"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

Again, I forgive you for you know not who you insult.

Why don't you tell me who you are?
It's not who I am, but something I did, and it represents far more than just me.

If I talked about it nobody would believe me anyway, so it doesn't really matter anyway.

I'm glad to have finally helped you work through the fact of life of online posting.

You must choose between keeping your anonymity and abandoning your accolades or being a public figure...with all that comes with it.

I have been posting for roughly 20 years now.
Along the way I've bumped into famous writers, current office holders, numerous academic figures of note and a large body of so called highly educated folk. Most of them never speak from that angle as they generally have nothing to prove. Alarm bells usually go off when I get the " Do you know who I am?" Thing from some poster who is star struck with his own reflection...I couldn't help but read the exchange you are having with our famous resident incognito guy.

Just saying ....


Going by that one's postings, I can't imagine them doing anything noble or good. :dunno:
You kids are putting words in my mouth. I've never made any claims.
"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!
The only thing Trump has won is a spot in a jail cell.
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?
Axe an Obama voter
Sounds like a threat...is this something your cult wants you to do?

Tre Obtuse!

"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!
The only thing Trump has won is a spot in a jail cell.

Greatest American President ever!
An illegally elected criminal.

Something tells me Trump hasn't secured your vote in 2020...yet. :coffee:
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?
Axe an Obama voter
Sounds like a threat...is this something your cult wants you to do?

Tre Obtuse!

"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!
The only thing Trump has won is a spot in a jail cell.

Greatest American President ever!
An illegally elected criminal.

Something tells me Trump hasn't secured your vote in 2020...yet. :coffee:

Bwaaaack! is confident Trump will be impeached....any day now lol
"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!

I'm unimpressed.

Also, you're a smiling, giggling retard when Orange messiah opens his maw? :21: That's a good Cult45 member. Be sure to clean up after you take his Orange dick out of your mouth, deplorable.
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?
The best thing about Trump is that he brought The GOP’s fascination and worship of Republican criminality out into the open.
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.

The debt increase curve has not
Veered significantly from it's vector for the past several Administration's.

That’s not true. Specifically if you go back to the Clinton Administration.

And the previous administration had to deal with the Great Bush recession that he left for Obama to cleanup.

There is no measurable or comparative curve for the Trumpo era that accounts for such a huge recession smack dab in the middle of the past four administrations.

We must go by what the experts say about Trumpo’s unwise decision to stimulate the economy when the GDP was in 2.6% territory.

Trump's deficits are permanent
Unlike the trillion dollar budget deficits that occurred during the Obama administration that were temporary and largely the result of the Great Recession, the Trump deficits that will soon reach and exceed $1 trillion are permanent and will only get worse in the years ahead.

The Trump deficits are the result of changes in federal spending and revenue that will continue to be in place until some president and Congress decide to reverse them, that is, to increase taxes and make cuts to popular programs.

Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin

Your curve vector excuse is a pathetic attempt to cover up Trump’s true long term economic failure,

Nope ... It is a simple, pragmatic, non political numbers analysis....the total change in the vector position is minor. That's basically because it is virtually impossible to pin everything on one guy ..or even one
Party. You keep trying to stand on moral high ground that's nonexistent.

You imagine that somehow we are going in a different direction than a Democrat would have taken us. That is purely naive especially given the new fiscal policies of the new and improved left.

So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."

So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."


Glad to see you understand.

So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."


"white" conservatives are mocking her.

Good grief 99% of the shit she spews is ignorant blather. It's odd you don't recognize that

The woman is an ignorant fool

By the way I detect racism in your post
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."


Glad to see you understand.


You must be one scared white dude.
So what's it like belonging to a cult of personality?

I was looking forward to Ted Cruz doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to Mitt Romney doing as creditable a job.

I was looking forward to John McCain doing as creditable a job.

Trump is doing THESE things that we have been wanting done since Reagan.

And the bad condition the country is in is all due to the negative actions of the Left, Liberals and Democrats in more cases than not.

And the severity or long range negative impact of those societal or Governmental problems are mostly owing to Dems, Libs and Lefties.

"we" have wanted a president that supports the alt-white movements, zenophobic immigration polices and lame ass tweeting?

Had one of those for eight years already ..
Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all.


This is the reason why white conservative freak out over AOC. They believe that she represents the future, a future which doesn't include them

"Any hope for the current body of homegrown, generational American citizenry rests with the guy who's there now. He is the President of the Americans. The new nation currently rising on this symbiotic geography is not America at all."


"white" conservatives are mocking her.

Good grief 99% of the shit she spews is ignorant blather. It's odd you don't recognize that

The woman is an ignorant fool

By the way I detect racism in your post

Only if "mocking" means running scare of her and the futrue you believe she represents.

I recognize trhat 99% of what you post is blather.

Again with the scarey stuff

I do believe that white conservative reaction to AOC is racially based. Thanks for noticing.
"Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today"

The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top.

Nick Gillespie|
Mar. 2, 2019 3:25 pm


It's way too early to be thinking this, much less saying it, but what the hell: If Donald Trump is able to deliver the sort of performance he gave today at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual meeting of right-wingers held near Washington, D.C., his reelection is a foregone conclusion

Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today

Our good and great President already has one of the Top 10 administrations in American history.

The next four years will be to cement his claim to being one of the best 3 Presidents of all time after Washington and Lincoln.

I am like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak.

This speech has EVERYTHING.


He enjoyed and loved his supporters. His supporters LOVED AND ENJOYED HIM!

2 hours and it was just perfect.

God do I love this guy!!!

Look at everything he has done for US already.

Four more years?

Hell yes!!!

You are 'like a smiling, giggling retard when he begins to speak'.

Not 'has spoken'...which would be creepy enough. But when he 'begins' to speak.

I sincerely did not realize you were quite this 'limited'.

I GUARANTEE you that almost all emotionally stable Americans with IQ's over 100 thought his speech was comical.

Donald Trump's CPAC speech was completely unhinged. Why didn't media cover it that way?
Stephen Colbert Slams Trump’s Epic CPAC Speech

The guy spoke like a child. A lonely, stupid, arrogant child. It was rambling nonsense.

And you thought it was 'everything'.

So noted. Sad...and so noted.
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