDP then you don’t know anything.

The Bush economy did fine for six years until that filthy 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over with leadership like Barney Queerboy. Then that asshole Obama became President in 2008 and increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up $10 trillion in debt, increased income desparity and had dismal economic growth.

That "stimulus" package was complete waste of money that was mostly used to give campaign donation payback to the greedy special interest groups that gave money to Obama.

The only people that prospered under Obama were the welfare queens, Illegals, environmental wacko scam artists and Iranian Mullahs. Everybody else were pretty well fucked.

Thank god Trump is undoing some of the damage done by that worthless affirmative action Obama jungle monkey.
Everyone in that room was already s Trump voter

He did nothing to reach out to swing voters
No no more so than a guy with an avi of a horse stroking off with his hooves.
Again, I forgive you for you know not who you insult.

Why don't you tell me who you are?
It's not who I am, but something I did, and it represents far more than just me.

If I talked about it nobody would believe me anyway, so it doesn't really matter anyway.

I'm glad to have finally helped you work through the fact of life of online posting.

You must choose between keeping your anonymity and abandoning your accolades or being a public figure...with all that comes with it.

I have been posting for roughly 20 years now.
Along the way I've bumped into famous writers, current office holders, numerous academic figures of note and a large body of so called highly educated folk. Most of them never speak from that angle as they generally have nothing to prove. Alarm bells usually go off when I get the " Do you know who I am?" Thing from some poster who is star struck with his own reflection...I couldn't help but read the exchange you are having with our famous resident incognito guy.

Just saying ....

I'm neither famous nor incognito (any more so than any other anonymous forum member). That's his invention, not mine. He wonders about the pic on my profile, and I'm unwilling to talk about it. That is the total extent of this.
Again, I forgive you for you know not who you insult.

Why don't you tell me who you are?
It's not who I am, but something I did, and it represents far more than just me.

If I talked about it nobody would believe me anyway, so it doesn't really matter anyway.

I'm glad to have finally helped you work through the fact of life of online posting.

You must choose between keeping your anonymity and abandoning your accolades or being a public figure...with all that comes with it.
What makes you think I needed you to teach me anything, much less that? I
When I get a few spare minutes I will figure out how to block your posts.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
How nice for you.
No no more so than a guy with an avi of a horse stroking off with his hooves.
Again, I forgive you for you know not who you insult.

Why don't you tell me who you are?
It's not who I am, but something I did, and it represents far more than just me.

If I talked about it nobody would believe me anyway, so it doesn't really matter anyway.

I'm glad to have finally helped you work through the fact of life of online posting.

You must choose between keeping your anonymity and abandoning your accolades or being a public figure...with all that comes with it.

I have been posting for roughly 20 years now.
Along the way I've bumped into famous writers, current office holders, numerous academic figures of note and a large body of so called highly educated folk. Most of them never speak from that angle as they generally have nothing to prove. Alarm bells usually go off when I get the " Do you know who I am?" Thing from some poster who is star struck with his own reflection...I couldn't help but read the exchange you are having with our famous resident incognito guy.

Just saying ....


Going by that one's postings, I can't imagine them doing anything noble or good. :dunno:

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