Trump just retweeted a picture or Obama and friends behind bars!

Can someone tell me who in the Obama administration has been indicted and sentenced to prison?

Thought so.
No one. Holder was Obama's wing man. Then Lynch took over. The media didn't care.
Holder is not AG....Lynch is not AG

What is stopping Trump's AG from prosecuting Obama if he is so clearly criminal?

Or is this type of shit just pictures you guys use when having your circle jerk parties??
Just a guess but I would hold off on doing ANYTHING until September of 2020 to indict the whole Mullato's gang....but that's just a guess :)
Good to see Trump is behaving like his usual presidential self.....
Fuck it, I'm glad he trolls the moonbats...Too many people have too much reverence for idiotic political avatars and offices.
I liked how Obama trolled you trumptards by doing mundane shit like.....
Didn't GAF about childish shit like that either, Corky.
the fact that you know what I am talking about lets me know that "trumptards" gave plenty shits about it...

Always convenient to pretend it didn't matter -- 10 years later...
Can someone tell me who in the Obama administration has been indicted and sentenced to prison?

Thought so.
No one. Holder was Obama's wing man. Then Lynch took over. The media didn't care.
Holder is not AG....Lynch is not AG

What is stopping Trump's AG from prosecuting Obama if he is so clearly criminal?

Or is this type of shit just pictures you guys use when having your circle jerk parties??
Just a guess but I would hold off on doing ANYTHING until September of 2020 to indict the whole Mullat's gang....but that's just a guess :)
Yea sure.....

So all thru the campaign when he said lock her up, lock her up!!

He was really saying "lock her up, but after 2020"??

Trump lovers are children who still believe in Santa Claus...until they grow up
Good to see Trump is behaving like his usual presidential self.....
Fuck it, I'm glad he trolls the moonbats...Too many people have too much reverence for idiotic political avatars and offices.
I liked how Obama trolled you trumptards by doing mundane shit like.....
Didn't GAF about childish shit like that either, Corky.
the fact that you know what I am talking about lets me know that "trumptards" gave plenty shits about it...

Always convenient to pretend it didn't matter -- 10 years later...

No less than the heart attack the TDS crowd had over this

Twitter ^

This originated from "the Trump Train" but POTUS retweeted it and you can just bet the farm that liberal heads will explode everywhere!....DAMN ,he knows how to troll the ABNORMALS!!
I must have missed where Russian collusion is a proven lie.

Me to. I must have missed the proof of Russian collusion.

Oh and how many times have we seen the lefty loons with Trump behind bars??

Must be a slow day in lefty loon land.

......but a rightwinger started the thread.
Twitter ^

This originated from "the Trump Train" but POTUS retweeted it and you can just bet the farm that liberal heads will explode everywhere!....DAMN ,he knows how to troll the ABNORMALS!!
I must have missed where Russian collusion is a proven lie.

Me to. I must have missed the proof of Russian collusion.

Oh and how many times have we seen the lefty loons with Trump behind bars??

Must be a slow day in lefty loon land.

......but a rightwinger started the thread.

Good to see Trump is behaving like his usual presidential self.....
Well. He could always lead from behind, like The Obomanation did,

Or he could actually try to be a positive influence on the country instead of an offensive dickhead all the time and maybe you wouldn't have just lost 40 seats in the House, seven governorships, and multiple state legislative majorities.
He is only an offensive dickhead to offensive dickheads and most of us he is what we have been waiting for...a REAL MAN that actually leads, accomplishes most of what he has run on (BTW, house now prepared to give him money for the wall, he called their bluff with a shut down.. way to go Donald)] and has made the rest of the world take note that America is NO LONGER THE WORLDS PIGGY BANK!....but little pissants like you tremble when we say TRUMP!!

Twitter ^

This originated from "the Trump Train" but POTUS retweeted it and you can just bet the farm that liberal heads will explode everywhere!....DAMN ,he knows how to troll the ABNORMALS!!
I must have missed where Russian collusion is a proven lie.

Me to. I must have missed the proof of Russian collusion.

Oh and how many times have we seen the lefty loons with Trump behind bars??

Must be a slow day in lefty loon land.

......but a rightwinger started the thread.

And?? most be a slow day in rightwing land since one started this bullshit.
He is only an offensive dickhead to offensive dickheads and most of us he is what we have been waiting for...a REAL MAN that actually leads, accomplishes most of what he has run on (BTW, house now prepared to give him money for the wall, he called their bluff with a shut down.. way to go Donald)] and has made the rest of the world take note that America is NO LONGER THE WORLDS PIGGY BANK!....but little pissants like you tremble when we say TRUMP!!

He acts like a child
Twitter ^

This originated from "the Trump Train" but POTUS retweeted it and you can just bet the farm that liberal heads will explode everywhere!....DAMN ,he knows how to troll the ABNORMALS!!
I must have missed where Russian collusion is a proven lie.

Me to. I must have missed the proof of Russian collusion.

Oh and how many times have we seen the lefty loons with Trump behind bars??

Must be a slow day in lefty loon land.

......but a rightwinger started the thread.

And?? most be a slow day in rightwing land since one started this bullshit.

He is only an offensive dickhead to offensive dickheads and most of us he is what we have been waiting for...a REAL MAN that actually leads, accomplishes most of what he has run on (BTW, house now prepared to give him money for the wall, he called their bluff with a shut down.. way to go Donald)] and has made the rest of the world take note that America is NO LONGER THE WORLDS PIGGY BANK!....but little pissants like you tremble when we say TRUMP!!

He acts like a child
Only in a child's mind, child....of course we could always have the girly man back!

Good to see Trump is behaving like his usual presidential self.....
Well. He could always lead from behind, like The Obomanation did,

Or he could actually try to be a positive influence on the country instead of an offensive dickhead all the time and maybe you wouldn't have just lost 40 seats in the House, seven governorships, and multiple state legislative majorities.
BUT he didn't lose 60 or better house seats (40 chickenshit Republican House members QUIT remember) and actually GAINES 2 senators not lose them like Blow Job Clinton and the Obomanation did!
Good to see Trump is behaving like his usual presidential self.....
Well. He could always lead from behind, like The Obomanation did,, remember


Then the Obomanation LIED about it...

Obama says he didn't draw the red line on Syria, world did

View attachment 231411
Sep 4, 2013 · “I didn't set a red line, the world set a red line,” Obama said. ... He made clear his threshold for such support is high, calling it .
Right after Obama drew the red line and republicans screamed and screamed and screamed. Syria turned over all their gas weapons.
Republicans call that a failure. Course they laughed at Obama when he said he was going to take down bin Laden. Then they tried to take credit for it.
Good to see Trump is behaving like his usual presidential self.....
Well. He could always lead from behind, like The Obomanation did,, remember


Then the Obomanation LIED about it...

Obama says he didn't draw the red line on Syria, world did

View attachment 231411
Sep 4, 2013 · “I didn't set a red line, the world set a red line,” Obama said. ... He made clear his threshold for such support is high, calling it .
Right after Obama drew the red line and republicans screamed and screamed and screamed. Syria turned over all their gas weapons.
Republicans call that a failure. Course they laughed at Obama when he said he was going to take down bin Laden. Then they tried to take credit for it.

You are an ass and KNOW NOTHING....IDIOT!
Why does Syria still have chemical weapons? | World news
The Guardian

Apr 18, 2018 · Did Syria promise to abandon its chemical weapons stockpile? Yes. On 21 August 2013, a large sarin gas attack occurred in the
Lol sad to see Trump spiraling in desperation
Since when does tweeting a meme = "spiraling in desperation"?
Only in the mind of an ABNORMAL that still can't get over the fact that the Hildebeast lost....badly!
You’re right, it was badly. When you get millions of more votes than your opponent but they win? Then that is pretty bad.
Your illegal votes arent impressive. Trump actually winning is impressive.
Lol sad to see Trump spiraling in desperation
Since when does tweeting a meme = "spiraling in desperation"?
Only in the mind of an ABNORMAL that still can't get over the fact that the Hildebeast lost....badly!
You’re right, it was badly. When you get millions of more votes than your opponent but they win? Then that is pretty bad.
That is what happens when NY and KALIPORNIA with there millions of illegals vote!...Thank GOD. the founders realized that and gave EQUAL POWER to smaller states with the electoral keep proving how fucking dumb you are...keep it up, you're my entertainment!

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