Trump just sold arms worth of $350bn to terrorists

I wasn't talking about Bavaria, I was talking about Germany, there's a difference.
The same rule applies: If you have more than 50 % of the seats, you don´t need a coalition partner.

Hmmm, I wonder why.
Because the green fat cats sit on large piles of green energy stocks. They gave a shit and went to war as soon as they got elected in 1998.
ya just gotta conform to german government commands and rules to have approved speech that euros and german government then call it 'free speech' !! (Its really pretty funny eh ??
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ya just gotta conform to german government commands and rules to have approved speech that euros and german government then call 'free speech' !! (Its really pretty funny eh ??
You are wrong. Free Speech is granted by our basic law. Don´t confuse political correctness with law.
ya just gotta conform to german government commands and rules to have approved speech that euros and german government then call 'free speech' !! (Its really pretty funny eh ??
You are wrong. Free Speech is granted by our basic law. Don´t confuse political correctness with law.
---------------------------------------- GRANTED by your government but its not a RIGHT eh . Thank God for your benign rulers eh B.P..
ya just gotta conform to german government commands and rules to have approved speech that euros and german government then call 'free speech' !! (Its really pretty funny eh ??
You are wrong. Free Speech is granted by our basic law. Don´t confuse political correctness with law.
---------------------------------------- GRANTED by your government but its not a RIGHT eh . Thank God for your benign rulers eh B.P..
I see, not Madison but God wrote the Bill of Rights, right?
you german guys are pretty close to the same thing as the SUBJECTS that scurry about in England eh B.P. ??
english SUBJECT ruled over by their government and you german SUBJECTS ruled over by your government . Pretty soon to be a muslim government like the english have in London eh B,P. ??
My outrage is wrapped around Trump's vehement anti muslim stance during his campaign...and now this. Obama might have dealt arms to the Saudis too but he wasn't duplicitous in doing so. Trump is.
Not that duplicitous...
Trumps duplicity may seem limited in the Saudi arms deal considering his change of heart brought on by finally listening to advisors. But the perception of even greater duplicity hangs in the air as an investigation into his Russian connections widens.
Really? Are Russian connections banned?
If there was collusion between Russia and Trump or his surrogates to influence the outcome of the last national election there is a problem. But beyond that, Trump, reputedly, has engaged in lucrative property deals with Russian oligarchs. Depending on the nature of those deals, his presidency could place an enormous burden on our national security efforts. If, as rumored, he owes the Russians money(his bad credit made him a pariah among western money lenders) that nexus. could lead to impeachment.
The result of the investigation will base on arbitrariness. Even if all the stuff is true, Hillary did far worse and nobody complains.
What has Hillary been accused of that would threaten the sanctity of our electoral process
or the integrity of our national security.
english SUBJECT ruled over by their government and you german SUBJECTS ruled over by your government . Pretty soon to be a muslim government like the english have in London eh B,P. ??
Your integration into Mexico is also not that far away.
Not that duplicitous...
Trumps duplicity may seem limited in the Saudi arms deal considering his change of heart brought on by finally listening to advisors. But the perception of even greater duplicity hangs in the air as an investigation into his Russian connections widens.
Really? Are Russian connections banned?
If there was collusion between Russia and Trump or his surrogates to influence the outcome of the last national election there is a problem. But beyond that, Trump, reputedly, has engaged in lucrative property deals with Russian oligarchs. Depending on the nature of those deals, his presidency could place an enormous burden on our national security efforts. If, as rumored, he owes the Russians money(his bad credit made him a pariah among western money lenders) that nexus. could lead to impeachment.
The result of the investigation will base on arbitrariness. Even if all the stuff is true, Hillary did far worse and nobody complains.
What has Hillary been accused of that would threaten the sanctity of our electoral process
or the integrity of our national security.
Selling secrets, influence and uranium to whomever likes.
Trumps duplicity may seem limited in the Saudi arms deal considering his change of heart brought on by finally listening to advisors. But the perception of even greater duplicity hangs in the air as an investigation into his Russian connections widens.
Really? Are Russian connections banned?
If there was collusion between Russia and Trump or his surrogates to influence the outcome of the last national election there is a problem. But beyond that, Trump, reputedly, has engaged in lucrative property deals with Russian oligarchs. Depending on the nature of those deals, his presidency could place an enormous burden on our national security efforts. If, as rumored, he owes the Russians money(his bad credit made him a pariah among western money lenders) that nexus. could lead to impeachment.
The result of the investigation will base on arbitrariness. Even if all the stuff is true, Hillary did far worse and nobody complains.
What has Hillary been accused of that would threaten the sanctity of our electoral process
or the integrity of our national security.
Selling secrets, influence and uranium to whomever likes.
Ohhhh, is that all? I thought you really had something...what a le tdown.
Foxfyre said:
You want me to take Hillary Clinton's word for it? Really? The same Hillary who reported the "Russian reset?" The same Hillary who helped create the chaos in Lybia? The same Hillary who demonstrated 'extreme carelessness' with classified material? The same Hillary who tells stories even a fawning and adoring media had to say were false?

This Hillary?
During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton made weapons transfers to the Saudi government a “top priority,” according to a new report published in The Intercept. While Clinton’s State Department was deeply invested in getting weapons to Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars in donations from both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the weapons manufacturer Boeing. Christmas presents were being gifted all around.​
Saudi's Exploding Christmas Gifts From Hillary Clinton | HuffPost

You're right.
Obama/Hillary's policies towards arming the Middle East and supporting barbaric regimes were terrible.
Trump, of course, was going to be different.

Not so much it seems.

I don't see Saudi Arabia as a barbaric regime, however. They do not exercise economic or physical warfare on their neighbors, no threats, no policy of eradicating Israel from the face of the Earth. They do not have diplomatic relations with Israel but neither have they participated in any hostilities toward Israel and I have read that they helped Israel take out Iraq's nuclear reactor in the early 1980's as I recall. And they have been a reliable ally of the United States when asked for help.

Yes their culture is distinctly alien to ours and while we see theirs as oppressive and regressive they no doubt see ours as decadent and corrupt. And yet we have managed to remain friends for a long time now.
Well...I dunno but I see public beheadings and stonings for false prophecy, blasphemy, adultery, witchcraft and sorcery and the public crucifixion and display of the headless body as pretty barbaric.

But I'll freely admit that this just might be my cultural upbringing bringing me to unfair judgement.

So are you suggesting we should go to war with Saudi Arabia and stop all that stuff? There are other countries that even do worse.

As I see it we can use the friendship of other countries, even those with cultures we abhor, for our own benefit and theirs, and hope they will evolve and become more civilized as the USA has perhaps done--meanwhile they hope we will see the error of our ways and clean up our act--


We can shun them and refuse to do business with them and thereby provide them with no good example to follow


We can try to force them to become what we consider acceptable in a country. That hasn't worked out too well for us where we have tried it though.

That seems to be our choices.
So are you suggesting we should go to war with Saudi Arabia and stop all that stuff?
Where did I say that..and how did you conclude that was my point?

Once again the US is meddling in Middle East politics.
Something Trump promised wouldn't happen.

You didn't say that but you didn't give an alternative to supporting barbaric regimes as you put it either. So I was just asking the question, do you suggest we go to war with barbaric regimes--your characterization, not mine. Ignore them? What?

And one thing Trump absolutely did not do on this trip was meddle with anybody's culture or anybody's politics. His goal was to broker a coalition against Iran and he made it clear that the U.S. would be with the coalition but it would be those Arab nations that would have to make it work. And there doesn't seem to be anybody other than dedicated Trump haters who are seeing that as any kind of negative.
Foxfyre said:
You're right.
Obama/Hillary's policies towards arming the Middle East and supporting barbaric regimes were terrible.
Trump, of course, was going to be different.

Not so much it seems.

I don't see Saudi Arabia as a barbaric regime, however. They do not exercise economic or physical warfare on their neighbors, no threats, no policy of eradicating Israel from the face of the Earth. They do not have diplomatic relations with Israel but neither have they participated in any hostilities toward Israel and I have read that they helped Israel take out Iraq's nuclear reactor in the early 1980's as I recall. And they have been a reliable ally of the United States when asked for help.

Yes their culture is distinctly alien to ours and while we see theirs as oppressive and regressive they no doubt see ours as decadent and corrupt. And yet we have managed to remain friends for a long time now.
Well...I dunno but I see public beheadings and stonings for false prophecy, blasphemy, adultery, witchcraft and sorcery and the public crucifixion and display of the headless body as pretty barbaric.

But I'll freely admit that this just might be my cultural upbringing bringing me to unfair judgement.

So are you suggesting we should go to war with Saudi Arabia and stop all that stuff? There are other countries that even do worse.

As I see it we can use the friendship of other countries, even those with cultures we abhor, for our own benefit and theirs, and hope they will evolve and become more civilized as the USA has perhaps done--meanwhile they hope we will see the error of our ways and clean up our act--


We can shun them and refuse to do business with them and thereby provide them with no good example to follow


We can try to force them to become what we consider acceptable in a country. That hasn't worked out too well for us where we have tried it though.

That seems to be our choices.
So are you suggesting we should go to war with Saudi Arabia and stop all that stuff?
Where did I say that..and how did you conclude that was my point?

Once again the US is meddling in Middle East politics.
Something Trump promised wouldn't happen.

You didn't say that but you didn't give an alternative to supporting barbaric regimes as you put it either. So I was just asking the question, do you suggest we go to war with barbaric regimes--your characterization, not mine. Ignore them? What?

And one thing Trump absolutely did not do on this trip was meddle with anybody's culture or anybody's politics. His goal was to broker a coalition against Iran and he made it clear that the U.S. would be with the coalition but it would be those Arab nations that would have to make it work. And there doesn't seem to be anybody other than dedicated Trump haters who are seeing that as any kind of negative.
Why is war the only alternative?

I never said anything about meddling with anyone's culture but the US is absolutely meddling in Middle East politics.
They are supporting some governments against other is that not meddling?
It has never gone well for anyone except for the arms dealers and their shareholders **cough**Trump**cough** but the US keeps doing it.
The current state of the Middle East is at least in part because of Western meddling.

I'm not sure what Trump's endgame might be as far as supporting this coalition against Iran is.
Do you think he has he two steps ahead of us...cunning like a fox maybe?
Personally, I think the Saudis have been playing the US like a violin for decades.

You might have read the news that the Iranians have just re-elected a moderate reformer as President.
Obviously the population aren't interested in being ruled by the religious cabal.
Wouldn't it be much easier and more productive in the long term to encourage the citizens?
Open up trade, establish an Embassy, allow people to make a living and get rich...then they'll see that they have something to lose if they ever get that taken away from them and cosying up to Russia might not look as appealing either.
Picking a fight just causes the people to support their leaders in the name of defending their country.

With all the bombs that have been dropped on foreign countries in the last twenty years, how many of those countries have become allies or at least peaceful towards the US...why are Americans still frightened of many more bombs will it many more governments have to be overthrown?
Foxfyre said:
I don't see Saudi Arabia as a barbaric regime, however. They do not exercise economic or physical warfare on their neighbors, no threats, no policy of eradicating Israel from the face of the Earth. They do not have diplomatic relations with Israel but neither have they participated in any hostilities toward Israel and I have read that they helped Israel take out Iraq's nuclear reactor in the early 1980's as I recall. And they have been a reliable ally of the United States when asked for help.

Yes their culture is distinctly alien to ours and while we see theirs as oppressive and regressive they no doubt see ours as decadent and corrupt. And yet we have managed to remain friends for a long time now.
Well...I dunno but I see public beheadings and stonings for false prophecy, blasphemy, adultery, witchcraft and sorcery and the public crucifixion and display of the headless body as pretty barbaric.

But I'll freely admit that this just might be my cultural upbringing bringing me to unfair judgement.

So are you suggesting we should go to war with Saudi Arabia and stop all that stuff? There are other countries that even do worse.

As I see it we can use the friendship of other countries, even those with cultures we abhor, for our own benefit and theirs, and hope they will evolve and become more civilized as the USA has perhaps done--meanwhile they hope we will see the error of our ways and clean up our act--


We can shun them and refuse to do business with them and thereby provide them with no good example to follow


We can try to force them to become what we consider acceptable in a country. That hasn't worked out too well for us where we have tried it though.

That seems to be our choices.
So are you suggesting we should go to war with Saudi Arabia and stop all that stuff?
Where did I say that..and how did you conclude that was my point?

Once again the US is meddling in Middle East politics.
Something Trump promised wouldn't happen.

You didn't say that but you didn't give an alternative to supporting barbaric regimes as you put it either. So I was just asking the question, do you suggest we go to war with barbaric regimes--your characterization, not mine. Ignore them? What?

And one thing Trump absolutely did not do on this trip was meddle with anybody's culture or anybody's politics. His goal was to broker a coalition against Iran and he made it clear that the U.S. would be with the coalition but it would be those Arab nations that would have to make it work. And there doesn't seem to be anybody other than dedicated Trump haters who are seeing that as any kind of negative.
Why is war the only alternative?

I never said anything about meddling with anyone's culture but the US is absolutely meddling in Middle East politics.
They are supporting some governments against other is that not meddling?
It has never gone well for anyone except for the arms dealers and their shareholders **cough**Trump**cough** but the US keeps doing it.
The current state of the Middle East is at least in part because of Western meddling.

I'm not sure what Trump's endgame might be as far as supporting this coalition against Iran is.
Do you think he has he two steps ahead of us...cunning like a fox maybe?
Personally, I think the Saudis have been playing the US like a violin for decades.

You might have read the news that the Iranians have just re-elected a moderate reformer as President.
Obviously the population aren't interested in being ruled by the religious cabal.
Wouldn't it be much easier and more productive in the long term to encourage the citizens?
Open up trade, establish an Embassy, allow people to make a living and get rich...then they'll see that they have something to lose if they ever get that taken away from them and cosying up to Russia might not look as appealing either.
Picking a fight just causes the people to support their leaders in the name of defending their country.

With all the bombs that have been dropped on foreign countries in the last twenty years, how many of those countries have become allies or at least peaceful towards the US...why are Americans still frightened of many more bombs will it many more governments have to be overthrown?

I must not be communicating well as I certainly did not say war is the only alternative nor did I suggest it a practical or viable or desirable alternative.
Trump just sold arms worth of $350bn to terrorists
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
Now go to your computer and look up the amount of arms and missiles and planes we sold the Saudis under Obama's administration. And Bush and Clinton
I'd swear you libs are 8 years old and have no memory at all. Where do you think the Saudis have always gotten their weapons? Wallmart? Buuuuaaaahahahahahahaha

Another really pathetic excuse.

The US has oil. We don't need Saudi oil.

But trump does want another hotel there ... So he can have more of his shit manufactured in every and any country BUT the US.


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