Trump just sold arms worth of $350bn to terrorists

Trump just sold arms worth of $350bn to terrorists
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
Now go to your computer and look up the amount of arms and missiles and planes we sold the Saudis under Obama's administration. And Bush and Clinton
I'd swear you libs are 8 years old and have no memory at all. Where do you think the Saudis have always gotten their weapons? Wallmart? Buuuuaaaahahahahahahaha

Another really pathetic excuse.

The US has oil. We don't need Saudi oil.

But trump does want another hotel there ... So he can have more of his shit manufactured in every and any country BUT the US.


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You are an idiot...there are multitudes of strategic reasons for arming the Saudis. Read a book or a news paper from time to time moron and spend less time bellyaching on this board about losing last November.
Trump just sold arms worth of $350bn to terrorists
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
Now go to your computer and look up the amount of arms and missiles and planes we sold the Saudis under Obama's administration. And Bush and Clinton
I'd swear you libs are 8 years old and have no memory at all. Where do you think the Saudis have always gotten their weapons? Wallmart? Buuuuaaaahahahahahahaha
Obama did it so that makes it a good thing...and Trump should carry on with his that your argument?
How many other policies of Obama's do you approve of?
You are also an idiot...there are multitudes of strategic reasons for arming the Saudis. Read a book or a news paper from time to time moron and spend less time bellyaching on this board about losing last November.
Hey, there's a plus side to this - trumpery gets another hotel and foreign workers get more jobs.

Those jobs include factories in every country EXCEPT the US. No matter what, NO jobs in the US.

Don't believe it? Click in the second link in my sig.

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I have them disabled. What´s your link?

A spreadsheet of hundreds of thousands of jobs created my trump and his spawn.

Well worth a look.
First scroll all the way to the right. Read that.
Then scroll all the way to the bottom.

That's what RWNJ traitors knowing voted for.

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Obama did it so that makes it a good thing...and Trump should carry on with his that your argument?
How many other policies of Obama's do you approve of?

Obama did it so that makes you and your fellow fascists complete hypocrites.

There is NOTHING you won't attack Trump for; for instance this from CNN;

"New Harvard Study Confirms that Trump breathing deprives children in Africa of oxygen. Senate Democrats call for impeachment and prosecution for genocide."
Really? Are Russian connections banned?
If there was collusion between Russia and Trump or his surrogates to influence the outcome of the last national election there is a problem. But beyond that, Trump, reputedly, has engaged in lucrative property deals with Russian oligarchs. Depending on the nature of those deals, his presidency could place an enormous burden on our national security efforts. If, as rumored, he owes the Russians money(his bad credit made him a pariah among western money lenders) that nexus. could lead to impeachment.
The result of the investigation will base on arbitrariness. Even if all the stuff is true, Hillary did far worse and nobody complains.
What has Hillary been accused of that would threaten the sanctity of our electoral process
or the integrity of our national security.
Selling secrets, influence and uranium to whomever likes.
Ohhhh, is that all? I thought you really had something...what a le tdown.
So what´s your concern then? America? Don´t try to fool me. It´s Hillary!
If there was collusion between Russia and Trump or his surrogates to influence the outcome of the last national election there is a problem. But beyond that, Trump, reputedly, has engaged in lucrative property deals with Russian oligarchs. Depending on the nature of those deals, his presidency could place an enormous burden on our national security efforts. If, as rumored, he owes the Russians money(his bad credit made him a pariah among western money lenders) that nexus. could lead to impeachment.
The result of the investigation will base on arbitrariness. Even if all the stuff is true, Hillary did far worse and nobody complains.
What has Hillary been accused of that would threaten the sanctity of our electoral process
or the integrity of our national security.
Selling secrets, influence and uranium to whomever likes.
Ohhhh, is that all? I thought you really had something...what a le tdown.
So what´s your concern then? America? Don´t try to fool me. It´s Hillary!
Frankly, my choice for POTUS was neither Hillary or Trump....
The result of the investigation will base on arbitrariness. Even if all the stuff is true, Hillary did far worse and nobody complains.
What has Hillary been accused of that would threaten the sanctity of our electoral process
or the integrity of our national security.
Selling secrets, influence and uranium to whomever likes.
Ohhhh, is that all? I thought you really had something...what a le tdown.
So what´s your concern then? America? Don´t try to fool me. It´s Hillary!
Frankly, my choice for POTUS was neither Hillary or Trump....
Then, you could do some research about why the FBI knocks on Hillary´s door.
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
The Saudi's are responsible for more terrorist than any nation on the planet, especially those that sent for us on 9/11. Buying arms from us for what? These rich sand mf's don't fight in any wars, they simply sponsor them and here we are, aiding them in these attempts, all in the name of jobs for some sorry ass hick towns around the US.
and fat and happy dictator 'maduro' just murdered another starving 22 year old protester B.P.. ----------------------- just a few minutes ago , --- PressTV-Another protester killed in Venezuela ---
Now, they burned another guy. Not before they beat him to the ground and stabbed him in the stomach six times, though. He´s still alive. 40 fascists on 1.


"Caracas, May 22, 2017 ( – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro condemned the latest round of opposition violence Saturday that saw one youth set ablaze by protesters.

Speaking on his weekly Sunday television program, the head of state denounced as a “hate crime” a brutal attack on a man accused of being a “Chavista infiltrator” at an anti-government demonstration in the affluent eastern Caracas neighborhood of Altamira.

“They doused him with gasoline, they burned him alive. What does [Organization of American States General Secretary] Luis Almagro say? What does [Colombian President] Juan Manuel Santos – who every day opines about Venezuela – have to say? What does Donald Trump say?” he stated.

In graphic video footage circulated on social media, Orlando Jose Figuera (21) is shown being beaten to the ground by a mob of over 40 predominately masked demonstrators who subsequently set him on fire.

According to the president, Figuera suffered first and second degree burns on 54 percent of his body as well six knife wounds in his stomach. He is currently undergoing treatment in El Llanito hospital. A local district attorney has been assigned to the case.

The incident occurred during another day of anti-government protest that saw opposition supporters attempt to march on the Ministry of the Interior in downtown Caracas, despite lacking a permit for the route.

The march was preceded by a speech by Miranda Governor and former opposition presidential candidate Henrique Capriles in which he called Maduro the “the biggest motherfucker in the country”.

“We will remain firm until this corrupt narco-dictatorship leaves Venezuela, until we have the change we want… If we have to risk our skin, we will risk it!” he told the crowds.

Although the march began peacefully, the mobilization later devolved into violent clashes as demonstrators tried to penetrate police lines around the western Caracas municipality of El Libertador.

The weekend’s violence extended to other parts of the South American nation.

On Saturday evening, 23-year-old university student by the name of Edy Alejandro Teran Aguilar was shot dead during a protest in the western state of Trujillo.

According to a statement by Venezuela’s Public Prosecution, the incident occurred when “presumably various armed persons arrived on the scene and opened fire”. An 18-year-old man and a 50-year-old women were also wounded in the altercation.

Local opposition Mayor Jose Karkom, for his part, has blamed the death on "regime paramilitaries", though he did not offer any evidence to bolster the accusation.

The third district attorney for Trujillo, José Luis Molina, has been dispatched to investigate the case.

The latest killing brings the death toll in seven weeks of anti-government protests to at least 55, including eight confirmed deaths at the hands of authorities and eighteen people killed by opposition violence. The Public Prosecution has confirmed that at least 972 people have been injured in the unrest to date.

The protests have likewise seen widespread attacks on public and private property, including 115 businesses looted nationwide, reports Últimas Noticias.

In the latest incident of public property destruction, Bolivar state Governor Francisco Rangel Gomez has confirmed that 54 public-operated TransBolivar buses were set on fire early Monday morning, leaving 51 of the units totally destroyed.


Fifty-four public buses were torched in Ciudad Guyana early Monday morning. (@TransBolivar).

The Venezuelan government has previously estimated that the opposition protests have caused the country at least US $140 million in damages."

Venezuela Violence: Alleged Chavista Set on Fire as Death Toll Hits 55
maduro is the enemy B.P.. I'm thinking that this is a fight to 'maduros' finish . venezuelan people don't like themselves and their kids being starved to death B.P..
maduro is the enemy B.P.. I'm thinking that this is a fight to 'maduros' finish . venezuelan people don't like themselves and their kids being starved to death B.P..
Why are repeating propaganda? Don´t you have an own opinion?
maduro is the enemy B.P.. I'm thinking that this is a fight to 'maduros' finish . venezuelan people don't like themselves and their kids being starved to death B.P..
Why are repeating propaganda? Don´t you have an own opinion?
----------------------------------------------- you might think its propaganda but its my free speech OPINION . maduro like chavez , like the castros are all scum and socialist dictators B.P..
maduro is the enemy B.P.. I'm thinking that this is a fight to 'maduros' finish . venezuelan people don't like themselves and their kids being starved to death B.P..
Why are repeating propaganda? Don´t you have an own opinion?
----------------------------------------------- you might think its propaganda but its my free speech OPINION . maduro like chavez , like the castros are all scum and socialist dictators B.P..
You might think its your opinion but you are a victim of propaganda disguised as free press. But honestly, I don´t think so. Otherwise, you wouldn´t justify such brutality.
Trump just sold arms worth of $350bn to terrorists
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
Now go to your computer and look up the amount of arms and missiles and planes we sold the Saudis under Obama's administration. And Bush and Clinton
I'd swear you libs are 8 years old and have no memory at all. Where do you think the Saudis have always gotten their weapons? Wallmart? Buuuuaaaahahahahahahaha
Obama did it so that makes it a good thing...and Trump should carry on with his that your argument?
How many other policies of Obama's do you approve of?
You are also an idiot...there are multitudes of strategic reasons for arming the Saudis. Read a book or a news paper from time to time moron and spend less time bellyaching on this board about losing last November.
You're the moron who justified Trump's sale of weapons to the Saudis because Obama did it.
You didn't even attempt to justify it on strategic grounds.
The typical response to everything your Dear Leader does is..."But but but...Obama!!!"
Obama did it so that makes it a good thing...and Trump should carry on with his that your argument?
How many other policies of Obama's do you approve of?

Obama did it so that makes you and your fellow fascists complete hypocrites.

There is NOTHING you won't attack Trump for; for instance this from CNN;

"New Harvard Study Confirms that Trump breathing deprives children in Africa of oxygen. Senate Democrats call for impeachment and prosecution for genocide."
Yeah, Obama did it and it was a shitty policy then as well.
You're the moron who justified Trump's sale of weapons to the Saudis because Obama did it.
You didn't even attempt to justify it on strategic grounds.
The typical response to everything your Dear Leader does is..."But but but...Obama!!!"
^^^^^^^Victim of our failing public school system...
You're the moron who justified Trump's sale of weapons to the Saudis because Obama did it.
You didn't even attempt to justify it on strategic grounds.
The typical response to everything your Dear Leader does is..."But but but...Obama!!!"
^^^^^^^Victim of our failing public school system...
That must mean I win!

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